"Believe it or not." Qian Renxue's expression became a little impatient.

"Don't you want to know Su Cheng's method? It doesn't matter if I tell you. He has specially developed a technique that can strengthen the soul with soul power. And recently, he wants to practice with me and customize it for me. The secret of personal talent.”

Bibi Dong couldn't laugh this time.

He looked at Qian Renxue blankly.

Seeing that she didn't speak, Qian Renxue thought that the other party still didn't believe it.

So he continued: "You will know in two days. Su Cheng has never thought about hiding anything. He will teach the skills to the younger generation of soul masters in Wuhun Palace to enhance the strength of Wuhun Palace."

At this point, a provocative smile appeared on her face, "How about it, Mr. Pope, is this kind of thing possible? What achievements have you made in these years of your reign?"

Bibi Dong's eyelids were slightly lowered, and her long eyelashes cast a large shadow, blocking her delicate eyes, making it difficult to see the expression on her face.

"Hey." Seeing that she didn't speak, Qian Renxue frowned, "I've already answered your question, but what about what I just asked you? Why did you look for Su Cheng before?"

Bibi Dong then calmed down his distracting thoughts and said coldly: "I have a task to assign to him. When the time comes, you will follow me and the great priest to practice together."

"Why?!" Although she had expected it, Qian Renxue was still shocked and angry when she heard this.

"I alone am the Pope of Wuhun Palace."

"Pope? What kind of joke are you talking about? You don't think you can order him around as you like, do you?"

Qian Renxue's face became increasingly gloomy, and she clenched her palms into fists, making a crunching sound.

Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done against Bibi Dong.

Not to mention the blood and family relationship between the two that was never shown to the outside world, based on their status and strength alone, she did not have the capital to take action against him.

She wasn't stupid, she knew Qian Daoliu couldn't stand up for her for such a thing, so she really dared to take action, and in the end she was beaten and humiliated for nothing.

"Do you think he cares about staying in Wuhun Hall? You also arrange tasks for him? He stayed in Wuhun Hall because of me!"

Qian Renxue's chest rose and fell violently, trying her best to suppress the anger in her heart, "I don't understand, what good does this do to you? What does the matter between Su Cheng and I have to do with you? There are so many title fights in Wuhun Palace Luo, there is something that needs to be done by him!"

"There are too many things you don't understand." Bibi Dong felt very uncomfortable after hearing these words, but did not show any obvious abnormalities.

He just said coldly: "If you feel that my arrangement is inappropriate, you can tell Su Cheng or complain to your grandfather. Don't you feel embarrassed by your current behavior?"

Qian Renxue secretly gritted her teeth.

She also gradually calmed down and realized that this matter might not be that simple. She couldn't let the other party let go easily and needed to consider it in the long term.

He stopped arguing unnecessarily and said instead: "What happened to that woman just now? Why is she still in Wuhun City?"

"If you are referring to the resurrected 100,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor, then you are asking the wrong person. You should not ask me about this matter, but should ask Su Cheng." Bibi Dong said calmly, "To me, that is a Soul Saint who has a chance to be promoted to Titled Douluo. There is no harm in letting her stay in Wuhun City."

"She has a grudge against Wuhun Palace!"

"But she has a good relationship with Su Cheng."

"You are so self-willed that you are not suitable to be the Pope at all."

"When you are stronger than me, come and talk to me like this again."

"..." Seeing Bibi Dong's desolate look, Qian Renxue felt helpless but also doubtful.

According to the other party's past behavior, he has always been cautious and cautious, and he has never taken the initiative to do things based on conspiracy. He has always known how to use force to overwhelm others.

Even if you want to use that soul beast to do something, you shouldn't do it so blatantly.

After a verbal exchange, seeing that she could not gain any advantage, Qian Renxue was too lazy to stay here and waste more words. She turned around and left the Pope's Palace with a cold snort.

Looking at her back as she left, Bibi Dong's eyes narrowed slightly, and her heart was not as calm as it seemed.

The meaning expressed in and out of the other party's words, as well as the bossy and arrogant attitude in his words, made her feel suffocated.

For no reason, he thought of the pseudonym Su Cheng used in his memory.

Then he shook his head quickly to get rid of those messy thoughts.

Those words just now were just the girl's own wishful thinking.

She didn't believe that with Su Cheng's temperament, the reason for staying in Wuhun Hall would be what Qian Renxue said.

That person's eyes would not linger on such a trivial matter, but he would just do it casually.

What's more, if it was really just for Qian Renxue, how could he come to him to trade with him in exchange for an opportunity for Zhu Zhuqing as soon as he joined Wuhun Hall?

On the other side, Su Cheng was walking on the way to the back mountain.

After spending the night practicing with Qian Renxue last night, he already had some general ideas.

Although there is no special ability to perceive the soul now, the real vision and blessing effect brought by the Eye of True Sight are not weaker than the special talent of the "Soul Scholar", but the focus is different.

After fully experiencing the two completely different soul auras, combined with his current attainments in soul research, and the knowledge base of creating innate skills, it is not difficult to have a preliminary idea.

However, the most critical part of the whole process lies in Qian Renxue herself.

It depends on whether she can take that self-created soul skill one step further.

If it can be done, then with this as the core, there will be a chance to build the most perfect power system.

Otherwise, at most he would be regarded as a genius in soul cultivation, but it would be difficult to display the unique talent of twin souls, which would be a bit of a waste.

Presumably Qian Daoliu now has given up on the idea of ​​letting Qian Renxue accept the test of the Angel God.

Of course, the other party probably wouldn't have thought that her qualifications could touch the Nine Angel Exams.

But even so, Qian Renxue's current special soul state is obviously incompatible with the attributes of an angel god.

Qian Daoliu himself still has a long time to live, so there is no need to rush this granddaughter to take risks.

Even having another son is not impossible. Anyway, the old man's Qianxunji, who was born in his seventies, seems to be still going strong now. It is not impossible to have another son.

But in this case, if Su Cheng wanted to get into contact with the angel test and study the angel's power, he would have to think of other ways.

After all, this is the inheritance of thousands of families. His current strength is limited and he cannot ignore the protection of a peerless Douluo and touch that statue.

If that doesn't work, we can only wait until we help Bibi Dong practice later to learn more about Rakshasa's divine power.

My thoughts kept changing and I kept walking.

Soon, Su Cheng arrived at the gate of Wuhundian Academy in the back mountain.

This place is actually not unfamiliar to him. During the first simulation, he taught the young soul masters of Wuhun Palace here.

However, compared to then, the students here are somewhat different now.

Dugu Yan noticed Su Cheng walking into the academy, and was a little surprised when he took the initiative to say hello and asked, "You want to take classes here too?"

She was a little surprised.

She knew all about Su Cheng's deeds during this period.

Various performances in the soul master competition, powerful self-created soul skills, planning a hundred thousand year soul beast in the hands of Haotian Douluo, directly moving into the Elder's Hall after joining the Spirit Hall, discussing secret techniques with many titled Douluo...

Although she did not have the opportunity to witness some of them with her own eyes, she had heard Dugu Bo recount them in detail.

She was shocked and at the same time couldn't help but feel emotional.

I still remember when the two first met, the other person was just a fledgling little soul master.

From a small place like Notting City that I had never heard of, I came to the capital of the empire and joined the Tiandou Royal Academy to study.

But in the blink of an eye, it was like a hidden dragon emerging from the abyss and soaring into the sky.

Even from many years ago, she knew that the person in front of her was far from ordinary and had a talent as strong as she had ever seen in her life.

But he never expected that the other party could reach this point so quickly.

In her grandfather's words, he put the young man in front of him on an equal footing with himself, without even treating him as a junior in his words.

Now that I see the other party coming to the academy, I am naturally a little confused.

"Of course not." Seeing an old acquaintance, Su Cheng was in a good mood and said casually: "I'm here to be a teacher."

"Teacher?!" Dugu Yan's eyes widened and he repeated in disbelief.

"That's right." Su Cheng nodded lightly.

Dugu Yan looked at him blankly.

After coming to this academy, she truly realized the difference between Wuhun Palace and other forces.

Looking at the academy alone, the Tiandou Royal Academy where she stayed before had top-notch facilities.

And because she has a good relationship with Yu Tianheng, she also knows some of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect's methods of training their children.

But compared to Wuhun Palace, it pales in comparison.

Mimicry training ground?

Not needed at all.

The mountain behind Wuhun City is a huge ancient soul beast forest.

There, there are all kinds of purely natural training environments, as well as a large number of high-end soul beasts.

Not to mention the teachers.

The teachers who come and go are even those with Soul Saint cultivation, and even those elders at the Titled Douluo level occasionally come to teach.

The students in the academy often come from well-off backgrounds, and if you randomly bring someone over, they might be direct relatives of a certain titled Douluo.

In comparison, her identity is not that special.

When it comes to talent, it doesn't even rank high.

Those so-called high-end colleges on the mainland that only accept elites are a joke compared to this place.

Because of this, even though he knew that Su Cheng had extraordinary abilities and talents, he never imagined that he could be a teacher here.

Su Cheng didn't care about her reaction and just said, "Come with me."

Then he continued walking inside.

At a glance, there were not many students in the college at this time, only a dozen or so.

In this aspect, Wuhun Palace is not much different from ordinary soul master academies, and it does not interfere much with the daily training of young soul masters.

Except for those few special geniuses known as the "golden generation", others are still free-range.

After a while, Su Cheng walked to the training ground behind the square and looked at the figures sitting and lying around.

Xie Yue, the fifty-fifth level attack spirit king, the martial spirit moon blade, possesses a ten-thousand-year-old wind element left leg bone.

Yan, the fifty-fifth-level attack-type war soul king and the martial soul flame lord, possesses a ten-thousand-year-old fire-type right arm bone.

Hu Liena, the fifty-fifth level control-type war spirit king, the martial spirit fox, even possesses a fifty-thousand-year-old spiritual skull.

These three people are the most talented young soul masters in Wuhun Palace of this generation.

In addition to this, there are a few people whose talents are also very good, but they are far behind compared to these three.

Not to mention that the three people in Xie Yue now each have a soul bone beside them.

"Xie Yue, Hu Liena, Yan..."

Su Cheng called their names one by one, and then said calmly: "You don't need to practice now, come to my side."

Brother and sister Xieyue and Hu Liena looked at each other, and then looked at several others.

Without questioning, he stood up and walked over.

The reason why they are so obedient now has nothing to do with the relationship between Su Cheng and Qian Renxue, it is just out of respect for the strong.

In the previous finals, everyone could see the terrifying strength Su Cheng showed.

Even Qian Renxue, who they thought was invincible to the younger generation, might not be their opponent.

Since the other party has now joined Wuhun Palace, it is natural to say a few words without offending them.

"I believe you all know my name. I came here today to tell you that I will be here to guide your practice for a while."

"?" Xie Yue and others were stunned when they heard this.

Then he asked cautiously: "Where is the captain? What did she say?"

Su Cheng knew that the "captain" the other party was referring to was Qian Renxue.

Qian Renxue currently has no position in Wuhun Palace.

Out of respect, other elders or Spirit Hall members would usually call her "Young Master" or "Sir" when addressing her.

However, the younger generation of soul masters in front of her, because they had stayed in the academy together and fought side by side, usually still called her "captain" to appear closer to her.

Only Hu Liena, because she knew the true relationship between Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong and was as close to Bibi Dong as mother and daughter, would she call her "sister".

Qian Renxue's attitude towards these titles has always been indifferent.

"She has other things to be busy with recently and can't take care of you." Su Cheng said calmly, "Don't worry, the Elder Hall will not interfere. I am fully responsible for this place. I have already fought with Elder Yu before coming here. It’s time to say hello.”

The "Elder Yu" in Su Cheng's mouth is the main person in charge of Wuhundian Academy.

When Xie Yue and others saw what he said, they didn't say anything more and waited quietly for his next words.

They also know that since Su Cheng entered the Wuhun Hall, his status has been extraordinary, and he even lived in the Elders Hall recently.

"No matter what your previous cultivation direction was, you can stop for a moment. I will teach you a set of exercises today as your main training content in the future."

After saying that, he took out a manuscript from the soul guide and handed it over to several people for circulation.

What it contains is the method of accelerating the accumulation of soul power in the first volume of Xiantian Gong, and the method of using soul power to feed the physical soul in the second volume.

As for the part of purifying the bloodline, it is not there.

That part of the content was of great importance and would not have much effect on the talented people in front of him, so he did not disclose it directly.

In the process of reading, the expressions of the people gathered together were constantly changing.

From hesitation and doubt at the beginning, it turned into surprise and shock, and in the end, they were all indifferent.


Xieyue, Hu Liena and others exchanged glances silently, and took a deep breath in unison.

The heart was beating violently in the chest, and many emotions such as excitement and surprise were surging in his heart.

They had never thought that the soul master's process of absorbing soul power could change from passive to active. This means that their future promotion speed will be greatly increased, and they will have more time to practice in other directions every day.

On this basis, the soul power can also be used to strengthen the physical quality, even touching the soul level that no one can touch.

You must know that before this, if a soul master wanted to improve his physical fitness, he could only rely on inefficient physical methods to temper his body. For example, the Haotian Sect's random cloak hammering technique is one of them, and this is already considered the most advanced technique.

Moreover, similar methods are limited by the type of martial soul.

In this regard, the owners of beast martial souls are born with great advantages, but weapon soul masters have a much harder time. As for those auxiliary soul masters, it is almost impossible to improve.

In addition, only when you absorb soul rings and advance, can you have a certain chance to strengthen the basic attributes of the body in all aspects.

The soul is even more remarkable.

No one can take the initiative to cultivate the soul.

All soul masters gradually strengthen their soul power as their cultivation level increases.

Now they have the opportunity to lay the foundation in advance, which means that when they reach Soul Saint, they can display a more powerful martial soul avatar.

For any soul master, this is tantamount to greatly increasing the upper limit of combat power.

"Why are you willing to teach us this kind of skill?" At this time, the red-haired Yan raised his head and stared deeply at Su Cheng with his lava-like crimson eyes.

"Why not?" Su Cheng looked at him and asked calmly.

"Aren't you afraid that after you learn this technique, you will be surpassed by us?" There was a trace of doubt on the red-haired man's resolute cheek.


Hearing this question, Su Cheng fell silent.

He looked at Yan carefully until his expression became a little unnatural.

Just now he asked softly: "Are you kidding me?"

Then he looked at Xie Yue and others, "You think so too?"

"No." Xie Yue shook her head with a serious look on her face.

Unlike Yan, he often speaks and does things without thinking because of his martial soul and attributes.

He knew it well.

Many things cannot be easily made up for.

"That's good."

Su Cheng nodded.

Then walked forward slowly.

The moment he raised his feet, everyone present stood frozen.

The black-haired man in front of him, who seemed harmless just now, seemed to have turned into a ferocious beast as towering as a mountain at this moment.

His mouth is like an abyss, and his fangs are like swords.

Endless dark shadows shrouded everyone's heads.

Under the gaze of those scarlet eyes, everyone's hearts were beating crazily, their minds went blank, and cold sweat continued to slide down their temples like a stream.

Su Cheng walked to Yan's side and patted his shoulder gently.

"Confidence is a good thing, come on."

After saying that, he turned around and walked outside the academy.

Until the moment he turned around.

Only then did these people come to their senses.

All the strength in his body seemed to have been drained away, and his body became weak. He tried his best to prevent himself from collapsing and making a fool of himself.


The reason why Su Cheng did this was not because he was unhappy.

He wouldn't be angry because of this.

He didn't even think about giving these people a blow. He didn't need such low-level methods.

He hoped these people would have more respect.

How effective the innate skills are, these people will naturally understand them after they practice them.

They are not ordinary people, but geniuses among soul masters, and the improvement brought by their skills is extraordinary.

But on the contrary, if they expand because of this, it will do more harm than good to the future, and practice is worse than not practicing at all.

"Next, you will practice this skill on your own. It shouldn't be difficult for you to get started in the early stage. I'll check back in a few days and ask any questions then. By the way, Dugu Yan's foundation is not as good as yours. If it's convenient, please take care of me."

Su Cheng said as he walked out.

He is not worried that these people will not practice hard.

For cultivators, if they get such a volume of skills, they will definitely go all out.

If they don't know how to seize this opportunity, they don't deserve to be called geniuses.

"Su, Captain Su."

At this time, Xie Yue suddenly called him, but paused and hesitated when speaking.

I found that I still couldn't pronounce the word "teacher".

Su Cheng didn't care about this. He stopped and turned his head to look over, "What's wrong?"

"I would like to ask you, where did Captain Su get this technique?"

"Where do you get it from?" Su Cheng looked at the other party with a half-smile, "Where do you think you can get it from?"

Xie Yue opened her mouth, struggling to say the answer that was both unbelievable and seemed to be the only one.

"This, this is you..."

"Yes, I created it myself."

"You..." Xie Yue heard this and wanted to say something else.

At this time, Su Cheng suddenly turned his head and said calmly: "You guys should practice well. I won't stay here anymore. There are still people waiting for me."

After that, he continued to leave.

Xie Yue was stunned and followed his gaze, only to find that a tall figure with shining blond hair and white clothes was standing quietly not far away, waiting silently.

Previously, he was immersed in the shock brought by the innate skill and the oppression of Su Cheng's momentum.

Unexpectedly, he didn't realize that Qian Renxue had arrived nearby.


Looking at the backs of the two people leaving side by side, everyone was silent for a while.

Then Xie Yue sighed and sighed with complicated emotions: "He has become stronger."

"Yeah, it's only been a few days." Hu Liena pursed her lips slightly.

The terrifying and suffocating aura just now was probably nothing more than that for the Titled Douluo.

"If it were him now, even if the captain was present, we would not be his opponent."

"..." Everyone couldn't help but remain silent after hearing this.

"And this set of skills..."

Xie Yue stretched out her palm and gently rubbed the page in her hand.

"What kind of person can research this kind of thing..."

Having said this, he turned to look at several other teammates, his handsome face full of solemnity.

"But what's even more terrifying is that he actually taught us this skill like this. Thinking about it from his perspective, do you have such courage?"


"Alas... no wonder the captain would..."

Several people shook their heads secretly, with mixed feelings in their hearts.

They are now at the age where emotions are full of emotions. Facing a person like Qian Renxue, who can be calm and calm without any disturbance?

The reason why it was never mentioned was that he never even showed any strange expression.

The reason couldn't be simpler.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare.

When each other's talents, identities, and strengths are completely unequal, some words are just self-humiliating.

But even if I don't have the chance to get it, when I see people who are usually revered as gods walking intimately with others, I can't help but feel resentful and dissatisfied.

Not to mention these men, even women like Hu Liena couldn't accept Qian Renxue's posture that day.

However, at this moment, they truly felt calm.

Even his state of mind cultivation has taken a big step forward invisibly.

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