Su Cheng was leaning in the flowerbed of the Ice and Fire Eyes, looking at the whirlpool of ice and fire spiritual energy rising not far away in a daze.

Eight years have passed since he and Bibi Dong parted ways, and now he has already cultivated to the realm of Titled Douluo.

"Oh, Bibi Dong..."

Thinking of this, Su Cheng sighed silently.

In fact, in the past few years, he could feel that the other party had been to Sunset Forest many times, but each time he wandered outside the valley and never really entered the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

He didn't have much to say about this.

Shaking his head, Su Cheng gathered his thoughts, raised his arm and stretched out his fingers.

Then, an inch-long sword energy appeared at his fingertips.

This sword energy was obviously extremely weak, and it did not cost him too much power, but it exuded astonishing power fluctuations.

For several years, Su Cheng obviously did nothing but practice.

His accumulation has been profound enough. Regardless of his experience, knowledge, cultivation, and strength, it can be said that he has reached the peak in history.

On this basis, his deduction of the third volume of Xiantian Kung has also progressed to an extremely advanced level.

At this moment, the tiny sword energy that flickers on and off in the palm of his hand is the embodiment.

In this sword energy, his physical strength, deep soul power, and solid spiritual power are integrated.

The spiritual power in it is also completely different from the rigidity of ordinary soul masters, and appears to be extremely agile. Because it is not the materialization of ordinary spiritual power, but transformed from the power of the soul.

At this time, this mysterious power born from the complete fusion of one's own essence, energy and spirit is dozens of times more powerful than a single soul power.

Since this kind of power comes from innate power, and its nature is completely different from soul power, he named it innate power.

It's just that Su Cheng cannot fully control this innate power now. If he wants to use this power to perform powerful sword moves, it is still difficult to do so. Every time he fuses halfway, he will completely collapse.

"I don't know what the nature of the so-called divine power in this world is, and how it is different from the level of power formed by merging my own essence and spirit."

Su Cheng's mind turned and he thought to himself.

What is certain is that the nature of divine power is absolutely completely different from the innate power he is using now.

It can be seen from the process of Poseidon becoming a god that divine power must contain the power of faith. This alone completely separates them from each other.

The power of faith is external assistance, which is obviously different from Su Cheng's situation where the power comes entirely from himself.

After thinking for a moment, Su Cheng put aside his speculations about divine power.

It doesn't make much sense to study those things now, and he has no examples to prove it.

Moreover, many gods such as Poseidon, Angel God, Shura God, Rakshasa God, etc. have huge differences in their power attributes. This is obviously not just due to belief.

Thanks to the talent chosen during this simulation, Su Cheng also has an understanding of the power of faith.

Although that kind of power originated from the desire of many believers, it was also pure and not mixed with some messy impurities, which would not cause such a huge difference in attributes.

He focused his attention on the sword energy at his fingertips again.

"Now physical strength has become my shortcoming, but it is difficult to actively improve in this area. To make up for the shortcomings, the best way is to try to convert three different powers into each other, or even go further, to use the Replace it with soul power. However, the latter is too difficult and the risk is extremely high, so you should not try it easily."

Su Cheng concentrated on thinking, "Perhaps after I completely perfect this technique, I can try to deeply utilize the power of blood in the soul ring. However, with my current strength, it is obviously far from being able to crush the laws in the soul ring. To the extent. When this simulation is over, let’s try again to see if we can do it..."

Crushing the soul ring law is completely different from condensing the soul ring on his own before.

The halo of law formed when condensing soul rings has nothing to do with his own strength, and it is impossible for him to create it out of thin air.

All he did was guide the power in his bloodline to form a stable soul ring core, and then use it to condense soul power to perfectly fit the promotion rules of this world.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng's expression suddenly changed slightly, "By the way, maybe we can refer to Haotian Sect's ring explosion. Although the purpose of that soul skill is only to absorb the power from the soul ring, and it does not really touch the rules, but we can learn from it. The ideas in it are not bad.”

The mysterious skill of Ring Explosion in the Great Sumeru Hammer only fully stimulates the soul energy contained in the soul ring, exerting a power far beyond that possessed by the soul master in a normal state. In fact, it does not touch the core of the soul ring at all.

This can be seen from the fact that the soul ring attached to the Clear Sky Hammer can gradually recover over time after using the ring explosion.

After the Clear Sky Hammer exploded the ring, it seemed that the soul ring disappeared, but in reality only the outer layer of soul power disappeared.

Su Cheng can condense the soul ring by himself, so he naturally understands the principle of soul ring composition.

The essence of a soul ring less than 100,000 years old is composed of core laws and concentrated soul power. The ring of laws is colorless and phaseless, and the explosion of the ring does not affect the root.

This is also the reason why the descendants of the Haotian Sect will explode with great strength after using the explosive ring, because the accumulated soul power in the substantial soul ring undoubtedly far exceeds the loose soul power in the soul master's body.

But as time goes by, if the soul masters after the ring explosion engage in fierce battles again, it will naturally be difficult for the ring of law without additional soul power to remain stable.

Therefore, the Haotian Sect's ring explosion clearly requires that the soul master cannot continue to explode the ring multiple times in a short period of time after using this skill.

"Cheng Xue, I'm here."

At this time, accompanied by a beautiful voice like a clear spring, a graceful and graceful figure jumped down from the height and swept into the valley.

Compared to the last time we were separated, Bibi Dong looks much more mature now.

She is a stunning beauty in the world. After eight years of hard work, she has finally completely lost the last trace of her youthfulness, becoming mature and restrained, and her temperament has become more noble and majestic.

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a little regretful.

A woman like Bibi Dong has a unique and world-famous charm at every age in her life.

The innocence and clarity of childhood, the tenderness of girlhood, the shyness and youthfulness of adulthood, and even the magnificence and beauty of maturity...

The time I missed may have become my last song.

However, the complex emotions only fleetingly passed through my mind.

Nothing could happen between the two of them.

The Bibi Dong in reality is completely different from the person in front of her.

"Congratulations on your success in breaking through level 90, and you are about to be promoted to Titled Douluo." Su Cheng stood up straight, nodded and smiled at her gently, "Let's go, I will take you to find the hundred thousand year soul beast."

Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng, her eyes sparkling with unconcealable joy and a hint of resentment.

But when she saw the dark and deep eyes under the mask, she swallowed back all the words she originally wanted to say, and just walked forward and stood beside him.

She was a paranoid person, and several years of separation, instead of diluting her feelings, made her feelings ferment even more intensely.

But after the previous lessons, she no longer dared to be too aggressive.

It is inevitable for the two of them to become Titled Douluo, and it is not even impossible for them to be ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo. There will be plenty of time to get along with each other in the future, so there is no need to rush into it.

In the past, she had impulsively forced someone to leave. In the past few years, she had regretted being too hasty more than once.

Fortunately, after Su Cheng left, he almost stayed in this place and didn't look for any random guys.

She had been nearby many times before, and every time Su Cheng's aura was the only one present here.

"I have almost perfected the third volume of Xiantian Kung, but I can't teach it to you for the time being." Su Cheng said as he walked out, "You have taken fairy grass, and now there is still a lot of medicinal power remaining in your body. I am worried that there will be Appear unexpectedly.”

"Okay, I'll follow your arrangements."

A few days later, the Star Dou Forest.

After Su Cheng and Bibi Dong passed through a dense forest, their vision suddenly opened up.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and Bibi Dong looked solemn.

Not far away, the mist rises above a clear small lake, and the lake reflects the surrounding towering trees. Under the sunshine, the scene is even more dreamlike.

On one side of this moving painting, a tall figure like a mountain was squatting there quietly, with its dark hair shining faintly in the sunlight.

Although it was on all fours, its shoulder height was more than seven meters. If it stood upright, the height would probably be fifteen meters away.

It was a huge black giant ape, with strong muscles all over its body stacked and raised like hills, and its eyes as big as lanterns shone like topaz.

That is one of Su Cheng's goals for this trip, the 100,000-year-old soul beast Titan Giant Ape!

At this time, it itself did not release a very threatening aura, but even if it was just squatting there silently, it gave people a sense of oppression as heavy as a mountain.

Su Cheng is no stranger to this place.

During the second simulation, he had been here before, but the one who occupied this place at that time was not the Titan ape in front of him, but the three brothers of the Giant Ant Emperor.

As the two people broke into this place, the Titan Ape looked sideways, and its huge topaz-like eyes suddenly lit up, as bright as two small suns even in the daytime.

The majestic aura was released, and the lake in front of it began to ripple layer by layer.

"What about that guy? Do you think you can kill him?"

Su Cheng's expression remained unchanged and he casually asked the beautiful woman beside him.

Bibi Dong swallowed lightly.

As she was familiar with the books in the Wuhun Palace, she naturally knew what kind of terrifying soul beast this was before her.

That is the being known as the King of Soul Beasts, who is invincible among the soul beasts of the same level.


As if he understood what Su Cheng said, the Titan ape's huge body stood upright and roared at the two of them, causing huge waves on the lake.

The last chapter was reviewed, so I posted it late today, waiting for it. .

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