In the eyes of ice and fire, Su Cheng closed his eyes tightly and sat cross-legged on the ground. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

The azure long sword lay across his knees, and nine soul rings hovered silently under his feet.

If there are other strong men looking from the side at this time, they will find that both his martial soul itself and the soul rings under his feet are in an extremely unstable state at this moment.

The powerful aura swept outwards like a wave, and then converged back little by little. After a while, a stronger aura spread out again, and the cycle started again.

In the process, his own aura was constantly brewing higher, and the sword in his lap trembled silently.

The martial soul of the sword with excellent texture gave people an extremely contradictory feeling.

It was so sharp and powerful that it was hard to understand, but it was as fragile as porcelain, as if it would explode in the next moment.

After a while, Su Cheng's extremely terrifying aura began to weaken little by little until it subsided, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Then he took out a volume of secret books from his arms and started reading.

"This Great Sumeru Hammer is really extraordinary. Tang Chen is indeed a peerless genius that is rare to see in Douluo Continent for thousands of years."

The reason why the Haotian Sect can become the number one sect in the mainland, and why the Haotian Hammer can possess the prestige of having the best martial spirit in the world, can be said to be entirely due to Tang Chen's lingering influence.

If it weren't for the various Haotian secrets created by Tang Chen, the Haotian Sect would never be able to reach its current heights. Without the blessing of those self-created soul skills, the Clear Sky Hammer is just a powerful weapon soul of excellent quality, on par with martial souls such as the Seven Kills Sword.

In Su Cheng's view, whether it is Tang San and Bibi Dong with twin martial souls, Qian Renxue with twenty-level innate soul power, or Qian Daoliu and Bo Saixi as guardians of the gods, there is no doubt that their talent alone is They are much worse than Tang Chen.

If it weren't for bad luck, he would definitely have a chance of becoming a god, but he might not even have to inherit the godhood of his predecessors.

Now more than half a year has passed since Bibi Dong was promoted to Titled Douluo.

In the past few months, the two of them mainly traveled around hunting soul beasts.

With the help of Su Cheng's powerful perception ability, he successively killed two hundred-thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbits and three Fifteen Ant Emperors that could resonate with blood, and raised Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor to the sixth ring level.

At this time, Su Cheng took the initiative to stop adding a soul ring to her second martial soul, and just shared the soul beast information obtained in the previous simulations with the other party.

In a short period of time, Bibi Dong's physical endurance has reached a limit, and both body and soul need to be recuperated.

Especially considering that after the seventh soul ring is added, the skills of the martial soul avatar will appear, and the Soul-Eating Spider King will also undergo another qualitative change, so we cannot be too hasty.

The next thing she has to do is to use the soul power cultivation that has been upgraded to level ninety-six and the four hundred thousand-year-old soul bones she harvested to practice innate skills to improve her foundation, and then continue to make breakthroughs after the foundation is solid.

Su Cheng estimated that after Bibi Dong's second martial soul has soul rings attached to all nine locations, its soul power will almost reach level ninety-eight. At that time, with the powerful talent of the twin martial arts, even if he cannot defeat Bo Saixi, it will be enough to contain him.

After that, Bibi Dong returned to Wuhun Palace alone, took over the power of the Pope, and set out to make a deal with the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Su Cheng, on the other hand, went to Haotian Sect alone to seek the secret method of the Great Sumeru Hammer.

He wanted to learn from the principle of ring explosion in Haotian's secret art.

The whole operation happened without any major accidents, but what made Su Cheng secretly wary was that Tang San appeared among the new generation of Haotian Sect's disciples.

The other party's temperament was so special, and his soul aura was also different, so he found him easily.

Not only that, that Tang San also had the talent of twin martial spirits. However, this time the second martial spirit was not the Blue Silver Emperor, but another powerful plant-based martial spirit.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng didn't touch Tang San.

In addition to not wanting to do anything to a child, the most critical factor is that the appearance of the other party may mean that there may be other hidden reasons behind the matter.

This simulation is almost over, there is no need to add any extra details, it is enough to get this information.

After taking away the secret method of the Great Sumeru Hammer from Tang Tian, ​​Su Cheng left the Haotian Sect.

The process of obtaining the secret technique was extremely smooth.

His strength was there, and Tang Tian had no intention of resisting.

The secret method is dead, but people are alive. Now only one Soul Douluo-level elder of the Haotian Sect is dead. Tang Tian, ​​as the only titled Douluo in the entire sect, is already in trouble.

Having served as the sect leader for decades, he is obviously not a reckless man. It is human nature to give in when his strength is insufficient.

With the secret technique in hand, Su Cheng went directly to the Eyes of Ice and Fire to study the energy of the soul ring and further improve the content of the third volume of Xiantian Kung. He stayed here for several months.

"Cheng Xue."

At this moment, a beautiful shadow flew over from outside the valley.

Su Cheng stood up and looked around, and saw that the person coming was none other than Bibi Dong.

"I got what you asked for."

As he spoke, a beautiful figure fell in front of Su Cheng.

At this time, Bibi Dong's clothes had been changed into the exclusive clothes of the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Against the background of the papal robes and crown, it looks much more majestic and dignified than in the past.

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh, it seemed that every time he saw this woman, her temperament was always changing.

The various styles of a woman at every stage can be vividly displayed on her body.

However, the Bibi Dong in front of her looked more and more similar to her in reality, only a little less sinister and a little more calm and majestic.

She didn't know what Su Cheng was thinking at the moment.

Looking at Su Cheng, Bibi Dong's eyes showed undisguised joy and affection. Then she took out a brocade plate from the soul guide, covered with a layer of red cloth, and the Vast Sea Universe Cover was placed inside.

"for you."

Su Cheng was not polite and reached out to take it, his eyes became serious.

As the red cloth was unveiled, the brilliant light suddenly spread out in all directions.

On the tray, a three-dimensional triangular blue soul guide was quietly placed, with an extremely sharp tip.

The whole body of the soul guide is crystal clear, and the whole body seems to be carved from sapphire, and is only about the size of a palm. There are lines like water waves rippling on the outside, which look like natural formations and vivid, while the inside is filled with blue treasure light, constantly emitting bursts of strange energy fluctuations from the inside out.

When he saw this thing for the first time, Su Cheng's expression became serious.

He had underestimated the strength of Poseidon's divine thoughts before.

Perhaps because of its otherworldly nature, even after so long, the energy fluctuations in it still don't feel too weak and depleted.

Su Cheng's original plan was to do a test first to see how his current power compared to his divine power.

But seeing this scene, he completely gave up the idea of ​​using his innate sword energy to fight against it first.

The next moment, under Bibi Dong's stunned gaze, Su Cheng stretched out his hand and threw the national treasure of the Tiandou Empire into the spring of the Ice and Fire Eyes next to it.

She never expected that Su Cheng would throw it into the terrifying spring after struggling for so long.

She clearly knew how terrifying the ice and fire spring beside them was.

Even with her current strength and physical fitness, if she really touches the spring water, she may not be able to resist for a while.

Not to mention entering the spring water, even if she stood next to the spring water, the cold and heat poison emanating from it was still eroding her body all the time.

Su Cheng didn't pay attention to the change in Bibi Dong's expression next to him, he just stared at the Poseidon's Heart falling into the spring's eyes.

At the same time, the tidal realm spread out.

However, it did not touch the spring water, but filled the sky above the valley, stirring up the ice and fire spiritual energy rising from the spring.

Viewed from the ground, the entire sky seems to turn into a red and blue light mask under the sea blue waves, looking gorgeous in the sunlight.

Su Cheng had already tried it before.

The extremely cold and extremely hot air in the eyes of the ice and fire eyes is very extreme. After the two meet, the energy evolved is even more terrifying. The destruction of metal and bone erosion is ordinary. Unless it matches its properties, other objects cannot survive for too long. .

Even with the innate power he had gathered, it would be difficult to sustain it, and it would be completely dissolved after a moment of support.

This extremely powerful ice and fire energy was also the source of confidence he used to destroy the Poseidon's Heart.

As the repository of Poseidon's divine thoughts, Poseidon's Heart is naturally extraordinary in nature, and its level of divine power is much higher than the ordinary soul power of Douluo Continent.

But in comparison, the two eyes of ice and fire are even more exaggerated. As the burial place of the Ice and Fire Dragon King, the source of power contained here far exceeds the level of Poseidon's divine thoughts.

Even this piece of Poseidon's Heart can never resist it.

Of course, just relying on the two eyes of ice and fire is definitely not enough.

Poseidon's divine thoughts are not dead things. Even if they are difficult to resist, they can still carry the body and escape. At this time, he needs to take action to block it.

As the Poseidon's Heart sank into the spring water, it began to squeak in just a few breaths. The terrifying extreme environment was rapidly eroding and destroying it.

The next moment, the originally calm spring water suddenly began to boil violently.

The cold and hot air in the eyes of Binghuo Lianyi can easily destroy even the energy, and naturally the mental power cannot penetrate into it.

But even without relying on their mental powers to spy, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong could clearly see the deep blue light coming from under the water with their naked eyes.

Then, a blue three-dimensional triangle that was several times larger than the body of Poseidon's Heart enveloped the original palm-sized gem and rushed out of the water.

The light that was blocked by the water waves instantly became countless times more dazzling.

In the powerful blue light, a beam of light suddenly shot out from the tip above the Poseidon's Heart, which immediately magnified in the air. In just the blink of an eye, it transformed into a golden shadow about three meters tall.

The shadow was very blurry, and one could only vaguely identify it as a human figure, making it impossible to see its true face.

"what is that?!"

Bibi Dong looked at the golden figure above the Ice and Fire Eye Spring in shock, and her voice was slightly trembling when she spoke.

The energy fluctuations of that illusory figure are obviously not very strong, but they are extremely condensed. Just by looking at it, a sense of fatal threat arises.

It seemed that the figure only needed a slight movement to make her head disappear.

She had never felt this way before, let alone now, even when she was weak. It was a gap in life levels.

Just like when an insect sees a bird, even if the other person is old and dying and has little strength, it will still make the insect tremble from the depths of his soul.

"That's God."

Su Cheng's expression remained unchanged, his eyes fixed on the golden figure in mid-air.

But from his slightly tense figure, Bibi Dong knew that Su Cheng was also extremely nervous and vigilant at this time, "God?!"

"It's just a thought from God." Su Cheng's breath was condensed and his voice was low and solemn. "Later, you only need to release the soul-eating domain from a distance to interfere with it. Don't set foot on the battlefield."

With no time to explain in detail, he gave an instruction and then turned into a sword light and flew into the air.

After the Poseidon's spiritual thoughts appeared, he did not immediately pay attention to the two people on the shore. Instead, he first lowered his head to look at the ice and fire spring at his feet, and then glanced at the aura field shrouded in the sky.

Then he turned to look at Su Cheng, who was holding a long sword.

A plain and old voice sounded, echoing in the valley, "Do you know what you are doing?"

Su Cheng did not answer, but silently observed the situation.

If the other party didn't take action, he wouldn't be in a hurry.

This divine thought is sourceless water, and every time it is used, it will consume one point. The longer it takes, the more beneficial it will be to him.

Destroying Poseidon's Heart is the ultimate goal, but there are many ways.

Relying on the ice and fire eyes to dissolve it is one way, but finding an opportunity to exhaust its power is also possible.

Unsurprisingly, the thought left by Poseidon should be able to communicate with the God Realm itself.

Everything that happens here and now will sooner or later be exposed to the eyes of Poseidon.

But it's not a big problem.

Not to mention the huge difference in the speed of time between the two realms, it is impossible for its body to receive information transmitted by spiritual thoughts at any time. Even if the gods in the divine world really want to go to the lower world, it's not that simple.

The difficulty is not just due to the constraints imposed by the so-called God Realm Committee. The key lies in the barriers at the level of rules, otherwise those gods would not be able to abide by the rules.

As far as Su Cheng knows, the existence of the God Realm will connect those who can complete breakthroughs from various planes. However, even if these people break through the original plane, they are still bound by the rules of the universe.

The so-called gods are humans who have broken through the restrictions of plane rules. After completing the breakthrough, it will also be suppressed by the rules of the universe. Only in the divine realm can the two be isolated.

Therefore, the divine realm is both a restriction and a protection for the gods.

Once the gods leave the divine realm, they can only rely on their own divine status to protect themselves. If the time limit is exceeded, they will be suppressed by the powerful laws of the universe and may be completely destroyed in the universe.

Even God cannot compete with the rules of the entire universe.

If Poseidon really ignored the rules of the divine world and ignored his own danger and forced himself to descend to the lower world, then he would have no choice but to admit it.

However, Su Cheng felt that this possibility was very small. If a first-level god took action personally, he would have no room for maneuver, and there would be no possibility of completing this mission.

Even if we think of some other methods this time and leave the task of destroying Poseidon's Heart to others, we will still face the same risk when we go to destroy Poseidon Mountain in the future, and we will miss the opportunity to fight with the Divine Mind, which is not worth the gain.

In his estimation, the worst case scenario was that Bo Saixi would sacrifice himself as a bridge to communicate with Poseidon, allowing the other party to take action across the land of inheritance.

On the other side, Bibi Dong stood in the distance, nervously looking at the two figures confronting each other in the air, her heart filled with ups and downs.

ps1, I've been a little busy these two days, so I can only stop updating a little first. I have to drink tomorrow, so I'll be fine. The debt I owe these days will be made up within two weeks.

PS2, the rules of the universe will restrict gods from leaving the divine realm. This is the original setting. The god's position can protect the god from being bound by the rules of the universe for a short period of time, but if the time limit is exceeded, he will be directly suppressed and die. Therefore, in the subsequent Douluo films, Tang San always thought of other ways to control the Douluo Continent.

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