Three months later, hundreds of thousands of people stood densely packed on the huge empty island.

Directly in front of them, Su Cheng stood alone opposite everyone, his aura condensed like a mountain, and nine soul rings floating and flickering under his feet.

Bibi Dong hid in the distance and silently watched this scene.

The island where he is now is not far from the core base of Ming Cult members' activities.

These people in front of you are all the core members of Mingjiao today.

The reason why they are called core has nothing to do with their strength. It is just that their souls shine extremely brightly, their beliefs are pure, and their will is firm.

However, there are only tens of thousands of them with soul power. This was put together with his help over several years and the thousands of people who had been there before.

It doesn't matter whether they have soul power or not. After all, most of them were just ordinary people before, and now even if they become soul masters, they can't say how strong they are in combat.

"I once said that the people of the sea are free. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams."

The clear voice spread throughout the island with the blessing of soul power, echoing clearly in everyone's ears.

“But ask yourselves, are you really free?”

Su Cheng looked at the people in front of him.

"No, you are not free.

"You have to work hard for your livelihood and work hard to save your life.

"But the most important thing is that you have tied yourselves with heavy shackles and shackles!

"Your hearts have been firmly imprisoned for a long time!"

He looked at the girl standing at the front.

Her wheat-colored skin glowed with health under the sunlight, and her smart eyes sparkled.

"Miwei, you once said that after coming to the sea, your dream was to form your own fleet and go on adventures.

"Believe in Poseidon, what do you get?

"Pray devoutly every day, placing your hope and future on the illusory Poseidon who has never appeared. Is this the adventure you long for? Is this your pursuit?"

Hearing this, Mi Wei's eyes appeared a little confused.

What Su Cheng said made her a little at a loss.

She never expected to hear this suddenly today.

But those sounds just now seemed to echo deep in her soul, making her unconsciously want to think deeply about the meaning of Su Cheng's words.

In addition to her, there was also a lot of commotion elsewhere in the crowd.

Even the large tracts of soul light in Su Cheng's field of vision flickered and jittered slightly.

Obviously, although the words just said were meant for Mi Wei, the deep meaning and doubts about Poseidon still made people feel confused.

Su Cheng ignored the commotion.

Under the cover of his aura, there will be no uncontrollable situation.

“We were striving for equality.

“As human beings, that is the right we deserve.

“But unfortunately, all is not equal across the sea.

"Whether you have soul power or not will determine your future class and destiny.

"The natural level of soul power divides sea soul masters into three, six or nine levels.

“It’s ridiculous to talk about equality!

"This is just a lie to deceive yourself!"

Su Cheng raised his arm again and pointed in the direction of Poseidon Island.

“Drifting on the sea, life and death are nothing more than ordinary things.

“Storms, tsunamis, and monsters can be seen everywhere, threatening the lives of all sea dwellers at all times.

“That’s why we join hands with each other, unite and help each other, and resist all kinds of unknown dangers.

"And at this time, what did those high-ranking Poseidon warriors on Poseidon Island do?

"They are guarding Poseidon Island and are unwilling to take a step away from that safe and comfortable island.

"But how many supplies are there on that small island? How much of the daily necessities are provided by us sea dwellers?"

There was silence on the island.

The previous commotion gradually calmed down with Su Cheng's words.

"I taught you the skills before to help you awaken your soul power. This was God's will and had nothing to do with God." Su Cheng said frankly, "Poseidon? Poseidon can't teach you that, and he won't teach you that. Do you know why?"

"..." Everyone was silent, with confusion flashing in their eyes.

"When everyone becomes a soul master, then soul masters will no longer enjoy privileges." Su Cheng said loudly, "When everyone has the opportunity to become a god, then there will no longer be distinctions between humans and gods. How can they still be superior? !”

He stared at these "ordinary people" with low qualifications but strong determination, "And what I teach you is the path to becoming a god. As long as you follow it step by step, everyone can become a god!"

Su Cheng's last words were actually a bit exaggerated, but they weren't really lies.

If you continue on this path, you will really have the opportunity to transcend.

But that is not a "god" in the conventional sense of Douluo Continent, but another path.

Even Su Cheng himself is working hard in this direction.

"But." After a moment of silence, he spoke again, "To achieve that step, there is a prerequisite, which is to cut off the shackles of your souls! Even your souls are not completely yours, so why do you expect anything else?"


"what should we do?"

"God's envoy, please continue to teach us."


They didn't doubt what Su Cheng said.

Not to mention the various transformations that studying the exercises have brought to me over the years.

They themselves have long regarded Mingjiao teachings as spiritual guidance.

All the principles contained in it are integrated into the body and mind.

And just as Su Cheng finished speaking, they all felt a sense of connection with Poseidon Island.

Although it is extremely small, it is real.

The gods on the Douluo Continent can indeed use the power of faith for their own use, and among them, the God of the Sea is the best at this.

In the original timeline, Tang San's resurrection relied on the power of faith of a large number of Poseidon's people.

"I can't help you!" Su Cheng said decisively.

When everyone heard this, a look of loss and confusion suddenly appeared on their faces.


"Are you giving up on us?"


"If you want to do this, you can only rely on yourselves. Fight with your will and follow me to push down Poseidon Mountain! But, I want to tell you -"

Su Cheng looked at everyone in front of him, "You will die if we go to sea this time!"


When the members of the Ming Cult on the island heard this, their faces showed a bit of horror.

The teachings of Mingjiao never teach people to sacrifice their lives.

This is not the kind of brainwashing sect that makes people forget their worries and kill their ambitions. The content is all about teaching people to strive for self-improvement and work hard.

Mingjiao never tells people that after death, they will return to the embrace of God and be carefree from now on, in order to make them forget the fear of death.

It is actually not difficult for Su Cheng to do this.

But if it were done in that way, these people in front of him would be of no use to him.

So when they heard what Su Cheng just said, even if these people were firm-willed, they would still inevitably be shaken.

Death is the only solution through the ages.

"Everyone will die! Are you afraid?" Su Cheng looked at them with cold eyes.

Most of these members of the Ming Cult came from humble backgrounds, and more than 90% of them came from ordinary people with no soul power, and had no chance to practice at all.

In the past, their biggest dream was just to find a place to live and live safely.

Perhaps many of them had conflicts with each other in order to reduce their time at sea and avoid crew duties.

"I'm afraid too." Su Cheng suddenly smiled.

His eyes calmed down and he silently looked at the people in front of him.

Most of their skin is rough and dark, and their faces are covered with weather scars.

Even though many of them have become noble soul masters, they have not been able to wash away the various marks caused by their struggle with life.

"No one will die, including you, including you, including you..."

Su Cheng pointed at it.

Some of them are already old, with a little white frost appearing between their temples.

Some have barely reached adulthood and have taken over the burden of family life.

There are also some girls who look delicate but have little time to dress themselves up...

"...Of course, that includes me!" Su Cheng's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

"Who can be immortal? Even if the gods are high above, are they immortal?! Even this world will disappear one day!

"I can't guarantee your safety, but I can promise that I will stand at the front when the time comes, and I will never take a step back until I die!

"So? Tell me, what is your choice!

"Should I live in such a muddle-headed way, or should I fight for it this time? From now on, I will be unfettered and all kinds of frosty sky will be free!"

His final roar spread, echoing in everyone's ears and reverberating deep in their souls.

"God's envoy..."

A pair of eyes lit up, and the light of the soul was continuous and as bright as stars.

"Without the divine messenger, I would not be where I am today. I am willing!"

"I do too!"

"This is a fight for ourselves!"


Seeing this, Su Cheng looked solemn and nodded silently.

At this moment, the light of his soul filled his entire field of vision. The determination of some of them surprised even him.

However, the reaction of these people was within his expectation.

He had long known that after those words were spoken, some of these people would definitely respond, because the early core members had already experienced too many hardships and tests.

And once someone responds, other people's minds will become more determined under the resonance of their souls.

But Su Cheng didn't let them die.

First of all, if they want to fight against the gods, even the superficial ones on Poseidon Island require extremely high willpower from them.

It must be firm enough, otherwise if the belief is shaken, there will be no chance to pull against it and form a confrontation.

Secondly, only these people who are sure of their choice will not hesitate when facing Bo Saixi later.

Bo Saixi wouldn't kill these people, and the people on Poseidon Island wouldn't do it too much.

And their own existence is already the biggest help to Su Cheng.

The role of these people is extremely simple but extremely critical.

Their beliefs were originally part of the foundation of Poseidon's faith, but now their faith has backfired and will completely disintegrate the foundation of faith for the existence of the Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island.

However, their backlash can damage the Seven Sacred Pillars, but it will never have the slightest impact on the Poseidon himself. The gap between them is too huge.

These people are inextricably linked to Poseidon. Once Poseidon appears, none of them will survive.

But it was precisely because of this that Bo Saixi was afraid to sacrifice himself easily to open the inheritance channel and summon the Poseidon.

If the Poseidon himself were to attack from a distance, Su Cheng would definitely not be able to withstand it.

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