Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 202 Cheng Xue, what are you doing!

Bo Saixi's idea was correct. Su Cheng was indeed unable to destroy the Poseidon Trident and Poseidon Mountain.

The power gap between the two is too big.

Although the level of innate power is very high, it is ultimately not accumulated enough.

Compared to Poseidon Mountain, which has stood for countless years, there is still a far cry from the Trident, the magic weapon built by Poseidon himself.

He can effortlessly disintegrate the formation guarding Poseidon Island, and he can also destroy the Poseidon's Heart, which has only one Poseidon mind left.

But facing the artifact in front of him, he obviously couldn't do it with his current strength.

As the Poseidon Temple was shattered, sunlight from the sky poured into the hall, and the entire hall became bright, exposing the simple and monotonous scene.

Silently sensing the eight large, seven small and eight platforms in front of him, Su Cheng had a rough estimate of the energy here.

With the defense here, let alone him, even Qian Renxue, who had just become a god, might not be able to destroy it.

It requires at least the power of a third-level god to have a chance to completely destroy these things.

"It's really awesome."

Su Cheng took a deep breath, first took out the mask and put it on his face, then looked at the nine soul rings at his feet.

The next moment, the first soul ring was completely shattered.

At the same time, the fluctuations in soul power throughout his body also began to rise.

With just one link broken, his level of cultivation has reached the ninety-ninth level of Peerless Douluo.

This is not a simple ring explosion like in Haotian's secret art, but a broken ring.

Including the essential laws of the soul ring, they were all broken under the forcible infusion of his innate power.

But in this process, the substantial increase in soul power is just a side effect. The most important thing is the power of physical energy and blood brought about by infusing oneself with the breaking of laws.

Su Cheng silently felt the current situation.

Immediately afterwards, the second soul ring and the third soul ring also shattered.

"As expected, breaking the law and blessing one's body will substantially improve the quality of the physical body." Su Cheng's face was filled with joy, and then he shook his head, "Unfortunately, it is only temporary..."

Every time a soul master is promoted and adds a soul ring, his physical fitness will be greatly improved, and the source is the power of law escaping from the soul ring.

On the physical level, soul beasts are far stronger than human soul masters.

Even among humans, soul masters with beast martial souls are physically stronger than weapon soul masters because they are often possessed by martial souls.

Su Cheng has studied bloodlines and soul rings very deeply. He has repeatedly observed the nature of soul rings with the help of the Eye of True Sight in reality, and he has already speculated about this.

After obtaining the secret method of ring explosion from the Haotian Sect, he verified his own ideas and became more and more certain about his previous views, but he never put them into action.

After all, this method of breaking rings is a once-in-a-lifetime operation.

After the law is broken, it can never be reunited.

Unlike the ring explosion, although the soul ring is broken, it actually only uses the condensed soul power in it, and does not affect the essence of the soul ring. After a period of time, the soul ring attached to the martial soul can be restored to its original state.

Because of this, he never had the chance to really try in the past.

Today, at the last moment when I have to use my full strength, I can no longer use it without any scruples.

"This feeling is really intoxicating."

Su Cheng raised his left hand and gently clenched his fist. A strong sense of power surged through his body, even giving him the illusion that his power was inexhaustible. Even with his physical body alone, he could easily crush the peak Douluo.

And this is just the strengthening brought about by the complete shattering of the first three soul rings.

At the foot of Poseidon Mountain, the Holy Pillar Douluo, who had originally looked gloomy and silent, also felt the terrifying power fluctuations coming from the top of the mountain at this moment.

That's right, it's a fluctuation in power, not a fluctuation in soul power.

It was like a peerless magic weapon standing on the top of the mountain. Even if it didn't reveal its edge, it was just a vague sense of power that made everyone breathless.

"What is that?!" Sea Dragon Douluo's nose twitched and his fingers trembled uncontrollably, "That kind of power..."

"How do I do I feel..." Sea Ghost Douluo's face turned pale, and he was racking his brains to think of an appropriate adjective.

"Poseidon's Trident."

At this time, Sea Star Douluo, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke and took over the other person's words.

"That's right!" Sea Ghost Douluo looked startled, "It's the Poseidon Trident."

Although the conversation between the two was unclear, others instantly understood the meaning of their words.

What they were referring to was not the Poseidon Trident in the Poseidon Temple, but Su Cheng.

The Holy Pillar Douluo present have also withstood the pressure of Poseidon's light, climbed Poseidon Mountain, entered Poseidon Temple, and seen the Poseidon artifact.

The feeling Su Cheng gave them at this moment was as heavy as a mountain and difficult to shake.

"what to do?"


After a moment of silence, Sea Dragon Douluo said solemnly: "Let's go find the high priest!"

Can't wait any longer.

No matter what, Bo Saixi must come back to take charge of the situation.

Otherwise the consequences will be unpredictable.

The previous idea of ​​​​wanting to fight to the death has completely faded away.

The man at the top of the mountain clearly wasn't targeting them.

The power fluctuations emanating from their bodies had already suppressed them until they were breathless.

In the broken temple, Su Cheng ignored the reactions of the titled Douluo at the foot of the mountain.

After a little adapting to the strength in his body, he began to improve further.

This time, he didn't waste any more time, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth soul rings were shattered at the same time.

This was the maximum intensity that Su Cheng estimated that he could withstand at one time.


There was obviously no sound from the outside world, but there seemed to be a huge thunder resounding deep in the soul.

When all three soul rings were shattered, when Su Cheng looked inside, the flesh and bones in his body even showed a little golden light.

At this moment, veins popped up on his forehead, the muscles on the surface of his skin were stretched, and violent breathing spewed out between his mouth and nose.

The high heartbeat was like the roar of a drum, his vision went black, his ears were buzzing, and the sensory stimulation was instantly intensified countless times.

Every beat of the heart seemed to bring a little bit of blood to the lips and tongue.

With his understanding and control of the physical body, it was already difficult to suppress the power of Qi and blood in the physical body at this time, and it even seemed as if the entire body would be shattered in the next moment.


Su Cheng was breathing heavily, but he couldn't stop smiling.

The physical pain is far less than the joy that fills my heart.

That is the ultimate pleasure brought by powerful power.

At this moment, his originally relatively weak energy and blood power was finally no longer a shortcoming.

The power in the body flows, the energy and blood merge with the soul, and then the soul power gathers up and merges into a milky white aura that circulates around the body.

Then, the color gradually fades and becomes very light, until it is almost transparent.

When all kinds of power gradually merged, the load on his body was quickly reduced, and his breath became stable again.

"However, this is not enough..."

After a while, when the innate power circulated throughout his body, his physical body became stable again.

This also means that he can start to continue breaking rings.

The next moment, the scarlet seventh soul ring shattered.

This powerful 100,000-year-old soul ring condensed by himself completely conforms to the core of the laws of his own martial soul. Coupled with the extremely high-level spiritual connotation, the bonus it brings is undoubtedly even more amazing.

When it shattered, the power that was several times greater than before was unleashed.

After that, the eighth soul ring, the ninth soul ring...

When all the soul rings under Su Cheng's feet disappeared, his body was suspended in mid-air.

The golden light in the flesh and blood fibers of the whole body faded away, and the bones were as transparent as glass.

On the physical level alone, he has already exceeded the limits of humanity in this world.

The seven people who left Poseidon Mountain looked back in shock, and they were all so surprised that they couldn't believe it.

"Then, is that the power that humans can possess?!"

If they hadn't been loyal believers of Poseidon, they would have respected Su Cheng as a god-like existence at this moment.

At this time, two extremely powerful aura fluctuations suddenly approached at great speed from a distance.

The next moment, in everyone's eyes, two streams of light, one green and one red, streaked across the sky one after another, heading straight to the top of Poseidon Mountain.

One of them turned out to be the high priest Bo Saixi whom they had planned to go to sea to find.

The other one is naturally Bibi Dong.

When Su Cheng shattered to the seventh soul ring, the two of them had already noticed something was wrong.

That kind of aura is no longer a power that humans can possess.

The surging soul power fluctuations have even spread to the entire sea, and even the sky shows signs of being disturbed.

And the power of Qi and blood contained in it makes even the powerful ones at their level feel terrified.

Bo Saixi didn't know the details of Su Cheng's strength, but she also realized that her previous judgment was wrong.

Considering all the incomprehensible deeds the other party has done over the past few years, I'm afraid they still have a trump card.

Maybe, it was really possible to completely destroy the Poseidon inheritance, which she couldn't accept.

In contrast, Bibi Dong knew Su Cheng better.

Su Cheng is indeed very strong, but he shouldn't be this strong.

This is a world-level limitation.

Over the years, she has not given up her habit of reading and researching, and her understanding of the nature of soul power and soul rings has continued to deepen.

In addition, she possesses a unique second martial spirit, and she understands where the limits of human beings are.

If Su Cheng wants to do this, he must pay a huge price.

This is different from what they said before!

Strong fear and uneasiness came over her, casting a shadow over her soul, and even breathing became a little difficult.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong and Bo Saixi stopped fighting at the same time, and then rushed towards Poseidon Island with all their strength.

When they arrived in front of Poseidon Mountain, they also saw the figure hanging on the top of the mountain.

At this time, the azure blue sword in Su Cheng's hand was shattering little by little, turning into streams of light that poured into the bright moon high in the sky.

After absorbing his martial spirit, the bright moon shined brightly, even competing with the scorching sun in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Bibi Dong's heart suddenly contracted.

Huge fear struck her instantly, and a strong sense of suffocation seized her.

"Cheng Xue, what are you doing?!"

"Su Cheng, stop!"

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