"I leave this guy to you."

After saying that, Su Cheng immediately jumped up and dodged to the big tree behind.

Bibi Dong's face looked a little ugly, and she stared solemnly at the jet-black gorilla running towards the other side.

Before that, the two did have an agreement. Su Cheng would bring her to find the hundred thousand year soul beast, but she needed to hunt it independently to show off the results of her years of cultivation.

Judging from Bibi Dong's current accumulation, leapfrog combat is not a big challenge.

Without the blessing of the Divine Examination, if she wants to reach Bo Saixi's level of combat power in the future, this is also the standard she must meet at this stage.

But Bibi Dong didn't know before that the target this time was actually a 100,000-year-old Titan ape. You know, this guy is also a top genius among the soul beasts, crushing his peers.

Moreover, as a soul master who focuses on the control system, she is somewhat restrained by this pure power-based soul beast with higher cultivation level.

Before she had time to think deeply, the fourth, sixth and eighth soul rings under Bibi Dong's feet lit up at the same time. Purple light shone brightly in her eyes, and spiderweb-like lines appeared.

The purple-black Thorn Spider Armor also instantly covered the entire body to increase fault tolerance.

After these years of level ups and cultivation of innate skills, her defensive soul skill has also made great progress. Although it is not as obvious as the enhancement brought by Su Cheng's direct increase in the age of the soul ring, it is still compared with the past. There has been a qualitative change.

The next moment, tough spider silk was woven out, blocking the path of the Titan ape.

The sixth soul skill, the spider web cage, quickly took shape, trying its best to pull the opponent's huge body that represented the ultimate power.

Coupled with the mental attack of the eighth soul skill, the Titan Ape's forward momentum was slightly delayed.

Obviously, the superimposition of the two obstacles brought it a lot of trouble.

Especially that mental attack, which caused constant tingling pain in his mind.

Unfortunately, it's just a nuisance.

After a moment, the flexible spider web was torn apart by the strong arms.

There was a subtle red light in the Titan ape's crystal-yellow eyes.

The mental trauma infuriated it completely!

Controlling soul masters are better at protracted battles and field control abilities, but the ferocious soul beast in front of her uses strength to overcome skill, making it difficult to restrain her.


Another thunderous roar sounded. As the giant ape's powerful hind limbs flexed and stretched, its mountain-like body leaped from the ground. At this moment, it burst out at a speed that was completely inconsistent with its body shape, and rushed over in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, Bibi Dong felt that the surrounding scene seemed to become solemn and twisted in an instant, and her body seemed to be as heavy as lead.


Feeling the change in the environment, her expression changed slightly.

The 100,000-year-old soul beast in front of me actually controls the power of the domain!

Bibi Dong is no longer as uneducated as she used to be, and she also has a profound understanding of various soul beasts.

Among the countless types of soul beasts, there are no more than ten soul beasts that truly have the potential to give birth to a domain, and the Titan Giant Ape is one of them.

But having potential does not mean that it can be used successfully. In fact, looking at these powerful soul beasts, there are actually very few who can cultivate the field and control it.

"Gravity is affected."

Although she was horrified, her fighting spirit was not affected.

The speed was greatly restricted, and it was obviously too late to dodge at this time.

The fifth soul ring under his feet shone with light. He stretched out his hand and a long scythe appeared in his palm.

Bibi Dong's figure shifted slightly, and she leaned out from the side with a slightly slow movement, blocking the huge fist that came with a huge sound of breaking through the air.

She chose an excellent angle and took advantage of the collision to swing away.

But even so, the fierce force still caused a surge of energy and blood in her body.

If Bibi Dong hadn't already begun to practice the second volume of Xiantian Kung at this time, he might have been severely damaged by just this one blow.

After stepping aside, she glanced at Su Cheng, who was watching the battle not far away, and her slightly gloomy expression kept changing at first. Then he gritted his teeth and used his seventh soul skill, Martial Soul Avatar.

As the soul ring lit up, her legs disappeared, replaced by a huge round sphere, occupying the position under her abdomen.

Eight thick and sharp spider legs grew from the sphere, driving her body to move. It looked very cumbersome, but its speed was several times higher than before.

The eight spider legs were covered with large green hairs, and poisonous mucus that was obviously highly corrosive was constantly dripping from the gaps, making a hissing sound when it fell to the ground.

Her upper body was covered with a layer of harder armor, and even her face was covered by a carapace. Under her eyes, there were four small eyes growing out.

No matter how you look at it, she looks more like a huge poisonous female spider at this time.

The eyes exposed on Bibi Dong's carapace-covered face looked extremely ugly.

As she was promoted to Soul Douluo and began to practice the second volume of Xiantian Kung Fu, her martial soul true body once again showed some changes. It became more and more similar to the original form of the Death Spider Emperor, and looked more twisted and ugly than before.

Unless she had to, Bibi Dong didn't want to reveal her true form as the Death Spider Emperor, let alone use this soul skill in front of Su Cheng.

"Death Realm!"

After the martial soul transformed, her domain skills were released and spread. Strong purple light rushed out from outside the body, confronting the Titan ape's gravity domain.

Bibi Dong's death domain is extremely powerful. It is the talent domain of the Death Spider Emperor. It has reached her current level of cultivation and has three major effects in total.

All attributes of her own body are increased by 10%, which even includes her mental strength. At the same time, all attributes of the enemy will be reduced by 10%, and the movement and transfer of enemies within the area can also be restricted.

In addition, the most terrifying feature of this realm is its ability to create a powerfully toxic environment.

When the Death Domain is released, the entire area within the Domain's reach will be filled with the Death Spider King's poison, which is highly corrosive and diffusive.

Even if the enemy is only slightly poisoned after physical contact, the body will continue to weaken until death. If this heavy field were used on the battlefield, its range-wide killing capability would be no less than that of Dugu Bo.

However, although the quality of her field is extremely high, after all, she is fighting a hundred thousand year soul beast with her Soul Douluo cultivation, and it is a hundred thousand year soul beast with a strong foundation like the Titan Ape, so she will still be suppressed.

The eight spider legs under his feet walked like flying, and his huge and bloated lower body did not show any sluggishness at all.

While moving, it can continuously release spider webs to hinder the Titan Ape's movement and pursuit.

Although the originally tough spider silk was a little weak in the face of the tyrannical power of the giant beast in front of him, it still played a considerable role in containing it.

Su Cheng stood on the treetop with his hands behind his back, silently watching the battlefield not far away, while also focusing part of his attention on the seemingly calm lake on the other side.

Under the surface of the lake, a more powerful aura was hiding at the moment.

But now except for the two forest overlords, there is no breath of other hundred thousand year soul beasts here, and it is not known where Xiao Wu and her mother are now.

As time passed slowly, the roar of the Titan Ape became more and more impatient. It was obvious that the battle with Bibi Dong made it very unhappy, and it felt like it had nowhere to vent its power.

During this period, Bibi Dong gave full play to her strengths as a control soul master, doing her best to create a fighting environment suitable for herself and constantly dealing with her opponents.

However, if this continues, it will only have the effect of delaying time, and there will be no way to reverse the situation.

When it comes to the depth of her soul power, she is far inferior to the soul beast opposite her, and the situation will only become more unfavorable later on.

At this time, the eighth soul ring under Bibi Dong's feet suddenly lit up again, and a spiderweb-like purple halo flashed in her eyes, and the next moment it shot into the head of the Titan ape.

At the same time, the sickle blade in his hand was blazing with purple light, and strong soul power fluctuations were condensed in it. The blade was also flashing with a deep light, and it was obvious at a glance that it contained poison.

The eight spider legs under her body first bent slightly, then shot up, and the sickle blade went straight towards the giant beast's chest and slashed away.

After the titan ape was severely injured again, he shook his head and raised his head again. When he saw the sharp sickle slashed from the sky, a trace of extremely human anger and ridicule appeared in his huge eyes.

In an instant, the gravity that was originally ten times stronger suddenly disappeared, and was transformed into a ten times weaker force in an instant.

The huge fist was waved out, and all the earth elements in the surrounding air condensed rapidly in this punch.

Bibi Dong had been holding on to the suppression of the gravity field to forcefully increase her speed to attack, but now the gravity suddenly disappeared, and her speed increased several times in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, she seemed to be taking the initiative to meet the punch coming from the opposite side, and she was about to be hit directly.

It is conceivable that if you are attacked, you will lose half of your life even if you don't die.

But the Titan Ape still underestimated Bibi Dong.

Before that, Bibi Dong had made an estimate of this gravity field and always reserved 30% of his strength.

Under the sudden change in gravity, she also quickly changed her moves and used the force to accelerate. She instantly became several tenths faster and dodged the powerful attack by a hair. Breast passed.

In this attack, Bibi Dong used all her strength and released several times more poison than her usual skills.


Huge bone scars were visible across the chest, and pitch-black blood spurted out, accompanied by a large amount of smoke rising up. This was the corrosive effect of the Spider King's poison at work.

Under the severe pain, the Titan Giant Ape let out bursts of roars, and the toxins mixed in the blood quickly spread throughout the body. For a moment, it even felt slightly dizzy in its mind.

Soon, the rolled wound began to slowly corrode and rot outward, and smelly black blood continued to flow. Smoke spread to the ground from time to time, and the surrounding plants quickly withered at the touch.

Bibi Dong didn't hesitate to fight even after she succeeded in the attack. She quickly withdrew from the center of the battle and returned to the edge of the battle to look for opportunities.

After this round, the offensive and defensive momentum between the two has been reversed, and the initiative in the battle has completely fallen into her hands.

The titan ape roared and wildly waved its mountain-sized fists. Black light shone in its crystal-yellow eyes, flashing with bursts of pain.

Even though Bibi Dong has not yet been promoted to a Titled Douluo, the Death Spider Emperor's powerful spirit essence and the extremely poisonous development direction she chose make her spirit poison extremely terrifying.

Even with the powerful physical quality of the Titan ape, it is still being eroded bit by bit.

At this point in the battle, victory or defeat is a matter of time.

"Second brother!" Countless water splashed on the lake behind the giant beast, causing a large dazzling flash of light.

A huge bull's head with a diameter of more than four meters suddenly emerged from the water, and then soared into the sky.

Under the bull's head is a thick and long body, and its green scales reflect bursts of cold light.

The snake-shaped body just exposed on the lake is more than twenty meters long, and it is unknown how many more are hidden below the lake.

Its momentum is much stronger than the Titan giant ape just now.

This huge monster with a bull's head and a snake's body opened its mouth and spit out a stream of green light, shouting: "You and I work together, don't waste time."

The azure bull python spoke human words, and looked at the half-spider, half-human Bibi Dong with its cold eyes like sharp swords.

At this time, a strong murderous intention surged in its heart.

It's just that Soul Douluo cultivation is so strong. If this person is promoted to a titled Douluo in the future, it will definitely be a disaster for all soul beasts.

As he spoke, a green light suddenly appeared around his body, and he immediately used his slowness.

At this moment, a calm voice came, "Don't disturb them."

Then, a powerful sea-blue field appeared instantly, and the pressure of thousands of miles of deep sea enveloped the huge body of the Azure Bull Python in an instant.

The next moment, this huge and powerful 100,000-year-old soul beast was as unable to move as an insect trapped in a lake.

Only the blue eyes in the huge eyes were spinning slightly ridiculously, looking at Su Cheng who had appeared by the lake in shock.

At his feet, three scarlet 100,000-year-old soul rings silently displayed their terrifying power.



A ray of sword energy flashed and struck in front of the huge body of the Titan Giant Ape that was charging towards him.

Half of the giant beast's arm was cut off and fell to the ground in an instant.

This is the terrifying power of the innate sword energy!

Even though the hard body of a 100,000-year-old Titan ape is still defenseless before this sword energy.

However, Su Cheng only looked at ease on the surface at this time, but in fact it was not easy.

After all, he had just broken through to the Title Douluo not long ago, and he did not fully control his strength. His innate sword energy could only be condensed to the level just now, and there was still huge room for improvement.

What's more, at this time, he also had to restrain a more powerful Azure Bull Python, which was far more difficult than killing it.

However, when masters compete, the thin line is the difference between life and death.

This kind of strength is completely enough to kill the two hundred thousand year soul beasts in front of you, and it doesn't even need to expend too much effort.

"Beat her and I'll let you go."

Su Cheng, however, had no intention of continuing to take action. He just looked at the Titan ape calmly and said.

The Titan ape looked at him with despair in his eyes, and no longer had the arrogance and arrogance that he had before.

The next moment, soul power fluctuations that far exceeded the limit surged crazily on it.

Immediately, another sword energy stabbed through its ribs, directly interrupting the rapidly expanding soul power in its body.

"Don't blow yourself up."

Titan Giant Ape: "..."

Azure Bull Python: "..."

Bibi Dong: "..."

Half an hour later, the Titan ape's huge mountain-like body finally fell to the ground, and its powerful aura completely dissipated.

Soon, a scarlet 100,000-year-old soul ring slowly emerged on the corpse of the giant beast that was covered with fine wounds and rotten sores.

Also appearing at the same time was a 100,000-year-old left arm bone.

When a 100,000-year-old soul beast dies, it must produce soul bones, and the soul bones produced must be the vacant positions of soul bones that the soul master who killed it does not have.

Now that Bibi Dong has not absorbed a single soul bone, the soul bone produced by the Titan Ape has also been generated on the left arm.

Bibi Dong, who put away her martial soul avatar and transformed back into the stunning beauty, looked at Su Cheng with a slight breath.

Seeing this, Su Cheng nodded gently to her, "You should adjust your breathing first, and then absorb all the soul rings and soul bones."

Bibi Dong couldn't hide the joy on her face when she heard this.

A hundred thousand year soul ring and a hundred thousand year soul bone were the top treasures she had never owned before, and she was immediately excited.


Bibi Dong glanced behind Su Cheng, gently licked the corner of her lips with her tongue, and a blazing light flashed in her eyes.

Still a double happiness.

At this time, the azure bull python, which was suppressed by the tidal realm on the lake, had extreme sadness and hatred in its eyes.

It and the Titan ape grew up together since childhood. After tens of thousands of years of getting along, their relationship with each other is more than blood relatives.

He has made up his mind that he will avenge his second brother in the future.

But at this time, it obviously didn't know that Bibi Dong possessed a unique second martial spirit.

Today, none of the two brothers can escape.

Wait for the next chapter

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