The sun is high, the sky is clear, and the blue waves are endless.

A small boat on the sea was racing straight ahead through the waves, unaffected by the sea wind.

In the vast scenery of heaven and earth, the small and beautiful figure on the deck of the boat occupies all the light in this magnificent picture.

This person is Bibi Dong who went to sea to look for Su Cheng.

Today, Bibi Dong has officially taken over the position of Pope of Wuhun Palace for more than five years.

In the past five years, her reputation has spread all over the world.

A peak Douluo in his thirties, with a soul power level as high as ninety-eight.

Now that Qiandao Sky Douluo is hiding in the depths of the Elder Hall, and Haotian Douluo Tang Chen has been missing for many years, there is no one in the entire Douluo Continent who can be her opponent.

This invincible courage to dominate the world without suppressing her strength has also created a completely different mental outlook between her at this moment and reality.

That slightly petite figure gives people the illusion of being extremely tall. He has both the dignity and majesty of a pope and the arrogance and arrogance of an invincible strong man.

Like the scorching sun in the sky, it emits a dazzling light that cannot be looked directly at, even making people subconsciously ignore her peerless appearance.

But at this time, Bibi Dong's heart was also ups and downs, far from being as calm as on the surface.

For five years, she had been looking forward to this day.

Because of this, even though her power and status reached the pinnacle in the world a few years ago, she did not dare to relax for a moment.

While working hard day and night to practice innate skills, he also sent a large number of strong men from the Wuhun Palace to collect the hiding places of the hundred thousand year old soul beasts based on the clues left by Su Cheng.

This year, I finally filled up the last soul ring for my second martial soul, raising the level to level ninety-eight.

A strong physical foundation, a second martial soul that has been deployed for 100,000 years, and a flawless spiritual will, not to mention the self-suppression caused by the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

Now, although her cultivation level is slightly lower, she is confident that her strength is no weaker than that of Qian Daoliu, the great minister of Wuhun Palace who is at level 99.

"Mingjiao..." Bibi Dong was holding a thin book in her hands behind her back, the content of which was clearly the Mingjiao teachings that had been widely circulated in the sea in recent years.

The eyes on her fair and pretty face narrowed slightly, with a thoughtful look on her face.

When they parted ways that year, Su Cheng once said that when she completes the training of her second martial soul, she can find him by following the core members of the "Ming Cult" when she comes to the sea.

With Bibi Dong's strength, it is not difficult to do this.

After arriving at the port city in the west of the Tiandou Empire, she also inquired about the situation of the "Mingjiao" force.

In those mainland port cities, there are a lot of soul masters from the sea, and most of them are sea people who exchange materials and trade with land soul masters.

Among them, there are naturally many members of the Ming Cult, and it is easy to collect information.

"Cheng Xue, what exactly do you want to do?"

Thinking back on what she had seen and heard these days, Bibi Dong couldn't help but whisper in her heart.

Combining the character information provided by the sea soul masters, she easily knew that the founder of the Ming Cult, the "god envoy" in people's mouth, was none other than Su Cheng himself.

After confirming this matter, I was naturally extremely surprised.

The current Mingjiao is even more powerful than Wuhun Palace in terms of its influence on the sea and the strength gathered by the middle and lower levels.

You know, when Su Cheng left the sea, he was only eighteen years old. He stayed in the mainland for more than ten years and never returned to the sea.

What is this concept?

This means that Su Cheng started to establish this organization at a very young age, and it took less than twenty years to expand it to the point where it surpassed Wuhun Palace in all aspects except for high-end combat power.

But this is not the most critical issue. The most critical issue lies in the Mingjiao teachings.

Bibi Dong saw the problem at a glance.

Others didn't know it, but she knew very well that Su Cheng didn't believe in the so-called Poseidon at all.

Even a few years ago, the other party personally destroyed a divine thought left by Poseidon on Douluo Continent.

The profound meaning hidden in it simply made her shudder.

Even with her current status and strength, she never dared to provoke the gods.

The weaker one is, the more one becomes arrogant due to ignorance.

At her current level, she can better understand how difficult it is every step forward, and how exaggerated the increase in combat power it brings.

She also didn't believe that Su Cheng would be an arrogant person.

In this case, what is the purpose of the other party to do such a move.

Decades of planning began even when he was young.

"Forget it, just wait until you ask him face to face..."

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong's face showed joy from the bottom of her heart.

Compared with the faint worry in my heart, excitement and anticipation have already filled my chest.

She still clearly remembers that when the two separated, Su Cheng personally promised her their future.

Perhaps when this matter is over, the relationship between the two can take a further step.

This idea arises not just because of past promises.

Strength brings confidence, and power breeds ambition.

She is confident that Wuhun Palace will further flourish in her hands in the future.

And after learning that gods really exist, she also believes that with their talents, they will definitely achieve the status of gods in the future.

"Su Cheng, there seems to be something wrong with the Seven Sacred Pillars recently." On the shore of a remote island nearly a thousand miles away from Poseidon Island, Lorelai said in a deep voice as her fish tail gently slapped the sea.

"What's wrong?" Su Cheng asked calmly.

"I can't tell." The mermaid girl shook her head with worry, "You also know that our Sea Witch race is different from other Holy Pillar Douluo, and has a closer connection with the Seven Holy Pillars."

She spoke slowly, as if she was considering her words, "I feel like the Holy Pillar is sick."

Su Cheng glanced at the other party when he heard this, "Are you sick?"

"This is just a description, and it's hard for me to describe it." Lorelai scratched her hair a little irritably and swung her fish tail faster, "There is a feeling of weakness, can you understand what I mean? But I asked other Holy Pillar Douluo, they all felt nothing, and there was no problem with the operation of the Holy Pillar."

"I understand, don't worry, wait until I have time to go over and take a look, or you can ask my teacher." Su Cheng said casually.

Then he turned his head and looked at the sea in the distance, his eyes flashed, he took out a mask and put it on his face, "You go back first, I have guests coming."

"Guest?" Lorelai was stunned for a moment, then noticed his movements and couldn't help but wonder, "What are you doing with this?"

"It's not convenient for me to let that person see my appearance. By the way, if you come to me again in the future, just call me 'God's Messenger' instead of calling me by my name."

"Oh." Lorelai nodded.

At this time, she also vaguely felt that an extremely powerful aura appeared in her perception.

He didn't ask any more questions, turned around, swung his fish tail and swam away from the island quickly.

Not long after Lorelei left, Su Cheng saw a boat that cut through the wind and waves and rushed towards the place where his aura was.

When I first saw it, it was still a small black dot. After more than ten breaths, it had arrived not far ahead.

The boat is not large in size. Compared with normal passenger ships, this yacht can only accommodate more than ten people.

The next moment, the delicate figure on the deck jumped up and then landed on the shore.

Bibi Dong stretched out her hand, and the small boat used for transportation turned into a foot-long model and flew into her hand, and put it into the storage soul guide.

This humble boat turned out to be an extremely rare transportation soul guide.

But at this time, the two people on the shore obviously didn't care about these details, they just looked at each other.

Looking at the person in front of her, Bibi Dong couldn't help but breathe deeply, her chest heaved violently, and she was speechless for a moment.

In contrast, Su Cheng acted much calmer. He walked up to her, nodded with a smile in his eyes, and said softly, "Long time no see."

After hearing this, Bibi Dong's mood gradually calmed down, and the smile on her face became brighter.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Half a day later, Su Cheng and Bibi Dong walked slowly on an island where a large number of Ming Cult members gathered.

Looking at the busy sea people, Bibi Dong sighed softly: "People living on the sea are really different from the people on land."

Although she has not been here long, she can still see many differences with her eyes.

But in comparison, Su Cheng's behavior is also very different from ordinary sea people.

"This Mingjiao you established..." As she spoke, Bibi Dong took out the previous book again, as if he was hesitant to speak.

"Did you see it?" Su Cheng chuckled upon seeing this, not surprised by her reaction.

Bibi Dong is not stupid. Considering what happened before, it is normal to make some guesses.

He had never thought of hiding it from the other party.

Finally, when it came time for the decisive battle, Bibi Dong's help was needed.

"What do you think of my Mingjiao?" Su Cheng turned his head and looked at the residents on the island.

"It's incredible." Bibi Dong sighed, "It's really unimaginable. How did you do it?"

"How did you do that?"

"In such a short period of time, such a huge force was gathered."

"It's just the times." Su Cheng said slowly, "Ordinary people in this world have been suppressed for too long. The sea is no better than land. Ordinary people have to endure more winds, waves and disasters if they want to survive. So, when I give them a Given the opportunity, these people will naturally burst out with unimaginable will and energy."

He turned back and stared at Bibi Dong, his eyes deep and focused, "The gods are so high above that they cannot understand the suffering of the common people. All they need is those beliefs, and they don't care about the life and death of ordinary people at all. In this case, it is up to me to change everything and give An opportunity for them to determine their own destiny."

"..." Bibi Dong looked at Su Cheng blankly.

At this time, a hand was handed over, "His Majesty the Pope from the Mainland Wuhun Palace, are you willing to help me?"

Su Cheng didn't mention the agreement, but just asked her if she was willing to help him.

"What's your business is my business." After hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed due to surprise, and a smile broke out on her face.

She put her hand on Su Cheng's palm and held it tightly, "What do you need me to do?"

Su Cheng raised his other arm, pointed in the direction of Poseidon Island in the distance, and said calmly: "Tear down Poseidon Mountain and smash Poseidon Temple."

Bibi Dong's eyes widened slightly when she heard this, and a slight numbness felt like an electric current from her tailbone all the way up to the top of her head.

My body was trembling involuntarily, and I couldn't tell whether I was excited or scared.

"Smashed the Poseidon Temple?"

"That's right."

Su Cheng turned to look at Bibi Dong, "When the time comes, you only need to contain my teacher, and I will make my own arrangements for the rest."

"Your teacher, the high priest of Poseidon Island?"

Bibi Dong also knew about Bo Saixi's existence now.

He also knew that he was also a ninety-ninth-level Peerless Douluo, a being on the same level as Qian Daoliu, the Great Priest of Wuhun Palace.

Now on the sea, the opponent's combat power may be much stronger.

But having said that, she was not afraid, and was even a little excited.

Since her debut, she has never fought against a top player of this level.

"But isn't she your teacher?" At this time, there was another trace of hesitation on Bibi Dong's face.

"Don't worry, you just need to fight with all your strength when the time comes." Su Cheng smiled, "My teacher is much stronger than you think. You just need not to lose too quickly."

He really wasn't worried about Bo Saixi's safety.

Now this Poseidon Douluo is far stronger than when he first became the high priest.

In the past five years, Su Cheng has seen all the changes in the other party. He didn't know what Tang Chen's situation was, but in terms of combat power, Bo Saixi had definitely surpassed Qian Daoliu.

The change in her state of mind made her feel deeper, her will stronger, and her control of power was no longer the same as in the past.

"Aren't you afraid that doing this will make your teacher resent you?"

After hesitating for a moment, Bibi Dong still asked her doubts.

She could feel that Su Cheng had deep feelings for Bo Saixi, just like her feelings for Qian Xunji back then.

But unlike Qian Xunji, Bo Saixi has obviously never done anything to feel sorry for Su Cheng.

Even as her disciple, when Su Cheng refused Poseidon's test and chose to leave Poseidon Island for the mainland, Bo Saixi did not stop him.


Su Cheng couldn't help but fell silent after hearing this.

What he will do next will not harm Bo Saixi in any way, and may even be of great benefit to her.

But that's no excuse.

He couldn't comfort himself with this, and could justly say that everything was for Bo Saixi's good.

Not to mention that his intentions were impure from the very beginning.

Even if everything he did was really to free Bo Saixi from his fate and get rid of the shackles of Poseidon, that was wrong.

Su Cheng has been talking about will and freedom all this time. What qualifications and rights does he have to decide other people's choices.

Bo Saixi is not a child.

She is an adult, has her own obsessions and beliefs, and has her own goals to pursue.

She spent the entire first half of her life dedicated to Poseidon Island and regarded her mission as the greatest honor. How could she deny and discard it so easily?

"Afraid." After a long time, Su Cheng exhaled a long breath and said calmly, "But this is my choice, I am also a selfish person..."

Although the tangled look in her eyes only fleeted, this scene was still accurately captured by Bibi Dong, who always kept her eyes on him.

My heart softened, and I immediately regretted that I had just asked this question.

He couldn't help but grabbed Su Cheng's hand and said firmly: "You still have me. No matter what you want to do, I will accompany you."

Su Cheng glanced at the palm held by her, but said nothing more.

She shook her head secretly, fearing that by then, Bibi Dong's situation might not be much better than Bo Saixi's.

"Is it all I need to contain your teacher? You can solve it on Poseidon Island by yourself?" Bibi Dong did not take the initiative to let go of her hand, her pretty face turned slightly red, and she just pretended to change the subject as if nothing had happened. .

"I heard that there are still many titled Douluo there, and they have powerful formations to protect the island."

She didn't know how powerful Su Cheng was now, but she thought that even if he was stronger than herself, he wouldn't be much stronger.

After all, it has only been five years, and the other party does not have a second martial soul like himself, and can quickly increase his strength by absorbing soul rings.

After a soul master reaches the realm of Titled Douluo, it is very difficult to upgrade through hard training.

In addition to the formations and strong men, Poseidon Mountain itself on Poseidon Island is probably not simple either.

There is a place for worshiping gods, just like Wuhun City. Who knows if there are other secrets in it.

Even if it's not like the Seven Great Enshrinements hidden in the Spirit Hall, there must be other means.

"Don't worry, I grew up on Poseidon Island, and I know everything about the situation there." Su Cheng said calmly, "I know in my heart that as long as the teacher is not here, other titled Douluo cannot pose any threat to me."

He turned around and looked at the members of the Ming Cult on the island, "What's more, I'm not alone."

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