In the Pope's Palace of Wuhun City, Bibi Dong walked out of the magnificent hall. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

Standing on the square in front of the temple, overlooking the distance silently.

The Pope's Palace is located on the hillside of Pope Mountain, and below is the main body of Wuhun City.

Those who can live there are basically the core members of Wuhun Palace and their respective family members and friends.

The majestic sea-like spiritual power spread out and instantly enveloped the entire city below.

Since meeting Su Cheng yesterday, Bibi Dong has thought a lot in her mind and her emotions have generally calmed down.

She understands that no matter how the future develops, everything must be considered in the long term, and now is not the time for her to think too much.

After possessing those new memories, her foundation has been greatly improved, and her strength will inevitably undergo a rapid transformation period.

After another year, Su Cheng will personally help him practice and prescribe the right medicine. It will not be difficult to surpass the ninety-eighth level in his memory.

If she hadn't already thought about giving up the inheritance of the divine position, she would have been confident that she could quickly pass the next divine test.

Now for Bibi Dong, the only troubling question is whether to promote Xiantian Kung Fu in Wuhun Palace.

From her personal perspective, she actually wanted to do this.

But the origin of the technique is difficult to explain clearly.

After all, Bibi Dong has always given people the impression that she is powerful and talented. She has never made any achievements in theory. If she suddenly comes up with such a thing, what will Su Cheng think of her?

If the other party really has memories as he guessed, what impact will it have on the relationship between the two.

These are her concerns.

But other than that, Bibi Dong has basically sorted out other aspects.

Now the layout of Wuhun Palace on the mainland has begun.

It is even more closely connected with many kingdoms and principalities.

Although Qian Renxue gave up on her own initiative, most of the arrangements made by the Tiandou Empire came to nothing, but fortunately, she had gained something in the past few days and reached a consensus with that little girl Zhu Zhuqing.

If it can disrupt the political situation of the stronger Xingluo Empire, the effect will be even greater than planning the Tiandou Empire.

Next, Wuhun Palace should focus on those powerful sects and colleges.

"Xiaoxue, you can't really understand him." Bibi Dong whispered to herself.

"Regardless of knowledge, strength, ambition, philosophy, all of this, I am the only one who understands him best."

Although the two can't really be together, they can rely on each other and lean on each other's arms.

that's enough.

On the streets of Wuhun City, a woman wearing a blue palace dress with gold patterns was walking towards the Pope Mountain as usual.

If anyone who was present that day noticed her, they would find that Ah Yin is much more haggard now than she was a few days ago.

With the nature of her life today, it is difficult for her body to be damaged.

This haggardness has nothing to do with appearance. There is a sense of weakness emanating from the inside out, and the decline in temperament is extremely obvious.

After the Soul Master Competition ended and Su Cheng joined Wuhun Palace, Ah Yin did not leave Wuhun City as he said, but continued to live in the hotel.

In fact, it is not possible to stay in several hotels in Wuhun City at will.

The person in charge of the hotel is not the real owner of the hotel.

All properties in Wuhun City belong to Wuhun Palace.

Not to mention that as a holy place in the soul master world, Wuhun City is not open to everyone at will.

Even if someone comes to the city, there is a certain period of residence, and they can live forever without paying.

For example, the teams that came to Wuhun City to participate in the finals of the Soul Master Competition must leave Wuhun City after the competition is over and cannot stay here for too long.

As for Ah Yin, he didn’t even have much money on him.

In a high-cost place like Wuhun City, it wouldn't take more than a few days.

However, after so many days, no one has ever driven her away.

The reason came from the instructions of the elder in charge of this part of the business in Wuhun Palace.

Who among the many senior officials in Wuhun Palace didn’t know about the shocking incident that happened that day?

Not to mention that Ah Yin's own cultivation level is as high as Soul Saint, and the complicated relationship between her and Su Cheng cannot be hidden from others either.

Su Cheng's current status in Wuhun Hall is extraordinary.

It's just that his talent is astonishing, and he has a close relationship with Qian Renxue, the granddaughter of Qian Daoliu. Just a few days ago, he came up with a set of secret techniques for absorbing soul rings across the years that amazed everyone.

In this case, there is no need for the elders to offend a person because of his departure or stay.

The relationship between the two of them is their private matter. The elders of Wuhun Palace are all mature and mature, so they will not take the initiative to interfere.

Habitually walking to the foot of Pope Mountain, Ah Yin raised his head and looked at the tall buildings not far away.

She also heard that Wuhundian not only became the final winner of the Soul Master Competition, but also introduced an extraordinary and peerless genius.

She was certain that this person must be Su Cheng.

"Su Cheng..."

Ah Yin stared blankly at the sacred and majestic Papal Palace, and unknowingly fell into memories again.

In fact, she didn't know why she continued to stay here.

Probably because she had no idea where else she could go.

Perhaps the Bluesilver Grass Forest is a good choice.

Su Cheng also said that let her go back to the place where she was born.

Although she has now left the body of the soul beast, she still has the purest blood of the Blue Silver Emperor, and it is at a higher level.

There, you will surely gain the support of your people.

But she doesn't want to go back.

Maybe Su Cheng was right.

He is clearly the emperor of the Blue Silver Grass clan, but he has never had any opinions.

Without realizing it, you will habitually keep up with others.

But the feeling is different from being next to Su Cheng.

I can hear many different words and see many different things.

Being with that person will make her feel that she is not an alien.

Moreover, the other person appreciates you.

She also believes that the other person needs her.

Su Cheng, without himself, must be lonely inside. His words, deeds, and thinking are different from those of most humans in this world.

She wants to continue to be by each other's side...

"You are the 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor that Qian Xunji was forced to sacrifice fifteen years ago, right?"

At this time, a majestic and cold voice suddenly came into her mind, interrupting her thoughts.

"I am the contemporary Pope Bibi Dong. You can go up the mountain and come to the Pope's Palace to meet me."

Ah Yin hesitated for a moment after hearing the words, and then walked towards the Pope Mountain, feeling a little uneasy.

At the entrance of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong's eyes turned slightly as he looked at the beautiful woman walking slowly.

When she was sorting out her thoughts last night, she thought of this woman.

In his memory, the other party also followed Brother Tang Hao. After he killed Tang Hao and Tang Xiao, Su Cheng chose to let them go.

At that time, she didn't know A Yin's true identity.

After returning to reality, I realized that Ah Yin at that time was still a hundred thousand year old soul beast.

But if Su Cheng's actions at that time were due to the identity of the other party's transformed soul beast, and he planned to use it as a reserve soul ring, there was absolutely no need to let him go.

There is no way he would treat the transformed soul beast differently.

Su Cheng didn't show any mercy when killing the 100,000-year-old soft-bone rabbit next to Tang San.

Combined with the confusing relationship between the two in reality, it becomes even more bizarre.

If Su Cheng in the dream was related to reality, she didn't believe it.

How could Su Cheng have the ability to do such a thing?

Even God can't do it.

So after much thought, I could only ask in person.

"You are so courageous that you dare to stay in Wuhun City alone." Bibi Dong said calmly, "Have you forgotten the grudge between us?"

Ah Yin glanced at her and said nothing.

When he didn't answer, Bibi Dong didn't care and continued to ask: "What is your relationship with Su Cheng?"


Just as he was about to speak, Ah Yin was stunned again.

Who is she and Su Cheng now?

friend? This seems to be her own unilateral idea.

enemy? Obviously it's out of the question, Su Cheng himself said he wouldn't care anymore.

"...He is my benefactor."

"Benefactor?" Bibi Dong looked at her thoughtfully, "So, you were resurrected by Su Cheng? The reason why you broke away from the soul beast identity and became what you are now was because of Su Cheng's work?"

Ah Yin fell silent again after hearing this.

The hidden secrets obviously cannot be told to the other party.

She promised Su Cheng not to reveal these secrets.

Bibi Dong's eyes instantly turned cold, "I'm asking you something."

Ah Yin was not afraid of her and looked at her silently.

Bibi Dong couldn't help frowning when she saw this.

It was obviously impossible for her to really do anything to Ah Yin.

She didn't know what the other party's position was with Su Cheng.

"Forget it, it's fine if you don't want to say it. But, what do you want to do if you stay in Wuhun City? If I'm not wrong, did you fall out with him?"

The situation at that time was witnessed by everyone.

Although many changes occurred during this period, Ah Yin did not really hurt Su Cheng.

But in the end the atmosphere between the two was obviously not pleasant.

"Why didn't you leave with Tang Hao at that time?" Bibi Dong looked at Ah Yin, whose face was slightly pale, with a slightly subtle expression.

"If I remember correctly, in order to save Tang Hao's life, you took the initiative to sacrifice yourself. Why are you abandoning Tang Hao and Tang San now? No matter how much they yell, you are unmoved. Instead, you want to stay with Su Cheng. ? It seems that you were not controlled by him at that time, right?"

There was a hint of joking on her face, and her voice was slightly mocking, "Are you in love with someone else?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Upon hearing this, Ah Yin raised her slightly drooped head and glared at Bibi Dong.

"Haha, you know whether I'm talking nonsense or not." Bibi Dong snorted coldly and then ignored the topic.

"I called you here today because I want to ask you something else. If you can answer truthfully, it's not a bad idea to continue to stay in Wuhun City. I can even arrange an identity for you so that you can enter and exit the Elder's Hall in a legitimate manner. And there are I guarantee that Su Cheng won't say anything else."


Seeing that Ah Yin's expression was different, she continued: "Don't worry, it won't involve your secrets."

"...You tell me first." After some hesitation, Ah Yin agreed. She didn't want to give up this opportunity.

"Have you encountered anything strange in the past two days?"

"Something strange?" Ah Yin was slightly startled.

During this period of time, she basically stayed in hotels in Wuhun City, so nothing weird could happen.

The daily movement track is also very monotonous, and I have not been to other places.

While she was thinking, Bibi Dong's eyes never left her body, carefully examining the changes in her expression.

Seeing her confused face and her expression not seeming to be fake, I couldn't help but feel hesitant.

He took the initiative to remind: "For example, have you acquired some other memories or had strange dreams? In the dream, you have a completely different life trajectory from your current life. You were not taken by Qianxunji Even though people were besieging us, there were no sacrifices or anything like that.”


Ah Yin slowly shook his head and looked at Bibi Dong with strange eyes.

She probably heard something.

The powerful Pope of Wuhun Palace in front of him seemed to have encountered something strange.

Bibi Dong frowned, not paying attention to the other party's strange eyes, and kept thinking in her mind.

Why does Ah Yin have no memory of another world?

Logically speaking, on that side, she obviously had a completely different fate.

"Strange, then why did I..."

Bibi Dong was confused and frightened.

She originally thought that Su Cheng would most likely remember what happened.

But after seeing Ah Yin's situation, it seems that not all people whose fate has changed have relevant memories.

At least for now, this kind of situation is only happening to me.

Sighing secretly in her heart, Bibi Dong gently waved her hand to Ah Yin, "You go back first. I will say hello to the Elder Hall and appoint you as the honorary elder of Wuhun Hall. Just go directly to the Elder Hall tomorrow."

The person in front of her had a close relationship with Su Cheng, and he might be of some use to her, so there would be no harm in staying.

Moreover, with the opponent's strength and qualifications, it would not be a big problem to be promoted to a titled Douluo in the future, and becoming an elder would be more than enough.

Upon hearing this, Ah Yin glanced at Bibi Dong, turned around and walked back without saying anything more.

"Huh? Is it you?"

At this time, a tall figure happened to be walking towards him.

It was Qian Renxue who came to Mount Pope to look for Bibi Dong.

She raised her eyebrows lightly, looked at Ah Yin and said bluntly: "Why are you still in Wuhun City?"

Ah Yin glanced at her, but ignored her and left the square without saying a word.

Qian Renxue frowned upon seeing this and snorted lightly.

Then he walked directly into the Pope's Palace and followed the figure not far away.

"Bibi Dong, what did you say to Su Cheng yesterday?"

Bibi Dong stopped when she heard the sound, turned around and looked at Qian Renxue who was walking in front of her.

Suddenly her heart moved, and instead of answering the other party's question, she asked: "You came just in time. I just wanted to ask you. Su Cheng said that there is a way to help you practice and cure your mental problems. His method is What?"

"If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense." Qian Renxue showed displeasure, "This is not a mental problem. Su Cheng said that this is a unique and special talent."

"Haha." Hearing this, Bibi Dong almost laughed out loud.

After the second personality is successfully cultivated, it will no longer be completely controlled by the main body. At that time, she will give herself a name alone. I have a few ideas. Do you readers have any opinions on this? I prefer the dark side personality not to have the surname Qian, because there are special reasons for the formation of this personality, and there is also a certain rejection of the Wuhun Temple and the Angel Clan.

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