With Bo Saixi's soul guide ship as their driving force, and her powerful soul power driving them, the two of them traveled very quickly.

It took less than two days in total to cross the ocean and arrive outside Poseidon Island.

During this time, they didn't meet anyone.

None of the many sea soul beasts guarding outside Poseidon Island, as well as the huge group of demon soul great white sharks, showed up.

After setting foot on Poseidon Island, Su Cheng immediately felt how different it was and couldn't help but sigh, "It's really different from the scenery on land. It's a great place."

Although winter has arrived, the climate on this island is as warm as spring, and the air is exceptionally fresh and moist.

When Bo Saixi heard this, she glanced at him and said nothing, as if she cherished her words like gold.

Su Cheng also immediately noticed the difference in her at this moment.

Compared with the previous time in Douluo Continent, the other party is obviously much more dignified and solemn now, and he is not as casual as before.

Blinking, he couldn't help but thought to himself: "It seems that her status here is really unusual."

Su Cheng didn't care, and followed Bo Saixi toward the woods ahead, looking around.

He said casually: "Your Poseidon Island is really big and has a unique environment. I didn't expect that there is such a place overseas. I have never heard of it before."

At this point, there was a hint of confusion on his face, "Is there no one else? Where are the guards guarding the island or something like that?"

Logically speaking, any slightly larger force would always have soul masters as guards.

Even if the sea is sparsely populated, there are always some sea soul masters coming and going, or fleets of trading merchants passing by. How can an island with an owner be left unattended.

What's more, Poseidon Island is named "Poseidon" and can cultivate strong men like Bo Saixi. It is estimated that its status at sea is not much different from that of Wuhun Palace in Douluo Continent.

"Just come with me." Bo Saixi said calmly, but felt helpless in her heart.

After spending the past few days together, she finally discovered it.

The character of Su Cheng next to him was familiar yet a little strange at the same time. He was obviously much more lively and talked a lot than the person in his memory.

Although it does make her feel a little novel and warm in many cases, and does not make her feel wary, but occasionally she still misses the more mature and thoughtful apprentice before.

As for the Poseidon warriors who guarded Poseidon Island, they had naturally been driven back by her with the authority of Poseidon Island.

She didn't want to waste time on this kind of thing.

Soon, the two passed through the dense woods on the outskirts of Poseidon Island, and their eyes suddenly opened up.

The scene that came into view surprised Su Cheng a little.

At this time, what appeared in front of him was a pool of water that seemed to be about six hundred meters in diameter. But it was obviously not an inland lake. The water surface was as rough as the sea, and it moved automatically without wind.

The clear water is crystal clear, and some small marine creatures can be seen swimming in it, but there does not seem to be a sea soul beast.

In the middle of the sea pool, there is a circular platform with a diameter of about thirty meters, with tall round stone pillar sculptures standing on it.

The stone pillar is more than twenty meters high, and its entire body is dark blue like sea water. The entire pillar is engraved with countless complex patterns. It seemed to be a kind of text, and there was an invisible and strange energy emanating from this strange pillar.

There is also a giant blue dragon hovering at the top, with finely carved scales that are lifelike.

Farther away, there is a mountain peak facing the huge sea dragon sculpture, which looks very spectacular.

After looking at it for a while, Su Cheng focused his attention on the edge of the circular platform.

There, standing a shirtless man. She has a simple face and bronze complexion, and like Bo Saixi, she has a pair of distinctive dark blue eyes.

He is more than two meters tall, with an unusually strong build, and the muscles on his broad shoulders are like stacks of granite. Her dark blue hair just reached her shoulders and was naturally curled.

There is also a blue dragon tattooed on his solid arm. Judging from the shape, it is almost identical to the giant dragon hovering at the top of the column.

This man exuded powerful energy fluctuations all over his body, and his aura was much stronger than that of Bo Saixi, who had a restrained charm next to Su Cheng.

The next moment, in Su Cheng's slightly surprised eyes, he saw the person opposite him bowing to the woman in red beside him, and said in a deep voice: "See the high priest."

"High Priest?" Su Cheng looked at the beauty beside him with confusion on his face.

During the conversation between the two on the road, he had already learned the other person's name, but he did not know any other specific information such as cultivation, identity, age, etc., and the other party never revealed it.

Now, at a glance, her status on Poseidon Island seems to be much higher than imagined.

Even the powerful Titled Douluo not far away did not dare to show any slightness and showed great respect.

And Su Cheng could see that this respect came from the heart and was not just because of the so-called "high priest" status.

Bo Saixi nodded calmly.

Immediately, his soul power was released, hugging Su Cheng beside him, and flew to the sacred pillar platform in a blink of an eye.

Sea Dragon Douluo also looked at Su Cheng, wondering: "Who is this?"

"Give him the test of summoning Lord Poseidon." Bo Saixi had no intention of going into details.

Although Sea Dragon Douluo had some doubts in his heart, wondering how this young man came to be brought to the test by the high priest who had not appeared for many years, he did not ask any more questions, nor did he hesitate at all.

I saw him walking slowly to the stone pillar, facing the high sea dragon statue, with a pious light in his eyes.

Then he slowly raised his hands to his chest, and a faint blue light appeared in the middle of his palms. The palms of his hands were facing each other half a foot apart, and the blue light gradually became stronger...

When the blue light filled the palms of Sea Dragon Douluo's hands, the light suddenly bloomed, causing the entire platform to be filled with a clear blue light.

Immediately afterwards, there was a flash of light below the holy pillar, and a blue light spread along the lines on the holy pillar, climbing to the top almost in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Su Cheng, who had been standing silently beside him, suddenly moved his eyes slightly.

His instinct told him it was time.

At the same time, the drop of original power hidden under the skin that no one could detect began to move rapidly along the meridians towards the upper body.

Starting from the right hand, through the arm, shoulders, and finally to the top of the left arm.

Immediately, it quickly stretched and opened, turning into a thin membrane to wrap the entire left arm.

If someone were to look at it without using their eyes and just relying on their senses, they would realize that Su Cheng at this moment was simply a disabled person whose left arm had just been broken.

The meridians, muscles, and fibers all over the body are all broken here. From then on, the energy flow is not smooth and the blood flow is blocked.

This also means that although his own strength is powerful, far beyond the limit level that his peers can achieve, he also has a sixth soul ring that is one hundred thousand years old.

But the way forward is cut off, and there is almost no potential left. There is a high probability that he will only be able to stay at the soul emperor level for the rest of his life, and there will be no second martial soul.

But obviously, when the test under the Holy Pillar is about to come, neither Sea Dragon Douluo nor High Priest Bo Saixi will make such a disrespectful act by releasing their spiritual power.

Su Cheng, who looked at the Holy Pillar silently, was actually a little nervous.

He knew that the source power was at an extremely high level, but he was not 100% sure that he could deceive the divine power.

The next moment, Sea Dragon Douluo turned around and looked at Su Cheng, pointing his right hand towards his body.

A blue beam of light fell from the sky and enveloped Su Cheng's body.

Bathed in the beam of light, he didn't feel much abnormality.

Then, in the eyes of several people who were nervous, expectant, or puzzled, the color of the light beam began to change...

First it changed from blue to white, and slowly, from white to yellow...

The moment the color appeared, Bo Saixi's brows furrowed tightly.

This rate of change...isn't right.

After another moment, the light beam finally changed from yellow to purple.

On the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar behind Sea Dragon Douluo, the bottom lines began to turn purple and gradually climbed upward.

Immediately afterwards, a total of three purple lights shot out and appeared in front of Su Cheng at the same time, turning into three square light curtains. On each layer of the light curtain, some special golden words flashed.

The words on the first light screen shine brightly, while the words on the other two light screens are relatively dim.

Then the three light curtains quickly converged and turned into three points of purple light that simultaneously sank into Su Cheng's forehead. There is also a purple triangle on his forehead.

Seeing this scene, Sea Dragon Douluo subconsciously looked at Bo Saixi who was standing aside.

Although his eyes were as respectful as before, there seemed to be a hint of doubt in them, as if he was asking: "That's it?"

The third purple level test is certainly quite good.

Even on this Poseidon Island, it is very rare to see it.

As long as the soul master can successfully pass the test, he will almost certainly become the backbone of Poseidon Island in the future.

That is the existence second only to the Holy Pillar Douluo, and there is a high probability that it will have the strength of the Soul Saint or even the Soul Douluo.

However, whether it is good or not depends on everyone.

This young man is a soul master brought by the high priest himself, how could he stop at just a purple level assessment?

Is there something wrong with any link here?

What was the purpose of the high priest bringing this man here?

Su Cheng looked at the beautiful woman in red with a confused expression, "Sister, is this the divine inheritance you mentioned before?"

Bo Saixi: "..."

She had thought that Su Cheng would get the top eight exams, and even the ninth Poseidon exam was a possibility.

Of course, the top seven exams are not unacceptable, and the worst is the black level six exams.

But any kind of speculation obviously does not include the third purple level test.

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