Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 208 Teacher, you were deceived by her

As night fell, there was a knock on Su Cheng's door.

He glanced towards the door, but he didn't expect Qian Renxue to come at this time.

After thinking about it, he got up and walked over.

Who knew that as soon as he stretched out his hand, the door to the room was opened from the outside.

Then a figure jumped into his arms in an instant.

"What are you doing?" Su Cheng didn't dodge. He hugged her delicate body and asked, somewhat dumbfounded, "Why are you here at this time?"

"Didn't you say you wanted me to come to you when I have time? I just have free time now."

Qian Renxue raised her head, her golden pupils shining like stars.

"All right."

Su Cheng let go of his hand and led her back to the room.

Anyway, for high-level soul masters, there is almost no sleep, and most of the night is spent in meditation and breathing.

For him, he would naturally focus on practicing innate skills.

Qian Renxue held his arm very affectionately and followed him.

Although his arms felt a soft touch all the time, Su Cheng didn't have much desire in his heart at this moment, but he was just a little surprised by her reaction at this moment.

Naturally, he would not have the slightest doubt about the other party's affection.

But neither she nor the second personality, who has a surly and flamboyant personality, rarely shows such a clingy attitude.

"What happened to you today?"

"I just remembered some things from the past." Qian Renxue's face was slightly red and her voice was slightly soft.

It's actually much more than that.

There were many other things she wanted to say.

Especially after carefully reading through the two volumes of Xiantian Gong, it was even more difficult to suppress the excitement and admiration in my heart.

Hearing what she said, Su Cheng couldn't help but think of those days when he taught her how to practice, and felt a little emotional as well.

Then he smiled and said: "Then you should work harder, now you are no match for me."

"I never wanted to be a teacher's rival."

The size of Wuhun City Elder's Hall is not large.

But there are even fewer elders here.

Therefore, when divided into each person's residence, there is quite a lot of space.

After arriving at an empty spare room, Su Cheng patted Qian Renxue.

After the other party let go of his arms and stood aside, he stretched out his palms.

Then, five light white and almost transparent sword energy emerged in the palm and flowed between the five fingers.

"This is……?"

Qian Renxue's eyes gradually became solemn as she stared at those unspectacular transparent auras.

Although her cultivation level has just broken through to Soul Saint, in terms of strength, it is comparable to ordinary Titled Douluo level experts.

Because of his twin souls, his perception is extremely strong, and he can instantly detect the unusualness of these sword energies.

It is no exaggeration to say that any one of them is enough to pose a fatal threat to her.

But this was just Su Cheng's casual move.

"Want to learn?" Looking at her look of surprise and fear, Su Cheng chuckled softly.

"Can I learn too?" Qian Renxue asked with some uncertainty.

She didn't doubt that Su Cheng would take care of himself.

But she understood that Su Cheng's foundation was different, and even if he was willing to teach him many things, others would never be able to learn them.

Moreover, self-created soul skills require a perfect match of many factors such as martial souls, skills, and even will.

A sect like the Haotian Sect that has a top-level martial spirit that can be easily passed on, and supplemented by matching soul skills, can be said to be the only one in the world, and the only one with such a martial spirit.

Looking at their angel clan, although martial arts have been passed down from generation to generation, it is a pity that except for the ancestors, there have not been any amazing people in the past.

It wasn't until Qian Renxue was here that he was truly gifted.

However, her self-created soul skills complemented her twin souls and could never be learned by others.

Su Cheng closed his fingers, and the sword light disappeared from between his fingers.

"Of course you can learn it. This is not a self-created soul skill. This is the third volume of innate skills."

"That's it." Qian Renxue suddenly showed a look of surprise.

During the day today, she had already read the two volumes of exercises.

What is described in the second volume is the method of using one's own soul power to feed back the soul master's body and soul, and to help cultivators utilize these unique powers to a certain extent.

Although the soul is not as easy to control as the physical body and soul power, at least after practicing innate skills, you can make some use of your soul power.

As a normal soul master, even if he reaches the realm of Titled Douluo, it would be difficult for him to control this mysterious power. At most, he can only passively transfer the soul power in the state of the martial soul's true body, which is extremely superficial.

However, Qian Renxue has the experience of becoming a god after all, and because of the special nature of her soul, she has great innate advantages in this regard.

After seeing the innate power exerted by Su Cheng, she realized that the first two volumes of innate power had a crucial role, that is, to lay the foundation for the third volume in advance.

"By the way, teacher, do you want to teach this skill to the younger generation of Wuhun Hall?" Qian Renxue asked at this time.

The reason why she asked this question had little to do with Wuhun Palace itself. She remembered what Su Cheng mentioned before about needing help.

It was for this reason that I went to the academy to observe the cultivation of the young soul masters today.

"It's okay." Su Cheng said thoughtfully, "But I have to think about it first. The impact of this technique will be relatively large, and the promotion process must be carefully considered."

Then he looked at Qian Renxue beside him, "Since you have read the content, you must also understand what it means if it is spread, right?"

"Of course." Qian Renxue looked back at him, stars twinkling in her eyes.

In fact, a large part of the reason why she came here in such a hurry today was that after seeing the exercises, it was really difficult to suppress her emotions.

Under Su Cheng's past teachings, her accumulation was also extremely rich.

Knowing a lot of theoretical knowledge, even more than Bibi Dong does now, he naturally understands the significance of this set of exercises.

She never dared to underestimate herself as a teacher.

But even so, she didn't expect that the other party would take such a unique path.

Just the first two volumes of Xiantian Gong are equivalent to opening up a brand new path of cultivation.

He might even be able to break the upper limit of a soul master's practice in the future.

The worst, the worst, has also given countless ordinary people the opportunity to practice.

Even just thinking about this kind of thing is enough to make people's blood boil.

"Xiaoxue. With this technique, your twin soul is no longer a hidden danger, but a truly unique talent. After you complete the third volume of practice, you may be able to master a power stronger than mine."

"Stronger than you?" Qian Renxue thought for a moment and snapped her fingers excitedly, "That's fine, as long as I can help the teacher more."

Su Cheng smiled and said nothing more.

Qian Renxue can do whatever she wants, and there is no need to worry about this between them.

But what she said just now is probably her own wishful thinking.

The other soul in her body may not agree with her idea.

Thinking of this, Su Cheng couldn't help but smacked his lips.

The guy's behavior during the day also surprised him.

"By the way, what does Bibi Dong want to see you for today?"

Without being in a hurry to practice, Qian Renxue first asked questions that she had been curious about before.

"It's nothing too important. The main thing is to ask about the progress of the secret method of silver needle pricking." Su Cheng said casually.

"Is it necessary to call you specifically for this matter? She is a very busy pope."

Qian Renxue frowned, feeling that things were not that simple.

It stands to reason that Bibi Dong is by no means such a ignorant person.

In the Wuhun Hall, Su Cheng was not a nobody with neither talent nor background, who could be called around at will.

"Xiaoxue, I don't think you need to be so hostile to her."

Seeing this, Su Cheng couldn't help but comforted you: "She actually still values ​​you very much. Even if she doesn't consider other relationships, just from the perspective of Wuhun Palace, there is no need for you to be too opposed to each other and cause unnecessary internal friction. Anyway, you are now I also look down upon those things in the past.”

"What did she tell you?"

After hearing this, Qian Renxue not only did not feel relieved, but instead narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at Su Cheng with a hint of suspicion.

As a teacher, he actually said good things for Bibi Dong. This surprised her, but also made her secretly vigilant.

She didn't think Bibi Dong had any good intentions.

"she says……"

Just as he was about to speak, Su Cheng suddenly thought that Bibi Dong's fundamental purpose was to reduce the time he spent with Qian Renxue.

Not to mention whether the starting point is good or bad, Qian Renxue's temperament will definitely not accept this arrangement.

If you really say it, it will be like adding fuel to the fire.

It would be better to use another word.

"...She said that you are the hope of Wuhun Palace and the destined future pope of Wuhun Palace, so she will try her best to help you practice in the future."

"..." Qian Renxue heard this, looked at Su Cheng and slowly shook her head, "No, you have other things you are hiding from me."


"She took the initiative to find you, it can't be just because of this. If she wants to say this, she can just tell me directly. There is no need to find you."

Speaking of this, her pretty face sank slightly at first.

Then he started to analyze it quietly on his own.

"Since she took the initiative to find you, she must be talking about something related to you.

"But just now you spoke for her again. You always act as you please. Since you took the initiative to say those words, she must have been moved by her.

"So, what Bibi Dong talks to you must be about both you and me.

"What could it be……"

Qian Renxue lowered her eyes and looked extremely serious.


Seeing her serious look, Su Cheng was completely speechless.

This mother and daughter are really...

No, we can't let her continue to think like this.


"Teacher." Qian Renxue did not raise her head, but gently raised her hand to stop his words.

"Don't interrupt my train of thought with your words."


At this time, Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head, looked at him and said seriously: "Teacher, you were probably deceived by her."

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