In the two years after returning to Wuhun City, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong did not leave again, but stayed peacefully in Wuhun City and practiced silently. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Qian Daoliu also learned from Su Cheng what happened between Bibi Dong and Haotian Sect.

He didn't say much about this, but he had some doubts in his heart.

Logically speaking, since Su Cheng knew the stories that happened between several peerless Douluo, he must also know about Tang Chen's situation.

Then why did you choose to attack the Haotian Sect founded by Tang Chen directly, regardless of Tang Chen's face?

Qian Daoliu knew that Bo Saixi had a much deeper liking for Tang Chen.

After all, when the three of them got along, Bo Saixi once said, "She will choose whoever can become a god."

From this sentence, the other party's intention has actually been expressed very clearly.

They all knew each other that as guardians of gods, neither Qiandaoliu nor Bo Saixi had any hope of becoming gods in their lifetime.

Saying this actually hinted at her own choice.

It's just that at that time, Tang Chen was either arrogant or confused about the style, so he didn't choose to stay there after all.

During the two years he stayed in Wuhun City, Su Cheng's life was not boring, it could even be said to be a little too exciting.

It was so exciting that it made him a little worried.

Su Cheng silently retracted his previous thoughts.

Bibi Dongfei is not stupid, but rather smart and learns things surprisingly quickly.

In the past, he looked at people through colored glasses.

The reason why Bibi Dong did so many stupid things in the past was not because her qualifications were not good, but because her teacher didn't know how to teach.

After she learned to read, study, organize notes, and think inwardly, her daily behavior and perspective on problems far exceeded Su Cheng's expectations.

This is of course a good thing. The faster Bibi Dong grows, the greater Su Cheng's chances of succeeding in the future.

But another problem that arose in the meantime was the source of his worries.

Bibi Dong’s emotional problems.

Before this, Su Cheng had preconceivedly thought that the person the other party liked was Yu Xiaogang.

Because Bibi Dong is like this in reality, and even more so in the original timeline, including after their first acquaintance in this simulation, the other party has also met Yu Xiaogang many times, and they have obviously known each other for a long time.

But after getting along with him for so many years, he finally had to admit that he was wrong.

In the past year, Bibi Dong has become more and more proactive. Whenever she has free time, she will come to him with various excuses, and will even make suggestions to travel together again from time to time.

Although they were all rejected by him, the other party's increasingly undisguised words, deeds, expressions and demeanor all revealed his passionate feelings.

In these days, he has become more and more pushy. Sometimes he even has to come to the Elder Hall to be with him even when eating.

Although Su Cheng always maintained a taciturn posture and never took off his mask in front of her, she always looked completely indifferent and told him all kinds of trivial things that happened in her daily life while eating. .

These details teased his nerves almost all the time.

As they get along with each other on a daily basis, Bibi Dong gets to know him better and better, constantly testing the edge of the red line.

Su Cheng himself was not a stoic person, so he could not be indifferent to a woman like Bibi Dong.

"This can't go on like this."

In the Star Forest, looking at Bibi Dong sitting cross-legged not far away and silently absorbing the soul ring, Su Cheng secretly made up his mind.

The previous three years of travel and practical experience were not in vain.

Regardless of her state of mind, or her use and control of power, Bibi Dong is no longer what she used to be.

What's more, the medicinal power of Acacia Broken Heart Red is still working.

Now she has successfully reached the eightieth level of cultivation, and is absorbing the soul ring of a 90,000-year-old spider emperor soul beast, preparing to use it as the eighth soul ring to advance to Soul Douluo.

No need for silver needle pricking.

After practicing the second volume of Xiantian Kung, and using the fairy grass to solidify the foundation of her physical body, Bibi Dong's physical fitness was enough to withstand the pressure of this level of soul ring.

In fact, with her accumulation, it is not impossible to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring at this time. Although it's a bit risky, with Su Cheng watching over you, the success rate is still very high.

But there's no need for that.

Bibi Dong still has a second martial soul. After she is promoted to Titled Douluo, there will be enough space for her to absorb high-end soul rings, so there is no need to rush.

She only had level 80 soul power now, and she couldn't absorb two soul rings at the same time. Su Cheng didn't want to alert the few closely related hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest.

Time passes minute by minute.

An hour later, Bibi Dong slowly opened her eyes. The dark eighth soul ring beneath her feet was dark and deep.

She finally successfully promoted to the Contra level.


Su Cheng also had a hint of joy in his voice, looked at Bibi Dong and spoke softly, then walked slowly in front of her.

Bibi Dong silently felt her improvement at this moment, then raised her head to look at Su Cheng.

The usually delicate and bright eyes suddenly looked a little hazy at this moment, and the fair skin at the corners of the eyes was stained with patches of blush, looking extremely coquettish and exuding amazing charm.

At this time, her blurry eyes seemed to be filled with layers of mist, and there were faint wisps of purple light in her eyes.

"Cheng Xue, thank you."

As she spoke, her figure rushed forward and bumped into Su Cheng's arms.

Bibi Dong is not too tall, a full head shorter than Su Cheng.

But her figure is excellent, with perfect proportions.

At this time, the pair of plump breasts were squeezed tightly in front of Su Cheng, and the soft touch made his heart shudder.

At the same time, there was a pair of soft, delicate hands caressing his back.

"Bibi Dong, are you crazy?!"

Su Cheng scolded in a low voice, and quickly stretched out his hand to hold Bibi Dong's shoulders and push them away.

She used a soul skill, and it was an extremely rare spiritual soul skill, otherwise Su Cheng would not have been successfully attacked by her.

The purple halo like threads and spider webs in those eyes was a sign of activating soul skills.

This kind of soul skill cannot restrain Su Cheng.

With just one sword intention, the opponent's cobweb formed by the condensed mental power can be easily chopped into pieces.

But at this time, Bibi Dong was completely undefended.

Of course he can resolve it instantly with violent means.

The price is that Bibi Dong's spirit will be severely damaged, and even the foundation of her soul will be damaged.

Su Cheng had no choice but to suppress his instinct to fight back and push her shoulders with physical strength.

But at this time Bibi Dong used a lot of strength, and even stretched out her arms to wrap around his waist, pressing her cheek against his chest, and scented the hair on her head.

"Don't move, just for a moment, just for a moment..."

Su Cheng paused when he heard this, but then used more strength, no longer caring whether he would hurt the other person, and separated the two people with a shock of soul power.

He looked at Bibi Dong, who was standing in front of him with a red face and breathing lightly.

His eyebrows furrowed tightly, "Bibi Dong, what do you want to do!"


Bibi Dong opened her mouth and suddenly raised her arm to reach for the mask on Su Cheng's face.

But the next moment, the palm was tightly held by Su Cheng.

"..." Su Cheng said no more, just stared at her silently.

"I-I just want to see what you look like." Bibi Dong was a little flustered by his sight and explained in a low voice.

After a long time, Su Cheng let go of his hand and sighed softly.

"Now that you have cultivated to the Contra realm, you have accumulated enough knowledge. I have passed on the first two volumes of Xiantian Kung to you, and there is nothing left to teach you. Next, I will travel to the mainland, and you can go back by yourself. Let’s practice hard in Wuhun City.”

"What?" Bibi Dong was startled when he heard this, then opened his eyes slightly and said hurriedly: "I can accompany you."

"No need." Su Cheng shook his head, "Now is not the time for you to relax. What you need is to cultivate to the title Douluo as soon as possible."

"I can't do it myself. There are many things I don't understand, and I need your guidance." Bibi Dong's voice was full of prayer, "And we can have someone to take care of us together. Although you are very strong, you also said, There are many capable people on the continent, and you will inevitably encounter danger."


Seeing Su Cheng's silence, she continued: "By the way, didn't you say you need my help in the future? If I can be promoted earlier, I can also help you accomplish what you want to do earlier, right?"

"..." Su Cheng's eyes flashed slightly and he said seriously: "Because of this, you should work hard to practice by yourself. If we work together, it will actually slow down your practice progress. I just said that I have nothing left. I can teach you.”

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at him blankly for a moment, and then whispered: "You want to avoid me."

Su Cheng didn't explain any more, nor did he refute anything. He just turned his head and avoided the other party's eyes.

It would be nice for Bibi Dong to realize this.

The relationship between the two people really cannot go any further.

"You don't have to be like this. I won't do what I did just now." Bibi Dong reached out to grab his sleeves and explained in a panic, "It's because of the soul ring. After I was promoted just now, there are some things in my mind. Chaos, it was just impulse.”

"...When you reach level 90, go and find me in the Eyes of Ice and Fire." Su Cheng patted Bibi Dong's arm and motioned for the other person to let go, "When the time comes, I will help you find the 100,000-year-old soul beast. I will also take you with me to add a soul ring to the second martial soul."

What he just said was also true. Nowadays, Bibi Dong's cultivation is on the right track, and his knowledge accumulation is rich enough. Even without his guidance, he can still cultivate to the title Douluo step by step.

Moreover, the opponent's promotion speed was slower than he originally expected. Even with the help of skills and fairy grass, without the blessing of the divine power of the Divine Examination, Contra can only increase its soul power by one level at most in the next year.

If you continue to stay together like this, the time together will be too long.

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