Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, looked at her and said nothing.

He thought to himself: "I probably wasn't deceived, but it's true that I was threatened by her."

Qian Renxue crossed her arms and paced back and forth in the room.

While speaking, he was secretly observing the changes in Su Cheng's expression.

"Did she ask you to come and practice with me?"

Then he shook his head again.

"No, if this is the case, you don't have to hide it from me."

Su Cheng's Adam's apple rolled and he interrupted again: "Xiaoxue——"

"There is only one possibility!"

Qian Renxue turned around, a cold light flashing in her eyes, "She arranged for you to do something for her in my name. And you know that I am not happy to see this."

Su Cheng: "..."

"Teacher, what exactly is going on?"

"What else could it be? Bibi Dong probably wants to arrange for Su Cheng to go out to perform certain tasks and wants to separate him from us."

Along with a sneer, another figure in black appeared next to him.

Su Cheng glanced at the newly appeared Qian Ying, but didn't say anything.

The other party is about to start practicing the second volume of Xiantian Kung Fu. With this technique as a foundation, their appearance at the same time will not have much impact.

And since he wanted to develop targeted exercises, it would have required two people to work together to facilitate his research.

"Teacher, how could you listen to her?!"

"Su Cheng, don't look at Bibi Dong being crazy, but she actually has a lot of evil intentions. Do you think it's easy for her, a foreigner, to take over the power of the Pope in the Wuhun Palace?"

"That's right, Bibi Dong was not even a peak Douluo at that time. Not long after her father's death, she took control of most of the power in the Pope's Palace. Even if grandpa took the initiative to support her, it was not easy."


Listening to the two of them singing and detailing Bibi Dong's various problems, Su Cheng secretly felt a headache.

This was not what he expected.


Seeing that they were talking more and more, and that they were heading towards a denouncement meeting, he quickly stopped them.

"Let's leave this matter for later. Start practicing first and let me see how you are doing."

The two stunning beauties, who looked almost exactly the same but had completely different temperaments, looked at each other and said nothing more.

But they had no intention of exposing the matter easily.

Instead, he was going to find a time to go to the Pope's Palace to confront Bibi Dong.

After the two of them sat cross-legged and began to exercise, as their soul power circulated, two haloes of light, one gold and one black, appeared in Su Cheng's field of vision.

Although the existence of the two Qian Renxue seems to be empty and real, the intensity of the soul power used by the two is almost the same.

The process of attribute changes during this period is very similar to the changes that occur after soul masters with twin martial souls switch martial souls.

Of course, Qian Renxue's situation is obviously fundamentally different from twin martial spirits.

It was based on the changes in her soul that it in turn affected her Seraphim martial spirit. It would be more appropriate to say that it was an extremely special mutated martial spirit.

However, as he expected, the special state of twin souls made Qian Renxue far stronger than ordinary soul masters in soul cultivation, but it has not yet achieved the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

Not even equal to two.

If we don't take into account their twin nature, due to the wear and tear between them, the cultivation effect of these two separate souls will be even worse.

"Actually, their attributes are not completely opposite. The so-called dark side is not as sinister and evil as Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor, but is more inclined to kill coldly and solemnly."

Su Cheng held his chin with one hand and kept thinking in his mind.

"But even so, compared to the light and purity of the descendants of the angel family, the differences are still huge."

Suddenly his heart moved.

"Xiaoxue's self-created soul skill and the superimposed field created after using the martial soul avatar are very interesting. Since they can achieve this step, it actually means that there must be the possibility of further integration in the future."

Thinking of this, Su Cheng couldn't help but think of a figure - Lorelei the Sea Lady Douluo.

The opponent's ninth soul skill, Sea-Suppressing Divine Comedy, can have miraculous effects by combining different attributes and even different energy.

If you have the opportunity to let Qian Renxue listen to it a few times, it will definitely be a great benefit.

"But that's a story for another day. The Zhenhai Divine Comedy can only serve as the icing on the cake. Before that, we need to find a way to help Xiaoxue find a fulcrum that is enough to blend.

"And it cannot be like a hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring that forcibly relies on its profound essence to fill the gap, but a core that can be sustained and grow continuously for a long time."

In this regard, Su Cheng actually has extremely rich experience.

The power of the mind can complement a strong soul.

If Qian Renxue had the opportunity to comprehend some extremely profound meaning, just like his immortal sword intention, the current situation would definitely be greatly improved.

"Perhaps she should be allowed to work more on that self-created soul skill..."

In the previous finals of the Soul Master Competition, the soul summoning skills Qian Renxue had displayed during the battle between the two of them contained such strong personal will that even Su Cheng was amazed.

If Qian Renxue could go further on this basis, she might even have a chance to condense the last two hundred thousand year soul rings on her own like him.

If you can really obtain the eighth and ninth soul rings that perfectly match your own attributes and martial soul, the benefits will be immeasurable.

"Xiao Xue."

After Qian Renxue opened her eyes after practicing for a short period of time, Su Cheng said:

"Over at Wuhundian Academy, you should not go there now. During this period, in addition to coming to my place to practice Xiantian Kung at night, you will spend your time during the day to further understand the field superposition skills you have developed before, and The self-created soul skill that I used.

"That soul skill will be of great benefit to your development. If you can further explore its potential, it may play a key role when you start practicing the third volume of Xiantian Kung in the future.

"As for Wuhundian Academy, I can give guidance to those soul masters."

Su Cheng has already thought about it.

If we can reach a tacit understanding with Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue, it may not be a bad thing to expand the Spirit Hall or even establish a Spirit Empire.

If you want to spread the innate skills to the outside world, it is not advisable to directly and roughly promote the skills, and the impact it will bring is even more unpredictable.

It’s not just the prying eyes that may exist from the God Realm.

The various forces on the continent are entangled with each other, the reactions of the two empires, and the existence of those powerful people and big families are all obstacles.

Even ordinary people who suddenly gain power can cause varying degrees of chaos.

After all, the situation here is different from that of the sea.

Not only are there fewer people living at sea, but they have more resources, and the external environmental pressure they have to bear is much higher than that of humans on land, so they rarely fight with each other.

Even if you master the power, in the short term you will only have some ability to protect yourself against the tide of natural disaster beasts.

On the other hand, on land, if we don't take into account the ferocious beasts in seclusion, human beings have an overwhelming advantage in strength, and internal battles are much more intense.

If you want to promote in an orderly manner, using Wuhun Palace as the starting point is the best choice.


Qian Renxue did not object after hearing this.

Except for special circumstances, she always obeyed Su Cheng's words.

"By the way, teacher, just teach them how to practice normally. Don't worry about other things. I will arrange it."

"Other things? What do you mean?" Su Cheng didn't react for a moment.

"I mean, I want you to have less contact with Hu Liena." Another voice sounded, a pair of dark eyes staring at him with vigilance.

"……I see."

The forbidden area in the center of Poseidon Island.

The top of Poseidon Mountain where no one can see.

A tall and beautiful woman stood facing the wind with her hands behind her back.

The skirts of the bright red sacrificial robe were flying, and the blue eyes as deep as the sea were blank.

Up to now, Bo Saixi had been standing in this place for a whole day and night.

The declining Poseidon Mountain.

Broken Poseidon Temple.

And the Poseidon inheritance that was completely destroyed...

That was no ordinary dream.

There is a deeper omen hidden in it.

Not to mention that she hadn't really slept in countless years.

Even if you do fall asleep, you will never dream.

But why does this omen appear?

In Bo Saixi's knowledge, only gods could do this.

But as the high priest of Poseidon Island, she knew very well that it was definitely not Poseidon's guidance.

"Su Cheng."

Bo Saixi whispered the name softly.

She has lived for hundreds of years.

But in those twenty years in her memory, the people and things she experienced, and the emotional changes she experienced during that period were even more than what she had experienced in the past hundred years.

In comparison, all the so-called experiences I have now are like a huge lake that has never flowed through.

No matter how deep or wide it is, it is still just a pool of stagnant water.

It's boring, dark and silent.

Looking back now, apart from possessing the most powerful strength in the world, there is not much in the past that she can be proud of and recall.

There are no relatives, no friends, and no rivals.

All she had was the people of Poseidon Island who respected her like a god, and a memory that lasted only a few months and had no ending.

As a servant of Poseidon, her attitude has always been aloof and overlooking the world.

In the past, I never thought there was anything wrong with this.

Only now did she realize that that was no longer the mentality a normal person should have.

Desires are shallow, emotions are lacking, and all one wants to do is serve the gods.

Bo Saixi originally thought that nothing in the world would cause her too much emotional fluctuation.

No matter whether it is joy or regret, it is just a passing cloud.

However, when that short but profound memory poured into the backwater lake like a tsunami, she realized that her state of mind was simply vulnerable.

She spent a whole day and night trying to calm down, but she couldn't suppress her raging heart.

"Want to go out and take a look..."

Bo Saixi looked a little confused.

After the baptism of those memories, she has become aware of her weaknesses.

But the lessons in her memory also told her.

Choosing to join the world, while sharpening her heart, actually added countless shackles and worries to her mind, making it difficult for her to be as pure as before.

Then she smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Those memories are true and true, and all kinds of emotions have long been deposited deep in my heart.

Now, what's the difference between facing or escaping?

What's more, she had an inexplicable hunch that there really was such a person in the world.

Maybe he is practicing and living quietly somewhere at this time, or maybe he has just been born.


After a long silence, Bo Saixi sighed softly, turned around and walked down the mountain.

She decided to go out and have a look.

The more powerful a person is, the more he understands what those mysterious signs that are difficult to understand actually mean.

And the most important thing is that her heart is confused.

Even deep down in his heart, his faith was shaken to a certain extent.

As the high priest of Poseidon, Bo Saixi could not tolerate this kind of thing happening to her.

Even to strengthen her faith, she must choose to face it.

Perhaps, finding that person and killing that person is the only way now.

"Fortunately, I can still distinguish the difference between dreams and reality." She thought in her heart.

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