Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 195 Teacher, do you have any regrets?

Terrifying aura surged from Su Cheng's body, and then spread to all directions.

The clouds in the blue sky parted, and the waves swept over the sea.

At this moment, Su Cheng, standing on the edge of the coast, even gave Lorelei an illusion.

It was not a person, but a tall and towering mountain, as hard to shake as the Poseidon Mountain standing in the center of Poseidon Island.

And this is just the display of momentum. At this moment, he has not even released his martial spirit.

Lorelai turned back in shock and looked at Su Cheng's figure, "He actually..."

At the same time, many powerful people on Poseidon Island felt their hearts palpitate.

"What a strong energy wave!" Sea Dragon Douluo frowned and stood up under the Sea Dragon Sacred Pillar.

"who is it?"

"Someone is coming to invade Poseidon Island?"


At this time, a distant and soft female voice sounded in their ears, "Don't worry."

The next moment, Bo Saixi, dressed in red, appeared in mid-air on Poseidon Island and looked into the distance. There was a hint of surprise and joy on his face, mixed with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Obviously, when she sensed the aura, she already knew who it was.

After talking to all the Holy Pillar Douluo, they turned into a red light and flew away in that direction.

Seeing Bo Saixi leaving, the other Holy Pillar Douluo also felt relieved.

High Priest Bo Saixi was invincible in their eyes.

As long as Bo Saixi is around, there won't be any danger on Poseidon Island.

On an island not far from Poseidon Island, Su Cheng watched the figure in red crossing the sea and then landed not far in front of him.

More than ten years have passed, and if Lorelai's appearance has not changed, then Bo Saixi's changes have been quite obvious.

It's not that she's getting older with the passage of time, on the contrary, she looks much younger now than before.

To be precise, her eyes became younger.

In addition to the gentleness, softness, confidence and intelligence of an adult woman, there is also some innocence and purity of a young woman, but there is no trace of the past.

Su Cheng sighed in his heart, and a look of sincere joy appeared on his face, "Teacher, long time no see."

Bo Saixi walked forward slowly, looking at Su Cheng up and down, her heart surged.

The man in front of her could be said to be someone she had grown up watching.

Although he didn't have much contact with him when he was a child, he started practicing with him after he was seven years old.

Since childhood, he has behaved differently in all aspects.

It was for his own sake that he gave up the opportunity at his fingertips and chose to leave Poseidon Island.

Now more than ten years have passed, and the child he once was has grown into a man, looking much more mature and with a more reserved temperament.

If she hadn't just taken the initiative to release her breath, she would have looked like an ordinary person. Even with her eyesight and perception, it would have been difficult to detect the opponent's cultivation strength.

"Cheng'er, I didn't expect your cultivation to improve so quickly. It's even more amazing than my progress after taking the top eight exams."

He was only in his early thirties, and he had already cultivated to the realm of Titled Douluo.

And it's not just any ordinary titled Douluo.

Although he couldn't see through Su Cheng's specific strength at this time, Bo Saixi knew just from the fluctuation of his aura that the opponent would never be weaker than an average peak Douluo.

While sighing, she felt more and more pity in her heart.

Looking at it now, if Su Cheng had chosen to accept the Poseidon test back then, it was really possible to pass the Ninth Poseidon test.

And now, I am willing to sacrifice my life in order to become a new generation of Poseidon.

"But you really have a heart as strong as iron." Bo Saixi's voice became colder, and she seemed a little angry, "After so many years, you have never come back even once. For you, crossing the sea is not a difficult task, and it doesn't cost much. Too much time?"

When Su Cheng heard this, a hint of surprise flashed through his heart.

This teacher has really changed, and he actually said these words.

But this change is obviously not a bad thing.

"I don't dare to come back and embarrass the teacher until I have accomplished something." Su Cheng said with a smile, "Fortunately, it didn't take too long."

"You know how to find excuses." Bo Saixi snorted coldly, "If you continue to stay outside for a few more years, I'm afraid you will get old."

"The teacher looks younger and more beautiful than before."

"You talkative!" Bo Saixi's face turned red and she was a little angry.

"Teacher, you know, I always say what I have to say." Su Cheng said with a smile.

He really said this from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, Bo Saixi's mentality was too detached.

Sitting on Poseidon Mountain all year round, overlooking all living beings, I thought I had seen all kinds of life, but in fact it was all a lie.

It's like watching many movies. Can we gain a clear understanding of life through it?

Only when she truly enters the world is she a living person.

With this anger, she naturally looks much younger.

The false sense of vicissitudes of the past has now been completely erased.

Bo Saixi snorted lightly, not caring too much about the disrespect in Su Cheng's words.

Anyway, this was how the two got along in the past. Rather than being a master and a disciple, they communicated more like friends.

Instead, after some chatting and laughing, the strange feeling of not seeing each other for many years disappeared.

"What are your plans for coming back this time?" Bo Saixi asked first.

Then a trace of hesitation appeared on his face, "Do you want to go back to Poseidon Island?"

The rules of Poseidon Island that you would be expelled if you failed the test were maintained manually. There was no hard and fast rule of exclusion. She was willing to make an exception for Su Cheng.

In fact, Bo Saixi still wanted Su Cheng to give it a try to see if there was a chance to take the assessment again, but he probably wouldn't agree.

"Forget it." Su Cheng shook his head, "Don't break the rules for me."

Bo Saixi sighed secretly when she heard this. This was almost the answer she expected.

Then her expression became serious, her eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a hint of exploration in her sea-blue eyes, "The Ming Cult you created is very popular now."

"Yes." Su Cheng said frankly, "I just learned that the vast majority of sea people have now joined the Ming Cult."

" want to establish this Ming Cult?" Looking at Su Cheng, Bo Saixi asked hesitantly.

"Of course it is to make the people living on the sea live a better life." Su Cheng said lightly, "Teacher must also know the specific situation of the Mingjiao, right? Those people live much better than before."

"..." Bo Saixi was a little silent at first, and then sighed, "It is indeed much better. In the past, I was not diligent enough and failed to live up to Lord Poseidon's expectations."

Naturally, she had an in-depth understanding of the specific situation of the Ming Cult and collected a large amount of relevant information.

A force of such a huge scale suddenly appeared on the sea. As the high priest of Poseidon Island, she is not as indifferent as she used to be. Instead, she often walks around among the people. How could she not do an investigation after hearing about it.

How could she let it go if she didn't fully understand the style and core purpose of this force.

If there is any problem inside, even if the founder of this force is Su Cheng, she will ban it without mercy.

"Teacher, don't say that." Su Cheng looked at Bo Saixi with a smile, "If something happens, I will do my best. If it weren't for your guidance back then, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"You don't need to praise me anymore. I have never taught you anything." Bo Saixi shook his head, "But the set of skills you passed on seems to be very effective. It can actually make ordinary people become soul masters." .”

When she spoke, she looked slightly hesitant, and she felt a rare uneasiness in her heart.

In fact, the exercise that was widely circulated among the Ming Cult was what she was most confused about and worried about.

How did Su Cheng do it?

What is the purpose of spreading the practice selflessly like this?

If Su Cheng had other ideas, how should he deal with them?

Being able to cultivate soul power from someone who was born with zero soul power, this kind of thing inevitably made her suspicious.

To this extent, it is obviously not something that can be explained by a few words of Poseidon's guidance.

Although it was a bit disrespectful, she really doubted that even Lord Poseidon could not make ordinary people change their lives against the will of heaven and obtain the talent of a soul master from scratch by relying on their own cultivation.

Pursing her red lips, Bo Saixi said hesitantly, "Do you know what will happen if there are too many soul masters?"

"What's the result?" Su Cheng looked at her, his dark eyes and blue eyes looking at each other.

"It will cause chaos in the world." Bo Saixi whispered.

There are very few people in this world who have the talent of a soul master, and not even one in a hundred people may appear.

But even so, the turmoil caused by the soul master has been countless, and it can be called the source of trouble.

If everyone could become a soul master, it would be unimaginable what the world would be like.

Resources that were originally abundant will become scarce as a result, and how many fights and killings will this cause?

"..." Su Cheng was silent for a moment, then suddenly laughed, "So what if it's chaos?"

Bo Saixi was stunned.

It seemed unbelievable that Su Cheng would give such an answer.

"Can you bear such a result?"

"Why should I bear the responsibility?" Su Cheng said calmly.

He turned around and walked slowly to the shore, looking at the vast undulating sea.

"The affairs of the world should be borne by the people of the world. I give them a chance. As for whether the world will become better or worse because of this, it is not up to me to worry."

Su Cheng turned to look at Bo Saixi.

"Teacher, you have no right to decide other people's lives, and I don't have the right either.

"Even if they have power beyond ordinary people because of me, I don't think I have the right to restrict them. If they die in a fight, they can't blame me. That is their own choice and their freedom.

"It's like spreading this set of exercises is my freedom."

"This..." Bo Saixi looked at Su Cheng blankly and murmured: "This is the devil's way..."

"Does the teacher think I shouldn't do this?"

Su Cheng didn't want to dwell on this matter anymore, so he simply said bluntly: "But it's so difficult for ordinary people to survive on the sea. Are they inherently inferior to others? Don't ordinary people have the right to pursue their dreams? "

"..." After a long silence, Bo Saixi sighed, "I can never speak well of you."

She didn't say those words out of selfish motives at all.

In fact, even if the number of soul masters were dozens or hundreds of times greater, they would still not be able to pose any threat to her.

She really felt that there were many hidden dangers in this.

This kind of skill shouldn't exist.

But what Su Cheng said at this time seemed to make sense, which made her feel entangled and unable to make a decision.

"Whether it's good or bad, just let time verify it." Seeing this, Su Cheng comforted him again.

Bo Saixi opened her mouth, but finally fell silent.

Things have come to this, and that's all.

As for the origin of the technique, there is actually no need to continue to dwell on it.

Even if Su Cheng researched it himself, so what? The other party has already withdrawn from Poseidon Island.

Su Cheng suddenly changed the subject, his expression became relaxed, and he asked casually: "Teacher, do you have any regrets?"

"Regret?" Bo Saixi blinked, her heart moving slightly.

After pondering for a moment, he shook his head, "No."

When Su Cheng heard this, he looked sideways and stared at her inquiringly, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Bo Saixi laughed, "Why, do you still hope that the teacher will have any regrets?"

"Of course not." Su Cheng also laughed, his expression full of joy.

He knew that Bo Saixi originally had regrets.

The unending relationship between her and Tang Chen was her regret.

Now that there is no such regret, logically it does not seem to be good news.

The original Bo Saixi was greedy for life, and even did not hesitate to use some tricks in the Ninth Poseidon Examination in the original timeline. This was largely because of Tang Chen, who wanted to wait for him alive.

Now that those thoughts are gone, does it mean that she no longer has the fear of death?

But Su Cheng didn't think so.

In his opinion, Bo Saixi's obsession with Tang Chen in the past had no effect at all, at least it was far from being comparable to the faith in her heart.

In the original timeline, she failed to kill Tang San within the limits allowed by the rules, and then tried her best to help him become a god. This can be seen from this.

But things are different now.

Since Bo Saixi just said those words, it means that she has truly found her soul's sustenance in these years among the people.

Although I don’t know how important this kind of sustenance is, at least at the last moment, it will definitely play a key role.

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