Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 213 The Sixth Soul Ring of One Hundred Thousand Years

In the room, Su Cheng played with the small drop of original power.

The transparent liquid like water droplets transformed into various forms in his palm.

Although this thing is integrated and cannot be injected with any other energy, nor can it be destroyed or divided, it has extremely strong malleability like an energy body.

The water droplets are just its appearance.

In fact, both its length and width can be greatly stretched when squeezed by external forces.

And because it is independent of any energy and matter, it can even be squeezed with soul power to expand this small drop of water into a huge plane.

After this period of research, Su Cheng had a preliminary understanding of the so-called "original power".

In addition to its natural integrity, it also has a strong isolation ability, able to block any high-intensity sensing methods he knows.

However, the amount of original power in Su Cheng's hands was too small after all. Even if he squeezed it to the maximum extent, it could only wrap up part of his body.

It is almost impossible to use this thing to carry out a sneak attack.

What's more, its effect can only block perception, but it cannot block vision.

Su Cheng did not doubt the power of the source.

This can be seen from the mission reward level at that time. Even if this kind of power does not exceed divine power by much, it is at least a higher level.

Considering that the innate power is enough to compete with divine power, but it is helpless against the original power, I am afraid that its level is still beyond imagination.

Unfortunately, apart from the function of shielding perception, he has not found any other more useful effects and special features so far.

Three months have passed since the last simulation returned to reality.

During this period, the simulator was unresponsive and seemed to consume a lot of money.

Su Cheng has already made some guesses about the nature of his own simulator, but he is not completely sure yet.

During this period of time, in addition to studying the original power, helping Qian Renxue in his cultivation, and occasionally taking time to give guidance to the young soul masters in the Spirit Hall, his own soul power level has also been raised to level 60, and he can condense soul rings at any time. Promoted to Soul Emperor.

With his current foundation, he is enough to condense the sixth soul ring of the 100,000-year level.

But it is a pity that his first few soul rings cannot be promoted simultaneously with the new soul rings like when he was promoted to Soul King before.

There is no problem with the resonance of the five elements, and the attributes of the new soul ring must also be within the five elements.

But the problem is that when the soul ring was condensed before, there was no powerful artistic conception integrated into the ring of law, so naturally it could not reach the 100,000-year level. At most, it could only be promoted to the extreme level of the 10,000-year soul ring.

Three days later, a nimble figure quickly walked through the Sunset Forest of the Tiandou Empire, then came to a hillside with familiarity, and jumped into the valley below.

This place is the Eye of Ice and Fire.

And that figure is Su Cheng who came here from Wuhun City.

Next, he will gather his own sixth soul ring here, and then be promoted to Soul Emperor.

You definitely can’t go to Poseidon Island now.

However, in addition to the Poseidon's Light, there are two places with extremely condensed energy fields - the Blue Silver Grass Forest and the Ice and Fire Eyes.

Considering his relationship with Ah Yin, he decided to come here for promotion without much hesitation, and he could also stop by the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect afterwards.

Su Cheng also knew about A Yin joining Wuhun Palace. Although he felt strange and speechless in his heart, not understanding how the two people got together, he didn't say anything more.

That kind of thing has nothing to do with him.

Soon, Su Cheng walked to the spring.

After taking a look at the ice and fire spiritual energy that continued to rise above and emit powerful energy fluctuations, he immediately sat down cross-legged.

Although the energy attributes of the ice and fire eyes are extreme, as long as he does not enter the spring water, it will not pose any threat to him.

He can even use the concentrated soul power in Poseidon's Light that contains a lot of power of faith and is extremely inert, let alone this kind of attribute energy.

With Su Cheng's current methods, he no longer needs a presence like the Blue Silver King to proactively provide him with soul power support. The energy concentration here is enough for him to condense soul rings on his own.

Su Cheng calmed down and became clear.

The next moment, the energy and blood all over his body floated, and the power of his soul caused the martial soul bloodline of the Eternal Life Sword to rise and appear.

The faint shadow of the sword spirit was suspended in front of him, exuding extremely powerful aura fluctuations.

As the Xiantian Kung was operating at full strength, a void halo began to appear outside the fifth soul ring, forming a blank sixth soul ring.

The Five Elements Domain spreads spontaneously, absorbing a large amount of soul power around it.

During this process, the powerful energy that was constantly escaping around the Ice and Fire Eyes also began to quickly fill in the aura that could not be seen with the naked eye.

White, yellow, purple, black...

The color of the Ring of Blank Law changes little by little, and then becomes deeper and deeper...

Su Cheng was already familiar with this.

Soon, the newly born sixth soul ring reached the maximum age of the ten-thousand-year soul ring.

But his body has not yet reached the limit it can bear.

"it's time."

Powerful meaning appeared around him and immediately merged into the soul ring at his feet.

It seemed like a faint moon shadow flashed in mid-air.

When the true meaning of immortality was introduced into it, the dark soul ring was instantly filled with brilliant red light, completing its final transformation.

Feeling that the soul ring's transformation was complete, Su Cheng quickly gathered his thoughts and stabilized it completely.

The dazzling red light also subsided little by little.

The sixth soul ring of one hundred thousand years has taken shape.


He let out a long breath.

Although he had expected it, at this moment, he couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face.

Compared with ordinary soul rings, the improvement effect brought by a hundred thousand year soul ring is undoubtedly a germ plasm change.

For him, the most precious point is that if he wants to use the sword skill "Ming Yue" again in the future, he will no longer need to use his martial spirit to activate it.

Just like in the simulation world, this skill has since been solidified in the field.

The disadvantage of requiring long-term accumulation of power has also been improved to a certain extent.

Although what he was condensing this time was not the more important seventh soul ring, his current situation was different from that then, and his field was not a pure talent field with a single attribute.

The Five Elements Domain has a special nature and is greatly affected by the soul ring.

Each additional attribute soul ring will have varying degrees of impact on the field.

With the sixth soul ring completely stabilized, the body's physical endurance, which had already reached its limit, also opened up new space with the emergence of the new soul ring.

Massive amounts of soul power began to feed themselves back vigorously, and the promotion bottleneck was completely eliminated. Physical fitness, strength and even cultivation levels were also rapidly enhanced in the process...

Although due to physical reasons, it is almost impossible for humans born in this world to break through the promotion hurdles and reach higher levels without the help of soul rings.

This also means that all soul masters will inevitably be continuously infected by various alien energies during their cultivation.

But Su Cheng is different after all.

After joining the Soul Sect, he never used soul beast soul rings to upgrade.

The rules for condensing soul rings originate from one's own blood, and the energy comes from pure soul power from the outside world. Even the core true meaning of a hundred thousand year soul ring is understood by oneself.

The combination of various conditions made his body much purer than most soul masters in the world.

Now it seems that this kind of purity does not make much sense.

But when it comes to integrating innate power, the difficulty will be greatly reduced.

After feeling the physical condition after transformation for a moment, he closed his eyes again.

Afterwards, a large amount of soul power surged in the soul rings under his feet, and the first five soul rings also rapidly increased in age amidst the strong energy fluctuations...

When everything was over, Su Cheng stood up and glanced at the ice and fire spring water aside.

In the deepest part of the spring, the bones and remnants of the two dragon kings were buried.

It is precisely because of the shadow of these two god-king-level experts that this place can condense such a powerful energy field and cultivate countless rare and rare plants.

By now, the two dragon souls may have begun to revive.

However, he only had a slight change of thought in his mind, and then turned around and left here.

Not to mention that he didn't want to come into contact with that level of existence so early.

Even if he wanted to, he still didn't have the strength to go deep into the water to find out.

Wuhun City, Pope's Palace.

After testing Hu Liena's recent cultivation status, Bibi Dong said casually: "Your soul power has improved very quickly, and it is estimated that you will be promoted to Soul Emperor in less than three years. By the way, I will go to Su Cheng again tomorrow to teach you. Is it the end of the day?"

Hu Liena was not surprised when she heard this.

She had long been accustomed to the extra attention she, the Pope's teacher, paid to Su Cheng.

Although I was a little surprised at first, I felt relieved when I thought about the magic of that technique.

After all, that technique caused quite a stir in Wuhun Hall.

Even the great priest, who had always existed only in legends and whom almost no one had the chance to see, was alarmed.

Even because of that skill, Su Cheng made an exception and took up the position of elder of Wuhun Palace with the cultivation level of Soul King and the age of less than twenty years old.

And they are not ordinary elders, they are powerful elders who have the management rights of Wuhundian Academy.

Now, even the many titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace have begun to practice the two volumes of innate skills.

However, for these powerful people, the cultivation effect of the first volume of Xiantian Kung is not so obvious and can only serve as the icing on the cake.

This is also related to the nature of the exercise.

The first volume of Xiantian Kung is adapted from the Nirvana Sutra.

In the simulated world, in order to make it easier for everyone to practice, Su Cheng simplified the Nirvana Sutra to make it highly universal.

But there are gains and losses.

Everyone can practice it, and the effect is naturally not like his Nirvana Sutra, which is tailor-made for him. Not only can he improve his bloodline, but he can even use it to fuse twin martial souls.

Even compared to the techniques used by Zhu Zhuqing to cultivate the Netherworld White Tiger Spirit, it was far inferior.

But even so, the elders still respected him.

The reason comes from the second volume.

When you reach the realm of Titled Douluo, the soul ring position is full, the body's attribute improvement has reached its limit, and the effect of physical means is minimal.

But after practicing Xiantian Kung, the bottleneck of the physical body that had not changed for many years was loosened again.

This kind of improvement efficiency is much faster than them absorbing soul power and struggling to upgrade.

Not to mention that this technique can also help them improve their soul power and enhance their fighting power in the true form of their martial soul.

It is no exaggeration to say that with Su Cheng's contribution, he will be able to speak in the future competition for the papacy.

If Qian Renxue is promoted to a titled Douluo in the future and wants to compete with Bibi Dong for position, he can play a decisive role if Qian Daoliu doesn't speak.

In order to obtain a similar level of voice, Bibi Dong had been operating in the Wuhun Palace for twenty years.

"Teacher, don't you know? Elder Su left the Spirit Hall yesterday. He has reached level 60 and is preparing to be promoted to Soul Emperor."

When Hu Liena said this, there was a hint of envy and sigh on her face.

The other party was much younger than her. As a result, not only did he develop the innate skill, but he even practiced it at an astonishing speed.

If I remember correctly, Su Cheng had just been promoted to Soul King when the Soul Master Competition started.

As a result, in less than a year, he was already on the verge of becoming the Soul Emperor.

Hearing Hu Liena's answer, Bibi Dong was stunned for a moment, and then quickly asked: "Just him?"

"Yes." Hu Liena felt a little strange about her reaction, "With Elder Su's strength, it should be easy to kill the soul beast, right?"

When Bibi Dong heard this, she secretly frowned and felt a little nervous.

She knew that Su Cheng's foundation was deeper than Qian Renxue's at level seventy.

But it was precisely because of this that she felt uneasy.

In Bibi Dong's view, Su Cheng might choose to absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring this time when he is promoted to Soul Emperor.

She knew that Su Cheng had many clues about hundred thousand year soul beasts, and it would not be difficult to find them. Otherwise, in that memory, the other party would not have all been one hundred thousand years old from the seventh soul ring onwards. Level configuration.

However, now Su Chengcai is just a level 60 soul king who has never broken through.

There are not many hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts that are easy to deal with, so it would be too risky for him to go and kill them alone.

Even if it is really killed, the noise will not be small, and it will be troublesome to have no one to protect it when it is absorbed.

She didn't understand, even if she didn't want to come to her for help, why not ask Qian Renxue to help?


Seeing Bibi Dong's expression uncertain, Hu Liena hesitantly called out softly.

"Huh?" Bibi Dong came back to her senses when she heard her apprentice's voice.

He quickly calmed down and said calmly: "It's okay, Nana, you can go back first."

After Hu Liena left the papal hall full of suspicion, Bibi Dong stood there in a daze for a while holding the scepter.

In the past few months, through various clues, she has been able to determine that Su Cheng must also have memories of another world.

Some time ago, she had visited the Ice and Fire Eye in her memory.

There is no longer any fairy grass there, only some ordinary rare herbs remain. There, she also found traces of past human habitation.

Bibi Dong knew that these changes were probably related to Su Cheng, so she didn't move at all at that time.

After knowing what was going on, he left there with a full heart.

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