Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 186 Bibi Dong’s Practice Notes (2-in-1)

After Su Cheng and Bibi Dong returned to Wuhun City, they went to the Elder's Hall and the Pope's Hall respectively.

Among them, Bibi Dong went back to understand the situation of Wuhun Palace during this period, and also dealt with the backlog of trivial matters.

Although there are not many places where she needs to intervene now, it is obvious that she cannot just be a hands-off shopkeeper.

Su Cheng went to meet Qian Daoliu.

Regarding the Haotian Sect, I still need to say hello.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

In the past, when Qian Xunji was in power, he did many things to suppress the three upper sects. Qian Daoliu was unwilling to take action against the Haotian Sect due to his own commitment and morality, but it did not mean that he would restrict others.

What's more, this time the Tang Hao brothers traveled to the mainland, their activities were not near the Haotian Sect's mountain gate.

Fighting between soul masters was common. Afterwards, the Haotian Sect sent many soul masters to retaliate. Later, they were killed because they were inferior to others. There was nothing to say.

Bibi Dong has made rapid progress in the past few years, and Su Cheng himself is not far behind.

His accumulation was extraordinary. With the help of the special environment of the Ice and Fire Eyes, he had successfully condensed the eighth soul ring before returning and was promoted to Contra.

In the Pope's Palace of Wuhun City, Bibi Dong returned to her own room after handling a small amount of official duties.

After standing in silence for a moment, she first took out the two volumes of exercise manuscripts given to her by Su Cheng from the soul guide, and then took out a thick stack of notes.

Then he walked to the drawer on one side of the room and opened the lock, took out a small stack of books from it, and took them back to the desk and put them away.

After everything was done, he sat down at the table and picked up the second volume of Xiantian Gong that he had just received and started reading.

While studying carefully, she also used her other hand to write and record on the blank paper on the table.

In the past, Bibi Dong did not have this habit of taking notes, or in other words, she had no habit of reading and writing at all.

Before meeting Su Cheng, her cultivation method was very regular and simple.

Meditate and absorb soul power step by step every day. After the soul power accumulation reaches the upper limit, he will go to accept the guidance of Qian Xunji, and then under the other party's guidance, he will become deeply familiar with and understand his own Death Spider Emperor martial spirit, and repeatedly practice the skills that come with the soul ring. Soul skills, and finally a certain level of combat training.

The whole process was quite mechanical, and there was no need for her to delve into it at all.

But after practicing with Su Cheng three and a half years ago, the content of her practice became completely different from the past.

The most core and essential change is that she needs to have stronger autonomy.

A lot of knowledge must be learned and understood by herself.

Su Cheng's request at the beginning was also very simple. Let her read a lot of books, about twenty books a week.

It would be okay if you just read it, even if you recite it, it doesn't take too much time, but Su Cheng's standard is to understand and digest it, and gain his own insights from it.

This is more difficult for her.

Because Bibi Dong rarely studied on his own in the past, he lacked the ability to think independently and had little knowledge accumulation. It was difficult to draw parallels at the beginning, and the occasional flashes of inspiration were fleeting.

In order to complete the study tasks assigned by Su Cheng, she gradually began to take notes and record down some of her thoughts while studying.

However, the books in Wuhun Palace obviously cannot be scrawled carelessly, so there are these manuscripts.

As her study deepened, Bibi Dong also discovered another benefit of doing so. The contents of many books can often corroborate each other. As long as she re-reads her previous notes after a period of time, she can often come up with many new ideas of understanding.

The content of the second volume of Xiantian Gong is not much, and what is written in it is the core essence.

The key to this kind of thing is that the process of summarizing it is complicated. When it actually evolves into a cultivation method, it doesn't require too many words to explain clearly.

It didn't take long for Bibi Dong to read through this volume of exercises.

At the same time, his right hand kept writing, and unknowingly filled up a densely packed page of paper.

After reading it, she subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

The exercises in this second volume are based on the first volume and continue to practice the method of feeding back the foundation.

Although it is extremely difficult to understand the connotation and discover the essence of the principles of the technique, it is relatively easy to practice it, and it is even less difficult than the previous volume.

Looking blankly at the thick manuscripts accumulated over the past few years, Bibi Dong looked a little complicated.

In fact, most of these things have become useless waste paper. The knowledge has been completely digested and absorbed by her, but she is reluctant to throw it away.

These simple words record her growth over the years, record many memorable scenes, and even record the deep emotions she hides deep in her heart and dare not express with her mouth.

Pursing her red lips lightly, Bibi Dong reached for the earliest notes and started reading them.

"...There are so many cases where soul masters have died unexpectedly due to absorbing soul rings. Some soul masters will even explode and die after absorbing a thousand-year level third soul ring. It is really unimaginable.

"Does this mean that the factors that affect a soul master's absorption of soul rings are not rigid, and that a theoretical limit cannot be directly delineated?

"What will be the influencing factors? Martial soul talent? Soul master's physique? Or the type of soul beast?

"However, when I absorbed the sixth soul ring, I also exceeded the so-called theoretical period. Looking back now, I was indeed too impulsive at the time. Ignorance is fearless. If I knew this knowledge, I might not dare to have a twenty thousand year soul ring. To absorb.

"But what was the reason why I was successful at that time? I don't know if there will be relevant records in other books.

"Cheng Xue helped me right then. If it weren't for him, I might have failed and died.

"How did he do this? He could influence my will when absorbing the soul ring and help me resist the impact of the soul ring's power.

"By the way, he even has a seventh soul ring that is one hundred thousand years old."

Bibi Dong looked at her emotions at that time and couldn't help but laugh.

At that time, her understanding of soul rings was very shallow, and she even thought that these things were extremely amazing discoveries.

But looking back now, it's almost obvious.

It is true that soul rings can help soul masters break through bottlenecks, but in the end, it is an external force.

How can it be possible that heterogeneous energies with different attributes are indistinguishable from each other when they are incorporated into the bodies of soul masters with different physiques?

It is almost inevitable that the data of the so-called limit years for absorbing soul rings will fluctuate.

"Cheng Xue seems to be sure that there is an affair between me and Yu Xiaogang. How should I explain this? No, I must find an opportunity to make it clear to him."

After inserting this sentence suddenly in the middle, the notes got back on track.

"The composition of the soul ring is also vaguely mentioned in the book.

"Is there some connection with Wuhun? You can ask Cheng Xue again about this.

"I don't know if I can satisfy him with these crude ideas, or if he thinks I'm too superficial..."

Seeing this, Bibi Dong's smile faded and she sighed silently.

It has been almost four years now, but she has never dared to reveal her feelings to him.

She could never figure out what kind of emotions were hidden under that cold mask.

I can only test it cautiously and try every means to find an opportunity to express my feelings indirectly.

Bibi Dong didn't think any more and took out another note at the bottom.

"...It turns out that even a ninety-level Soul Douluo can't guarantee that it can successfully absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring when it breaks through, and it needs to face huge risks?

"There are also huge differences between the hundred thousand year soul beasts. One hundred thousand year is just a general term. Just like the ten thousand year soul beast includes ten thousand and ninety thousand years, the same is true for the one hundred thousand year soul beast. .

"But after the soul ring reaches the 100,000-year level, it obviously undergoes a qualitative change, just like the 100,000-year-old soul beast. What is the reason for this? Is it the attribute? Or is it because of the legend that the 100,000-year-old soul beast can transform into a human form? ?

"What kind of soul beast does Cheng Xue's seventh soul ring come from? I still can't see through its depth.

"The biggest advantage of the twin martial souls is that in the later stages of training, the second martial soul has a strong combat power after all being attached with high-term soul rings. It can also absorb the high energy of the soul rings to reduce the level bottleneck of Titled Douluo and above. Difficulty.

"Maybe after I start practicing the second martial spirit, I will have a chance to catch up with him, right?

"However, hundred thousand year soul beasts are rare. Do I have this opportunity to obtain a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

She stared at the paper in her hand, and after pondering for a moment, she took the pen and circled "Twin Martial Souls" and "Hundred Thousand Years Soul Ring".

"...The self-created soul skills are actually so powerful.

“I originally thought that the Clear Sky Hammer Spirit could win the title of the best spirit in the world because of its own quality, but now it seems that may not be the case.

"The foundation of the Clear Sky Hammer's power lies in the Nine Skills of Clear Sky and the Great Sumeru Hammer. Without these two unique skills, the Clear Sky Hammer would be just an ordinary top weapon martial spirit, and it cannot be considered a unique existence.

"Cheng Xue was able to suppress Qian Xunji, who had a cultivation level as high as a Titled Douluo. This was definitely not something he could do with just a hundred thousand year soul ring. The key was those terrifying sword moves. Even if he was standing behind him, Even without facing the edge, I could still feel the terrifying power.

"Maybe the key to self-created soul skills lies not in skills, but in will. If I hadn't read so many books, I might never have realized this. Feel the power of the soul, clearly understand what you want, and be determined to do it. Only by practicing hard can you be truly powerful.

"Relying on talent and my twin martial souls, I may be able to become a powerful titled Douluo, but I may not be able to reach the level of a great worshiper. Cheng Xue is right. Just by practicing hard, you will never have the chance to become the strongest person in the world. ranks.

"I must become the strongest..."

In this stack of notes, not only did Bibi Dong's own perspective and level of thinking deepen little by little, but the proportion of the word "Cheng Xue" seemed to be increasing.

If Su Cheng knew about this, I'm afraid he wouldn't be surprised why Bibi Dong was able to take off the lovesickness.

Her almost blank life experience, special and powerful twin martial arts souls, and unique talents have created her even more extreme character background.

But with this kind of temperament, it is not surprising that she in the original timeline would be recognized by the Rakshasa God and step by step towards madness.

And now Bibi Dong, although her thoughts are more mature and rational due to her abundant accumulation of knowledge, she is also more extreme, stubborn, and conceited.

After hesitating for a moment, Bibi Dong took out the bottom note from the notes he had placed in the room.

"...Finally I no longer have to stay in Wuhun City to read. Next, Cheng Xue will take me out for a trip.

“I’m happy, but I can’t show it, otherwise he might change his mind.

"His attitude is still so hateful. In his eyes, I seem to have no charm at all. He also said that he wanted me to find Yu Xiaogang.

"I really don't understand why Cheng Xue is so sure that there is an affair between me and Yu Xiaogang. I haven't seen that person for half a year.

"You reminded me inexplicably earlier, just because I asked Yu Xiaogang a few questions?

"If it weren't for this..."

Bibi Dong did not continue to look at it, sighed and put it aside.

She has regretted more than once that day she went to see Qian Xunji in anger.

And he also said those inexplicable words, but Qian Xunji said them in public.

In the past, she did have some appreciation for Yu Xiaogang, and even had some affection for him, but at most it was just a good impression, and it was definitely not to the point of falling in love.

At that time, the two had only known each other for more than a year, and they had only known Su Cheng for half a year. How deep could their relationship be?

The root cause of this incident does not lie with Yu Xiaogang, but with Qian Xunji.

For Bibi Dong in the past, this teacher had a very high status and was the elder she respected the most.

That day, Su Cheng said a few things about Qian Xunji, which made her furious, and she impulsively wanted to verify it.

But it turned out that Su Cheng was right, Qian Xunji was different from what she imagined.

She thought that this teacher was the person closest to her, a respectable elder, and someone she could rely on throughout her life.

In fact, it's not wrong to think this way, but she overestimated her status.

For Qian Xunji, although Bibi Dong is a disciple, his greatest value is that he can be used as a weapon in the Spirit Hall in the future.

After getting along for many years, we may have developed a lot of feelings, but in comparison, they are obviously far worse than the benefits of Wuhun Palace.

"What a terrible thing to do..."

Bibi Dong pressed her forehead with her hand, feeling a bit dumbfounded about her past behavior.

If it were now, she would definitely not be able to do the same stupid thing again.

How much trust and emotion can withstand this kind of temptation, and what weight does she have to do such a willful thing?

But precisely because of this——

"Cheng Xue, what are you doing for this? What do I have that you can covet..."

Bibi Dong's expression was a little dazed for a moment, and there seemed to be ripples in her bright eyes.

For her sake, that person risked offending a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo and the largest force in the mainland. With a mere Soul Saint cultivation level, he penetrated the Pope's Palace with one sword. He also brazenly attacked the contemporary Pope and banned him in front of everyone. Elder Douluo asked Qian Daoliu in front of him.

After that, he even used the unique skill of Xiantian Kung, as well as the rare fairy grass that has never been recorded in the Wuhun Palace, to consolidate her foundation and eliminate obstacles to her future practice.

What happened in the secret room of the Pope's Palace that day actually did not cause much psychological shadow on her, and she came out not long after.

After all, the thing didn't really happen. What made Bibi Dong sad the most was the betrayal from a close elder and the other party's thoughts that made her sick. But after that, another new emotional sustenance quickly appeared in her heart to fill the gap.

After a while, Bibi Dong gathered her emotions and looked at the notes on the other side.

In fact, this part is what she really wants to focus on.

When I was traveling and practicing outside, I didn't have much free time to study and reflect. Practicing the Xiantian Kung Fu, fighting with the Haotian Sect, and chasing each other with the pursuers took up most of my time. At most, I could only roughly record my insights. Come down.

"...Maybe there is something really wrong with my previous concepts, and I shouldn't pursue illusive freedom and equality.

"But as for Cheng Xue, he never said what he thought, so what did he think?

"It seems that Poseidon Island is not a paradise, there is also a lot of darkness and injustice there, otherwise Cheng Xue would not come to the mainland.

"He asked me to take action for him once in the future, but for what purpose?

"In the final analysis, the root of everything is lack of strength. Cheng Xue is right, this world depends on strength. Whoever has a harder fist will have a more correct truth."

Bibi Dong remained silent and continued to turn backwards.

"... I didn't expect that there is such a thing as fairy grass in the world. There is no relevant record in the Wuhun Palace, and Qian Xunji has not mentioned it. But that's right. If the Wuhun Palace knew about this place, it would have raided it long ago. How could it be possible to stay until now.

"I chose to take Acacia Broken Heart Red. Can Cheng Xue know what I am thinking? Haha, he is probably guessing again. It doesn't matter, he will always understand.

"Looking at his appearance, he seems to have some stories. Is he someone from Poseidon Island? It's really strange. This guy is obviously a little younger than me. How could he have so many messy ideas?

"There is definitely something else hidden under the terrifying ice and fire spring. It is impossible to breed such a treasure based on the natural environment alone. It is completely inconsistent with objective laws. Cheng Xue seems to know a thing or two about it, but she doesn't dare to Investigate in depth. Cheng Xue is not a narrow-minded person, so it cannot be to guard against me.

"There are far more unknown secrets in this world than I imagined. In the past, I was sitting in a well looking at the sky, blindly confident in Wuhun Palace, which really shouldn't be the case. Speaking of which, what exactly is Poseidon Island? Outside of Douluo Continent, Are there other continents?"

"Poseidon Island..." Seeing this, Bibi Dong silently repeated the place name.

She didn't know what Su Cheng had said before, but she already had a lot of thoughts about Poseidon Island.

If you have a chance in the future, you must go there and take a look.

"...Practice skills, innate skills. When others rely on meditation to passively and slowly increase their soul power, I actually have the opportunity to actively absorb soul power and practice quickly.

"I originally thought that my understanding of Wuhun was extremely profound, but after seeing this technique, I realized that what I had seen in the past was just superficial, and I had never really touched the core mystery of Wuhun.


"Everyone in the world knows that the martial spirit is the reflection of the soul. It turns out that the essence of the martial spirit is the information in the blood. As long as you master this essence, the martial spirit will no longer be mysterious. Perhaps after the Peak Douluo, the direction of all insights will also be Do you want to dig around this point?

"I didn't expect that Cheng Xue's innate qualifications would be that bad. No wonder, no wonder he sees people differently.

"How confident he is in himself, and how powerful he is. He is even willing to teach me this unique secret technique. I can see how much effort he has spent on this book of exercises, and how much effort he has put into this book. Cherish this practice.

"Does this mean that I am actually a special person to him?"

"..." Seeing this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but have a smile in her eyes.

Looking back again, it is basically some insights and records about combat.

"...It is not easy to kill Tang Xiao and Tang Hao, but since I have decided to kill them, I will kill them. Anyway, there is no essential difference between the Shangsan Sect and the decadent nobles in the empire. The people inside are also There are not many good things. Even if these two people are not causing trouble now, they will be hidden dangers in the future. It is better to deal with them in advance.

"However, these two people are quite strong. If you want to kill them, you need to think carefully about the countermeasures. Directly fighting one against two is simply seeking death. You need to collect intelligence first to see if you can find an opportunity for them to be alone.

"My martial spirit is not good at frontal combat. It's best to be able to sneak attack. Even if I don't attack sneakily, I still have to find a way to make them relax their vigilance during the battle. Even Cheng Xue is full of praise for the toxicity of the Death Spider Emperor. This advantage must be use.

"The people in the Haotian Sect are all idiots. As long as I can find a way to arouse their emotions, my chances are actually very good."

She skimmed through this section very quickly.

In the past three years, apart from practicing, she has actually spent most of her time in combat.

Many of these methods and techniques have gradually been integrated into her instincts, and the information that words can cover is extremely limited.

Looking back now, it has more of a review effect on previous mistakes.

"...I successfully killed Tang Hao.

"My idea is correct. For a soul master, it has always been a difficult question to choose between pursuing the ultimate in attributes or pursuing a comprehensive balance. Both have their own pros and cons, but I am different. I have two martial souls.

"Twin martial souls are my greatest advantage, not only in cultivation, but also in development. The two spider emperor martial souls are extremely powerful. I can fully combine the poisonous characteristics of the death spider emperor and the sharp spider spear first. Raise it up as much as possible.

"After this battle, Cheng Xue also praised me very much. I did not let him down. I can feel that his attitude towards me has begun to change."


“Damn Haotian Sect, so shameless!

"So many Soul Douluo were sent to hunt down our two Soul Saints.

"Sure enough, the battle between soul masters should be eradicated without leaving any one behind. The reason why we encountered this dangerous situation was because Tang Xiao let go. As expected, he returned to the sect and moved away as Cheng Xue said. Reinforcements arrived.

"But there is nothing I can do about it. I am not strong enough. I have already tried my best to kill Tang Hao. If I do this kind of thing in the future, I must try to make sure that nothing is wrong before I do it. I must not leave any hidden dangers to myself."


"Damn it, Cheng Xue knows that beautiful woman! Otherwise, with his character, he would never meddle in other people's business and ask me to let her go.

"And that woman also has a problem. She looked at Cheng Xue in a very strange way, and she looked reluctant to leave even though all her teammates around her were dead.

"Who is that guy? He's just a soul king. Is she worthy?

"I still knew too little before. This is my problem. I didn't collect enough intelligence, and I didn't pay attention to Cheng Xue's attitude. I just regarded them as enemies and didn't care about a weak Soul King. Otherwise, such omissions wouldn't have happened. .

"That's just a Soul King. It can be killed very easily. Just because of a moment of negligence, I missed the best opportunity..."

After reading the last page, Bibi Dong's pretty face sank slightly and she gritted her teeth gently.

After years of experience, although the process was not easy, everything was wonderful, but in the end something like this happened.

If she hadn't understood Su Cheng's character, she would have doubted whether the reason why the other party was so determined to kill Tang Hao was because of A Yin.

Taking another piece of white paper, Bibi Dong wrote on it word by word.

"I could feel that his attitude was changing and he was avoiding me.

"And he rarely mentions Yu Xiaogang's name now, he must have realized something.

"Cheng Xue, I will prove myself. I will become strong, stronger than you.

"At that time, I will be able to stand beside you with dignity, and no one can stop us.

"Cheng Xue, I will definitely take off your mask, definitely!"

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