Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 199 The Pope and the High Priest

More than ten miles away from Poseidon Island, a figure stood in the sky above the sea.

The bright golden papal robe covers the whole body from head to toe, and the nine-curved purple gold crown is worn on the top of the head, and the beautiful face is radiant.

A powerful and suffocating momentum wave swept away from the body unbridled.

The blue sky is clear and cloudless, and the sea below is calm.

The entire space seemed to be firmly suppressed by her aura.

This person is naturally Bibi Dong.

As for the ordinary members of the Ming Cult, they were not gathered together at this moment. Some of them were scattered on various islands around Poseidon Island, while the rest gathered around Poseidon Island on hundreds of ships.

As her aura was released, it didn't take long for another powerful aura to approach quickly from the direction of Poseidon Island, and in the blink of an eye it landed not far in front of Bibi Dong.

The person she was waiting for has arrived.

Looking at the famous high priest of Poseidon Island on the sea, Bibi Dong was surprised and could not help but frown secretly in her heart.

The other person's figure was a bit taller than hers, and his whole body was covered in a bright red dress robe. His long sea-blue hair was spread behind him, falling to his waist and hips.

Her soft face looks like she is in her twenties. While her temperament is noble and elegant, she also gives people a warm and gentle feeling.

In her right hand, she held a three-meter-long golden scepter, engraved with magic patterns all over its body. The head of the staff was a rhombus-shaped protrusion like a spear, which looked extremely sharp.

I think this scepter is somewhat similar to the Pope's scepter in Wuhun Palace, but the difference is that this spear and scepter seems to be used as a weapon, not just a status symbol.

Bo Saixi's appearance is also extremely outstanding, not inferior to hers at all, and the special color of blue eyes and blue hair adds a bit of unique charm to her.

This is not surprising.

In this world, there are very few people with outstanding talents who are ordinary in appearance. Wuhun is the embodiment of genes.

But what made Bibi Dong feel a little strange was the look in the other person's eyes.

That is not the look an elderly person should have.

Originally, she thought that since the other party was a senior of the same era as Qian Daoliu, they must be very similar in terms of temperament and temperament.

As Su Cheng's teacher, he should naturally look peaceful and kind, and full of the air of an elder, just like his family's chief minister.

But Bo Saixi was not like that.

Her eyes were clear and pure, with both the softness and confidence of a mature woman and the innocence and agility of a young man, but without the sense of vicissitudes of life like Qian Daoliu.

"Who are you?" Bo Saixi looked at the woman in front of her with an unusually strong aura and stunning appearance, her expression slightly solemn.

The other party obviously has bad intentions, otherwise it would not announce its existence in such an almost provocative way.

Suppressing the strangeness in her heart, Bibi Dong said indifferently: "Bibi Dong, the current Pope of Wuhun Palace, heard about the name of Senior Poseidon Douluo and came here to gain some advice."

"Pope of Wuhun Palace?" Bo Saixi frowned upon hearing this.

She is not stupid, the reason given by the other party is obviously just an excuse, and it is by no means as simple as "receiving advice".

The surrounding situation was all in her senses. The auras of countless ordinary people and low-level soul masters were almost condensed into one body, filled with a touch of hostility.

The most important thing is that these people were originally the people of Poseidon, so why did they get mixed up with the Pope of the Mainland Spirit Hall.

Moreover, there were many familiar faces among the hundreds of thousands of people scattered around, and she had an impression of them.

Those people were all core members of the Ming Cult, and they had had contact with her.

The meaning is worth pondering.

Is this related to Qian Daoliu or her apprentice?

"Why are you involved with the Ming Cult?" Bo Saixi looked at Bibi Dong opposite, and her voice became colder, "What's going on with those people? Where's Su Cheng, ask him to come out and talk to me."

"Su Cheng?" Bibi Dong's heart moved slightly, and she didn't realize for a moment who Bo Saixi was referring to.

But she didn't care either.

It doesn't matter what the other party says or thinks. Now she just needs to fight, and other things have nothing to do with her.

Logically speaking, Bo Saixi is an elder and has a close relationship with Su Cheng, so Bibi Dong originally had to take some care of her.

But in comparison, since they had already discussed it with Su Cheng himself, there was naturally nothing to hold back.

What's more, when the two of them were confronting each other, she could already feel that the opponent's strength was extremely extraordinary and brought a strong sense of threat. The battlefield here was more favorable to Bo Saixi, so she did not dare to be careless at all.

Don't even think about keeping it, even if you try your best, you may not be able to get any benefits.

Without any intention of continuing to talk nonsense, light and shadow appeared behind him, and the second martial soul, the Soul-Eating Spider King, was directly summoned.

Then the seventh soul ring under his feet lit up, a dark green spider web pattern appeared on his forehead, and a layer of crystal dark green light spread from his body.

The seventh soul skill of the second martial soul is the true form of the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

Unlike the bloated and ugly Death Spider Emperor's real body, when using the Soul-Eating Spider Emperor's spirit, Bibi Dong's lower body and legs did not change, but were wrapped in a layer of light.

Six sharp spider spears stretched out from her back, her two forearms also turned into similar dark green spears, and her whole body was covered in dark green armor.

Although the true form of her second martial spirit gave people a strong sense of eeriness and horror, it had nothing to do with ugliness. Instead, it showed a ferocious and ruthless alternative aesthetic.

The whole body exuded extremely evil aura fluctuations, which made Bo Saixi frown secretly.

But what frightened her even more was the exaggerated soul ring configuration hovering at Bibi Dong's feet.

Nine hundred thousand year soul rings!

"How is this possible?!" Bo Saixi's eyes widened slightly.

As the guardian of the gods and the high priest of Poseidon Island, she received the god-given soul ring under the shadow of Poseidon. She never thought that anyone could achieve this step.

Not to mention her, even Su Cheng, who was able to condense soul rings on his own, only started to possess a hundred thousand year soul ring after his seventh soul ring.

But the female pope from mainland China in front of her had all her soul rings taken from hundred thousand year old soul beasts. This was completely unreasonable.

In fact, it's not surprising that she was surprised.

So far, Bibi Dong is the only soul master who has successfully cultivated the second martial soul.

As for the unlucky guy in front of her who was practicing twin martial arts and died due to explosion, regardless of whether Bo Saixi knew this information or not, even if she knew it, she would not be able to think of it for a while.

Bibi Dong ignored the other party's surprised look.

Her fighting style has always been to use all means and try to seize every opportunity, without paying any attention to martial ethics.

In an instant, dark green light spread rapidly around Bibi Dong, and the soul-eating realm swept out in the blink of an eye, racing against time to seize the opportunity.

In this field, it can not only bless one's own state, but also interfere with the opponent's emotions and will, turning all kinds of negative emotions to one's own use, making it difficult to guard against and extremely terrifying.

As strong fluctuations in the field appeared, Bo Saixi immediately came back to her senses.

She is not a newcomer and has extremely rich combat experience.

The surprise lasted only a moment, and my mentality quickly adjusted back.

Golden light rose from Bo Saixi's feet, and nine soul rings, eight black and one red, circled around her.

Unlike Bibi Dong, although only one of the soul rings at her feet was at the 100,000-year level, all of them, including the first eight black soul rings, exuded a pale golden brilliance.

That's the power from Poseidon!

Although he is only at level ninety-nine, Bo Saixi has obviously already stepped half into the god level. This is the natural advantage of being a guardian of gods.

The long sea-blue hair moved automatically without wind, and a huge golden shadow gradually emerged from behind her. The figure's appearance cannot be clearly seen, but the gorgeous golden armor on his body is extremely clear.

Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed. She had seen this humanoid martial spirit on the other side once before in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi.

The two are not only similar in appearance, but the most important thing is the special demeanor of overlooking all living beings from a high place.


But the next moment, Bo Saixi's expression changed.

She felt repulsed.

In the past, whenever she, as the high priest of Poseidon Island, used the Poseidon Martial Soul, she would feel like she was integrated with the entire sea, and could use the power of the vast sea to her heart's content, and her soul power was almost endless.

As long as she is on the sea, she is invincible.

But now, she felt a strong sense of separation between herself and the sea below.

Although the power used by Poseidon is the power of the vast sea, the foundation for his becoming a god is actually the power of faith of sea creatures.

These creatures are not just humans, but also include many sea soul beasts living in the sea.

However, humans are the spirit of all things and have the richest emotions. Compared with the power of faith provided by humans, the existence of those sea soul beasts is actually dispensable.

At this moment, Bo Saixi suddenly discovered that the faith in the sea was rejecting the fluctuations of the sea god's power!

A huge chill surged from the depths of his heart, causing waves of suffocation, as if there was a huge mountain pressing on his chest.

Her face instantly turned pale, and her lips could not stop trembling slightly.

Bo Saixi has a reserved personality and rarely shows her emotions on weekdays. Obviously, the current emergency situation has become serious enough for her to find it difficult to conceal the emotional fluctuations in her heart.


Bo Saixi looked around at a loss.

The faint hostility emerging from the Ming Cult members scattered in the distance was obviously the key factor in the current situation.

The palm of her hand holding the golden scepter loosened and tightened, and she struggled internally for a while.

In the past, she might have been intolerable, but she would never hesitate. With just one move, all these sea dwellers with low combat power can be wiped out. In order to protect the faith of Poseidon, necessary sacrifices are inevitable.

But at this time, can she still be cruel?

In these years, Bo Saixi spent nearly half of his time living and taking adventures with them.

She knows the kindness and simplicity of these people's hearts, their enthusiasm and tenacity, and she also knows the various efforts that the sea people put in to survive.

Killing these people is just a piece of cake for her.

With Bo Saixi's tyrannical strength, he could destroy most of the rebels with just a few ranged soul skills.

But these people were originally the people of the sea, and they survived countless hardships in life.

Could it be that he was ruined by his own hands today? Die at the hands of himself, the high priest of Poseidon Island who considers himself the guardian of the sea?

She can't do it.

What's more, no matter what these people think, they cannot be treated as enemies, at least they have not really taken action against themselves.

There were many distracting thoughts in Bo Saixi's mind, and she became a little distracted from the battle with Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong was naturally happy to do so.

She has discovered that under normal circumstances, at level ninety-eight, she would probably not be a match for the high priest of Poseidon Island.

But for some reason, Bo Saixi's power seemed unable to be fully unleashed.

The two of them were obviously at sea, and the other party was known as the Sea God Douluo, but he rarely relied on the power of the sea to fight.

And judging from his expression, this situation seemed to be beyond Bo Saixi's own expectations.

In this case, let's fight a protracted war.

Her mission is not to defeat Bo Saixi, but to contain him.

Bibi Dong, who has twin martial souls and a large number of soul rings, has also accumulated impressive soul power.

Bo Saixi also saw Bibi Dong's fighting intentions, and became increasingly uneasy, filled with countless questions.

What is the relationship between the woman in front of me, who claims to be the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and Su Cheng?

What is her purpose of delaying herself at this moment?

And where is Su Cheng himself now?

What exactly does Mingjiao’s actions today mean...

The next moment, Bo Saixi suddenly looked back and looked in the direction of Poseidon Island.

The Seven Sacred Pillars of Poseidon Island were destroyed.

On the other side, long before Bibi Dong took the initiative to reveal his existence and lured Bo Saixi out, Su Cheng had already landed on Poseidon Island alone from another direction.

When the battle between the two started, he no longer hesitated and walked directly to the location of the Seven Sacred Pillars.

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