Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 207 You don’t want Qian Renxue to know either

Chapter 207 You don’t want Qian Renxue to know...

Su Cheng came to the outside of the meeting hall in the Pope's Palace, opened the door and walked in.

Bibi Dong stood by the window with her back to him.

The familiar bright golden papal gown wraps her graceful figure.

Her long, slightly curly hair hangs down to her waist and hips, and the purple gold crown on her head reflects dazzling arcs of light under the sunlight outside the window.

The papal staff, which is more than two meters long, is held in his hand, and the tip of the staff is inlaid with dazzling gems of various colors.

At this moment, Su Cheng seemed to have the illusion of returning to the simulated world.

But the next moment he came to his senses.

This is not the first time he has experienced returning to reality from the simulation world.

After last night's adjustment and today's interaction with Qian Renxue, Su Cheng's mentality had already been adjusted to the same level as before.

Although looking at the completely different Bibi Dong in front of him, the graceful curve of his back inevitably made him feel slightly confused, he was able to face it calmly.

"His Majesty the Pope, I heard that you want to see me."

Bibi Dong turned his back to Su Cheng and said calmly: "I heard from Elder Ju that the secret method of absorbing soul rings has not been completely sorted out yet. Have you encountered any difficulties?"

After saying this, her mood was far from as calm as she appeared when she spoke.

The moment she heard this familiar voice, she felt her heart beating violently in her chest, as if it would hit her throat at the next moment, and her palms were soaked with sweat unknowingly.

Both expectant and fearful.

Even at this moment, I dare not turn around and face him.

The image of Su Cheng burning himself out lingers in his mind, and the despair brought about by that moment is even greater than that night more than twenty years ago.

Scenes of past interactions come to mind again...

She didn't dare to turn around, for fear of accidentally showing strange emotions.

Before the other party walked into the Pope's Palace, he was obviously filled with joy and expectation.

But when the moment came, she still flinched.

Su Cheng wasn't too surprised when he heard Bibi Dong's question. Many days had indeed passed since their agreement.

"That's right."

He nodded slightly, not paying attention to the other person's back to him.

Anyway, this is how Bibi Dong is in the real world, and Su Cheng has long been used to it.

"You may not know much about this aspect. Different soul masters have subtle differences in their physical fitness, bloodline qualifications and even soul power attributes. They cannot be generalized. You need to prescribe the right medicine to achieve the best results.

“Of course, if you don’t pursue the best years, you don’t have to go to such trouble.

"However, the younger generation of soul masters in Wuhun Palace are all extremely talented. If so, it would be a waste of talent."

"So that's it." Bibi Dong nodded, still not turning around.

In fact, she also understands this truth.

The knowledge in those dreams is stored deep in the memory.

Compared to the past, she now has a much deeper understanding of the nature of a soul master.

Even higher than most theoretical experts in the world.


After she finished speaking, there was a long silence in the hall, and the atmosphere gradually became a little awkward.

Su Cheng frowned secretly, not knowing what was going on.

It is definitely impossible for the other party to call him over for this matter.

Just as he was about to speak, Bibi Dong suddenly turned around.

The two people's eyes met instantly, their eyes moved slightly, but they seemed extremely calm.

"Looking at her expression, she probably doesn't have much memory, or at least she doesn't have a deep impression..."

"Does he still remember me? That was definitely an unusual dream. Logically speaking, I shouldn't be the only one who remembers those experiences..."

Similar thoughts flashed through their minds at the same time.

Bibi Dong lowered her eyes, suppressed the turbulent emotions in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "I called you here today mainly for another thing."

As she spoke, she turned slightly sideways and did not continue to face Su Cheng directly. "You also know Qian Renxue's special situation. From today on, I will personally guide her practice. You need to reduce your contact with her for the time being."

Su Cheng was stunned for a moment when he heard this, almost thinking that he heard wrongly, "What did you say?"

Then he realized that he had made a mistake. He knew that the other party had a moody temperament and did not want to cause conflicts due to this mistake of words.

He quickly added: "Ahem, I mean, Your Majesty the Pope, did you just say that you would personally teach Xiaoxue?"

"Indeed." Bibi Dong's fingers holding the scepter tightened slightly, "Your relationship is actually very close."

"That's right," Su Cheng said frankly, "I knew her when I was studying at Tiandou Royal Academy."

Not to mention there is nothing to hide.

He also didn't believe that Bibi Dong had not investigated the situation between him and Qian Renxue before.

Anyway, these two people are on equal footing with each other, and the other party cannot control Qian Renxue who has Qian Daoliu's support behind her. There is no need to avoid this aspect.

But he didn't expect that Bibi Dong looked at him sideways and sneered: "Then what's going on with you and Zhu Zhuqing?"

"?" Su Cheng blinked, "What's going on?"

"You don't have to pretend." A strange color flashed in Bibi Dong's eyes, "That little girl told me that the relationship between you two is unusual. As for the specific relationship, do you need me to tell you in detail?"


Hearing this, Su Cheng felt a little embarrassed.

He didn't know why Zhu Zhuqing told Bibi Dong these things.

Logically speaking, Zhu Zhuqing is not a talkative person, and the matters between him and himself cannot be explained clearly in just a few words.

How could she tell these circumstances to an unfamiliar person.

No matter how you look at it, Zhu Zhuqing and Bibi Dong have nothing to do with each other. They just took her to the killing city once.

"She and I..." Su Cheng spoke slowly, carefully considering his words, "She and I are indeed quite familiar..."

Seeing his vague expression, Bibi Dong felt a little subtle in her heart.

He was both proud and at the same time felt inexplicably sour.

On the surface, he remained calm and said coldly: "I will tell Qian Renxue about this."


When Su Cheng heard this, he couldn't help but curse in his heart.

Qian Renxue had just been calmed down yesterday. If she had known about this, she didn't know how many twists and turns she would have suffered.

Especially the recent period is a critical period for her. She needs to reconcile her soul issues and cannot be stimulated.

If this intensifies the internal friction between the two souls, it will be even more troublesome.

And not only that, he also had other ideas. If sudden changes disrupted his plan, it would be no joke.

"...His Majesty the Pope, there is no need for this." Su Cheng said dryly.

"Qian Renxue must have told you about her relationship with me." Bibi Dong turned to look out the window, "In that case, why should I hide it from you?"

Her voice was sexy and melodious, but what she said made people feel chilled, "Do you think it's appropriate for you to do this? Which one of them are you worthy of? Do you have a guilty conscience?"


Su Cheng was silent again.

He never expected that one day he would be caught out by Bibi Dong and be beaten to the point of being speechless.

As for what Bibi Dong said for Qian Renxue's consideration, he didn't believe it.

Based on the relationship between these two people, it would be nice if they don't get in each other's way.

As long as it's not a matter of life and death, I'd probably be happy to see something go wrong with the other party.

"...What do you want?" Su Cheng sighed, feeling a little helpless.

Of course he could refuse to admit it.

But with Qian Renxue's current extreme temperament, I would definitely rather believe it.

And unless he had to, he wouldn't want to deny his relationship with Zhu Zhuqing.

From an angle that Su Cheng couldn't see, Bibi Dong's lips curved into a smile.

Then he turned around and said calmly: "If you join the Pope's Palace camp and work for me, I won't treat you badly."

At this point, her voice softened, and there seemed to be waves of light flashing in her eyes as she stared at Su Cheng.

"Su Cheng, don't think I'm forcing you, I'm doing this for your own good.

"Qian Renxue is the destined next pope of Wuhun Palace and the only descendant of the angel clan.

"You also know how talented she is. The time now should not be wasted on falling in love."

"The next pope?" Bibi Dong's recruitment was considered normal. She and Qian Renxue had been competing for the right to speak for more than a day or two, but the meaning expressed in the words surprised Su Cheng.

"Where's Hu Liena? Isn't she your direct disciple and your favorite successor?"

"Nana is not suitable to be the pope. She has shortcomings in strength, ability and character." Bibi Dong said calmly.

After experiencing those memories, her depressed mental symptoms were relieved and her thinking became clearer.

My understanding of people and things has undergone subtle changes, blending with the self in my memory.

Hu Liena is not bad, but she is far behind Qian Renxue.

Regardless of her talent and strength, even if she only looked at her temperament, she would be too emotional. She would be more than enough to be a saint, but not suitable to be a pope.

Even if he was forcibly supported, he would still be manipulated by Qian Renxue, just like a puppet.

Su Cheng frowned, feeling a little suspicious.

This didn't feel like something Bibi Dong could say.

She almost regarded Hu Liena as being closer than her biological daughter. How could she be so valuable?

And when did she become focused on the future of Wuhun Palace? Is she still the same lunatic?

At this time, Bibi Dong continued as if nothing had happened: "By the way, I just forgot to tell you that Zhu Zhuqing wants to worship me as his teacher."


Upon hearing the news, Su Cheng's eyes twitched slightly.

Shocked and somewhat relieved at the same time.

No wonder, no wonder she suddenly changed her tune.

Although I don't know what Zhu Zhuqing, the scheming little girl, wants to do, or what she specifically said to Bibi Dong.

But he must have taken advantage of the short time they spent together to completely impress her.

"Su Cheng, I can also see that that little girl Zhu Zhuqing likes you very much, and you also have feelings for her. In that case, why bother with Qian Renxue anymore."

After saying that, Bibi Dong couldn't help but tremble in her heart when she saw Su Cheng's brows furrowed even more tightly and a coldness on his face.

He added: "Of course, I never thought about making a choice for you. This is your own business. But now is not the right time. Don't you think you can wait for a few years? Besides, do you think Qian Renxue will accept you? Half-hearted?"


Su Cheng finally understood.

Now that Bibi Dong has completely grasped his control, she will definitely not be accommodating in the short term at least.

Sighing, Su Cheng calmed down and said, "His Majesty the Pope, I can work for you, but it will take some time."

"Why does it take some time? Didn't I say it before? This stage is extremely important to Qian Renxue." Bibi Dong pursed her red lips lightly, not wanting to give up this opportunity.

Su Cheng said calmly: "Give me one year, I will help Xiaoxue stabilize her foundation and completely eliminate the hidden dangers in her soul."

Bibi Dong was startled when he heard this.

Then he reacted and opened his eyes slightly, "Do you have a way to get rid of that inner demon?"

"What inner demon?" Su Cheng frowned, "Can't you feel it, those two souls are twins, there is no distinction between them, I want to help her make them exist independently to a certain extent. "

"..." Looking at his expression, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, then turned her eyes and said softly: "I made a mistake."

Su Cheng didn't expect that she would say something like an apology, and her expression softened.

"His Majesty the Pope can think of Xiaoxue, and I am happy for her. By the way, are you unable to exert your full strength for some reason now?"

Su Cheng's words were rather obscure.

After all, this kind of thing is private. If it were revealed casually, I don't know if Bibi Dong would be angry.

"What does he mean by this?" Bibi Dong thought again, but her face pretended to be displeased, even a little gloomy.

Looking at him, he said coldly: "What are you talking about?"

"I just feel that there is some disharmony, and I am not sure. Although my strength is low, I have some skills in various miscellaneous subjects. If you are really in this situation, I may be able to help you."

Bibi Dong was stunned.

Then he turned towards the window and turned his back to Su Cheng.

After a long silence, he said softly: "There are indeed some problems in my practice."

Su Cheng nodded, "As long as you agree to give me one year, I will find a way to help you alleviate the disharmony in your body."


The joy that had just arisen in Bibi Dong's heart was instantly doused by a basin of cold water, leaving a burst of bitterness.

"Okay, I promise you, just step back."

Su Cheng glanced at her back, then turned and walked out of the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong didn't know that Su Cheng's decision was not just an exchange.

He has many other leverage to impress the opponent.

Whether it is cultivating the younger generation or using some secret techniques with spiritual power, it is enough to make their hearts flutter.

The reason why he chose to help her relieve the pressure on her soul and spirit was because Su Cheng really wanted to help Bibi Dong.

Now he no longer has much ill feelings towards Bibi Dong.

After his last experience in the simulated world, he already understood that the other party was actually a temporary choice regardless of talent, brain or heart.

It's just a pity that I was born at the wrong time and didn't meet a good teacher.

Although the conditions for growth in Wuhun Palace are excellent, for a genius of her level, this environment may not be the best choice.

And in all the changes that happened after that, except for the parties involved, who can really distinguish between the pros and cons?

Perhaps in the beginning, Bibi Dong's choice was indeed her own problem.

But even earlier, Qian Xunji, as a teacher, did not provide guidance and education, and he also had a certain responsibility.

After a real problem occurred, he used the wrong method to remedy and retain the person, and the final result led to tragedy.

In the end, one person died and the other lived in pain for the rest of his life.

After Su Cheng left.

Bibi Dong was the only one left in the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace.

Her steps staggered slightly, and she put one hand on the window sill, relying on the window sill and the papal scepter in her hand for support, to barely stabilize her body.

Sweating broke out all over his body, and his breathing suddenly became rapid. He was panting like a fish out of water.

In this short period of time, her violent heartbeat never slowed down.

I couldn't help but want to test him many times, but I always didn't dare to speak.

It was all due to the suppression of his powerful cultivation that he didn't appear strange.

It was only now that I finally relaxed, and at the same time I felt a little happy and expectant.

Su Cheng just said that he would help her practice in the future, which made her uncontrollably recall those memories.

Even though she knew there was no possibility between the two of them, she didn't deserve anything.

But even if we can get closer, we can spend more time together.

For her, it is already a gift from God.

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