Qian Daoliu's disciple?

After hearing Su Cheng's answer, Bo Saixi felt inexplicably unhappy.

Raising his left hand, he threw away the precious token that symbolized his noble status without any scruples, and inserted it diagonally into the soil dozens of meters away from the two of them.

He said coldly: "Are you threatening me?"

Before he finished speaking, the light blade arrived again.

Not only that, the free white left hand was clenched into a fist, the golden light instantly condensed, and it was swung straight forward.

The next moment, a powerful fist struck in front of Su Cheng with a scream-like sound breaking through the air.

Seeing the powerful blow in front of him, Su Cheng's expression changed drastically.

What was even more terrifying was that he felt that the air around him seemed to be frozen.

The body seemed to be in a deep sea thousands of miles away, with huge pressure coming from all directions. Not to mention moving as fast as usual, it was even difficult to maintain one's own balance.

"I can't escape, I have to fight hard..."

Su Cheng looked solemn, and the soul rings under his feet flashed one after another.

The second soul skill: Splitting Wind and Thunder.

The fifth soul skill: Recast Qingfeng.

Golden light flashed across the sword's edge. The originally extremely heavy Eternal Life Sword instantly became several times sharper, and the sword's body became extremely tough.

Immediately he cut it down with a sword.


The sword edge collided with the golden fist shadow.

A huge roar echoed all around.

After the blow, Su Cheng jumped back more than ten meters, and a wisp of blood flowed uncontrollably from the corner of his mouth.

The internal organs in the body showed signs of damage to varying degrees.

Opposite him, Bo Saixi raised her eyebrows.

He retracted his left fist in slight surprise.

At this time, a small scar of more than half an inch appeared on the white fist.

"Ha, as expected of you."

A mere newly promoted Soul Emperor could actually injure a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo like her in a head-on collision.

Although she didn't use martial arts.

There was only a trace of blood on the wound.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who was breathing heavily, didn't have time to rest, and straightened up with a solemn face.

The aura of the man opposite has changed!

An unparalleled sense of power and majesty was released from her body.

Under the huge blue light, a huge golden humanoid shadow slowly emerged.

In the hands of the humanoid shadow, it seemed to be holding a huge trident.

At the same time, nine soul rings, eight black and one red, were neatly arranged at Bo Saixi's feet, unabashedly releasing terrifying soul power fluctuations.

Noticing the surprise on Su Cheng's face, and glancing at the six soul rings, five black and one red, at his feet, a strange color flashed in Bo Saixi's eyes.

Then he sneered, "Why, is it amazing to have a hundred thousand year soul ring?"

She raised her right palm high, and then slashed it down like a blade.

Channels of golden light gathered into blades in mid-air, carrying a huge sound of breaking wind and striking towards them.

"I can only break the ring..."

Su Cheng's heart sank when he saw the terrifying slashes in front of him with golden light almost occupying his entire field of vision.

The right arm holding the Sword of Eternal Life hung down, as if he had given up resistance completely.

"I guess two soul rings are enough to escape. Try breaking one first. At least it will make the noise here bigger, and maybe you can save another soul ring."

Outside the first soul ring under his feet, a transparent layer of innate power has been attached silently.

At this moment, he poured innate power into the soul ring.

The opponent's offensive stopped.

The terrifying golden blade first stagnated in mid-air for a moment, and then shattered silently.


Looking at the confused Su Cheng not far ahead, Bo Saixi's heart became increasingly complicated.

When the critical moment came, she didn't want to cut anymore.

"He has not done those things, and judging from his appearance, he is not someone who would do similar things. You can't kill an innocent child just because of a dream."

Bo Saixi took a deep breath, "Yes, if I do this, I will actually go against Lord Poseidon's will. But just in case..."

She looked at Su Cheng and said calmly: "Answer me a few questions, and I won't kill you for the time being."

Su Cheng was shocked when he heard this, and a hint of joy appeared on his face.

If the ring can't be broken, it's naturally better to not break it.

If it wasn't a last resort, he really didn't want to use this method.

You must know that once the ring is broken, it means that one of his soul rings will be missing forever, which will have a great impact on the future.

As for the ring explosion, it is just an explosion of powerful soul power. It is meaningless if it is not at a high level.

He needs to improve comprehensively to have the capital to face this mysterious woman.

And it seemed that the other party didn't really want to kill him, otherwise there would be no need to hold back just now.

With the strength shown by the other party, there is obviously no need to worry about anyone.

Even if he is no match for his great disciple Qian Daoliu, no one can trace him after he kills him and leaves in style.

As for the opponent's previous strong attack, Su Cheng didn't think it was anything.

Whoever has a harder fist will have the right words.

This is the way the world is, and this is something he has long understood.

However, when Bo Saixi, who was standing opposite, saw his beaming expression, he felt a little amused in addition to the novelty.

The apprentice in my impression was always very at ease and rarely showed such an expression.

As she thought about it, her face remained calm and she asked calmly, "Have you ever heard of Poseidon Island?"

"Poseidon Island?" Su Cheng thought for a moment and then shook his head, "I've never heard of it."

Then he asked tentatively: "Are you from this place called 'Poseidon Island'?"

"That's right."

Just now, Bo Saixi had been observing his micro-expressions intently, and when she saw that his expression didn't seem to be fake, she felt a little relieved.

Su Cheng was stunned when he heard this.

No wonder I had never heard of such a number one figure. He turned out to be a strong man from overseas.

It is estimated that the other party is the same peerless genius as Qian Renxue, but he belongs to Qian Renxue after he has completed his growth.

That's why he can achieve such strength at such a young age.

On the other side, after Bo Saixi finished speaking, she turned around and walked away.

Noticing her movements, Su Cheng felt relieved.

It seemed that the other party was new to the mainland, and after hearing about his reputation, he came to test him casually. After that, there was no further follow-up.

In addition to relaxing, there is also a feeling of loss.

Although this person was merciless in his first attack, in the end he stopped at the point and did not push too hard, showing a strong sense of martial ethics.

And for some reason, I still have an inexplicable liking for her.

However, Su Cheng was not a man with a seductive mind, so he would not take the initiative to persuade him to stay because of this. He even wished that the other party would disappear from sight as soon as possible.

It is too dangerous to get along with a strong man of this level, whose identity is doubtful and it is difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.

"Why don't you keep up?" At this moment, a pleasant female voice came from the side.

"?" Su Cheng looked in shock and saw Bo Saixi stopping not far away, waiting quietly.

"I asked you to follow."

"What are you doing?" Su Cheng forced a smile and felt a sense of pain in his heart.

"Don't worry, just follow me."

As he spoke, Bo Saixi's blue eyes were firmly locked on him.

Su Cheng's expression suddenly changed slightly.

If you leave here, the price you have to pay for dealing with Zhou Xuan will be more than one or two soul rings.

Bo Saixi's eyes moved slightly, and she could see his intention at a glance, and the corners of her lips could not help but raise slightly.

He said calmly: "You don't have to think that the two peak Douluo in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect can rush out to save you after hearing the noise.

"The surroundings have been completely covered by me, let alone just a short while, even if we fight here for a whole day, no one will notice.

"So don't think that staying here will do anything."

Su Cheng felt a chill in his heart.

The other party actually had such a method, but he was never aware of it at all.

And he acts so cautiously. Is this person really as young as he looks?

Or is it actually an old monster that ran out of nowhere and is pretending to be young?

"What? You want me to go over and invite you in person?"

As he spoke, his white right hand slowly clenched.

Seeing this, Su Cheng didn't dare to wait a moment longer, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked in a seductive voice: "Sister, where did I offend you?"

"Sister?" Hearing this call, Bo Saixi's body trembled, and then she looked at Su Cheng with a strange expression, "...in a dream."


Su Cheng's face turned dark when he heard this.

Then he sighed again.

No matter what the other party said now, he could only hold his nose and admit it.

There is nothing you can do about the lack of strength.

"Where do you want me to go with you?"

"No need to ask any more questions, just follow me."

"my teacher--"

"If you want to use your reputation as a teacher to pressure me again, don't blame me for being ruthless."


As the two of them walked on the road, Bo Saixi glanced at Su Cheng, who was following him, and said casually: "Your strength is not what a person of this age should have. And your soul ring configuration is also quite in line with that." It’s different. How did you practice?”

"Isn't it the same for you? And you just said that a hundred thousand year soul ring is nothing special."

"Am I asking you, or are you asking me?" Bo Saixi's face darkened.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly corrected his attitude and said seriously: "Sister, don't you understand that you can cultivate to this point? People are different. Soul masters pay attention to talent. People with excellent talent should be far away from others. Outstanding among peers.”

"Talent..." Bo Saixi frowned and sighed silently in her heart.

These were not words that the Su Cheng in his memory would say.

At this time, I heard him continue: "However, talent is only part of the reason. I have naturally put in a lot of hard work to get to where I am today.

“Otherwise, how would it be possible to obtain such a level of soul ring combination.

"Who doesn't have shackles? Talent is a shackle, origin is a shackle, including the soul ring configuration required for upgrading, and the various choices faced during the cultivation process. Each step may determine the future.

"No matter what your conditions are, you have to find a way to face them."

He looked at Bo Saixi and smiled: "Because I have talent, I don't need to consider this kind of thing. What I have to consider are resources, background, and even the risks I may encounter during my training.

"As for those who don't have talent, they have to find other ways, right? There is no perfect way."

"What way?" Bo Saixi looked sideways at Su Cheng, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning, "Is there any way to improve the talent?"

Su Cheng was a little surprised. He didn't expect the other party to care about such things. "Maybe, who knows, I don't need to think about these things."

"So, in the final analysis, you are just standing and talking without pain in your back." Bo Saixi said coldly, "Because you have cultivation conditions that ordinary people do not have."

Noticing her expression, Su Cheng was stunned for a moment.

I don’t know why the other party seems so irritable.

After thinking about it, he said patiently: "That's true, but there are only a few people who are born in the clouds. If they want to change their destiny, they naturally need to rely on their own efforts. It is useless to blame others."

"……On their own?"

"Of course you have to rely on yourself." Su Cheng laughed dumbly, "Otherwise, do you have to rely on me? Or pray to the gods for mercy? I also relied on myself to get the first few soul rings."

Speaking of this, a thoughtful look appeared on his face, "But speaking of it, it seems that gods really exist in this world. The statue of the angel god in our Wuhun Hall seems to be more than just a legend."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi's heart moved and she said softly: "Then what do you think of the legendary angel god in your Spirit Hall?"

"Angel God?" Su Cheng didn't take this question to heart and just treated it as casual chat.

"Probably some extremely powerful soul master. After exceeding a certain limit, he considers himself a god and overlooks all sentient beings from above and kneels before him.

“But no matter how much I kneel down and worship, it seems to have no effect.

"The world is still like this. The strong decide everything, the nobles indulge in lust, and the common people who have no talent for cultivation can only seek food and clothing."

After saying these words, he really didn't think there was anything wrong.

In fact, even Wuhundian itself seems not to have paid much attention to the existence of the legendary angel god.

Even in terms of symbolic meaning, this so-called god is not as resounding as the Pope of Wuhun Palace.

Hearing his words without awe, Bo Saixi, who was walking aside, turned back and fell silent for a moment, "As expected."

While talking, the two of them had walked far to the west.

They are all powerful soul masters with extremely fast feet.

In just half a day, we have already passed through several cities.

Seeing that the location was getting further and further away, Su Cheng felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but ask again: "Where are you taking me?"

"Poseidon Island." Bo Saixi no longer concealed anything at this time and said bluntly.

"Poseidon Island? Isn't that your hometown?!" Su Cheng paused and said in shock: "Is this place overseas?"

"That's right."

"What are you taking me there for?" He stopped immediately.

He shook his head firmly and refused: "I won't go."

He didn't want to go to a place he had never heard of.

The risks are simply too great.

Staying on the mainland will cost you something, but you can ultimately keep yourself safe.

If you are really stupid and follow the other party's lair, you won't let the other party make you round and flat.

At that time, I am afraid that even if I use the secret technique of breaking the ring and my innate power, it will be difficult to escape.

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