In the Elder's Hall of Wuhun City, Su Cheng slowly opened his eyes on the bed.

Various experiences in the simulated world came one after another, and then quickly integrated into the mind, settling in the depths of memory.

The moment he returned to reality, he felt an extremely obvious change.

It wasn't because of the decline in strength level. He had been prepared for this.

In terms of strength alone, Su Cheng in the two worlds is naturally not comparable at all, and they are not in the same dimension at all.

However, with a deep understanding of his own cultivation system, and a planned step-by-step integration of all the power in his body from beginning to end, even though he finally achieved a true breakthrough with the help of the Burning Foundation, he would not lose control.

The most intuitive feeling lies in the foundation.

The foundation of the body in reality is much stronger than the body in the simulated world.

The strengthening brought about by the perfection of the Five Elements was actually stronger than he originally understood.

Su Cheng stretched out his right hand.

The light white and almost transparent five auras flow between the five fingers.

Although in reality he has not yet truly practiced the perfected innate skill, just based on his physical condition and level of cultivation at this time, he can easily condense the prototype of the innate sword energy.

But now his shortcoming is no longer the power of physical energy and blood, but the power of the soul that he has not yet begun to cultivate.

[Main mission reward settlement (settlement ratio: 93%): sample of the source of power. 】

[Free exploration reward settlement: Xinghui Water Soul. 】

The next moment, a reward prompt appears.

There was a surge of air in front of him, and the water droplets without any fluctuation in power condensed and formed, and then fell into Su Cheng's palm.

He stared blankly at the water droplet, but he didn't expect that the so-called "original power sample" was such a simple thing, not emitting any special meaning or energy.

Of course, it's probably because he still can't see through the connotation with his current knowledge base.

Even when observed with a true field of view, no flaws or other components are visible. It was obviously condensed out of thin air, but this small water droplet was as integrated as if it were made from heaven. It simply didn't look like it was made of energy.

However, Su Cheng discovered that this water droplet was trembling gently all the time. If it were not for the real field of vision provided by the Eye of True Sight, even with his perception ability, he would not be able to detect this ridiculously high trembling frequency.

But other than that, he could see nothing else.

The only thing was probably that this thing had a strong resonance with the light at the top of his sea of ​​consciousness.

If this thing is injected into the Eye of True Sight, it will definitely be of great benefit to it.

But Su Cheng obviously wouldn't do this. Even if he wanted to do it, he would have to first roughly understand the nature of the "original power".

"Let's study it carefully in two days. The top priority now is to consolidate the operation of the innate power."

As soon as he clenched his palm, the drop of original power disappeared into his palm instantly.

However, it is not integrated into the body. It is just hidden in the blood under the skin and can be forced out at any time.

But even so, the slight oscillations of the water droplets never stopped for a moment.

This kind of shock is also very beneficial to him. It is even similar to Lorelai's Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy, which continuously strengthens his flesh and blood. Although this improvement is very small, it is endless and does not require his own active control.

After dealing with the original power, Su Cheng thought of another reward after completing this mission, "What is the Starry Water Soul?"

He felt it silently for a moment, then frowned.

He didn't feel any other changes in his body, including his soul.

Logically speaking, if it is a force beyond his understanding, such as the power of origin, he cannot sense it but still understand it.

"Starry Water Soul", judging from the name, this thing seems to be related to the soul.

Although he no longer has the special talent of the "soul scholar" in the simulated world, with his current understanding of the nature of the soul and his control over the power of the soul, there is no reason why he can't feel it.


After a while, Su Cheng sighed and had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​continuing to search for the time being.

Although he didn't know what it was, he couldn't feel any change.

Papal Palace, the exclusive secret chamber of the Pope.

Bibi Dongzheng, dressed in casual clothes, was sitting cross-legged and practicing quietly.

At this time, if anyone were in front of her, they would be surprised to find that the Pope, who usually seemed sacred and majestic, had a frightening bloody red light under his closed eyelids, and there was also a glow around the corners of his eyes. There were bloodstains.

On the fingers of both hands, there were five-inch long nails as black as ink, which formed a sharp contrast with the fair skin of her body.

The face that was originally noble and stunning now looked even more filled with a sense of terrifying distortion. Behind her, there was a looming black shadow, showing extremely evil aura fluctuations.

At this time, Bibi Dong's body suddenly trembled violently, "Cheng Xue... Su Cheng... Su Cheng..."

As an inarticulate groan came from her mouth, she reached up and covered her forehead.

The burning pain of the soul swept over him, and there seemed to be little stars shining through the black shadow behind him, which were clearly distinct from the gloomy and dark colors.

But at this time, Bibi Dong had no time to pay attention to the changes in her body or even her soul.

Memories from another world flooded into my mind.

Not long ago, she seemed to have fallen asleep unknowingly while practicing, entering an extremely real dream, and spent nearly twenty years of her entire life there.

During that period of life, she was born as a commoner but was gifted, and she also had the identity of the Saint of the Spirit Hall.

But the appearance of one person changed her future and brought her a completely different life trajectory.

No more painful experiences full of regret and hatred, no more resentment and endless nightmares.

Of course, there is no inheritance from the Rakshasa God, but there is no need to inherit the divine status.

There, her soul is clear and clear, her foundation is unparalleled in the world, and her future is higher than the gods.

Between the fingers covering his forehead and eyes, tears overflowed from nowhere and soaked his hands.

Those memories, those past, are no ordinary dreams at all!

It was a complete life experience, so real that it was like another self in another world.

This was the second time she had felt this way.

But the difference from last time is that this time the memory is more complete and lasts longer.

"Why, why..."

A slightly breathy self-talk sounded, carrying an unconcealable sadness and despair.

Gradually, the deep breathing in the secret room turned into suppressed sobs, and finally turned into heart-wrenching cries, echoing in the small room.

She knew who that person was.

Su Cheng.

That young man who was different.

The young man I had paid attention to many times in reality.

Regardless of name, appearance, personality, behavior...

In addition to age, even the martial soul has certain similarities with the self-created soul skills that he has used before.

Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly, and she couldn't help but think of some possibility.

If only that person could have been born decades earlier...

Will everything be different from now?

The image of her daughter subconsciously appeared in her mind.

The daughter who shouldn't have been there in the first place.

Unlike myself, that child was much luckier.

She is like her young self in the dream, there is always someone around her who makes all arrangements for her.

Just a few days ago, Su Cheng was still in the hands of Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect, and under the eyes of himself and many Wuhun Hall elders, he took a risk and planned to get a hundred thousand year soul ring for her.

Yes, Su Cheng is such a person.

He never cares about other people's opinions, nor is he afraid of the opponent he will face. As long as he does what he believes in, he will definitely do it, but he will adopt different methods.

He also doesn't care about other people's strength and status. He won't be humble and please because of his status as pope, nor will he despise and ridicule others because of their weakness.

Even when Qian Renxue suffered from inexplicable hysteria, Su Cheng never said anything about it.

Even the last time I dreamed about this person, he had risked his life to block a fatal attack for Qian Renxue.

However, the opponent he had to face at that time was himself who had become a god...

Never for a moment.

Let Bibi Dong realize it so clearly.

Su Cheng and Yu Xiaogang are two completely different people.

"Su Cheng..."

After a long time, Bibi Dong's eyes flashed with gloom, struggle, tenderness, and yearning...

It finally turned into a sigh.

Everything was just her vain delusion. Su Cheng was more than thirty years younger than her.

Bibi Dong didn't understand and couldn't understand why God would be so unfair.

Even another life must come to an abrupt end like this, ending in tragedy and regret.

"...Where is he? Could he have experienced the same thing? Do you still remember everything that happened?"

After a long time, Bibi Dong gradually calmed down and put down her hands, revealing her still pale face and red eyes.

Taking a deep breath, she stared at the dark wall not far ahead, a little distracted.

"That's right, innate skill!"

Bibi Dong's eyes lit up.

She didn't believe that the memory just now was false and was just a figment of her own imagination.

She is a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo and the inheritor of the Rakshasa God. Even though the strength she can display in the divine examination is limited, the level of her soul and mental power will not be wrong.

"Dream" is just a description, and she knew that it was definitely not a dream.

As the soul power circulates, the bloodline floats, constantly nourishing the bloodline and soul, and Bibi Dong's aura gradually becomes calm.

After a while, she stopped exercising and exhaled a breath of turbidity, not knowing whether to relax or feel sad.

There is no problem with innate skills.

If everything before was false, how could she have obtained such a mysterious technique.

This is the ladder to reach the gods!

"No, not a god..." Bibi Dong laughed at herself, "He said that there is nothing wrong with being a human being."

Thinking of this, she felt a little distracted for a moment.

It was unmistakable, that person was Su Cheng from another world, who was born more than thirty years earlier.

Because besides Su Cheng, she really couldn't think of anyone else who could achieve this step and develop such a magical secret method at such a young age.

In reality, Su Cheng has also done similar things many times.

"Huh? This is..."

At this time, Bibi Dong suddenly noticed a faint glimmer of light in her soul.

The light was like a star or a moon, exuding bursts of warmth.

Although it was tiny, it was extremely tenacious. Even in a vicious soul like hers, which was deeply infected by Rakshasa spiritual thoughts, it could still continuously emit light, without shaking or trembling, washing away the dirt deep in her soul.

In this light and warmth, the spirit that has been suppressed for a long time is gradually relieved.

Although it was extremely weak, this little gap was already precious to her.

Bibi Dong bit her red lips lightly, and after a moment of hesitation, she began to try to sense and control this cluster of starlight.

However, after trying for a long time, I got no response at all.

It seemed like it didn't belong to her at all.


Sighing, Bibi Dong gave up this useless attempt.

Her thoughts returned to Su Cheng, "Does he also remember those experiences?"

However, even if the other party really remembers it, what should I do and what can I do?

Trying to find ways to express your feelings and make up for your regrets?

"Stop dreaming..." Bibi Dong's mouth showed a hint of bitterness, "You don't deserve it at all."

Not to mention the age difference between the two.

The current self is dirty, evil, and even has a daughter.

Even if Su Cheng really remembered it, she didn't dare to admit it.


For a moment, many thoughts flashed through Bibi Dong's mind.

Pictures from the past keep replaying in my mind...

"Xiaoxue still has her own mission, and Su Cheng also has her own things to do, and the age difference is too big. The two of them are not suitable..."

Bibi Dong pursed her red lips lightly, "And... and I also promised that girl Zhu Zhuqing."

If nothing else, the next chapter needs to be reviewed, so wait a moment. .

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