Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 200 Let Poseidon tell me personally

The style of the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar is very simple, just a square platform.

However, the sacred pillar here is different. It is more like a statue than a pillar.

The sacred pillar of Haenyeo is entirely white jade. The girl kneels on the platform of the sacred pillar, clasping her hands in front of her chest and bowing down in the direction of the Poseidon Temple.

Although it is just a sculpture, the pious expression on its face is lifelike.

The person depicted in this statue is the first-generation sea witch who followed Poseidon to conquer the sea.

At the edge of the Ama's Holy Pillar, Lorelei sat leaning there, gently lapping the water of the sea with her huge fish tail.

The big sky-blue eyes on her pretty face were staring unblinkingly at the man walking towards her.

"Su Cheng, what do you want to do?"

At this time, Lorelai's expression was solemn, and there was no trace of innocence on her face.

At the same time, the other six Holy Pillar Douluo also walked out from the surrounding forest one after another.

"They're all here?" Su Cheng didn't answer immediately, but looked around, smiled and nodded, "That's just right, it saves you trouble."

Upon hearing this, Lorelai's heart sank, and her uneasy feeling grew stronger.

She is gifted with the ability to read minds.

Although he had never seen through Su Cheng's thoughts, he had a strong premonition.

First, there were imperceptible changes in the Seven Holy Pillars, and then a strong man came from the mainland. Today, that man even released his aura to lure the high priest to leave the island.

At this time, Lorelai realized that something was wrong, so she called the other Holy Pillar Douluo in advance.

She believed that if Su Cheng came to Poseidon Island for something, he would definitely come to her first.

And that's exactly what happened.

The Haenyeo Sacred Pillar is the one Su Cheng is most familiar with, so he naturally wants to start from here.

Looking at Su Cheng who looked calm, Sea Dragon Douluo said in a deep voice: "Su Cheng, do you know that according to the rules, you cannot board Poseidon Island now."

As the Holy Pillar Douluo of the previous generation have passed away, among the seven major Douluo, Sea Dragon Douluo has the highest cultivation level and the strongest strength, and he also accepted the most difficult Black Level Sixth Exam back then.

Now that Bo Saixi is not around, naturally he is the leader of the group of titled Douluo.

Su Cheng heard this, looked at Sea Dragon Douluo, and asked with a smile: "Who made these rules?"

"Why do you pretend to be ignorant?" Sea Dragon Douluo frowned even more tightly, "This is a rule set by Lord Poseidon."

"Let him tell me where Poseidon is now. If he says I can't go to the island, I will turn around and leave now."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

"Su Cheng, what's wrong with you?!"


Hearing his almost ridiculing words, the other titled Douluo couldn't help it and began to scold him one after another.

In fact, they didn't really want to conflict with Su Cheng.

His status is unique and cannot be compared to the ordinary sea soul masters who were expelled from the island.

Not to mention the miraculous deeds he had done that everyone knew about, his special status as Bo Saixi's personal disciple was also unknown to everyone present.

"Haha." Su Cheng suddenly laughed loudly, "So you guys are really interesting. Poseidon has left this world for so long, but you still stick to the rules of thousands of years ago. Poseidon Island has been established for so many years, and the people on the sea Have countless people changed in any way from before?"

Su Cheng stretched out his hand and the long sword appeared in his hand, "Let me tell you. Whoever is stronger will follow the rules."

The next moment, the sea-blue tidal field spread.

The powerful suppressive force instantly enveloped the seven titled Douluo, making them unable to move.

Seeing Su Cheng approaching step by step, Sea Dragon Douluo and others' expressions changed drastically.

At this moment, they couldn't even think of attacking at all.

This feeling was just like the feeling I had when facing High Priest Bo Saixi.

No, it's even scarier.

Because at this time, Lorelei can no longer rely on the power of the Haenyeo Holy Pillar!

The tidal field released by Su Cheng directly cut off the connection between the Haenv Douluo and the Haenv Holy Pillar.

You must know that the reason why the Holy Pillar Douluo on Poseidon Island are powerful and called the Guardians of the Holy Pillar is because of their wonderful relationship with the Seven Holy Pillars of Poseidon Island.

This connection cannot be hindered even by Bo Saixi as the high priest.

Under the Holy Pillar, the Holy Pillar Douluo can use this to restore their soul power, resist attacks, and defeat their opponents who are far stronger than them.

It can also activate the Holy Pillar, issue Poseidon tests for the soul masters, and communicate with each other.

"You, how did you do that..." Sea Dragon Douluo looked at this scene in disbelief, and then glanced at the shocked and confused Lorelei.

He opened and closed his lips slightly, and asked in a slightly difficult voice: "Why are you so strong..."

He couldn't understand.

He has obviously never been tested by Poseidon, nor has he ever been blessed by Poseidon.

How could Su Cheng reach such a terrifying level of cultivation when he was in his thirties?

Su Cheng ignored the other party's question.

He didn't want to hurt these people, but he didn't want to waste time talking nonsense to them either.

His target is the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar behind these people.

"Su Cheng!"

At this time, a soft and melodious voice came from the side.

Su Cheng paused slightly, then turned to look.

Lorelai's fish tail had been retracted at this time, turning into slender legs, covered by a long black skirt.

"Why do you do this?"

She stared at Su Cheng, her eyes no longer as lively and innocent as before, filled with complex emotions such as disappointment, surprise, confusion, and disbelief.

She does not have an almost fanatical belief in Poseidon like other residents of Poseidon Island.

But that doesn't mean she's not loyal to Poseidon.

On the contrary, the Sea Witch family has been the most loyal family of the Poseidon since ancient times.

It's just that the long growth period has made this mermaid princess's mind not yet fully mature, and she is hard-headed and likes to play around.

But when the critical moment comes, her belief in protecting Poseidon will not be shaken.

Su Cheng sighed secretly, not wanting to say anything more to her.

He knows Lorelai and the situation of the Sea Witch clan. There are some things that are useless no matter how much he says. This is a difference in philosophy.

“There’s no reason, I just wanted to do it, so I did it.”

After the words fell, Su Cheng slashed with the long sword in his hand. The terrifying sword intent accompanied by the sword light struck him in front of the statue of the Sea Witch in a blink of an eye.

On the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar, a brilliant golden light appeared instantly, covering the white jade statue.

The sword light and golden light dissipated at the same time, leaving the sea witch statue unscathed.

The titled Douluo who were watching couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

Su Cheng's sword just now contained a kind of horror that could not exist in all things. Even if he didn't use the sword directly, just watching it as a bystander would make him feel frightened.

Fortunately, the Holy Pillar is blessed by divine power, and contains the power of faith from Poseidon believers, so it is indeed not that easy to be destroyed.

Su Cheng chuckled lightly, turned around and left here amidst everyone's surprised eyes.

The next moment, the statue of the Sea Witch shattered into pieces on the Holy Pillar Platform, and cracks appeared on the Holy Pillar Platform below, and it completely broke after a few breaths.


Looking at this scene, the seven Holy Pillar Douluo all felt dizzy, their faces turned slightly pale, and cold sweat slid down their temples.

Some people wanted to say something, but for a moment it felt like something was stuck in their throats and they couldn't control themselves.

Only Su Cheng understood that the Haenv Holy Pillar just now was actually a powerful one, and the power of faith had long been lost.

His sword was not completely blocked at all.

Under the influence of the innate sword energy, the power contained in the Haenyeo Holy Pillar was completely unbalanced in just a few breaths, and it was only a matter of time before it shattered.

"What, what should I do..." Sea Ghost Douluo swallowed, looked at the other people and said with difficulty.

"Go and inform the high priest to come back. Su Cheng is too powerful and we can't resist at all." Seahorse Douluo said in a deep voice.

They had no idea of ​​gathering their men.

The strength of the Poseidon warriors is limited. The strength Su Cheng just showed is obvious to all. Those people are just cannon fodder.

The other party had obviously been merciful to them just now, but Su Cheng was by no means an indecisive person. Even the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar was cut off at will, which really made him anxious, fearing that it would cause unnecessary casualties.

"It's impossible that the high priest can't feel what's happening here. It's best for us not to disperse." Sea Dragon Douluo shook his head and rejected Seahorse Douluo's proposal, "If the situation is serious, she will come back. I think the one on the sea must be Opponents are equally difficult to deal with."

"That's right." Sea Spear Douluo also agreed, "If the high priest wants to leave, no one can stop him. Thinking about it, everything is still under control now."

In the hearts of these people, Bo Saixi is no different from a god.

What's more, this is still on the sea, and they can't imagine that there is any possibility of Bo Saixi losing.

Sea Dragon Douluo gritted his teeth, "Let's follow him first."

After saying that, he turned to look at the lost Lorelei under the Sea Witch's Holy Pillar and said, "Sea Witch, no one would have imagined that such a thing would happen. Now is not the time for you to think too much. Just come with us."

He really didn't have much in mind to blame Lorelai.

Su Cheng's behavior was beyond everyone's expectations.

Even Bo Saixi probably never thought that this would happen before.

And with the strength Su Cheng had just shown, it actually didn't make much sense whether Lorelai had taken precautions before.

In this case, why bother blaming each other anymore.

Su Cheng naturally knew that the Holy Pillar Douluo were following behind him, but he didn't care.

These people pose no threat to him.

And with the destruction of the Haenyeo Holy Pillar, the defense power of other holy pillars has now been reduced by another level.

It didn't take long for him to cut off the remaining six holy pillars including the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar and the Starfish Holy Pillar.

By this time, all the functions of the Seven Sacred Pillars have become a thing of the past.

Su Cheng doesn't have to worry about having to deal with the various threats posed by the Seven Sacred Pillars after boarding the Poseidon Temple.

It didn't take long for him to walk through the forest and arrive in front of the ring sea outside Poseidon Mountain.

"Su Cheng!"

At this time, a sharp shout came from behind, it was Sea Dragon Douluo.

Seeing that Su Cheng was really preparing to climb Poseidon Mountain, these people finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Aren't you afraid of disappointing the high priest by doing this?!"

With the destruction of the Haenyeo Holy Pillar, the other few holy pillars could no longer be defended.

After all, after one holy pillar is missing, it is no longer possible to form a close connection between the seven holy pillars. Not only is the effectiveness greatly reduced, but even trying to force the formation into a formation is full of flaws.

But the nature of Poseidon Mountain is completely different.

It is a forbidden area on Poseidon Island, and it is a holy place in the hearts of all Poseidon Island members.

The Poseidon Temple on the top of Poseidon Mountain represents the majesty of Poseidon!

Even if they don't think Su Cheng can cause substantial damage here, they cannot accept just a small amount of damage.

"Do you know how much the high priest values ​​you! In her heart -"

However, before he finished speaking, Su Cheng turned his back to them and raised his right arm.

Huge pressure came suddenly.

"I don't want to kill you, so don't challenge my patience." Su Cheng said calmly.

At the same time, a faint murderous intention passed through the air like a sharp blade, hanging between the necks of several people, "If you have to make unnecessary sacrifices, I don't care."



Sea Dragon Douluo's Adam's apple twitched slightly, and beads of sweat rolled down his cheeks.

The huge terror between life and death made everyone dare not say anything more.

Without stopping, Su Cheng flew across the ring sea and came directly to the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

"Poseidon Mountain, it's been a long time since we last visited."

With a sigh, he climbed up the mountain.

Naturally, the current Poseidon's light cannot stop him.

The innate power flows throughout the body, silently confronting the Poseidon's light.

The so-called Poseidon's Light is extremely concentrated soul power combined with the power of faith. Compared with ordinary soul power, it is indeed extraordinary, but it is far inferior to the level of innate power.

As he walked, he looked up at the majestic and sacred temple on the top of the mountain.

After staying on Poseidon Island for so many years, Su Cheng has never really seen Poseidon Temple up close.

The most recent time was when I felt the light of Poseidon and took the opportunity to condense the seventh soul ring.

However, at that time, he was actually very far away from Poseidon Temple.

Poseidon Mountain is not that high, with only a thousand and one steps in total. If it were not blocked by Poseidon's Light, anyone could easily climb it.

Not long after, Su Cheng arrived in front of Poseidon Temple.

Here, there are huge stone pillars with various patterns carved on them.

They were countless powerful sea soul beasts that had fought with Poseidon, many of which even he could not identify.

Outside the ring, seven Holy Pillar Douluo looked at Su Cheng who was on the top of the mountain with worried faces.

With the eyesight of a titled Douluo, it is not difficult to see this distance.

"..." Several people looked at each other in silence for a long time.

It was Sea Ghost Douluo who spoke first: "When will the high priest come back? What exactly does Su Cheng want to do?"

After saying that, he looked at Lorelei who was standing at the back of the crowd, looking a little anxious, "Sea Witch, don't you have a very good relationship with Su Cheng? I used to see you two staying together all day long, what's going on with him today?" ?”

Lorelai frowned when she heard this, feeling equally uneasy.

She had been thinking about this question repeatedly on the way here.

At this time, she was shocked to discover that she had never really understood Su Cheng.

Even if they formed the Ming Cult together, compiled doctrines together, and violated the rules of Poseidon Island together, it was mostly just for fun.

Although some things felt wrong, I never thought it would have much impact.

But what the other party did today was completely beyond her expectation.

The sword that easily cut off the Haenyeo Sacred Pillar completely shattered the last trace of illusion in his heart.

It wasn't until that moment that she truly realized that she might have inadvertently made a big mistake over the years.

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