Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 204 The mission is completed and the simulation is over (two-in-one)

The Heart of Poseidon and the Trident of Poseidon, which are crucial in Poseidon's inheritance, have been completely destroyed, and the Poseidon Temple in a different space has also been damaged.

At this point, all the main tasks of this simulation should be completed.

At least in Su Cheng's view, he had reached his limit.

He was not planning to go to the Poseidon Hall as the inheritance space in person.

The airborne strike that Poseidon had just made from the God Realm with the help of the inheritance space was enough to make him feel the difference in strength between them.

He had also seen the power of third-level gods before. Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong, who had just become gods, were at the third-level god level.

Compared with the Poseidon's power just now, there is a huge difference, even wider than the gap between ordinary people and titled Douluo.

At his current level, there was no point in facing Poseidon directly. Instead, he wasted an excellent opportunity to understand his special state at this moment.

[The main mission is completed and you can leave at any time within one hour. 】

At this time, a reminder came that the task was completed.

Su Cheng ignored it, his breath converged, his eyes closed slightly, and he was immersed in his own world.

The innate power formed by the fusion of essence, energy and spirit is rapidly losing, but the strength and overall condition of the body, which is comparable to the god level, have not been reduced too much.

This was completely different from the depletion of life force and damage to blood vessels he had experienced before.

The process of loss of vitality is gradual. First there is Qi deficiency and physical weakness, then energy declines, and finally the five internal organs are damaged, until vitality no longer exists.

But now, it seems that his whole person is being erased bit by bit between heaven and earth, in no particular order. Apart from the defective soul, there is not much feeling of weakness. The whole person is integrated, but the breath keeps slipping.

Even so, he could feel that he was so different at this moment.

Your own small world coexists harmoniously with the big world outside, and all changes in the outside world are clearly reflected in your own perception.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if all the titled Douluo in the world came to besiege him at this time, they would not be able to cause any harm to him.

Even regardless of strength, no one can avoid his induction, let alone break his power cycle, or even consume it.

However, Su Cheng's state is not one of integration with the world.

On the contrary, at this moment, he seemed to be out of control of the world.

But he is not a traitor to the world, nor has he been rejected by the world. Instead, the world seems to be rejoicing and celebrating his achievements.

This is by no means a common situation among god-level experts.

Su Cheng knew how a soul master felt after inheriting the divine status and becoming a god. Qian Renxue once said that the world was urging her to leave as soon as possible.

"why is that…"

Su Cheng had some doubts in his heart.

He was not sure whether there was any so-called world consciousness in the Douluo plane.

This kind of feedback from the world is not the same emotion as humans, but some kind of strange resonance.

But in any case, his achievements are derived from heaven and earth.

Now that I am perfect, although my state is incomplete, my essence is to separate myself from the world and focus on myself. Why do I get awards from the world?

After thinking about it, Su Cheng put the problem aside for the time being.

Today's harvest is huge enough.

Even without considering the mission itself, the various insights he has gained now have far exceeded expectations.

Only after truly possessing and experiencing this power can he have a clearer understanding of the future path, which will be of great benefit to his future.

Slowly landed in front of the ruins of Poseidon Temple, and then walked down the mountain.

The once sacred and majestic Poseidon Mountain has long since become dilapidated, and the brilliant Poseidon's light that has been shrouded outside all year round has been worn away by the residual power of his previous sword skills.

Under the different eyes of everyone at the bottom of the mountain, Su Cheng seemed to arrive at the foot of the mountain slowly and quickly, and then appeared outside the ring in a flash.

The seven Holy Pillar Douluo who had arrived here not long ago looked at each other with complicated expressions, including grief and hatred as well as helpless sighs. Lorelai lowered her head and wept silently.

Su Cheng's aura was not as oppressive as it was when he was on the top of the mountain, as if he was like a god.

However, although his aura was calm and peaceful at this time, he was like the bright moon in the sky. No matter how gentle and restrained he was, who would dare to compete with it?

Su Cheng ignored those Holy Pillar Douluo. He first looked at the pale Bibi Dong, nodded slightly and said, "Dong'er, please wait a moment."

Bibi Dong saw that he was in perfect condition at this time. Although his face was obscured by a mask, there was no damage on his body, and his vitality was extremely strong.

While hesitating, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were many questions in my mind that I wanted to ask, when I saw him speaking, I temporarily suppressed my thoughts.

Su Cheng turned around and walked to Bo Saixi.

Looking at the peerless beauty in red robe in front of him, his expression calmed down, and he bowed slightly and said: "Teacher, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

Bo Saixi didn't speak, but stared at Su Cheng blankly.

After a long time, he laughed miserably and turned his face to avoid looking at her.

What else can she do now, and what can she say?

The Poseidon inheritance was completely destroyed.

The mission of the high priest also ends here.

Even Poseidon Island, a sacred place on the sea that has been passed down for thousands of years, may no longer have the need to continue to exist.

But the person who caused all of this was his closest and only disciple in front of him.

At this time, Bo Saixi didn't know Su Cheng's true condition or that he was already dead.

Su Cheng's current performance is indeed very confusing.

His level is so high and his aura is so harmonious that even extremely powerful people like Bibi Dong and Bo Saixi find it difficult to recognize his true situation.

"Go away, leave here, and don't call me teacher again." Bo Saixi said coldly without looking at him.

In the past, the two of them were both teachers and friends. This apprentice was both her support and her pride.

But in the future, the two can only be enemies of life and death.

Su Cheng looked at her and chuckled: "You can't leave."

When Bo Saixi heard this, her body trembled violently.

All the emotions he had tried to suppress in his heart suddenly burst out, and his chest heaved violently.

She looked back and looked at Su Cheng, "Can't leave? So you are planning to wipe out me, the high priest, after destroying Poseidon Mountain?"

"We really need to get rid of the roots." Su Cheng's laughter got louder.

While this isn't a good idea, it shouldn't be done.

But looking at Bo Saixi's expression, he still had a subtle feeling in his heart.

In addition, now that everything is done, I feel relaxed and can speak without any scruples.

"Teacher, are you ready?"

As he spoke, his right palm reached forward, and the transparent flame ignited again in his hand, stretching straight towards Bo Saixi's slender neck.

Bo Saixi didn't mean to dodge or resist, she just looked at him coldly, her eyes becoming more and more painful and sad.


"Su Cheng, what are you doing?!"

"She is your teacher!"


Su Cheng ignored the shouts of several Holy Pillar Douluo.

In fact, those people had no other choice but to stop it with words.

Although his momentum was restrained, all changes in the surrounding environment were actually under his control. If he doesn't want to, no one can get close.

But then, Su Cheng's palm brushed against Bo Saixi's seemingly slender and soft neck.

Then he continued to move forward, and his palm came behind her.

Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, staring blankly at the mask that was so close at hand.

A faint breath came out from under the mask, and a smile appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, Bo Saixi's expression suddenly changed drastically.

Her martial spirit appeared uncontrollably, and the shadow of Poseidon wearing golden armor appeared behind her.

And Su Cheng's palm actually pierced into the illusory Poseidon Martial Spirit!

At the same time, there were blood stains around his eyes.


"Teacher, this martial spirit is your shackles. I don't think you need it anymore." Burning pain came from his soul. Su Cheng's voice remained as steady as before, and he clenched his hands tightly, "I'll give you a new one." OK."


A slight burning sound sounded, and the imposing golden figure struggled and twisted in the transparent flames for a moment before slowly melting.

Su Cheng raised his left hand and placed it on Bo Saixi's shoulder.

With the blood trembling, a new figure quickly replaced the original figure in golden armor.

This new figure is clearly the image of Bo Saixi himself.

Su Cheng naturally couldn't create a bloodline out of thin air.

But he doesn’t need to be molded out of thin air.

In this world, everyone has blood, the only difference lies in the depth of concealment and the degree of purity.

Just now, Su Cheng used his own powerful soul power and his understanding of blood and martial arts to activate Bo Saixi's own blood.

Then, at the cost of greatly consuming his own strength, he reshaped Bo Saixi's martial soul bloodline, using the Poseidon martial soul as a material to shape it.

In terms of quality alone, this new body martial spirit is definitely not as good as her original Poseidon martial spirit.

Even his strength has dropped significantly because all the divine power in his martial soul and soul ring was forcibly purged in the past.

But now the new martial spirit has opened up a new promotion space for her. She no longer has to be restricted by the identity and mission of the guardian of the gods, and has unlimited possibilities.

Moreover, although the martial soul changed, Bo Saixi's original soul rings did not disappear. This was also stabilized by Su Cheng.

Something like a martial spirit is connected to the soul and cannot be changed easily.

If it weren't for the fact that Su Cheng, regardless of his level of strength and perception, was not at the peak of his powers at this moment, plus he had a deep understanding of the nature of martial spirits and soul rings, he wouldn't have dared to do this kind of operation.

And in order to achieve this step, he also paid a heavy price.

A small part of his soul was missing again.

At this moment, even the balance in the body was a little difficult to maintain, and the breath fluctuated violently.

It was also because of this fluctuation that everyone present finally felt his actual state.

"Cheng Xue!" Bibi Dong's exclamation came from behind.

"What's wrong with you?!" Bo Saixi's eyes widened, and he grabbed Su Cheng's arm with his backhand, and couldn't care about anything else for a moment.

The inheritance of Poseidon died, and the mission of the high priest ended, making her feel that the future was gloomy.

But she was actually still worried about him. Although she didn't want to admit it, she really couldn't let go of Su Cheng.

No matter how disappointed and resentful I am towards this apprentice, how can I let go of the relationship I have had for so many years so easily?

Su Cheng did not speak immediately, but first looked up and down at Bo Saixi in front of him.

As her martial spirit became easier, her temperament changed slightly.

He no longer had a vague sense of seriousness like before, but seemed much more relaxed and lively.

This is just the beginning. After some time, her changes will become more obvious.

After all, martial arts and souls are connected, and it is inevitable that they will have a certain influence on each other.

"Teacher. You are still so young and so beautiful. You should have a life of your own." Su Cheng chuckled and took back his right hand, then took the other person's delicate hand off his arm.

"Who is the God of Poseidon, and is he worthy of being served by you? You are my teacher, Su Cheng."

After saying that, he turned around and looked at another woman wearing a golden papal dress.

"Cheng Xue!" Bibi Dong's face became paler and tears flowed out of her eyes uncontrollably.

She just felt the same terrifying sense of death.

"No, your name is Su Cheng, right? Not only do you not let me see your face, you are not even willing to tell me your real name. Who am I..."

Su Cheng sighed softly, "Whether you know my appearance or my name, whether you know it or not, what difference does it make now?"

"You promised me before," Bibi Dong murmured softly, "You clearly promised me..."

"..." Su Cheng was silent for a moment, but found that he had nothing to explain.

He sighed and walked forward, "I'm sorry, Dong'er. Let me give you this last gift as compensation for deceiving you."

After saying that, before Bibi Dong could resist, the transparent flames on her body burned again.


Behind him, Bo Saixi's voice was slightly trembling.

She now understood what the ignited flames meant.

"No, I don't want it!" Bibi Dong shook his head helplessly and wanted to retreat, but was suppressed by Su Cheng and unable to move.

"Please, don't do this!"

Su Cheng silently put his hand on her shoulder, ignoring the other party's struggle and shouting, and the same color flame ignited on her body.

At the same time, a dark green vicious spider appeared behind Bibi Dong, and then rippled like water waves.

A transparent light lit up inside the soul-eating spider emperor.

"Don't worry, this isn't trying to make things worse, it's just removing some of the hidden dangers for you. But I can't completely eliminate them, after all, it's about the nature of your martial spirit." Su Cheng's plain words sounded.

"This light of soul can increase your soul foundation. In the future, it will be much easier to suppress evil thoughts in your heart. This will also be a power that is completely your own."

As his words fell, the transparent light began to wash away the dark green soul-eating spider emperor martial spirit.

Soon, the heavy ink color on Wuhun's body gradually faded with the passage of time, turning into pure emerald green.


After a while, Su Cheng let go of his arms and let out a long breath.

After doing all this, his breath was finally unable to remain stable and began to decline rapidly like a deflated rubber ball.

The intense consumption of his soul's origin made it impossible to maintain his internal balance.

Once this balance is broken, he will naturally no longer be able to maintain his previous level of strength.

Su Cheng didn't care and admired Bibi Dong, who looked more and more beautiful, for a moment.

"Being a good pope, I think you can definitely do it now."

After saying that, he turned around.

He had one last thing to do.

"Today, I impart three volumes of Xiantian Kung to all people in the world.

"With this skill, you can make up for the acquired skills and make up for the innate foundation.

"No matter your background or talent is good or bad, no matter your identity or status is high or low, from today onwards, it is possible to practice..."

As Su Cheng spoke, his voice echoed across the entire sea.

All sea dwellers, no matter where they were or what they were doing, his voice rang in their ears.

Whether this world is real or false has nothing to do with him.

Do this just for the belief in your heart.

As for the nature of this world, it is not important to him.

He was not stingy about these things, and even after returning to the real world, if conditions permitted, he would not think about cherishing his broom.

After describing the entire content of Xiantian Kung, Su Cheng pondered for a moment and then continued:

"I also want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with being a human being. Where did the gods come from? They are just a group of aliens who think they are noble!

"I am not a saint, and I only do what I think. I don't believe in others, and I don't need anyone to believe in me. Therefore, you don't need to be grateful for this, let alone praise my name.

"As for slandering and abusing me, saying that I am the source of trouble and calling me a devil, that is all up to you. That is also your freedom.

“But there is only one thing, I hope you can do it.

"Don't kneel to anyone anymore, because you were once my equal."

After saying that, Su Cheng was ready to exit the simulation.

Suddenly he seemed to think of something again, clapped his hands and said, "I almost forgot."

He looked back at Bibi Dong and said, "Although you may not still remember..."

The next moment, fierce flames shot into the sky.

In an instant, his spirit left this world, and his body turned into nothingness under the full explosion of innate power.

"don't want--"


"Su Cheng!"


Finally, Bo Saixi could no longer hold on, her body went limp, and she slumped to the ground, covering her face with her hands.

"High Priest..."

Upon seeing this, the Holy Pillar Douluo hurriedly gathered around, with both worry and emotion in their eyes.

The technique Su Cheng just taught was extremely mysterious and enlightening just by listening to it.

If they use it to practice now, they can easily take a step further.

But when this method spreads, I don’t know whether it is a blessing or a curse...

Only Bibi Dong still stood there, looking blankly at the place where Su Cheng's breath disappeared.

Until this moment, she felt that the series of changes that happened today were like a dream.

It was difficult for her to understand and accept.

But the bursts of warmth coming from the depths of her soul, as well as the powerful and pure power fluctuations coming from the evil second martial soul, made her understand that everything that had just happened was true.

"Because you know that you will definitely die, and in order to prevent me from being worried, you don't want me to know your true face until you die, and you even go so far as to destroy yourself for this..."

At the same time, all the Mingjiao believers felt pain in their hearts.

Inexplicably, a realization emerged that Su Cheng was dead.

Both body and soul have disappeared into thin air, and the whole person has completely disappeared into this world.

Maybe everything Su Cheng did today was in vain.

The talent gap between each other is still like a natural chasm between ordinary people and geniuses.

It is also possible that with the spread of the three volumes of Xiantian Kung, countless people can change their lives and have a new future.

Of course, perhaps as Bo Saixi once said, this is a demonic way that destroys order and rules, and may even cause chaos in the world in the end.

But at this moment, everyone is grateful to him.

He broke the shackles of innate destiny for everyone.

Let ordinary people rely on their own efforts to gain a glimmer of possibility in the future.

Bits and pieces of light appear on hundreds of millions of sea people.

That is the light of their souls.

In the eyes of the gods of this world, these powers are the prototype of the power of faith.

Soul power on this scale can even be used as part of the foundation for becoming a god.

Endless points of light trickled into the sea, converging into a torrent of soul fluctuations and rushing towards Poseidon Island.

In this extraordinary world, the powers generated based on the soul are extremely mysterious, and the power of faith is only one of them.

It's just that it's difficult for ordinary people to access, and it's extremely rough to use, almost instinctive.

For example, the weapon soul master's martial spirit true form, the formation of the attached soul bone, even the impact of the residual soul after the death of the soul beast, and even the special characteristics of the hundred thousand year soul ring are all manifestations of soul power.

At this moment, the faith condensed in the air is so strong that it can even bring someone who has just died back to life.

But it is a pity that Su Cheng not only burned his soul, but also condensed his body and blood into innate power.

What's more, as he completed his mission, his consciousness was completely separated, so there was no possibility of resurrection.

The lingering wave of souls continues to flicker.

Then, everyone saw countless complicated pictures flashing in the sky over the sea.

Those are the traces Su Cheng once left on this sea.

Awakened his martial spirit at the age of six, refused the high priest's offer to become a disciple, and started giving lectures...

He became a disciple of the high priest at the age of seven, but instead of indulging in spiritual practice, he traveled across Poseidon Island to answer questions for everyone...

At the age of eight, he went out to the mountains with the high priest and walked among the people...

At the age of nine, he discovered those people of the sea with pure wills, and then took them with him to preach...

At the age of ten, he established Mingjiao, compiled teachings, and found the future direction for countless confused sea people...

Eleven years old, twelve years old, thirteen years old...

At the age of seventeen, he refused to accept the test of Poseidon, and voluntarily left Poseidon Island, taught the Ming Cult people the cultivation methods, helped ordinary people become soul masters, and then went to land...

Five years ago, he returned to the sea and began to spread the skills more widely, helping countless ordinary people cultivate their soul power, and promised to lead them to break their fate...

The things Su Cheng once did and said on this sea are constantly replayed in the sky.

This is the tribute paid to him by all the sea people.

Bibi Dong stared blankly at the scenes flashing in the sky.

Until now, she finally knew that Su Cheng's true appearance was not as ugly and repulsive as the other party had said before.

But what's the use?

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