"God's envoy, there are now more than 3,000 ordinary people in the core members of the Mingjiao who have successfully cultivated soul power."

On an uninhabited island not far from Poseidon Island, Li Qing stood next to Su Cheng and reported on the current situation of the Ming Cult.

More than ten years have passed since he left. During this period, Mingjiao has also been expanding rapidly.

In addition to the original nearly 10,000 core members, the number of peripheral members has expanded dozens of times.

It can be said that on the current sea, except for those on Poseidon Island, the people living on the sea have basically joined the Ming Cult.

Even the number of core members has increased to more than 100,000.

It's just that Su Cheng hasn't come back in these years, so the innate skill has not been spread, and ordinary people who are new members of the Ming Cult have not yet had the opportunity to practice soul power.

Of course, whether these people can really be regarded as core members still needs to be observed by Su Cheng personally.

"Three thousand people..."

Hearing Li Qing's words, he nodded secretly in his heart.

This number is actually quite good.

At that time, among the nearly 10,000 core members, the vast majority were ordinary people with zero innate soul power, and the number was more than 6,000, which meant that nearly half of them had successfully cultivated soul power.

As for the fact that there are still many people who have failed to successfully cultivate soul power, such situations are indeed normal.

After all, people who are born with soul power and those without soul power are completely different.

Even if there is only a trace of soul power, it is equivalent to reaching a threshold, and the amount of blood power can be quantified.

If there is no soul power in the body after birth, it means that the martial soul bloodline in the body is so thin that it is almost empty.

Because of this, even if two people are born with zero soul power, they are quite different from each other. It is difficult to determine the threshold at which distance can breed soul power.

Of course, as long as you practice persistently, you will eventually achieve something.

Everyone in this world can awaken the martial soul, which means that they all have more or less the power of blood. It just depends on when they can reach the critical point.

Thousands of ordinary people have become soul masters, which is quite good news for Su Cheng.

What he valued was not the fighting prowess of these people.

Even if ordinary people with zero innate soul power successfully cultivate soul power and become soul masters with the help of martial arts, most of them will not have a high upper limit in the future, and even few of them have reached the level of great soul masters so far.

After all, the techniques he imparted were universal and could be used by everyone, but their effects were relatively mediocre, and their ability to improve bloodline qualifications was limited.

In the final analysis, it only makes up for the congenital defects of these people and gives them a chance to practice. If you really want to improve further, you need various resources and opportunities, as well as your own understanding and efforts.

What Su Cheng needs is their firmer hearts and aspirations.

After all, people who are born with extraordinary minds are extremely rare in the world. How can we force these people to pursue their ideals when they are powerless and even seeking a place to live has become a luxury?

In addition, the impact it brings is also important.

Although he does not have the talent of a soul master, he can cultivate soul power, which is unimaginably attractive to others.

In this world, the status of soul masters and ordinary people are as different as clouds and mud. Without the successful cases of these people, Mingjiao may not have been able to expand so rapidly.

Beliefs and doctrines are only one factor, and real benefits can move people's hearts more.

"In three months, I will teach the Dharma on the sea. You should make arrangements in advance then."

Li Qing nodded heavily when he heard this, his eyes sparkling when he looked at Su Cheng, and his longing was beyond words.

He had insufficient talent and had encountered many difficulties.

As a soul master, he is only slightly less talented, let alone ordinary people who don't even have soul power.

Floating on the sea since he was a child, Li Qing has seen too many despair and struggles of ordinary people.

The sea is indeed rich in resources, but compared to the mainland, it is much more dangerous.

Countless powerful sea soul beasts are watching eagerly, all kinds of bad weather are always following, and the occasional storms and tsunamis are like sharp swords hanging over the heads of all sea people, threatening everyone's lives at all times.

Belief in Poseidon was more like a psychological comfort that allowed him to work hard to survive. It wasn't until he met Su Cheng that he truly saw the hope for the future.

At this time, a powerful aura wave came from the direction of Poseidon Island in the distance.

Li Qing glanced over and said, "God's envoy, the Sea Lady Douluo is here, so I'll take my leave first."

Su Cheng didn't say any more and nodded, "Go ahead."

Not long after, a mermaid girl came out of the waves from the sea, her huge fish tail swaying gently, and the wonderful arc spread from the long tail fin to her waist.

The white and flexible waist is not covered by clothing, revealing the small and round belly button. The wet scales on the long tail reflect brilliant colors in the sunlight.

Compared to more than ten years ago, Lorelai's appearance seems to have not changed at all. She is still beautiful and looks like an innocent girl.

"Su Cheng, you still know how to come back!" After arriving at the shore, there was a hint of dissatisfaction on her face, and she patted the sea surface with her fish tail, appearing a little irritated, "You never said you were going to the mainland before. So long."

"It's only been more than ten years. It's nothing to you." Su Cheng said with a dumb smile.

Lorelai looked suspicious, "Did you meet someone on the mainland and forget about our old friends? I heard that many sea soul masters met land soul masters after arriving on the mainland, and then they went there Get married and have children, and never return to the sea. This is especially true for those soul masters who were expelled from Poseidon Island."

Although Su Cheng was not expelled, since he had not accepted the test of Poseidon and was now in his thirties, he naturally could not return to Poseidon Island.

When she said this, it wasn't that Lorelei had any other thoughts about Su Cheng, it was just that she felt unhappy.

Su Cheng had coaxed and tricked her into joining the Ming Cult in order to study the Seven Sacred Pillars and find a backer for the fledgling Ming Cult, but in the end, he became the hands-off shopkeeper and ran away to the mainland.

After so many years, the novelty has worn off, and given her temperament, she has long been a little tired of Mingjiao matters.

"At least you're not stuck in the Seven Sacred Pillars all the time. You can roam freely in the sea. Aren't you satisfied?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and chuckled.

Lorelai gritted her teeth secretly when she heard this.

This is indeed true.

If it weren't for Su Cheng's help, she wouldn't even have a chance to come out. She would have to stay under the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar all year round to protect Poseidon Island.

And the existence of Mingjiao still has some effect, at least it makes this sea more interesting than before.

"Don't worry, I won't leave when I come back this time." Su Cheng continued, "It's time for us to do something big."

"That's pretty much it." Lorelai breathed a sigh of relief and was curious at the same time, "What do you think?"

"Don't worry, I just came back and wanted to see what the current situation of the sea is like." Su Cheng said casually, and then asked: "How is your martial arts training going?"

Unlike other Holy Pillar Douluo who passed on their special martial souls, the Sea Woman Holy Pillar has been passed down among the Sea Witch clan, and their true form is the Sea Witch. Because of this, the martial souls of Ama Douluo often change from generation to generation.

Lorelai's martial spirit is a sea magic flute.

"My cultivation level has now reached level ninety-two, and I have fully mastered the ninth soul skill."

As he spoke, a black flute appeared in his hand, and nine soul rings appeared underneath him.

"Very good." A hint of joy appeared on Su Cheng's face. When he left, the opponent had just broken through to the Titled Douluo and was not very proficient in using the ninth soul skill.

"Use your Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy with all your strength on me, let me see it."

"Are you sure?" Lorelai raised her beautiful eyebrows when she heard this.

Having said that, she also looked eager to give it a try.

Her ninth soul skill is not suitable for single combat, and is difficult to use when fighting those powerful sea soul beasts. There has been no large-scale battle on Poseidon Island so far, which means that her ninth soul skill, Sea-Suppressing Divine Song, has almost no chance to be used on weekdays.

"Of course, come on."

Lorelai no longer hesitated after hearing the words, the black magic flute spread across her chest, and the seventh soul ring under the fish's tail suddenly shone.

If you want to perform the Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy with all your strength, you must first use the martial spirit avatar for blessing.

As a member of the sea witch race, her true martial soul is different from that of a normal human being. The light released from the black flute simultaneously enveloped the flute in Lorelai's hand and her body. Then black light rose into the sky, and her body and the black flute in her hand quickly grew in size.

As her body grew larger, Lorelai's whole body seemed to become a little more transparent and slightly unreal.

Her body swelled on the sea surface until it was more than ten meters long before it stopped. The huge fish tail gently lifted the waves and lay across the sea surface.

For ordinary people, the whole body would definitely look rough and scary after being enlarged several times, but Lorelai was different. Her form at this moment became more and more beautiful, and every tiny movement and expression in her movements showed great charm.

Su Cheng closed his eyes silently, and his whole aura became calm, as if he was integrated with the whole world.


The next moment, a pleasant soft sound echoed in my ears.

Lorelai no longer looked at Su Cheng at this time, but was playing her black flute with all her heart. The sound of the flute is like crying and complaining.

The cool sea breeze disperses, and the blue waves are like mirrors.

At this moment, the entire world was silent, with only circles of black sound waves spreading from Lorelei's body.

Her ninth soul skill, Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy, is essentially a super-wide spiritual attack skill.

The attack with the sound of the flute can make the listener unable to have any thoughts of resistance.

As a rare spiritual skill, this soul skill is extremely powerful and has a wide range. However, when used, the performer is relatively fragile and needs to accumulate energy. It is more suitable for team battles, which is why she rarely uses it on weekdays.

However, this level of mental attack obviously cannot pose any threat to Su Cheng.

He stood quietly on the shore and was immersed in the sound of the flute, letting the black sound waves attack and then immerse into his body.

Not only that, he was even actively inducing those sound waves to reverberate in his soul and body.

As the sound of the flute reverberated, Su Cheng felt that his entire soul was trembling slightly, and his energy, blood, and other strength throughout his body were being repeatedly baptized by the sound waves at the same time.

In the spiritual excitement brought about by this sonic spiritual offensive, his innate power began to further merge and merge.

However, as time passed, Lorelai could no longer hold on any longer, and the flute music gradually became scattered.

After all, the consumption of the martial spirit avatar and the ninth soul skill is too huge.

Lorelai reluctantly stopped using her soul skills, her body returned to its original size, and her pretty face was a little pale.

"Pah, pah, pah."

After a while, Su Cheng opened his eyes, clapped with a smile on his face, as if praising the beauty of the flute sound.

Lorelai couldn't help but feel discouraged when she saw this, and muttered in a low voice: "Tsk, you are really a monster."

"When we stand together, I think you are more like a monster." Su Cheng pointed to the fish tail under the other person's body.

"What kind of aesthetics." Lorelai shook her huge long tail and dismissed his teasing, and then asked curiously: "How strong are you now?"

"Me?" Su Cheng reached out and touched his chin, and said thoughtfully, "I'm probably a little better than the teacher."

Lorelai rolled her eyes, "You really can do it."

She knew that the "teacher" the other party was referring to was Bo Saixi, the high priest of Poseidon Island.

Su Cheng smiled, did not refute, and asked instead: "How is the situation of the Seven Sacred Pillars recently?"

"Seven Sacred Pillars?" Lorelai was stunned, "What's going on? It's the same as before."

Su Cheng glanced at her and didn't ask further questions.

The Seven Sacred Pillars must be very different now, but Lorelai didn't notice.

It is also possible that these people have not studied the nature of the Seven Sacred Pillars deeply, and they have been around them all year round, so they cannot feel the subtle changes in them.

He probably wouldn't be able to learn anything from the other party. The specific situation would have to wait for him to find a way to investigate in the future.

"Okay, now that I'm back, let's do something interesting together in a while."

"No problem." Lorelai said with a hint of expectation on her face.

"You go first, the teacher will be here later."

"The high priest is coming?"

When Lorelei left, she was still a little confused, wondering how Bo Saixi could know about Su Cheng's return to the sea so quickly.

She didn't know the specific situation of Bo Saixi now.

In these years, Bo Saixi rarely showed her true colors when walking outside, so she always thought that the other person still stayed in Poseidon Temple all year round.

When Lorelei came over today, someone from the Ming Cult also went to inform her.

After so many years, she naturally has other means of communication with members of the Ming Cult.

But with Bo Saixi's status, unless she was willing to investigate on her own, except for a few Holy Pillar Douluo, who was qualified to go to Poseidon Mountain to report to her.

However, not far away, Lorelei knew how Su Cheng was going to tell Bo Saixi about his return.

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