After leaving Wuhundian Academy, Su Cheng and Qian Renxue were not in a hurry to return to the Elders' Hall to practice. ◆𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠𝐥𝐞 Search for 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝟓𝟐𝟎𝐜𝐨𝐦Read◆

It's still early now, so there's no need to rush into practicing the exercises.

There are several large training grounds in the back hills of Wuhun City, and the two of them walked towards them.

After arriving at the place, he glanced at Qian Renxue, who seemed unusually quiet today. Su Cheng did not summon the martial spirit, but stood empty-handed on the side of the training ground and said, "Come on, let me see your self-created soul skill again." .”

Qian Renxue nodded when she heard this, then turned around and came to the center of the square.

The Seraph Martial Spirit appeared behind him, with seven soul rings hovering silently under his feet.

There were no other unnecessary moves, and he directly used his martial soul avatar.

As the golden light shone, the shadow behind him moved forward slightly, and the two quickly merged.

The next moment, her entire body was rendered pure gold.

The body was tightly wrapped in dazzling golden flames, and dots of golden paint spread from the roots of the two pairs of white wings on the back to the tips of each feather.

The third pair of wings spread out.

Qian Renxue stretched out her arms, her tall and exquisite body hung in the air, and the red-gold light spread to all sides.

In the dazzling golden light, another layer of deep shadow quietly emerged.

At the same time, the black-winged angel with the same face gathered beside her, shrouded in shadows and black flames, and her long hair showed a slightly dull silver gray.

Seeing this, Su Cheng couldn't help but nodded secretly.

Unsurprisingly, after once again displaying the martial soul's true form and dual domains, the two Qian Renxue's appearance, momentum, and domain properties have changed to a certain extent.

Obviously, because she had just started practicing the exercises, the effect of the innate skills was extremely obvious, and her transformation and improvement in the past two days were huge.

Under the blessing of the domain, the two souls can no longer see any flaws.

In Su Cheng's perception, even if they don't join forces, they are almost twice as powerful as the main body.

The only restriction is the endurance of the physical body. I am afraid it will be difficult to sustain two souls with fully blessed soul power for a long time.

However, innate skills also have the effect of strengthening the body. Compared with the last battle, Qian Renxue's battery life must have also been strengthened.

The vertical lines on his forehead glowed with golden light, and Su Cheng carefully observed the two figures, one golden and one black.

In the real field of view, the golden figure looks much more real.

He knew in his mind that this was because the main personality was in control of the body at this time.

But what surprised him a little was that the second personality that appeared dark and black was not illusory. Although it did not have a real body, it continued to draw energy and blood from the field under its feet.

This is different from last time.

The last time the opponent's superimposed domain only had a protective effect.

But now, there is a faint sign that they are beginning to transfer their energy and blood foundation to the realm in their martial soul true form.

After a moment, he closed his eyes directly and enhanced his perception to the limit.

Silently appreciate the special features of these two fields.

"Purification... It's understandable... After all, he is the descendant of the angel god. This is also one of the effects of the original angel realm...

“However, is the other realm actually so pure?

"Although the killings are fierce and violent, and the will is extreme, there is no evil or malicious intention at all... The most holy and holy...

"It's really amazing..."

The more Su Cheng felt it, the more surprised he became.

Artistic conception comes from understanding, but it is more than understanding.

But it is quite difficult to go further on the basis of one's own understanding.

Because that would mean more extreme emotions.

Taking Su Cheng himself as an example, he could understand the meaning of the Great Nirvana, and even used it to condense a sword skill, but it could only be regarded as a prototype.

Every step of progress since then has been extremely difficult.

In addition to the part that conforms to his own will, he also needs to understand a more profound and comprehensive direction.

And because his understanding comes from observing changes in the outside world, he must be more cautious when improving.

To avoid being too deeply affected and even becoming a destructive person.

If he hadn't realized the Immortal Sword Intent later, which neutralized the negative emotions caused by the former to a certain extent, he would not have dared to delve too deeply into it.

But when it comes to Qian Renxue, the situation is different.

Her understanding obviously comes from herself, so it becomes more difficult to improve.

But there is also an advantage. She can largely avoid the risk of being backlashed by this kind of artistic conception, and her temperament will not change drastically as a result.

"...Use the self-created soul skill you used last time." It didn't take long for Su Cheng to open his eyes again.

He looked at Qian Renxue, "I remember it was called 'Divine Judge', right?"

The two nodded lightly when they heard this.

The next moment, they simultaneously raised their swords.

The golden flame and the black flame burn brightly, and the two different personal styles become more and more extreme in the process.

"Holy Sword, Judgment!"

"Purgatory, Judgment!"

As the soul skill was used, the two long swords were slashed at the same time.

In an instant, Su Cheng felt depressed.

It was as if invisible chains appeared out of thin air to trap him around him, trying to lock him to death in a narrow prison.

At this moment, his body, spirit, and even his soul and the space around him were faintly suppressed.

Not only that, there seemed to be a sharp sword hanging in the air above his head, which could deliver an unavoidable fatal blow at any time.

The golden sword locked onto the physical body, suppressing resistance.

The black sword weakens the will and takes away the vitality.

"What an amazing talent." Su Cheng sighed inwardly.

He still didn't summon the martial spirit, he just used his five fingers to shoot out the innate sword energy to break through the surrounding blockade.

You can't avoid it by hiding, this is a locking technique.

At least with his current mental strength, he can't break through this blockade.

But there is no need to hide, the two are quite different in strength.

Today's Qian Renxue is very strong, but he has not yet reached the level of a peak Douluo.

This absolute gap in power levels is difficult to make up for with skill alone, and Su Cheng has no trouble coping with it.

But only in this case can he feel the other party's advantages and disadvantages more clearly.

If the two were evenly matched and even confrontation was extremely difficult, then he would not be able to concentrate on exploring their deeper potential.

"...This kind of soul skill is really in line with her temperament." Su Cheng shook his head secretly.

Extremely egotistical and arrogant, one word can determine whether a person is right or wrong, life or death.

This kind of mind alone is unique.

After a while, Su Cheng had a thorough understanding of Qian Renxue's soul skill characteristics.

However, he did not stop in a hurry, but continued to try his best to see where the opponent's current limit was.

As a result, nearly an hour had passed since this fight, which surprised him.

You must know that the spirit power consumption of the spirit master by the spirit avatar is extremely shocking.

It is extremely rare for an ordinary soul master to be able to last for half an hour after using his martial soul's true form.

Qian Renxue was able to achieve this step while consuming double her soul power, which shows how deep her accumulation is.

Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that she once took Acacia Broken Heart Red.

The medicinal properties of that fairy grass are quite extraordinary.

"..." Looking at Qian Renxue who put away her martial spirit and turned slightly pale, Su Cheng pondered for a moment.

Then he slowly commented: "Using the Holy Sword to define good and evil, and using Purgatory to define life and death, it is indeed a good mood. This soul skill not only brings into full play the attributes and characteristics of the two of you, but also inherits them together. The intention is high and the potential is great. amazing."

Having said this, he sincerely praised: "Xiaoxue, you are a well-deserved peerless genius."

This kind of talent does not lie in the opponent's unprecedented twenty-level innate soul power level, but in his understanding and will.

To be able to achieve this level is no worse than Tang Chen, the legendary ancestor of the Haotian Sect.

This kind of artistic conception cannot be understood or used by Su Cheng himself.

This is inconsistent with his ideas.

To use Qian Renxue's sword requires not only strong self-awareness and an almost arrogant subjective consciousness, but also a bird's eye view of judging the rights and wrongs of others.

Su Cheng might have some experience with the former, but he would never be able to do the latter.

What Qian Renxue can do is due to a series of factors such as her origin, talent, and experience, as well as the two extreme souls that complement each other.

Apart from her, I'm afraid no one can do it.

Hearing Su Cheng's words, a blush appeared on Qian Renxue's cheeks that were slightly pale due to weakness, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing an unconcealable joy.

She understands Su Cheng.

I know that since the other person will say this, he must think so.

He will not indulge in useless flattery and compliments.

Looking at the other party, Su Cheng asked again: "Do you have any ideas about the next direction of practice?"

"I haven't fully understood this yet." Qian Renxue looked slightly confused after hearing this.

After all, she had just developed this self-created soul skill not long ago, and she mainly relied on instinctive guidance, and had not even optimized it to the most perfect level.

Not to mention taking it further, even finding a deeper level, and raising its upper limit.

Su Cheng nodded lightly, not surprised by this, "I have some ideas about this."

The inability to use this artistic conception does not prevent him from judging and analyzing from the perspective of a bystander.

Even though Su Cheng's cultivation is still shallow at this time, when it comes to understanding of swordsmanship, state of mind, etc., there may not be many people in this world who can surpass him.

"Xiaoxue, have you ever heard that man can conquer heaven?"

"Man can conquer heaven?" Qian Renxue repeated softly, thoughtfully.

"Yes, if the human heart is stable, it is above all else." Su Cheng looked at her and said solemnly, "But it is a pity that the way of heaven is constant, but the human heart is difficult to be stable."

"Heaven has its constants, but it's hard to predict..." Qian Renxue silently chewed on the meaning of his words.

"To me, your artistic conception is actually the incarnation of order. To rebuild order, the most important thing is the human heart. When it comes to your place, we must try our best to replace the heart of heaven with the heart of oneself, and then use the way of heaven to determine the way of humanity."

"Order?" Qian Renxue was shocked.


She walked all the way from Wuhun City to Tiandou City, and then returned to Wuhun City.

Although he has an extraordinary background and has always been in a high position, he understands all walks of life and has experienced and seen many scenes that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime.

Her mentality and concepts are completely different from ordinary people, and her level is also different.

As he thought about it, his aura suddenly changed slightly.

"Xiaoxue." Su Cheng suddenly spoke at this moment, taking the initiative to interrupt her comprehension.

"Rules and order are just tools. Remember what I said, 'First replace the heart of heaven with your own heart, and then use the way of heaven to determine the way of humanity.' Don't be too obsessed."

Qian Renxue took a long breath, nodded heavily and said, "I understand."

"Let's go back to the Elder's Hall."

Walking on the road, Su Cheng glanced at Qian Renxue, who was a little silent today, "You are not in a good state today. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Her personality is indeed not very lively, but in the past, she has always been unscrupulous in her words and deeds, and she is not silent.

Su Cheng knew it well and guessed that the other party had probably gone to see Bibi Dong.

It's just that I had to be busy with cultivation matters first, so I didn't rush to ask about it for the time being.

But when she was about to start practicing later, it was obviously better to talk things out and stop her from thinking wildly.

When Qian Renxue heard his initiative to ask, she no longer hesitated and asked: "Teacher, I heard from Bibi Dong that she has a task to give you. Why do you want to listen to her arrangements?"

Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly and he responded calmly: "She is the Pope after all."

"What about the Pope? She doesn't have the final say in Wuhun Palace alone. If you don't agree, it will be difficult for her to force you."

"That's what I say, but if it's not necessary, it's best not to confront her head-on."

"What mission did she assign to you?" Qian Renxue turned to look at Su Cheng.

In fact, this was what puzzled her the most.

Something must be done by Su Cheng alone, even to the point of intensifying the conflict with her.

In fact, before this, although Bibi Dong and her occasionally sneered at each other, they were no longer so tit-for-tat.

What's more, Bibi Dong's actions didn't just offend him.

In Qian Renxue's view, the other party's pressure on Su Cheng as the pope would inevitably cause Su Cheng's displeasure.

She didn't believe that Bibi Dong didn't understand this.

As for how valuable Su Cheng is to Wuhun Palace, anyone who is not blind or stupid can see it.

"She wasn't very specific."

Su Cheng didn't know what the two talked about, but he didn't think there was much substance.

He tried to be as vague as possible.

Then he took the initiative to ask: "Did Bibi Dong tell you?"

"No." Qian Renxue frowned.

After thinking for a moment, he spoke again, "Teacher——"

"Okay Xiaoxue, you don't have to think so much now." Su Cheng interrupted what she wanted to say, "Your top priority now is your own cultivation. I hope you can try your best to completely solve the hidden dangers in your soul within a year. Only then can I feel relieved.”

"One year?"

Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, then fell silent.

His expression changed, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

Su Cheng glanced at her and probably guessed what the other person was thinking.

He said bluntly: "Yes, Bibi Dong's task will not be handed over to me until a year later. But don't try to play some clever tricks to delay time, it will be useless. This matter is very important to you and it is not up to you. Don't worry. Besides, even if you really can't fulfill your request within a year, I will still have to leave when the time comes, and I can't stay with you all the time."


"Xiaoxue, you have to understand that we still have a long time in the future. For you, practicing seriously now is the most important thing."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Su Cheng.

In front of the two of them, the Elder's Hall was already in sight.

"Let's talk about it after we go back first."

After the words fell, Su Cheng walked in first.

Qian Renxue had no choice but to keep up.


As soon as the two of them entered the room, the door was slammed shut by Qian Renxue.

Then the soft body fell into Su Cheng's arms.

She raised her head slightly, her golden eyes trembling slightly, silently staring into his eyes.

Su Cheng held her flexible waist with his left hand, stretched out his right hand and gently stroked the long golden hair.

He said softly: "Even if there is any task, it won't take me too much time. What are you worried about? It will only be a few months at most. Haven't we not seen each other for many years before? Worrying about such a little thing, It’s not like your character either.”

At this point, he couldn't help but laugh again, "If you really get tired of being together every day, I guess you should be tired of it too."

"I won't be annoyed." Qian Renxue looked at him seriously and shook her head.

His eyes were a little dazed again, "I don't know why, I just feel a little uneasy."

Su Cheng blinked, "Xiaoxue——"

Before she could finish her words, she was blocked by a pair of soft and moist red lips.


While their lips and tongues were intertwined, he gently stroked the light and delicate back with his right hand as if comforting.

But other than that, there was no other action.

Su Cheng knew that the other party was not at peace now and it was not suitable to go too far.

But unfortunately, Qian Renxue didn't seem to appreciate it.

As if aware of Su Cheng's delay in making the next move, she actually took his hand and put it on her chest, while she reached out and groped around on his body.

"Xiao Xue!"

At this moment, Su Cheng suddenly took a step back, raised his arm to hold Qian Renxue's shoulder, and grabbed the dishonest white delicate hand.

He stared at the other person steadily.

There was a flame burning in the dark eyes.

"Teacher..." Qian Renxue murmured softly, with a beautiful luster on her red lips.

Not paying any attention to his words, she stubbornly put her other hand on his body.

He kept shaking his upper body, trying to break away from the grip of the palms on his shoulders.

But Su Cheng remained unmoved and locked the other party firmly in place.

"Xiaoxue, stop fooling around." His voice was slightly hoarse.

At this stage, even he has difficulty controlling himself.

But it must be controlled.

There are things that can be done, and there are things that cannot be done yet.

For Su Cheng himself, it actually didn't matter.

It's not like he's practicing boy's skills.

But Qian Renxue can’t.

That self-created soul skill has a profound artistic conception and requires extremely high mental requirements. If you say no accidentally, there is a possibility of backlash.

If the relationship between the two goes further at this time, it will cause her to become addicted.

Even if it does not cause worse consequences, it will greatly affect the efficiency of practice.

For Qian Renxue's extremely special talent and status, the sooner she completes the technique and enters the next stage of practice, the greater the benefit will be to her future.

She is only in her twenties and is still in the golden age of cultivation.

Now, both body and soul, she is in peak condition, and every minute and every second is precious.

As for other things, there is absolutely no need to rush.

Su Cheng still knew the importance of this.

Once you get through this, it doesn't matter what you want to do.

But before that, he didn't allow any accidents to happen.


Qian Renxue obviously didn't think so.

Looking blankly at his face so close, his expression seemed a little aggrieved.

Gently stroking her cheek, Su Cheng said with a smile: "Wait until you finish this stage of practice, then think about other things."

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