The next day, Su Cheng left the Elder Hall early in the morning and went to look for Qian Renxue.

After learning that the other party went to Houshan College, he also transferred there.

After a night of trying, he started to practice Xiantian Kung again.

With the basic skills of the Nirvana Sutra as the foundation, I quickly entered the second volume of practice.

But he didn't spend too long on it.

If you want to fine-tune the second volume so that it perfectly fits your current state, it cannot be done in a short while. In the early stage, the innate skills of the current version are enough.

When the limit is reached, it is not too late to make further corrections.

Last night, he spent most of his time realizing the power of the soul.

I went to see Qian Renxue today to help her start spiritual cultivation as soon as possible.

There are not many students in Wuhundian Academy.

Although it is said to be an academy, in fact, most of the young soul masters here are the descendants of some of the core members of Wuhun Palace. Using the resources and teachers of Wuhun Palace to fully realize their potential is also a hidden benefit for strong people to join Wuhun Palace. .

For example, Dugu Bo's granddaughter Dugu Yan is now in this college.

As Qian Renxue, dressed in black, walked into the room, many students who knew her immediately looked serious.

The other party hadn't been here for several days, which made them all become more relaxed.

Especially Xie Yue and others, the first time they saw her, their faces turned pale and sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Although the Soul Master Competition has ended and they won the championship, their studies have not been completed yet.

The graduation standards here are different from ordinary soul master schools, and the requirements vary from person to person.

Compared to others, these future stars of Wuhun Palace have to undergo longer periods of study and training.

They have excellent qualifications and still have a lot of time before reaching the bottleneck, so they are not in a hurry to graduate.

Qian Renxue could see the situation of these people at a glance, and her face sank slightly.

In fact, after finishing the Soul Master Competition, she was no longer willing to care about these people's lives and cultivation conditions.

But after the conversation with Su Cheng the day before, while she temporarily let go of her worries, she also thought about what Su Cheng said.

Since more help is needed in the future, strict requirements must be placed on these people.

"Xie Yue, Nana, and the rest of you, stay with me -"

"Xiao Xue."

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away, causing Qian Renxue who was speaking to pause for a moment.

Immediately, the gloomy face quickly softened, and there was a trace of joy on his face.


Others were startled when they heard this title.

Noticing Qian Renxue's expression, she was shocked again.

Then they looked at each other in silence, then looked at each other, pretending not to hear anything.

Some people even started practicing again as usual.

Qian Renxue didn't pay attention to the strangeness of these people, and just said casually: "Nana, you go to the Pope to practice. Others continue. If you slack off like before, you will understand the consequences."

After saying that, he turned around and left the place, walking towards the direction where Su Cheng was standing.

As the two left side by side, others couldn't help but whisper.

"It's that Su Cheng, right?"

"Yes, that's him."

"What's his relationship with the captain?"

"I dare not say..."

"I also think it should be——"

Xie Yue, who was standing aside, couldn't stand listening anymore and frowned, "If you guys think you have a long life, go and talk outside the academy. Don't drag me down too."

The few people who had spoken before suddenly fell silent when they heard the words, not daring to say anything more.

"You don't have to meet with the elders today?" Qian Renxue put her hands behind her back and turned her head slightly to look at Su Cheng.

Her steps were brisk but powerful, not as coy as ordinary women.

The mountain breeze blew, and the waist-length hair was gently raised, and the sun shone with mottled golden light.

Su Cheng walked beside her and said casually: "Maybe I'll use it, but I have to wait until I finish my own business first."

At this time, the two of them were walking side by side in the mountains behind Wuhun City.

Su Cheng is very tall, and Qian Renxue is also tall, not much shorter than him.

The two stood together, looking extremely harmonious.

Su Cheng took out the first two volumes of Xiantian Gong that he had just transcribed that night and handed them over.

"This is a technique I have researched. It is called Xiantian Kung Fu. There are three volumes in total. You should practice the first two volumes first, which will be of great benefit to stabilizing your soul. And as you practice over time, you can gradually Get rid of the dilemma of twin souls at war with each other.”

Qian Renxue's face was full of surprise, and she reached out to take the technique with bright eyes, "You mean, after practicing this, I can exist independently even if I don't use my martial soul avatar, and I don't need the help of realms and soul skills. ?”

"Maybe, maybe not."


Seeing that she was a little disappointed, Su Cheng chuckled, "But don't worry, this is just a general version to help you consolidate your foundation as soon as possible. I will practice with you in the future so that I can deeply understand the nature of your soul. When the time comes, I will be able to prescribe the right medicine for you. . No matter what, I won’t let you down.”

Qian Renxue raised her head and looked at him in astonishment.

Su Cheng looked back and looked at her, "Since it is your wish, of course I will try my best. Solving the hidden dangers is my previous promise to you, but I am also happy to do anything that makes you happy."

Hearing this, Qian Renxue rubbed the book in her hand and felt her heart beating a little faster.

Su Cheng touched his chin and thought: "If nothing else happens, I should be able to tailor a training method for you two. In this way, it will be more convenient for you."

"Do I have one too?" He paused slightly while rubbing the book.

Hearing this, Su Cheng was a little surprised at first, then laughed dumbly and said: "Of course, what are you thinking about."

"I thought..." Qian Renxue opened her mouth to explain.

Then he shook his head and said, "No, it's nothing."

As a second personality born from the dark side of Qian Renxue's heart, she actually doesn't care about many things.

Stimulated by the deep memories of the simulated world, he finally woke up and split into another real twin soul.

Because of this, Su Cheng is the only person she cares about.

However, she originally did not expect to receive the same respect.

"...Little comrade, your thinking is very problematic." Su Cheng looked at her thoughtfully at this time, and then stopped.

He put his hand on the other person's shoulder and chuckled: "No wonder you always behave so fiercely. It turns out you are just thinking wildly. Don't worry, I understand. She is her and you are you."


Qian Renxue didn't speak, but she didn't avoid it either. She turned around and raised her head slightly to look at him.

After a moment, he suddenly stepped forward, pushed his chest and pressed his back against the tree.

He whispered: "You owe me one more time."

"What do I owe you once?" Su Cheng didn't resist, but was stunned for a moment.

"Ha," Qian Renxue leaned forward, with that familiar evil smile on her face, "As you just said, she is her, and I am me."

She doesn't care about anyone's eyes, nor does she care that Qian Daoliu and Bibi Dong used to regard her as Qian Renxue's inner demon.

She is not stupid, on the contrary, her mind is amazingly sharp.

Because of his special origin, this second personality's ability to perceive people's hearts is much better than that of the main personality.

Only Su Cheng is different from those people, and different from everyone else.

Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong, and even the students at Wuhundian Academy all felt that her appearance was abnormal, unreasonable, and should not continue to exist.

She originally didn't care what those people thought.

What she was worried about was that Su Cheng would be affected by these factors.

But Su Cheng is indeed different from everyone else.

He has always said this and done this...

Under Su Cheng's surprised gaze, Qian Renxue suddenly raised her hands and hooked them behind his neck.

The jet-black cuffs inlaid with gold patterns slipped slightly, revealing her delicate wrists and a fair forearm.

The impulse and tenderness in her heart could no longer be suppressed. She gently closed her eyes, stood on tiptoes, and took the initiative to raise her head and put her lips against Su Cheng's.

Then he slightly clumsily poked out his fragrant tongue, reaching towards his teeth with great aggression.

Su Cheng was startled for a moment. Although he didn't know why the other party was suddenly so impulsive at this time, he would not refuse and put his arms around her slender and flexible waist.

The next moment, their bodies were pressed tightly together.

As the lips and tongues intertwined, the sweet fluid flowed down the tip of the tongue, and the hot breath became more rapid.

The tension, depression and other emotions in the simulated world gradually subsided, and were overshadowed by another rapidly rising desire...


At this time, Qian Renxue couldn't help but moan softly from her nose.

His eyes opened slightly, a look of confusion appearing in his misty eyes.

The hot palms from behind slid down from her waist, igniting flames in her heart.

Her breathing became more and more rapid, and her mind seemed to be numb. She felt as if she were above the clouds, or immersed in the deep sea, with layers of clouds and mist surrounding her...

Soon, her eyes closed again, her long eyelashes trembling.

The arms hooked around Su Cheng's neck tightened further, and his body moved forward, as if he wanted to squeeze his whole body into his chest...

Su Cheng raised his right hand and passed it through the golden hair, feeling a little warmth coming from the white jade neck.

Then it silently came to him, and a soft touch entered his mind.

The delicate body in my arms trembled slightly...

At this moment, the desire in Su Cheng's heart was rising higher and higher, and in an instant it was like a prairie fire.

A person who is physically strong will never be weak in his inner desires.

It's just that he has been cultivating his mind for a long time and has a firm will. He has always been able to control his delusions and lock in his desires.

But he obviously didn't have such strong resistance to Qian Renxue in his arms.

When two people are in love, there is no need to restrict their thoughts too much.


Suddenly, an exclamation suddenly sounded.

The two people who were confused and confused finally came to their senses and turned around to look at the same time.

Originally, with their strength and perception, they would not be able to notice someone approaching.

It's just that I was too involved just now, and here in Wuhun City, there are almost no sudden dangers, so I didn't pay much attention to the changes in the surrounding environment, and only focused on each other's existence.


Qian Renxue put down her arms, her long black dress was slightly messy, and there were still patches of flush on her face that had not receded.

She glanced at Hu Liena, whose eyes were dull, and then looked sideways at Su Cheng beside her.

A hint of embarrassment flashed across his eyes.

But it returned to normal in an instant.

Except for the slightly wrinkled top and the amorous expression between her eyebrows, she looked the same as usual.

Hu Liena didn't care whether she saw the scene just now or not.

In fact, no one would care if they saw her.

The gazes of unrelated people would not cause any waves in her heart.

Even if I have some appreciation for Hu Liena, it is just appreciation.

The embarrassment just now was mainly due to the fact that she had been too emotional to restrain herself in front of Su Cheng, which made her feel a little subtle.

"What's wrong?"

"Teacher, please ask Su Cheng to go to the Pope's Palace." Hu Liena whispered with her face flushed.

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this.

He thought the other party was here to find Qian Renxue.

Then he nodded and said, "I understand."

After speaking, he looked at Qian Renxue and said, "Come to me when you have time."

Then he turned around and left the place, heading towards the Pope's Palace down the mountain.


Looking at Su Cheng's leaving figure and then at Qian Renxue not far ahead, Hu Liena's shock and shyness still hadn't completely faded.

He hesitated and asked: "Sister, you two..."

"What happened to us?" Qian Renxue said casually.

There was still a bit of hoarseness in her voice, and she exuded a charming charm inadvertently. Even Hu Liena could not help but feel her heart beat faster at this moment.

Especially the contrast between the other party and the usual one is even more exciting.

"No, it's nothing."

Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows but said nothing more.

He stretched out his fingers and touched the corners of his lips gently, then glanced at the book still in his hand. With soft light appearing in his eyes, he turned and left.

His steps were brisk and he seemed to be in a great mood.

Staring at Qian Renxue who was gradually walking away, Hu Liena couldn't calm down in her heart for a long time.

A scene that I had never thought of suddenly appeared in front of me without any precautions.

She didn't think that anyone was not worthy of the other, or that the two of them shouldn't be together.

But the atmosphere between the two people getting along with each other was completely different from what she had imagined.

Hu Liena had speculated on the relationship between Su Cheng and Qian Renxue more than once.

In her opinion, these two people were both the pride of heaven, and they were always aloof and arrogant and rarely joined forces with others. They should be both enemies and friends, confidants and rivals.

However, this sister, who was like an idol in her heart, would lie in a man's arms like that, looking like she was intoxicated.

"Su Cheng..."

Hu Liena whispered the name softly.

Then he remembered the teacher's warning to stay away from him, and he quickly shook his head to get rid of all the associations in his mind.

Then he walked toward Houshan College with a confused look on his face.

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