Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 217 You are destined to be a sea god

"Don't be too busy refusing." Bo Saixi said calmly, looking at Su Cheng calmly.

"I know you still have some cards that you haven't used yet. But I guess the price for you is not small."

Bo Saixi is not a fool either.

During the previous battle, although the opponent's expression was surprised and solemn, the overall feeling was very calm and calm.

That kind of indifference is not the fearlessness of life and death, but the confidence of knowing that one will not lose his life.

She still has this vision.

Seeing this, Su Cheng stopped covering up and said calmly: "I do have some means to escape. It's better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. We had no grievances in the past and have no grievances these days. Why should you embarrass me?"

"You have also seen that token. My status in Wuhun Palace is pretty good, and my future potential is not ordinary.

"Although you are far away overseas and beyond the reach of the Wuhun Palace, if we really pay a price to cause trouble for you, the forces behind you will not feel easy. I think this is not the result you want to see.

"At your age, no matter how strong you are, you will never be stronger than a peerless Douluo at level 99."

Speaking of this, his expression became more sincere.

"In our fight today, my skills are inferior to others, and I have nothing to say. If there is a chance in the future, I will ask you to decide the outcome.

"But if there is really irresolvable hatred between you and me, life or death will be decided in the future."

"..." Bo Saixi narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this and remained silent for a long time.

After a long silence, he slowly spoke: "Coming to Poseidon Island with me is not a bad thing for you. I won't hide it from you. There is a divine inheritance on Poseidon Island, and I want you to try it."

"Inheritance of the divine throne? Me?" Su Cheng pointed to his nose, with a look of surprise on his face, "Why did you choose me?"

"Because you have a fate with Poseidon."


"The most important thing is that your talent is good enough."

Su Cheng had a look of disbelief, "What about you? Not to mention whether you are a god or not, you really have such good things over there. How come it's my turn to be a mainlander like me who has nothing to do with you?"

In fact, he didn't really believe in the "divine inheritance" mentioned by the other party.

"I have tried before, but I am not qualified enough to pass on the divine status." Bo Saixi said lightly, "What I obtained is a lower-level inheritance. Otherwise, where do you think I got this strength?"

"Are there no other soul masters in the sea?" Su Cheng looked at the other party suspiciously, "Listen to what you said, this so-called 'divine inheritance' is obviously a very important thing, so just leave it to me as an outsider. ?”

"Everyone has a chance. It's just that they are just like me. No one can meet the standards for inheriting the divine position. As for outsiders or not, it doesn't matter. Poseidon Island needs a new Poseidon, and the sea also needs a new Poseidon."


Su Cheng blinked and pondered for a moment before replying immediately. He just said, "I want to think about it."

"Then I'll give you one night to think about it." Bo Saixi did not refuse the request. "If you still choose to refuse tomorrow, then try to use your special means to see if you can get away from me."


In a hotel in a main city in the western part of the Tiandou Empire.

Su Cheng, who was sitting in the hotel room thinking silently, suddenly shook slightly.

There was a moment of confusion in his eyes, and then a glimmer of light appeared in his eyes, like misty glass being instantly polished.

He emerged from his self-hypnosis.


He let out a long breath.

Reviewing all the changes that happened today, Su Cheng sighed secretly.

He didn't expect Bo Saixi to be so decisive.

Because of those specious memories, he traveled thousands of miles from Poseidon Island to the mainland to look for himself.

If he hadn't used the little trick of soul hypnosis to confuse the opponent, the intensity of this battle would have been several levels higher.

Although he could save his life, the price he paid would be much higher.

The soul hypnosis method used today was derived from the skills he created with the "Soul Scholar" talent and the "Professional Clergy" talent during the last simulation.

At that time, relying on this method, he greatly enhanced the cohesion of the core members of the Ming Cult in the simulation and prevented them from leaking their innate skills.

He also used the same self-hypnosis to deceive the Poseidon's Light, and used the soul power there to condense the seventh soul ring of a hundred thousand years.

Now back to reality, although the two special talents of "Soul Scholar" and "Professional Clergy" have been stripped away, the skills mastered will obviously not be forgotten.

"I'm afraid I have to go to Poseidon Island once..."

Su Cheng tapped his fingers on the table, thinking secretly.

This time Bo Saixi did not hesitate to break the rules on Poseidon Island and rushed directly to the mainland. It was obvious that she was very determined and would not treat him so lightly.

Rules, if broken once, will appear again.

If Bo Saixi's thoughts cannot be completely cut off, there is no guarantee that there will be other actions in the future.

But faith is so deeply rooted in the bones that it cannot be easily broken without years of hard work. What's more, a top powerhouse like Bo Saixi has extremely firm beliefs.

Unless her martial soul is forcibly washed away by violent means, the dignified high priest of Poseidon Island, who possesses the Poseidon martial soul, will definitely put worshiping the gods first.

You know, even at the last moment in the simulated world, when the relationship between the two was extremely close and the Poseidon inheritance had been severed, Bo Saixi never let go of his faith.

For now, the best way is to stop her from confusing herself with those memories and linking them together.

But this is obviously difficult to do.

The other party came all the way from Poseidon Island to the land. It was obvious that they had no doubts about what happened in their memories. They probably couldn't get over it with just words.

"First try to delay as much time as possible." Su Cheng's face calmed down, "It is true that Bo Saixi has murderous intention, but this murderous intention is not serious. She is also hesitant about how to deal with me."

It wouldn't hurt to go to Poseidon Island.

As long as he is promoted to Soul Saint, even if he is still unable to defeat Bo Saixi, he will not be unable to fight back.

The incomplete personality mask that had been washed out in a hurry had completely forgotten the situation of Poseidon Island and did not know the depth there.

But Su Cheng himself clearly knew that the greatest threat to him in that place was only the formation composed of the Seven Holy Pillars and Bo Saixi himself.

If he was willing to pay the price of a broken soul, that formation wouldn't be able to stop him at all.

And if he was unwilling to pay the price, Bo Saixi alone would be enough to restrict him.

So it doesn’t make much difference whether you go or not.

"Fortunately, although she sees me as a threat, she still misses some old feelings and has been holding back a lot."

Su Cheng knew very well how strong Bo Saixi was.

Without the use of innate power, even if the opponent does not use martial arts, he will not be able to resist the attack so easily.

"If I really go to accept the test of Poseidon Island..."

Thinking of this, Su Cheng suddenly felt something in his heart.

He has a way to avoid high-level assessment.

Of course, it was impossible to trigger the Ninth Poseidon Test in the first place. Bo Saixi didn't know, but he knew that without the Poseidon's Heart, the divine inheritance could not be activated.

But as a result, many things at Wuhun Palace will be delayed.

Qian Renxue's condition is just one of them.

She has now made considerable progress in understanding the different states of her two souls. Su Cheng's help in this regard is limited, and she still has to rely on herself in the end.

So it's not a big problem to postpone it for a while.

As long as he waits until the opponent finally takes shape, he can use it as a basis to revise the second volume of Xiantian Kung.

This step is not difficult for him.

The Nirvana Sutra for the Netherworld White Tiger, the Nirvana Sutra for the Eternal Life Sword and the Innate Formation, and even the later simplified version of the Innate Skill...

He was already familiar with the road.

But besides Qian Renxue, there are many other things waiting for Su Cheng.

Zhu Zhuqing, who was currently in the city of killing, needed to consider his agreement with Bibi Dong and even a series of things such as exploring the far north and discovering the secrets of ferocious beasts in the future.

"We can't wait too long..."

As his thoughts turned, Su Cheng's soul glowed faintly.

The originally rough and crude false personality mask also continued to become more and more perfect in the process.

The next day.

When Su Cheng walked out of the hotel, Bo Saixi was already waiting outside.

Seeing his figure, the other party also followed his gaze, "How are you thinking about it?"

"You have to tell me first, what will you do if I don't succeed? Are you going to restrict my freedom, or are you going to kill people and silence me."

"Whether this is successful or not, I will not make things difficult for you again." Bo Saixi said calmly.

As for whether this is true or not, only she herself knows.

"Okay, I guess a strong person like you won't break the agreement. In that case, I will trust you this time and go to Poseidon Island with you."

Su Cheng stared at her and said solemnly: "But I have to send a message to Wuhun Palace first to prevent them from worrying."

Bo Saixi thought for a while, but did not refuse. She nodded and said, "Okay, but you can't mention Poseidon Island and my existence, and don't think of playing any tricks. I will keep an eye on you."

Su Cheng was not surprised when he heard this.

It would be strange if the other party didn't do this.

Wuhundian is not an ordinary force. No matter how remote the so-called "Poseidon Island" is, or how powerful it is, it still has to be somewhat fearful.

The city they were in at this time was not small in size, and there was a martial spirit main hall in the city.

Su Cheng, holding the elder's token, easily met the master of the Wuhun main hall.

The other party saw that he was young, not only had the token, but his level was higher than his own, and his aura was unfathomable.

Not daring to be negligent at all, he immediately led him to write and deliver the message.

The matter was quickly settled, and the two walked out of the Wuhun Main Hall side by side.

Bo Saixi looked sideways at Su Cheng and said calmly: "Half a year? I remember telling you that the time won't be too short."

Su Cheng smiled and said, "Well, let's talk about it then. If you talk about the time for too long at once, it will be difficult to explain."

Bo Saixi looked noncommittal when he heard this, but said nothing more.

She didn't care how long the letter agreed on.

In her opinion, with Su Cheng's talent, he would at least get the top test, and maybe even have a chance to touch the Poseidon Ninth Test.

And once they accept the test of Poseidon, it means that the other party will never have the possibility of leaving Poseidon Island.

Soul masters who complete the black-level assessment will become Holy Pillar Douluo in the future; while soul masters who complete the top-level assessment are destined to be the next high priests.

Both of these tests will attract Poseidon's attention and be marked by Poseidon's power.

In this situation, Su Cheng couldn't run away even if he wasn't watching.

I wrote this letter just to reassure him.

At this time, a hint of joking appeared on Bo Saixi's face, "Didn't you say that the ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo Qiandaoliu from Wuhun Palace was your teacher? Why didn't you write a letter to your teacher? Instead of writing What did you give Qian Renxue to that person?"

"Teacher, he is usually very busy with work. I'm afraid he doesn't have time to read this kind of thing. It's the same for everyone."


Hearing these remarks, Bo Saixi just sneered and immediately walked away.

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