Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 196 Bo Saixi’s Changes (Two in One)

"By the way, teacher, after leaving for the mainland, I went to a place."

"Where have you gone?"

Bo Saixi walked slowly to Su Cheng's side, her expression a little curious.

In fact, she had wanted to ask for a long time, but she had talked about Mingjiao before, and Su Cheng diverted the topic later, so she didn't have time to ask in detail.

"I went to the Wuhun Hall." Su Cheng turned to look at Bo Saixi and smiled.

"In Douluo Continent, the status of Wuhun Palace is somewhat like Poseidon Island on the sea. However, in addition to Wuhun Palace, there are two empires, Tiandou and Xingluo, which rule a large number of civilians. These three forces are relatively balanced among each other. , not quite like us.”

"Did you go to the Spirit Hall?" Bo Saixi's expression changed when he heard this.

"Yes, Qian Daoliu, the great priest of Wuhun Palace, is very powerful and is also a peerless Douluo at level ninety-nine. Does the teacher know anything about him?"

Facing Su Cheng's questioning gaze, Bo Saixi hesitated for a moment, then spoke slowly after a moment.

"Cheng'er, I once told you that it is difficult for ordinary soul masters to reach the sky after the ninety-fifth level. The reason why I can reach the ninety-ninth level is because of the top eight skills given by Lord Poseidon. Examine the gift.

"But in this world, besides me, there are two other people who have reached level ninety-nine. They are Qian Daoliu who was born in Wuhun Palace on Douluo Continent and Tang Chen from Haotian Sect.

"I have met these two people once, and we have had discussions and exchanges with each other for a period of time."

Bo Saixi's eyes were blank, as if she was lost in memories.

"Among the three of us, Qian Daoliu and I both have the strength we have today because of the shadow of our ancestors. As for Tang Chen, just like Lord Poseidon back then, he cultivated to the ninety-nine level entirely by relying on his own strength. class.

"I don't know how he and Lord Poseidon did it, but he may be the only person in the world who has the hope of becoming a god by relying on his own strength."

At this point, she suddenly paused and glanced at Su Cheng.

Looking at it now, maybe his apprentice also has the same opportunity.

Lorelai was not strong enough and could not see how powerful Su Cheng was. She only knew that he was stronger than her, but she had no idea how much stronger he was.

But when it comes to Bo Saixi's level, she can vaguely feel it.

But when she thought about the conversation and discussion between the two of them just now, she felt an inexplicable worry in her heart, which even diluted her heart's relief and joy of reunion.

After gathering her emotions for a moment, she continued: "Qiandaoliu and I are in similar situations, but he has been gifted by the God of Angels. Although the strength of the three of us is almost the same, if we look at it fairly, the most powerful But it’s Tang Chen, he’s different from us, his strength comes entirely from his own cultivation.”

"It seems that you have a good relationship." Su Cheng said casually, "Tang Chen is indeed very strong and a rare genius in the world, but teacher, you don't need to underestimate yourself."

He stretched out his hand to summon his martial spirit.

Soul rings appeared at his feet, among which three hundred thousand year soul rings were even more dazzling, which made Bo Saixi's heart tremble slightly.

"The Poseidon Assessment has created you, and it has also shackled you. What I'm talking about is not that your status as a guardian of the gods prevents you from breaking through to level 100, but that it makes your state of mind clouded.

"Teacher, you once said that when a soul master reaches level ninety-five or above, the speed of absorbing soul power will become extremely slow, and it will be very difficult to upgrade. It can easily take dozens or hundreds of years.

"But the premise of all this is that you have no understanding during this period. In these years, since you came down from the mountain, have you not had any understanding or been touched at all?"

Bo Saixi listened to Su Cheng's persuasion expressionlessly, feeling strange and helpless in her heart.

The kid is at it again.

Every time this kind of conversation occurs, she feels like she doesn't look like a teacher at all.

Su Chengruo continued unconsciously: "Teacher, whether it is you or Senior Qian Daoliu, you are born in a high position and have a mission, so you naturally have resources that ordinary people do not have. But at the same time, you also Rarely do you have the opportunity to go through the hardships of the world.”

He looked at the sword in his hand.

"You know my gifted teacher. Even with the qualifications I had when I left Poseidon Island, I wouldn't have been able to reach my current level in just over ten years.

"With the innate conditions of you and Senior Qian Daoliu, what if you don't have these top eight exams? It just requires more insights and the improvement speed is a little slower, but in exchange for a higher upper limit and infinite possibilities.

"Even if there is no sacrifice, you have already paid some price for rapid improvement."

"... Just say what you have to say." Bo Saixi glanced at Su Cheng, knowing that the other party must have other ideas.

He had said similar words when he persuaded himself to walk down Poseidon Mountain many years ago.

"Teacher, let's take a closer look. It's not just Poseidon Island, and it's not just the fleets that go to and from the Poseidon Island market. It's more about walking around on the sea. Come with me, look at the sea outside Poseidon Island, and look at those How ordinary people live.”

Seeing that Bo Saixi was hesitant and silent, Su Cheng was not in a hurry. He knew that the other party would definitely have to think more about this kind of thing.

After all, the rules of Poseidon Island are there.

Although as Bo Saixi, it doesn't really matter.

But it is unrealistic to really ask the other party to have no scruples.

But it doesn't matter, the rules are always broken little by little, and he still has several years.

"How have you been these past years, teacher?"

"Me?" Bo Saixi's eyes flickered, and many images flashed through his mind.

"Unlike you, I went to a vast continent and the scope of my activities was limited to Poseidon Island. However, there are many interesting people. I didn't realize it before. Although some games look childish, they are actually quite interesting to play.

"I don't know if you have heard of the 'Blue Sea Dragon', which is to seal one's own soul power, then select a shell of a suitable size, and simply rely on the force skills of the wrist and fingers to eject it, with the help of a few pieces of water floating on the sea While using the pedals, you also have to avoid various obstacles to see whose shell moves the farthest.

"Don't think this game is easy. It not only tests skills, but also depends on vision and prediction. It is very difficult for ordinary people. Of course, this is nothing to me. And..."

As she talked, a smile appeared on her face, and she talked more and more.

Regardless of the transactions in the market, the process of exchanging supplies with the merchants in the fleet, or the entertainment activities of the sea people, etc., everything is described in detail.

In the past, she had taken a quick look at some things on the mountain.

But now I realize that many things are much more interesting than they seem after experiencing them personally.

When Bo Saixi spoke, Su Cheng never spoke, but listened quietly with a faint smile on his face.

The other party's expression at this moment made him more confident about his previous proposal.

Time passed by minute by second, and as he spoke, Bo Saixi's eyes were shining, and she seemed to be immersed in it.

Unlike the mainland, there are very few intrigues among the sea people.

Because there are sufficient resources here, there is no need to conflict over grabbing resources.

People's social status is also relatively fixed. Poseidon warriors are stronger than sea spirit masters, and sea spirit masters are higher than ordinary people.

What everyone has to face on weekdays are sudden natural disasters and attacks by sea soul beasts, but the way people get along with each other is very simple.


Gradually, Bo Saixi's voice dropped.

She noticed the expression Su Cheng looked at her at this time, with a hint of embarrassment on his fair cheeks.

Seeing this, Su Cheng's smile became more obvious.

Most women are very emotional.

Even a peerless strong man like Bo Saixi would have a slightly different mentality from men.

Therefore, they will pay more attention to emotional feedback. Whether it is joy or excitement, even negative emotions such as anger and sadness, it is better to have it than not.

The quality of your mood is not the most important factor. The key lies in the ups and downs of the mood itself.

This can bring them a sense of freshness.

Seeing Bo Saixi's profile looking at the sea in the distance as if nothing had happened, Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh.

The sculptural curves of her cheeks and facial features, as well as the agility and purity in her eyes that have not yet dissipated, blend perfectly with her vast and deep aura belonging to a strong person, showing her unique style and temperament.

At this moment, she looked more like a living goddess than the rigid statue on Poseidon Mountain.

But being watched like this, Bo Saixi gradually found it difficult to maintain her composure.

Finally, she couldn't help but turned around and glared at him, "Why are you laughing?"

"Of course I'm happy." Su Cheng said with a smile, "Teacher, have you been very happy these years?"

Bo Saixi's eyes flashed and she said "hmm" softly.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "By the way, Senior Qian Daoliu seems to have always been thinking about you."

"..." Hearing him talk about this, a trace of embarrassment appeared on Bo Saixi's face. She subconsciously turned her cheek to the side and looked into the distance.

After a long silence, he explained: "After we broke up, he and I never saw each other again. But before the three of us were together, Qian Daoliu and Tang Chen had pursued me together."

"You refused?"

"...Why are you asking about so many old things?"

"You are my teacher. Of course I am curious. If it is inconvenient to tell you, forget it."

"Forget it, it's okay to tell you. It's not a secret anyway." Bo Saixi sighed and whispered, "I did reject them. I told them, who among them can break through the hundred level, I Just accept whoever’s feelings you want.”

"Breaking through level 100..." Su Cheng repeated this sentence softly, and then asked: "Does it mean becoming a god? So you don't like either of them, or do you not like Qian Daoliu?"

Her condition is undoubtedly extremely difficult, but Tang Chen still has a glimmer of hope. Qian Daoliu, as the guardian of the angel god, definitely has no chance.

"..." Bo Saixi was silent for a moment before speaking again, but did not answer the question. He just said: "Tang Chen once told me when he left that if one day he can break through the hundredth level and become a real god, he will come again. Find me."

Su Cheng smacked his lips when he heard this and chuckled, "Does it matter whether you become a god or not?"

Bo Saixi looked back at him, a little dazed.

This seems important, but it also seems not so important.

When she lived on Poseidon Mountain all year round, it was her duty to serve Poseidon. Although Poseidon himself was far away in the God Realm, she actually did not need her service at all.

But at that time, it seemed that becoming a god was the greatest wish and ideal in life. As a peerless Douluo at level 99, what else was there worth pursuing?

Maybe the reason why Tang Chen decided to leave back then was because of the same idea.

No, his will may be stronger than his own.

After all, he was destined to have no hope of becoming a god. The so-called "becoming a god" was just a thought, but Tang Chen was different. He really had this chance.

But looking back now, it seems good to be able to protect thousands of sea people. At least in these years, she has really gained unprecedented satisfaction and touch.

But with Su Cheng's qualifications and his cultivation level, does it actually matter?

Bo Saixi shook her head and laughed, "It's not important."

"So, teacher, you still have a long way to go in life, and you should really walk around more. Poseidon Island is such a small place, and there are too few scenery you can see."

"You kid, have you educated me?" Bo Saixi said softly, "Don't just talk about me, what are you going to do next? Have you never met a girl you like on the mainland?"

Hearing this, Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, and Bibi Dong's face suddenly flashed in his mind.

Bo Saixi looked at the words and was suddenly a little surprised.

She originally just asked casually, but she didn't expect that something really happened.

"Did I tell you right?"

"I did meet a very special person, but I can't say I was heartbroken."

"She's a very beautiful girl, right?"

Bo Saixi didn't believe Su Cheng's words. She could see that the other person's expression was different just now.

"Not as beautiful as the teacher." Su Cheng's emotions were only revealed for a moment, and then he returned to calm.

"You don't have to make excuses about me all the time." Bo Saixi looked at him carefully, "I think that to be favored by you is not only because of my outstanding appearance, but also for other things."

After spending many years with Su Cheng, she knew her apprentice's temperament.

He is too assertive, even to the point of being overly self-aware.

When he first awakened his martial spirit at the age of six, he was clearly born with extremely poor aptitude, yet he resolutely gave up the opportunity to reach the sky in one step, and rejected his suggestion of accepting a disciple without any hesitation on the spot. This was simply beyond imagination.

She is not arrogant, but she is also extremely confident in her strength and status. No other person of her age would ever behave similarly.

Later, when the two got along, this personality of the other became more and more obvious, which also created the special relationship between the two of them now as both teachers and friends. In the process, she, as a teacher, even benefited more.

"She is indeed different." Su Cheng said frankly, "In other words, her growth exceeded my expectations."

Factors such as strength and talent have not always been the criteria by which Su Cheng evaluates others.

When he first met Bibi Dong, he did look at her through colored glasses for a long time.

The ultimate goal of getting to know, contact, and train her is to make her a handy tool.

After all, in the eyes of Su Cheng in the past, Bibi Dong was really easy to take advantage of.

Outstanding talent, simple mind, extreme temperament, and unable to distinguish right from wrong.

But in fact, Bibi Dong is much better than imagined.

She has never been arrogant and complacent because of her own talents. She can see the strengths of others, understand her own shortcomings, and is willing to learn and work hard.

She used to be naive and naive simply because no one had ever taught her this.

"Why didn't you bring it back to Poseidon Island?" Bo Saixi gently stroked her long blue hair that was blown by the sea breeze.

"It's impossible between us." Su Cheng said with a smile.

There was no regret in his words, but he seemed unusually calm.

Bo Saixi frowned upon seeing this.

Logically speaking, at Su Cheng's current age, he should be interested in these things. How could he be so calm?

Immediately prepare to say a few words, and by the way establish the dignity of being a teacher.

But Su Cheng was the first to speak and interrupted, "Teacher, now is not the time for me to think about the relationship between men and women, and you don't even have a destination yet. How can I, as an apprentice, be the first to take the lead?"

Bo Saixi immediately closed her lips and stopped talking.

She had a hunch that if she continued to talk in depth on this topic, she might be bullied by Su Cheng's words again.

I felt a little depressed but at the same time I felt inexplicably happy.

There are too few people in the world who can communicate with her on an equal footing.

It can even be said that there is none at all.

Even the Holy Pillar Douluo were respectful and respectful to her words.

After walking in the world for so many years, I can only narrow my appearance and cannot show my true face to others. After all, there is still a layer of separation in my senses.

Only in front of this apprentice can he have the opportunity to show his true self.

Not to mention that Su Cheng's behavior has always been like this in the past, but now even in terms of strength, the two are already at the same level.

She even felt that the fluctuations in her heart over the years combined were not as high as the emotional fluctuations caused by the short half-day conversation after meeting Su Cheng again today.

Time flies, and soon five years have passed by.

In the past few years, Su Cheng has also completed the entire layout including Poseidon Island.

After previous persuasion, Bo Saixi finally went into the sea.

In fact, she occasionally left Poseidon Island in the past, not strictly abiding by the so-called rule that Poseidon Island members are not allowed to leave the island for life.

She is not so rigid. There are many powerful sea soul beasts making trouble in the sea, but she has taken care of them personally.

But this time is different from the past. It can be said that this time she left the island largely because of her own selfishness, and she also spent more time outside than she should have.

At this time, Su Cheng will accompany her.

Sometimes, the two would even observe the development of Mingjiao together.

Su Cheng never avoided taboos.

This matter cannot be forcibly concealed, and the result of forcibly concealing it will only be self-defeating.

The core spirit of Mingjiao is actually hidden in the teachings, hidden in front of everyone's eyes.

The so-called "Poseidon" mentioned repeatedly there is just a shell of illusion.

If someone peeled off this shell and removed the word "Poseidon" from it, they would find that it would not have the slightest impact on the entire doctrine.

But Bo Saixi obviously didn't realize this.

In other words, it is difficult for anyone to realize this.

It is precisely because of this that Su Cheng shows everything without any scruples.

Maybe if you were someone like those on the mainland who are engaged in power struggles all day long, you would still be able to spot something.

But with the mindset of the sea people, they obviously couldn’t imagine it being that deep.

This has nothing to do with wisdom, but the so-called "obstacle of knowledge and vision".

Just like if someone has lived in a dark environment since birth, then even if there are ten lights in the house, because they have never seen light, the people in the house will certainly not think of actively looking for these ten lights. Light switch.

If someone points out the problems in Mingjiao's teachings, it is estimated that many people will easily discover the hidden dangers. However, if they are not mentioned, it will be difficult to realize this on their own.

However, although he did not avoid taboos, the number of times Su Cheng took the initiative to show up to the Mingjiao core group in front of Bo Saixi was not too many.

He would not spread the technique at such a time to provoke the other party's sensitive nerves.

When the two of them were active together, they mainly wandered around the sea.

He would even hide his cultivation from time to time and blend in with ordinary sea people, going to sea with them, doing business and fishing together with them.

When facing ordinary people, there is no need to use masks or the like. It is enough to easily construct a phantom with the help of mental power.

With the strength of the two of them, their true identities will never be discovered.

Su Cheng is certainly not doing useless work.

On the contrary, this matter is very important.

In this way, while deepening the emotional bond between Bo Saixi and the sea people, it also made it easier for him to observe the changes in their mentality more closely.

Accompanying Bo Saixi to fully integrate into the people is a key part of the plan.

From the beginning of persuading the other party to come down the mountain to now going out to sea, everything has been done step by step.

However, as the high priest of Poseidon Island, Bo Saixi would not be able to follow Su Cheng around all day long. A few months out of the year would be the limit.

The rest of the time was for Su Cheng to move freely.

At this time, he will teach the innate skills to a large number of Mingjiao members.

Whenever he is present, with his strong soul power supplemented by a small amount of drugs that are invisible to the naked eye, the rate at which ordinary people can generate soul power will be greatly accelerated.

As he personally wandered among the congregation, the scale of the Ming Cult continued to expand.

But this is not the most important thing. After all, in the more than ten years since he left, the Mingjiao's sphere of influence has already covered the entire sea.

The key lies in the mental firmness of these people. It can be said that it has improved by leaps and bounds, and the number of core members has increased dramatically.

In the past, although the Ming Cult had many peripheral members, many of them came just to seek asylum.

Now, the number of core members who sincerely accept the teachings of Mingjiao has reached nearly one million.

For Su Cheng, this is enough.

These people have strong will and pure beliefs and can play a key role in the future.

In addition, he also took the time to sneak into Poseidon Island a few times.

This kind of action could be concealed from others, but not from Bo Saixi, so he always went to the Haenv Holy Pillar in the name of meeting Lorelei.

During these several visits to the island, he made a deeper analysis of the Seven Sacred Pillars.

The role of the Seven Holy Pillars is to protect the island and at the same time provide a place for the Holy Pillar Douluo to recuperate.

They can form a huge formation with each other. Once connected, Su Cheng may not be able to destroy it even if he uses all his strength, and its defensive power is even greater than that of the Poseidon Mountain in the center of Poseidon Island.

In an emergency, there is a high probability that the power of faith accumulated in it can be used to communicate with Poseidon, which is very dangerous.

However, the core of this thing lies in the power of faith. As for other structures, it is not difficult to destroy them from the inside, but it will take some time.

It is a pity that Su Cheng in the simulation does not have such a sharp weapon as the Eye of True Sight, otherwise it would not be so laborious to study the Seven Sacred Pillars, and it would be much easier to destroy them.

I'll make up for the missed updates. I've been simulating the ending and transition plot for the past two days, so I'm writing it slowly. I'll add more later.

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