The process of Bibi Dong absorbing the Titan Ape Soul Ring was very smooth, and there were no accidents during the process.

Her aptitude is basically far beyond that of ordinary people. It's just a hundred thousand year soul ring, which won't put too much load on her body at all.

After successfully being promoted to Titled Douluo, the 100,000-year-old soul bone was quickly absorbed into her body.

After everything was ready, the two of them unanimously set their sights on another hundred thousand year soul beast.

Then, Bibi Dong turned to look at Su Cheng with a slight hesitation, asking for his opinion.

Although she is extremely eager in her heart, Bibi Dong knows that there are risks in absorbing the soul ring by the second martial soul, especially after the death of this powerful soul beast, it will definitely bring a hundred thousand year soul ring with higher quality. .

"Don't worry, there's no problem." Su Cheng said calmly.

The second volume of Xiantian Kung was not practiced in vain.

Let alone absorbing just one hundred thousand year soul ring now, even absorbing a few more would not be a big problem.

After she added five soul rings to the second martial soul, she would consider taking a little time to nourish her body.

Su Cheng was not prepared to let Bibi Dong fight alone with the azure bull python in front of him again.

That is no longer necessary.

The previous battle was enough for him to see a lot of things.

When it comes to combat literacy, Bibi Dong is already outstanding enough now.

And now she has absorbed the 100,000-year-old ninth soul ring and has been promoted to a titled Douluo. Her strength is no weaker than the Azure Bull Python.

With him watching from the side, this soul beast probably wouldn't fight with all its strength, so there was little point in continuing to struggle.

Under Su Cheng's suppression, Bibi Dong easily killed this hundred thousand year old soul beast, which was even more powerful than the Titan ape, and obtained another pair of hundred thousand year old soul rings and soul bones.

"Absorb it with peace of mind, I will protect you."

Seeing that he had said this, Bibi Dong no longer hesitated and immediately summoned her second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider King, and began to absorb the Azure Bull Python's hundred thousand year soul ring.

Different from the Death Spider Emperor Spirit, the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor is dark green in color, and its main body is not bloated. Instead, it looks slender and sharp, and its spider legs are sharper, giving it a sharp look.

As the scarlet soul ring was incorporated into the martial soul, the aura of this second martial soul also increased rapidly.

Looking at the Soul-eating Spider Emperor appearing behind Bibi Dong, Su Cheng's brows furrowed slightly without realizing it.

"This martial spirit..."

Bibi Dong's two martial spirits are both of the demon spider type, and they are at the emperor level among demon spiders.

Ordinary soul masters are destined to be blessed by heaven if they only get one of them. If they practice seriously, they will almost become a titled Douluo. However, she possesses both at the same time. She is simply destined.

But compared to the Death Spider Emperor, her Soul-eating Spider Emperor is much more special.

In terms of quality alone, there is actually not much difference between the two, otherwise twin martial souls would not be formed.

But when it comes to characteristics, the Death Spider Emperor is completely incomparable.

The Death Spider King's poison is indeed powerful, and it is the best among martial soul poisons. Even the Titan Giant Ape, who was much stronger than Bibi Dong before, could not survive for long after the poison invaded his blood.

But the Soul-eating Spider Emperor can actually affect or even corrode the soul!

Su Cheng had not felt this before.

In the past, Bibi Dong had not started to practice the second martial spirit, and the characteristics of the Soul-eating Spider King had not been truly revealed. In addition, the other party did not seem to like his spider martial spirit very much and did not show it often, so he did not force it, but just roughly Got it.

The usual exchanges also focus on the Death Spider King that Bibi Dong is cultivating, and discuss various soul skills and development directions.

As for the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, I originally thought I would wait until after the Titled Douluo to see it.

But as Bibi Dong absorbed a hundred thousand year soul ring for her second martial soul, the terrifying ability that acted on the soul finally began to show its fangs little by little.

Layers of dark green halo began to spread spontaneously with Bibi Dong as the center, which came from the talent field of her second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider King.

As this field expands, the death energy within the area fluctuates, and weak soul breaths begin to respond.

Su Cheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked around, and bits and pieces of subtle soul light appeared in his field of vision.

In the vast soul beast forest of Star Dou Forest, countless soul beasts die all the time, and the souls of those soul beasts that have just lost their lives will not completely dissipate in a short time.

At this time, he was stimulated by the soul-eating field, and he immediately reacted, turning into wisps of filaments and blending into the dark green halo.

However, powerful soul beasts are not affected by it yet, and most of those whose soul power is extracted are insects.

As for the Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python, as one hundred thousand year old soul beasts, their soul power has already been integrated into their soul rings, so naturally there will be no further changes.

Seeing this scene, Su Cheng couldn't help but fell silent.

What an extremely evil ability...

He turned his head and stared deeply at Bibi Dong's beautiful face, thoughts swirling in his heart.

The so-called "power is neither good nor evil, it only depends on who uses it" is actually extremely one-sided.

There is indeed a distinction between good and evil in power, and it can affect the temperament of the user.

Armed with a sharp weapon, the murderous intention arises.

Excessively evil and extremely high-level power will inevitably affect the user's spiritual will.

Of course, this situation is not absolute. If the user is strong-minded and can control the evil thoughts in his heart, there will be no problems.

But there is no doubt that soul masters who use evil power are much more prone to corruption than normal people.

Even Su Cheng secretly suspected that even if Qian Xunji hadn't happened, it would have been only a matter of time before Bibi Dong started the Rakshasa test.

He had seen what Bibi Dong looked like after becoming the Rakshasa God.

In the first simulation of the final battle, it was the angel god Qian Renxue versus the Rakshasa god Bibi Dong.

Her aura at this moment is obviously very different from that after she became a god, just in terms of strength, but there are certain similarities in nature.

Even if they are even slightly similar, it's still remarkable.

One is God and the other is human.

Even Qian Renxue, who possesses the Seraph Martial Spirit, does not have much higher similarity in this kind of aura.

You know, the current Bibi Dongke has nothing to do with the Rakshasa God, and has never touched the divine test.

Fortunately, she has read a lot over the years, which can nourish her spirit and enrich her soul. I think it can play a lot of roles.

Of course, Su Cheng himself didn't care about this division between good and evil. What he worried about was that this power would pollute Bibi Dong's nature.

Moreover, power that is too easy to obtain is not a good thing in the long run. If the mind is not strong enough, it is only a matter of time before the power backfires.

An hour later, Bibi Dong finally completely absorbed the 100,000-year-old soul ring from the Azure Bull Python.

As the scarlet first soul ring completely stabilized, she slowly opened her eyes.

Then, she silently felt the changes in the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, her second martial soul that she had just started to practice.

Six sharp illusory spider spears opened silently behind him, and his two arms also turned into spider spear shapes.

At this time, she naturally did not have the skill of Wuhun Avatar, so she would have to wait until she attached the seventh soul ring before she could use it.

However, the beast spirit possessed the ability to possess her in the early stage, and at this time, she was in a state of possession by the spirit.

Different from the slightly ugly appearance of the Death Spider Emperor, the source of the Soul-eating Spider Emperor's power does not lie in the spider silk and poison, but in the eight spider legs.

Bibi Dong raised her head, her expression first flashed with confusion for a moment, and then her eyes were filled with dark green light, staring intently at Su Cheng, who was sitting not far in front of her.

The next moment, eight dark green spears, including both arms, rose up at the same time. Immediately, the spear points pierced downward at the same time, and struck in front of Su Cheng in the blink of an eye.

Su Cheng's brows frowned tightly under his mask.

Bibi Dong's condition is not right.

Is it the instinctive desire to devour?

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly felt something in his heart and stopped his previous actions.

With his strength, he can easily stop the opponent's next attack.

Not only that, with his control over the soul level, he can also suppress Bibi Dong's true nature and alleviate the evil thoughts in the opponent's heart at this moment.


"That's it..." Su Cheng sighed secretly, looking at the confusion and pain that flashed in the other person's eyes from time to time, and gave up the idea in an instant, "No matter whether this world is real or fake, I can't stay too long, so I just want to help you. Bundle."

At this time, if he took action to curb the evil thoughts in Bibi Dong's heart, it would only have a short-term effect.

He cannot always help the other person.

Even if he does not exist in the future, it will make Bibi Dong more susceptible to evil thoughts in her heart.


Eight dark green spears pierced into the body at the same time.

Not a trace of blood was spilled.

At the same time, all the energy, blood, soul power, and even soul power in Su Cheng's body began to drain away quickly, and he was quickly devoured by the terrifying Soul-Eating Spider King.

But he just sat still, silently staring at Bibi Dong's green eyes.

He doesn't lack this strength.

Su Cheng knew the bottom line of what he could bear.

"Bibi Dong, I hope you won't disappoint me..."

No wonder.

No wonder that in the real world, Bibi Dong took revenge by devouring Qian Xunji's soul and body.

You must know that she is not an evil soul master, but an orthodox soul master who came from Wuhun Palace. It is unreasonable for her to do such a thing.

And at that time, she had not really started the Rakshasa test.

She only obtained the divine test after swallowing Qian Xunji.

It turns out that this devouring ability is simply her instinct!

The evil instinct of the Soul-eating Spider Emperor!

Moreover, in completing the divine test step by step until the end, she does not need the guardian of the gods to sacrifice for her. This is completely different from other inheritors of divine thrones.

Most spiders have the instinct to eat their own kind.

But people are not spiders, nor do they rely on instinct to act, and martial spirits do not represent souls.

Besides, even the soul has the possibility of change.

If it were Bibi Dong in the past, it might be difficult to control herself, but Su Cheng believed that she was different now.

As time passed by, Su Cheng's skin began to become rough and dry, and the rapid loss of blood made his complexion look gray and dull.

But none of these had much impact. The most terrifying thing was that his soul power was rapidly passing away, and even his thinking began to slow down.

Su Cheng remained unmoved and stared at Bibi Dong with burning eyes.

Looking at the stunning figure with a struggling face in front of him, he looked a little dazed.

Until the third volume of Xiantian Kung, he had not completely perfected it. The reason was that it was difficult to find the balance point for power fusion.

You can only rely on the accumulation of rich knowledge to unite the different powers in your body bit by bit.

But now, he suddenly had some insights.

The resonance of mind and will may be able to reconcile soul power and body power with each other.

And as long as the soul power and the physical power can be integrated, the soul power will naturally be attached to it.

In fact, Su Cheng has long understood the connection between the soul and the body, and he has a unique advantage in this regard.

In several simulations, he went through different age groups.

Even if his mind is mature, his physical condition will obviously affect his temperament. After his spiritual will returns to reality, his emotions, desires, etc. will also change and be re-coordinated.

The mutual feedback between soul and body is actually extremely profound.

"...Bibi Dong, are you still okay?"

Su Cheng opened and closed his lips and asked softly.

When he spoke, his voice was extremely rough and dry, like fingertips rubbing against sandpaper, which was extremely unpleasant.

But after hearing this voice, Bibi Dong suddenly trembled violently all over, and the green light in her eyes flickered.

Su Cheng just looked at her calmly.


After a few breaths, the six dark green spears suddenly shattered into pieces, and the remaining two turned into white and slender arms.

The dark green Soul-Eating Spider Emperor behind Bibi Dong also disappeared at this moment.

That fair and delicate pretty face was already full of tears.

"I'm sorry, Cheng Xue, I'm sorry..."

She raised her arms to cover her face, tears flowing down her fingers, her whole body could not stop trembling slightly, and even her speech was a little slurred.

Su Cheng sighed softly when he saw this, "It doesn't matter-"

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't know, I really don't know what happened just now..."

She didn't seem to hear Su Cheng's voice, just sobbing and apologizing repeatedly.

Seeing that she was so excited now, Su Cheng didn't say anything more and sat aside in silence, preparing to wait for her to calm down.

The reason why this situation occurred today may be related to the fact that Bibi Dong's first soul ring absorbed a hundred thousand year soul ring.

Before being familiar with the characteristics of the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor, he directly absorbed such a powerful soul ring. Although his body could withstand it, the second martial soul's devouring instinct began to spiral out of control.

If she had started absorbing the ten-thousand-year soul ring instead, she might be able to suppress that instinct easily, and then continue to absorb the soul ring step by step to upgrade.

But this hurdle must pass.

When she really starts to rely on her second martial soul to break through her limits, she is bound to encounter such a backlash.

In the real world, she swallowed Qian Xunji.

But here, Bibi Dong defeated the instinct in her heart.

What is certain is that after crossing this threshold today, her character will be greatly improved.

The threat of evil forces in the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor has also been greatly weakened.

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