Half a month later, Bo Saixi was not surprised when she saw Su Cheng arriving at the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

In fact, she has been secretly observing Su Cheng's mission progress and practice.

Including the scene of receiving the reward after completing the first test, they are all within her perception.

For Su Cheng, the first level of the purple level assessment was naturally not a difficult task.

The Evil Killer Whale is not difficult to find.

On the sea, the evil killer whales have almost no natural enemies, and there are no taboos on their roaming.

For other ordinary soul masters whose strength is at the Soul Saint level, this test is actually quite difficult.

This kind of spirit beast usually goes out in groups and rarely happens alone.

This also means that to complete the task of killing the evil killer whale, not only does the soul master need to be strong enough, he must also have great patience to wait for the opportunity, and he must not be too unlucky.

Otherwise, if you are targeted by a swarm of evil killer whales, the risk will be magnified countless times in an instant.

If it were Su Cheng, of course he wouldn't have such a problem.

Not to mention the mere 50,000-year-old Evil Killer Whale, he could kill even the 100,000-year-old Evil Killer Whale King.

The previous test that the Sea Dragon Holy Pillar released to him was based on the fact that he had lost an arm and had no innate power, combined with his own basic qualities, strong sword will, and high-quality Eternal Sword Spirit. And the arrangement is made with a soul ring configuration that is far beyond ordinary people.

Compared with Su Cheng's true strength, it is naturally far behind.

Bo Saixi looked at him and asked, "What is the content of your next assessment?"

Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly, and he pointed to Poseidon Mountain in front of him, "He said that he wants me to pass through Poseidon's Light under Poseidon Mountain and climb the 108 steps within a year."

"Huh?" Bo Saixi was stunned for a moment, then raised her delicate eyebrows slightly, "Are you sure?"

Seeing her reaction, Su Cheng was also a little confused, "Is there something wrong?"

Seeing that he didn't look fake, Bo Saixi slowly shook his head and said, "It's nothing, you can go over."

After Su Cheng crossed the ring sea outside Poseidon Mountain and stood at the foot of Poseidon Mountain, Bo Saixi frowned again.

He murmured in a low voice: "Strange, how could..."

Since she became the high priest, she has met many soul masters who have accepted the test of Poseidon.

Among them, there are many ordinary sea soul masters outside Poseidon Island, residents who originally lived on Poseidon Island, and even land-based soul masters who came overseas from Douluo Continent.

However, except for the few Holy Pillar Douluo seedlings who have passed the black-level test, there has never been any soul master who has passed the mid- to low-level test, and the item of traveling through the Poseidon's Light will appear in the assessment content.

"Is it because of his unique foundation and strength? But if that's the case, why did Lord Poseidon only give him a purple-level third exam..."

The way things have progressed to this point has completely deviated from her initial expectations.

Now, even this simple third purple level exam seems to be full of mysteries.

Bo Saixi even had some doubts as to whether this was a special arrangement from Poseidon.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who was standing at the foot of Poseidon Mountain after getting Bo Saixi's permission, looked up at the climbing stairs not far ahead.

There seems to be a majestic and solemn atmosphere permeating the thick white jade stone steps, which is depressing.

The reason why he did not proceed with the last two levels of the purple level assessment normally was naturally because he did it on purpose.

Because only in this place, with the high concentration of soul power and pressure here, could he have the opportunity to quickly increase his soul power in just half a year.

After the Ice and Fire Eyes condensed his 100,000-year sixth soul ring, Su Cheng had already reached the sixty-second level of cultivation, and was not far away from the sixty-third level.

After receiving the reward for passing the first test, his soul power level increased again, breaking through to level sixty-five.

Next, as long as you practice here for a period of time and push your cultivation level to level sixty-seven, you can directly break the chain of laws in the assessment mark and absorb the remaining soul power in it.

Then relying on the special environment of Poseidon's Light, he directly condensed the seventh soul ring and was promoted to Soul Saint in one fell swoop.

When the time comes, he will have the strength and confidence to challenge Bo Saixi head-on.

Of course, Su Cheng didn't deceive Bo Saixi when he spoke just now.

At this time, he really believed that the content of his second test was to travel through the Poseidon's Light.

Arriving at the stairs, Su Cheng slowly raised his right leg and walked towards the first step.

In an instant, a strong resistance appeared in front of him, like a wall full of elasticity, powerfully resisting his progress.

However, the flexibility at this time is not very strong. At least with Su Cheng's strength, it is not difficult to move forward.

Soon, first level, second level, third level...

He walked to higher ground step by step.

As he advanced, a layer of golden mist appeared around his body. In the process, his soul power was also rapidly consumed.

He continued without stopping until he reached more than seventy steps before he felt greater pressure.

This is because he didn't use too many skills, otherwise it would have been much easier.

He looked up at the destination higher up.

There are still more than thirty levels left to complete this test.

Su Cheng's eyes flickered slightly, of course he would not choose to complete the task just like this.

After the completion, it is not possible to continue cultivating here. Secondly, if this makes Bo Saixi feel vigilant and keep a close eye on him, that would be a serious problem.

After all, this was only the second level, so Bo Saixi wouldn't be too impatient.

But when it comes to the third level, it may be difficult to say what the other party will think and do.

After thinking about it, Su Cheng did not move forward. Instead, he sat down cross-legged and began to practice silently adjusting his breath.

The innate skill was running in the body, and the high concentration of soul power around him was silently moisturizing his body, making up for the consumption while also rapidly improving his cultivation.

Bo Saixi at the foot of the mountain looked at the figure sitting on the mountainside, her eyes flashed slightly, but she didn't say anything more.

With Su Cheng's intelligence, it is normal for him to realize that this is an excellent place for cultivation. It is not surprising that he made this choice.

Indeed, as Su Cheng had judged, because this was the second level of the assessment, Bo Saixi's heartstrings were not too tight.

"Let's talk about it some time later..."

Sighing secretly, the slim figure in red at the foot of the mountain turned around and returned to the Poseidon Temple on the top of the mountain.

After that, Su Cheng lived near Poseidon Mountain.

He spends most of his time practicing in the light of Poseidon, and occasionally he comes to the foot of the mountain to relax his body and soothe his mind.

As time passed bit by bit, his position gradually improved, from the seventy steps, to the eighty steps, to the ninety steps...

During this period, Bo Saixi did not sit in the Poseidon Temple on the top of the mountain as usual. Instead, he often walked down the mountain to watch Su Cheng's progress in cultivation.

Because of this, there are many more opportunities for the two of them to interact and communicate with each other.

We have become much more harmonious when we get along, with a little less of the vague hostility and vigilance we had before, and a little more tacit understanding.

This change made Bo Saixi feel a little strange.

The same is true for the Su Cheng in his memory.

He never regarded himself as his disciple, talked and laughed freely in front of him, and never felt any restraint in his conversations.

Unlike other residents of Poseidon Island, they were in awe of her and regarded her as a god. She was her only true friend.

However, the difference from that time was that Su Cheng traveled between Haenv City and Poseidon Mountain at that time. Unlike now, he mainly stayed at the foot of Poseidon Mountain and only went to Sea Dragon City every once in a while to supplement his life. supplies.

In contrast, the two of them now spend more time together.

The two figures in memory and reality occasionally overlap, and then split into two completely different people.

Sometimes Bo Saixi herself can't even figure out what she is looking forward to or what she is afraid of...

As time approaches the half-year deadline day by day.

Bo Saixi became more and more confused.

Should Su Cheng be kept here by force?

With the opponent's current fighting strength, she could still hold down one end.

And with Poseidon Island having the home field advantage of fighting on the sea, the certainty is even greater.

But if Su Cheng really reaches a higher level of cultivation, he doesn't even need to be as exaggerated as a Titled Douluo. Even if he reaches the Soul Saint realm and possesses the martial soul avatar, his combat power will be greatly improved.

When that time comes, even she doesn't have much confidence that she can handle it steadily.

What's more, although the strength of the boy in front of him is not as good as that of the person in his memory, his basic talents are even better. He obviously has some unique tricks in his hand. It's hard to say whether there will be any accidents if he hesitates any longer.

"Why are you looking at me that weird way again?"

Noticing Bo Saixi's unconscious gaze, Su Cheng shuddered slightly.

"I really don't remember seeing you before. Who do you think I am? Am I some heartless man?"


Hearing Su Cheng's voice, Bo Saixi came back to her senses this time and subconsciously looked away, her face turning slightly red.

Then he became cold again and said calmly: "Do you really think I won't kill you?"

"Then come on." Su Cheng rolled his eyes upon hearing this, his tone a little impatient.

He looked at the other person in confusion, "Why on earth are you so hostile to me? It's been this way since we first met."


Looking at Bo Saixi who was silent, Su Cheng raised his hand and pinched his chin, "Did you really dream about something? Why don't you tell me in detail and I will analyze it for you, so that we can also So as to clear up the misunderstanding.”


"How old are you?" Seeing that the other party remained silent, Su Cheng probed, "Have you really been deceived by someone, or been let down by someone, and are you feeling unhappy now?"


A stream of water condensed into an ice blade and instantly rushed towards his face.

The solid murderous intent flew through the air like a blade, making Su Cheng's hair stand on end.

He quickly put his foot down and dodged to the side.

In front of his eyes, several more ice blades condensed, spreading all over the air, and at the same time, there was overwhelming and powerful pressure rolling back from all directions.

Su Cheng quickly shouted: "Stop fighting, I was just joking!"

"Hmph." Bo Saixi snorted coldly. After staring at him for a moment, the killing intent and pressure completely dissipated.

Su Cheng breathed softly and couldn't help but sigh: "I think you are usually a very easy-to-talk person. Why do you dislike me?"

"You're thinking too much." Bo Saixi said calmly, "You'd better hurry up and practice."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the mountain.

On the 100th step of Poseidon Mountain, Su Cheng's tall figure was sitting cross-legged.

Five months have passed since he entered Poseidon Mountain. Under the dual effects of innate skills and Poseidon's light, he has risen to level sixty-seven.

The moment his cultivation reached this level, a sharp cold light appeared in Su Cheng's suddenly opened eyes, and he immediately lowered his eyes to cover it up.

At the same time, the mask covering the soul shattered.

"it's time……"

Next, he will completely break the chain of laws on the assessment mark, and use the remaining soul power reward to push his cultivation level to level 70.

Then be directly promoted to Soul Saint here!

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