After sobbing quietly for a long time, Bibi Dong finally calmed down and looked at Su Cheng with red eyes. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

"Are you feeling better?" At this time, some blood had returned to Su Cheng's pale and dry skin.

His own power was swallowed up and absorbed, and of course he would not be able to make up for it so quickly. However, fortunately, his roots were not damaged before. With his control over his own power and his innate skills, it took him some time to completely return to his peak. As for causing too much impact.

Opposite him, Bibi Dong's strength has also improved significantly.

He has absorbed two hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings, and they were soul rings produced by powerful soul beasts with profound backgrounds such as the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python. The soul power contained in them is naturally extraordinary.

Coupled with the pure soul power drawn from Su Cheng, her level is now approaching level ninety-three.

Looking at Bibi Dong's pear-shaped cheeks and swollen eyes, Su Cheng felt a little complicated.

After so many years, he has never seen the other party's emotions collapse to this point.

Even if she was forced and threatened by her teacher in the secret room of the Pope's Palace, she was only sad and her emotions were still relatively restrained.

But at this moment, she burst into tears as if she had given up on herself, acting extremely weak.

"...Why didn't you stop me?" After a long silence, Bibi Dong asked again.

Her eyes were scattered, and her voice was a little low and hoarse when she spoke, "I didn't know that something like this would happen when practicing the second martial soul. I couldn't control myself."

When Su Cheng's energy was swallowed up all over her body, she did not lose consciousness.

All of this happened while she was conscious.

But it was precisely because of this that she felt more and more painful, even fearful.

It was difficult for her to explain her previous impulse, and she was worried that Su Cheng would not understand it and might even reject her because of it.

Not to mention Su Cheng, even she herself couldn't understand what she had just done and why the evil thoughts in her heart were so strong.

Even among the notorious evil soul masters on the mainland, few of them would devour flesh, flesh or even souls. At most, they would only use some evil means to absorb soul power.

You know clearly that you shouldn't do that, and you know that the other person is an extremely important person in your heart.

It was just the strong devouring instinct that made it difficult for her to suppress the impulse that originated from the depths of her soul.

What's more, Su Cheng's soul power and qi and blood power are extremely strong, and his soul power is astonishingly pure. He has an irresistible temptation for the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

Perhaps, that is the desire of living beings to improve their own life level.

It seems that compared to the harvest after completion, there is nothing that cannot be abandoned, regardless of emotion or morality, as long as you can swallow fresh soul, flesh and blood, everything else does not matter.

"Cheng Xue, believe me, that feeling is so strong that I simply..."

At this point, she suddenly froze, and a trace of panic overflowed from her eyes.

Maybe she is a born evil soul master?

Even facing Su Cheng, she couldn't restrain her desire and took action. What would happen if it were someone else?

"I believe you." At this time, Su Cheng looked at her and said softly, with clear and calm eyes, "Bibi Dong, don't think nonsense, you restrained yourself, and I wasn't hurt, right?"

Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng blankly after hearing this.

At this time, his clothes were still somewhat damaged, and the two black holes on the side of his shoulders were extremely obvious.

It was a wound pierced by a spider spear. There was no trace of blood spilling out of it. The surrounding muscles were gray and dull, like a dead corpse, lingering with an unknown aura.

Bibi Dong knew in her heart that with her own strength, she would never be able to hurt the opponent.

Even the powerful bull-headed snake-body soul beast was easily imprisoned by Su Cheng, with no resistance at all. How could she succeed in a surprise attack?

The only reason could only be that Su Cheng had no intention of taking action in the first place.

"Do you believe me?" Bibi Dong murmured and repeated this sentence, her eyes looking sad and happy.

She doesn't believe herself.

Looking back now, Bibi Dong still has lingering fears.

The moment after attaching the first soul ring to the Soul-eating Spider King, she almost completely abandoned human emotions, and all she could think about was how to absorb as much soul power as possible.

No, not only the soul power, but also the flesh and soul, she didn't want to let go.

"Do you know that if you continue, you may die. That kind of power is too terrifying..."

At this point, she hesitated, but finally added in a weak voice: "It's too evil..."

"No matter how terrifying the power is, you can control it. As for the nature of this power, evil or justice, it has nothing to do with me. What I recognize is you." Su Cheng chuckled, as if the terrifying power just now The scene did not happen to him.

"I told you something similar a long time ago. On the way forward, we will always face various temptations.

"Instead of relying on me to suppress your instinctive desires, it is better to rely on yourself. I can stop you for a while, but I cannot help you forever. You need to walk the road to the future yourself."

"..." Bibi Dong looked a little dazed.

Under the gaze of the dark eyes opposite him, the uneasiness in his heart slowly subsided.

"In this world, there are countless types of martial arts. You are extremely talented, and there may not be many people who can match it from ancient times to the present. Accidents are inevitable. At this time, books and experience can teach you very little. Now, your mind and heart are your best weapons."

Having said this, Su Cheng moved his body to relieve the intense fatigue caused by just having a large amount of flesh and blood devoured.

Then he stood up and said, "Let's go and continue looking for the soul beast behind."

"Continue?" Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, her expression slightly hesitant.

Obviously, what happened before had already cast quite a shadow on her heart.

"Don't worry, since you were able to restrain your evil instincts just now, there won't be any problem if you do it a few more times." Su Cheng smiled, "You won't betray my trust, right? Besides, I will need you again in the future. Come to help.”

Bibi Dong pursed her lips when she heard this, and then her expression became firm. She stood up and stood next to Su Cheng.

"Speaking of which, I also need your help with something." Su Cheng suddenly said while walking in the Star Forest.

"What's going on?" Bibi Dong turned around and looked over.

Su Cheng did not answer immediately, but asked: "Now that you have broken through the title of Douluo, you are already qualified to succeed the Pope, right? What did the Grand Priest say?"

"The Grand Priest values ​​me very much." Bibi Dong said softly, "He told me before that as long as I achieve the title of Douluo, I can completely take over the power and resources of the Pope's Palace."

Su Cheng nodded, not surprised by this.

Even in reality, Qian Daoliu could let Bibi Dong become the pope, and there was no reason to stop her here.

After all, Qian Xunji didn't really do anything irreparable, and Qian Daoliu's treatment was quite fair. Bibi Dong grew up in Wuhun Hall since he was a child. After passing the hurdle in his heart, he still has deep feelings for this place. of.

With Qian Daoliu's temperament, it is normal to train Bibi Dong.

Su Cheng took out a piece of fairy grass and handed it over, "This piece of fairy grass can help the martial souls of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect to be promoted and become the real Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. I hope you can join them in the name of the Spirit Hall." trade."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong looked at the magnificent-looking golden flower in his hand with a surprised expression.

It is Qiluo Tulip.

"This..." Bibi Dong looked slightly hesitant, "What do you want, and you need to use such precious fairy grass to trade?"

She herself had taken fairy grass and knew how valuable it was.

At the same time, she didn't really hope that the Qibao Glazed Sect's martial soul could make up for the shortcomings.

Although the current Qibao Glazed Sect is not weak, the strongest lineage of the sect leader is only in the Soul Saint realm, so it does not pose much of a threat.

But if such a powerful auxiliary martial spirit had the opportunity to become a titled Douluo, its influence would be completely different from the past.

Now that she has decided to serve as pope, her perspective on things has naturally changed slightly.

Su Cheng glanced at her and guessed the other person's thoughts, and said casually: "It doesn't matter, this kind of acquired martial soul promotion cannot be inherited. No matter who in their sect takes this fairy grass, it will only appear Just a titled Douluo."

In fact, if the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Soul undergoes essential transformation and the bloodline can be inherited, it may not be a good thing for them.

If the threat from the Qibao Glazed Sect is too great, it is hard to say that other forces will sit idly by.

No matter how incredible the auxiliary effect of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda Martial Spirit is, it is still an auxiliary martial spirit and does not have very strong actual combat and self-protection abilities.

Perhaps if accumulated over a long period of time, more Sect Protector Douluo could be recruited, but that would take time after all.

Other powerful forces with the right to speak may not give them this time.

Bibi Dong reached out to take Qiluo Tulip and asked softly: "What do you need me to do?"

"You go talk to Ning Fengzhi in the name of Wuhun Palace and ask him to find a way to get the Tiandou Empire's national treasure, the Vast Sea Universe Cover."

"The treasure of the country?!" Bibi Dong's expression paused when he heard this, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Although Wuhun Palace has a strong deterrent effect on the mainland, and the Qibao Glazed Sect has a close relationship with the Tiandou royal family, how could the other party give up something like a national treasure so easily?

The Tiandou Empire is not a soft persimmon, it has a huge army under its command.

The strength of soul masters is indeed far superior to ordinary people, but their numbers are too small. Facing the imperial army, the threat is limited after all.

"Don't worry, it is said to be a national treasure. In fact, that thing is mainly symbolic, and its importance is far less than the effect of this fairy grass on the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. With Ning Fengzhi's method, it can be obtained." Su Cheng also saw this. Explained verbally.

"As long as he agrees to this matter, there is nothing wrong with letting him take the fairy grass first. Remember, this flower cannot be swallowed. You only need to gently suck the stamens to slowly absorb the essence into the body, and then practice soul power to spread the effects of the medicine throughout the limbs and bones. That’s it.”

He knew very well how much Ning Fengzhi longed for the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda Spirit to turn into the real Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda.

As for the situation where the other party broke the contract after succeeding, Su Cheng didn't think too much about it. An agreement between two powerful forces couldn't be such a trivial matter.

This is also the reason why he chose to let Wuhun Palace come forward.

It is obviously much more convenient for Wuhun Palace to do this than for him to do it alone.

Ning Fengzhi is a smart man. As long as he nods and agrees to the deal, and his martial spirit is indeed promoted after taking Qiluo Tulip, he will never regret it.

At this point, Su Cheng's expression suddenly became much more serious, "Once you get the thing, don't touch it with your soul power, let alone test it with your mental power."

It wouldn't matter if ordinary people tried it, but Bibi Dong couldn't be touched.

With her qualifications, if soul power or even mental power is injected into it, it is difficult to say whether it will cause a reaction from the Vast Sea Universe Barrier.

After dealing with this thing, it's time to return to Poseidon Island to wrap up this mission.

The Vast Sea Universe Cover must be disposed of.

The real name of this thing is actually Poseidon's Heart, which is one of the cores of Poseidon's inheritance.

Of course there are risks involved, after all, there is a Poseidon spirit inside.

In this step, you can also choose to use your hands to destroy it, but Su Cheng is not prepared to do that.

Although somewhat risky, this is an excellent opportunity to test the waters.

He wanted to see how powerful the so-called gods were.

What kind of existence is the god of this world?

Today's Poseidon's Heart has not received energy replenishment for many years, and its divine thoughts are like water without a source.

What's more, Poseidon can only exert his strongest combat effectiveness in the sea with the help of the power of the vast sea. He is already weaker on the mainland.

But even so, with Poseidon's level of power control, I am afraid that no matter how weak he is, he can easily kill ordinary titled Douluo.

But Su Cheng's combat power is also far from ordinary, and he is not prepared to rely entirely on force to solve the problem.

If under such circumstances, he cannot handle the so-called Poseidon's Heart, then I am afraid he will need to make other arrangements for the final method of completing the task.

Now, Su Cheng's simulation mission has finally begun to enter its final stage.

After so many years, Bibi Dong has successfully been promoted to a titled Douluo.

For her, her soul power improved the fastest during this period. There is no way, the twin martial souls' talents are so unreasonable.

There is no need to practice hard, nor to comprehend the true meaning of martial arts. As long as you keep adding high-end soul rings to your second martial soul, you can quickly accumulate soul power at a speed far exceeding that of ordinary people.

The upgrade bottleneck of level ninety-five and above is not a problem at all for her.

If the soul power brought by the ten thousand year soul ring is not enough, then use the hundred thousand year soul ring to top it off. Anyway, Su Cheng still has many clues about the hundred thousand year soul beast.

In addition to the Star Dou Forest, there are also a large number of powerful soul beast groups on the sea.

I'm really sorry. I posted a bit late today because I had a social event. I'll update it first and make up for it later.

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