Bo Saixi and Bibi Dong looked at each other, their expressions of surprise fleeting.

But at this time, it was obvious that he could no longer care about these details.

In their senses, Su Cheng's body at this time was like a fiercely burning torch, dazzling, but like a flash of light, and they didn't know when it would burn out.

What's even more exaggerated is that he actually used his own martial soul as a resource to add fuel to this cluster of light!

This is simply risking your life!

Bibi Dong's face turned red and white, anger and fear intertwined in her heart.

Bei Te couldn't help biting her red lips, and blood flowed from the corners of her lips, but she didn't even notice.

Seeing that Su Cheng turned a deaf ear to his loud questioning, he immediately wanted to step forward to stop him.

Compared to Bibi Dong's simple thoughts, Bo Saixi's mood on the other side was much more complicated at this time.

Looking at the figure in the sky, her eyes were worried and confused, "Cheng'er, why is this..."

However, whether it was for Su Cheng himself or for the sake of the Poseidon inheritance, he could not be allowed to continue like this.

If he stopped at this moment, although Su Cheng's cultivation would not be guaranteed, he would still have a chance of survival. If he insists on persisting, regardless of the situation in Poseidon Mountain later, he himself will undoubtedly die.

Thinking of this, Bo Saixi and Bibi Dong looked at each other and instantly understood each other's thoughts.

They immediately attacked Su Cheng at the same time, preparing to interrupt his movements.

But it is a pity that in the face of that extremely powerful pressure, even if they want to get close, even the scattered tidal fields are enough to suppress them and prevent them from moving.

"Dong'er, teacher, you don't have to waste your efforts. It's already too late."

Su Cheng didn't look back, looking calmly at the ruins of Poseidon Temple at his feet, and said lightly.

If he had been stopped when he first started to break the ring, based on the state of his body that was out of control at that time, and the strength of Bibi Dong and Bo Saixi, it was indeed very possible to successfully restrain him.

But by this time, his strength had already transformed, and he was comparable to a god-level powerhouse. The difference in strength between him and the titled Douluo was like a huge chasm.

Even if the sword energy barriers surrounding them couldn't be controlled, they couldn't be broken through by those two people.

He ignored Bibi Dong and Bo Saixi's weak offensive, and stared at the exposed handle of the Poseidon Trident on the Poseidon Platform.

The power has reached this point at this moment, although the whole body has not yet been perfectly coordinated, it is enough to destroy the inherited artifact of the Poseidon.

But he didn't rush to take action.

Because in addition to the Poseidon Trident, there is also an extremely critical link in the Poseidon inheritance - the Poseidon inheritance space, the Poseidon temple hidden in a different space.

With the gods' methods, it will not be difficult to rebuild things like the Seven Sacred Pillars, Poseidon Temple, or Poseidon Mountain, Poseidon's Light, as long as there is faith.

Therefore, in Su Cheng's estimation, the real core of this mission actually lies in the Poseidon's Heart, the Poseidon Trident, and the most important inheritance space.

The easiest way to open that space is undoubtedly Bo Saixi's sacrifice.

But Su Cheng was not prepared to do this.

This was not only because of the relationship between him and Bo Saixi, but more importantly, if Bo Saixi sacrificed, the situation would no longer be under his control.

The sacrifice of the guardian of the gods will inevitably alarm the gods themselves immediately, and the survival of the space can no longer be decided by oneself.

That is a genuine first-level god, and the inheritance space can also be connected to the God Realm. When the time comes when Poseidon takes action from a distance, he will definitely not be able to withstand it.

In fact, judging from the difficulty of the task, whether the inheritance hall is destroyed or not will probably not affect the completion of the task.

However, depending on the extent of the damage, the estimated degree of completion at the final settlement will vary.

"Where is it hidden..." Su Cheng glanced at the ruins below.

At this time, his perception ability is strong enough to capture the wandering soul power in the world.

But as for the power of space, he is only vaguely aware of it and cannot fully sense the exact location of the different space, let alone activate it violently.

"It's still a little bit worse, that's okay." Su Cheng suddenly chuckled, seemingly extremely satisfied, "Then let's continue, it's finally my turn to have a good time."

This is the third simulated world he has experienced.

In the first simulation, due to his insufficient foundation and weak strength, all he could do was to use his strength to fight both sides and cultivate a god-level strongman to fight against another god. He was completely unable to decide the outcome of the battle with his own strength.

In the second simulation, although after accumulating in the first world, he had enough capital and abilities to improve his own strength, due to the mission orientation, he had to participate as a bystander and guide.

It was only now that he truly possessed unparalleled power, even comparable to that of gods.

Even if this power is only temporary or even false, it is enough to excite him.

This time, it is also a confirmation of his future path, representing all his past knowledge achievements.

Even if it only has the power of one blow, it is extremely precious.


Transparent flames ignited from Su Cheng's body, and the dazzling colorful soul light shone across the top of Poseidon Mountain.

He used the sword as a guide to ignite the power of his soul!

At this moment, all the deep soul power that Su Cheng had accumulated over the years was detonated, and then perfectly integrated into the innate power circulating around him.

Being able to achieve this step is also thanks to Lorelai's sea-suppressing song.

Spiritual soul skills are hard to come by, but ordinary spiritual soul skills, even the ninth soul skill used by Titled Douluo, cannot have much effect on him.

His roots are so deep.

But Lorelei's Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy is different. It is a soul skill that uses sound waves. It has a special form of expression, and even Su Cheng will be affected by it.

At this time, in his body, the essence of flesh and blood, the energy of soul power, and the god of soul merged into one.

He suddenly felt that at this moment he was truly harmonious, a complete individual, and his life level seemed to have been sublimated.

But he knew in his heart that this was just an illusion.

In fact, his energy and energy were passing rapidly every minute.

After all, his soul power comes from burning souls.

The power of qi and blood relies on the explosive energy obtained after shattering the soul ring.

And the powerful soul power was achieved at the expense of the martial soul and all the blood.

Even if it weren't for the assist from the mermaid princess before, he wouldn't have been able to find an opportunity to integrate it.

Under normal circumstances, he could only try his best to gather a small part of his innate power.

"Lorelai, thank you..." Su Cheng sighed secretly in his heart.

Then his eyes moved slightly, and with a flash of light, he looked at Bo Saixi who was looking anxious not far away.

"I see."

The scepter and spear in the opponent's hand, which symbolizes the identity of the high priest, exudes a strange and undetectable fluctuation, and it is clearly the key to locating the inheritance space.

With a move of her hand, the golden scepter immediately broke free from her hand and flew straight to the top of the Poseidon Mountain like an arrow, landing next to the trident on the Poseidon Platform.

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, then her expression suddenly changed and her face turned pale.

Only she, as the guardian of the gods, knows the true meaning of that scepter.

Seeing that she could no longer stop Su Cheng, after a moment's hesitation, her body and the soul ring under her feet began to glow a little.


This is the realization that every generation of High Priest of Poseidon Island has long made.

However, at this moment, Bo Saixi suddenly looked back and looked into the distance.

There, countless weak auras were emerging one after another, surrounding Poseidon Island.

While each isn't powerful individually, together they are hard to ignore.

It is those hundreds of thousands of core members of the Ming Cult who were previously dispersed.

In addition, there are more sea people further away approaching Poseidon Island, which are a large number of other Mingjiao followers that have developed over the years.

"Cheng'er, it turns out that this is your purpose..."

Bo Saixi muttered to herself in a daze, with a hint of bitterness on her face.

She can choose to sacrifice herself, open a passage and summon Poseidon to stop everything in front of her.

But the betrayal of faith was counterattacked by divine thoughts. None of these people could survive. Without God's intervention, they would all die.

These people are too deeply involved with Poseidon.

"bring it on!"

On the top of Poseidon Mountain, Su Cheng raised his right hand high.

The next moment, the bright moon in the sky turned into a transparent and invisible sword light and fell into Su Cheng's hands.

"Sword Seventeen, Yitian."

Su Cheng reached out and pointed, and the invisible sword stabbed straight down.

In front of this attack, the extremely powerful Poseidon Trident was like paper and shattered in the blink of an eye.

However, the long sword remained unabated and continued to thrust downward.

The Poseidon's scepter exploded into pieces, and an irregular portal gap appeared.

Under the control of Su Cheng's mind, the sword light passed through the door.

Behind the gap is a blue world like the deep sea.

The sword light flashed across like a meteor, and it came to a building in an instant.

The grand and gorgeous palace is extremely spectacular, with a length and width of more than a thousand meters and a height of more than 200 meters.

Outside the palace, it was covered with a faint golden light shield, exuding soft light.

He didn't have the time or mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery here, so he came to the light barrier with a flash of sword light.

"Only the owner of the Poseidon's Heart can enter the Poseidon Temple. Without the Poseidon's Heart, no one is allowed to enter."

At this time, a voice without any emotion suddenly sounded.

Su Cheng sneered in his heart, not paying attention at all, and instantly pierced the light barrier.

This light mask is not very strong, but it is extremely flexible, somewhat similar to the light of Poseidon. But this kind of power is obviously nothing compared to the intensity of the sword light composed of innate power.

When the transparent sword light penetrated the light shield, Su Cheng stopped and had no intention of going deeper.

With a thought, the powerful innate power condensed to the extreme exploded.

A large hole of nearly 100 meters immediately appeared on the surface of the mask, and then seawater surged in from all around.

However, this was the last scene he could see. As for whether it was completely destroyed, he himself was not sure.

On the top of the Poseidon Mountain, as the sword light shattered, Su Cheng's body turned like gold paper, blood spurted out uncontrollably from his seven orifices, and severe cramping pain came from the sea of ​​consciousness.

There was an extremely obvious defect in his soul.

Su Cheng was not attacked. This situation occurred only because of the backlash caused by the shattering of the sword light that had attached a large amount of his soul power.

When he exploded the light shield, a violent wind suddenly swept across the sea, like the roar of a god.

There is also a forceful coercion that is so tyrannical that it makes people's hearts tremble. It is transmitted through the portal.

But it was too late.

"Ha ha……"

Amidst Su Cheng's laughter, the gap in the portal disappeared on Poseidon Mountain.

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