Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 220 The light pink seventh soul ring (the last one at the end of the month)

Chapter 220 The Pale Pink Seventh Soul Ring (please vote on the last day of the month~)

It is not difficult for Su Cheng to break the chain of laws in the assessment mark.

Even the extremely powerful ring of law in the soul ring, he can completely smash it with his innate power and turn it into his own power, let alone these two simple and small "door locks".

The real difficulty is how to hide it from Bo Saixi's perception.

The ring of condensed law will not dissipate energy, but whether he collects the rewarded soul power in the purple-level assessment or infuses subsequent soul power to increase the life of the soul ring and stabilize the soul ring, his aura fluctuations will increase rapidly.

"Give it a try."

Su Cheng took a deep breath.

The water drop-shaped source power was wrapped up by his soul power, and moved to the purple-level assessment mark on his forehead, ready to go. Then, the tiny innate sword energy instantly penetrated into the brand, easily breaking through the two law chains.

The next moment, that rich condensed soul power will be poured into Su Cheng's body in the form of a reward, quickly raising his level.

At this time, the water droplets composed of the original power spread out and turned into a diaphragm to instantly cover the mass of soul power, leaving only a small gap, which continuously leaked out strands of pure soul power and was absorbed by him bit by bit.

While Su Cheng was running his innate skills, he sensed the movement in the temple on the mountain.

Just when he broke the chain of laws and released the test rewards contained in them at once, the fluctuations in soul power around his body inevitably broke out for a moment.

Although it was quickly covered up, it was hard to say whether Bo Saixi would notice it.

But it's probably unlikely.

You know, in order to pave the way for today's breakthrough, Su Cheng had made a lot of noises in the past six months of practice. The other party should have been used to it long ago, so he probably wouldn't be so sensitive.

Moreover, she had just gone down the mountain yesterday. According to past rules, it would take at least another week before she would leave Poseidon Temple again.

Two hours later, seeing no movement at the top of the mountain, Su Cheng was completely relieved and began to concentrate on absorbing the pure soul power in the reward.

In the process of increasing his soul power level, the most risky stage for him was only the first few moments. After that, it would not be difficult for him to conceal the changes in his breath improvement.

Including reaching levels 68, 69, and 70, the aura will not leak out.

For ordinary soul masters, the reason why there is relatively big noise when breaking through is because these people often find it difficult to fully adapt to the changes in enhanced power when they first break through.

The moment after successfully passing the level, you cannot adjust your state perfectly.

But Su Cheng doesn't have this problem. His strength has long been beyond the limits of his level, and he has had a lot of experience at higher levels. Coupled with the fact that his soul power is not integrating quickly at this time, he can achieve smooth breakthroughs and perfect control. own energy.

In this process, unless a strong person above the peak Douluo level is fully aware of him, it will be difficult to detect him. At best, he can only know a general situation.

Under the light of Poseidon, the innate power in Su Cheng's body continued to operate, slowly purifying the power of faith from the test brand, and then absorbing the pure soul power bit by bit.

This process alone took him nearly a week.

When the last trace of soul power was exhausted, his soul power finally reached level seventy, stepping on the threshold of breaking through to Soul Saint.

Next, we have to take the most critical and dangerous step, condensing the soul ring.

To a soul master, the importance of soul rings goes without saying. Even for an unconventional soul master like Su Cheng, the soul ring is of great significance.

Breaking through rank bottlenecks, adding soul skills to martial souls, and even accumulating soul power all depend on soul rings.

If not, Haotian Sect's secret method of ring explosion and Su Cheng's further method of breaking rings would not have exploded with such huge energy.

The soul ring itself is the embodiment of the soul master's strength, and it contains a large amount of soul power.

Therefore, in the next process of condensing the soul ring, he not only has to build a ring of laws to attract the free soul power in the surrounding high-concentration soul power environment, and then infuse his own artistic conception into it, but he also needs to control the original power to shield the new soul ring. Continuously emitting a powerful aura to avoid being discovered by Bo Saixi.

To complete this series of operations, it placed extremely high demands on his mind.

What's more, the artistic conception he plans to use this time is the empty mountain sword intention that comprehends the scene of the world's annihilation.

This layer of meaning was far from as stable as the Immortal Sword Intention, and it was somewhat difficult for him to control it. It was extremely difficult to integrate it into the soul ring.

Taking a deep breath, Su Cheng calmed down and prepared to take the next step.

At this time, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he stopped voluntarily.

At the same time, a red cloud floated down from the top of Poseidon Mountain, and a slim figure stood at the foot of the mountain, looking up at Su Cheng.

Su Cheng ignored it, closed his eyes and concentrated, looking like he was concentrating on practicing.

Bo Saixi at the foot of the mountain couldn't help but frown slightly when he saw this.

In the past few months, whenever she occasionally went down the mountain, the other party would always stop practicing immediately, but today was uncharacteristically different.

She didn't think much about it, but she felt a little unhappy and stood there waiting silently...

Until half a day passed.

Su Cheng still looked like he was concentrating on practicing.

But Bo Saixi knew clearly in her heart that the other party must know that she was at the foot of the mountain now.

Because Poseidon's Light is not a place where people can concentrate on cultivation.

The reason why this place is suitable for cultivation is because of the strong pressure of Poseidon's Light and the high-concentration soul power environment.

It is precisely because of the existence of this huge pressure that when the soul master is in it, he must separate his mind to fight against it, and it is difficult to keep his mind focused.

"..." Bo Saixi's expression changed several times, and finally couldn't help but snorted, "Su Cheng?"

Su Cheng felt helpless in his heart, so he had to open his eyes and look over, and said calmly: "Is there something wrong with the high priest?"

He couldn't pronounce the word "sister".


After looking at Su Cheng for a moment, Bo Saixi said coldly: "It's okay."

Immediately, his body flashed and he returned to Poseidon Mountain.

Standing in front of the temple on the top of the mountain.

The mountain breeze blew by, and her waist-length sea-blue hair flew in the wind, and her bright red robe fluttered like a rolling and burning flame in the air.

Bo Saixi was a little confused. She didn't understand why Su Cheng's attitude suddenly changed.

After a long silence, he sighed softly and returned to the Poseidon Temple.

At the same time, Su Cheng, who was sitting on the mountainside steps practicing silently, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the light of Poseidon, his level is not easy to detect, but if he comes into close contact, it will be difficult to hide it from the other party.

In one week, it suddenly jumped from level 67 to level 70. Anyone who looked at it would know that there must be something wrong.

The increase in the third level of soul power did not bring much improvement to his combat power. Before the seventh soul ring was condensed, once the problem was noticed, he would fall short.

Fortunately, Bo Saixi has a reserved temperament and rarely expresses his thoughts directly, so he escaped the disaster.

After waiting for another day and confirming that the other party had re-entered the state of trance, Su Cheng officially started the next step.

As the power of the soul shook the blood, a blank ring of law appeared outside the sixth soul ring.

This ring of law itself does not have any aura fluctuations, but when the soul ring is condensed and the soul power is absorbed and promoted, it will obviously not be so peaceful.

Stretching his right arm forward, the drop of original power appeared in his hand, and then fell gently. Under the influence of the soul power, it quickly stretched into a ring and spread it on the blank ring of law.

The next moment, the rich soul power in the surrounding Poseidon's light began to silently and quickly gather towards the blank soul ring, quickly merging into it.

The color of the blank soul ring also deepened rapidly with this process...

At this time, Su Cheng's closed eyes suddenly opened.

He was shocked to find that the transparent source power was silently integrated into his newly constructed soul ring law!

"How can it be……"

Even at this critical moment, Su Cheng's thinking was somewhat stagnant.

This change completely exceeded his previous expectations.

Not to mention that in the past long time, Su Cheng had tried many methods, but he could not really touch this self-contained source of power by any means.

Even if it can be doped with energy, it should not be integrated with the Ring of Law.

It is true that the fragmentation of the law chain will erupt with powerful energy, but the nature of the law ring is not as simple as the solidification of energy.

This thing is essentially the embodiment of the power of blood. Every time a soul master reaches a higher level, he will further explore the power of blood, which is also what people call the power of martial souls.

In Su Cheng's words, it is the special information contained in the martial spirit.

The purer the bloodline power, the higher the quality of the martial soul, the greater the potential for future improvement, and the more powerful the combat effectiveness displayed at the same level.

For ordinary soul masters, because the power of the martial soul is hidden deep in the blood, it is difficult to dig it out by yourself, so you need to rely on killing the soul beast and use the soul ring generated after the death of the soul beast to activate your own potential. Combine with each other to form a new soul ring and then be promoted.

In Su Cheng's case, because of his profound research on bloodline, he was able to condense the soul ring without the help of external objects.

But no matter what, this bloodline law should be exclusive.

Unless the information between the Nether Civet Cat and the White Tiger Martial Spirit perfectly complements each other, it is possible to merge.

But even so, it cannot be reflected in a single soul ring, but should be reflected in the martial soul itself, because the ring of laws is inherently self-contained.

Even the gathered natural soul power is only wrapped outside the ring of laws.

However, at this moment, Su Cheng could clearly feel that the original power and the ring of law were completely merging.

"In that case..."

There was no time to think more, Fu Ling was so worried that he resolutely gave up the empty mountain sword intention that he originally planned to integrate into the soul ring, and chose to crush the sea god with one sword after perfectly integrating his own energy and spirit in the last simulation. The innate power and charm of the trident.

He wanted to try to see if his current understanding, coupled with the coordination of the original power, could help him reproduce the power of that sword at the Soul Saint stage!

By this time, Su Cheng could no longer afford to be distracted.

He must work wholeheartedly to stabilize this new soul ring so that it does not escape control.

However, now there is no need for him to control the original power to cover the aura.

After all, this kind of power itself is spontaneously integrated into the soul ring, and it is impossible for Bo Saixi to be aware of everything happening here.

After more than an hour passed, that drop of original power was finally completely integrated into the soul ring.

Su Cheng's extremely special seventh soul ring was completely and firmly formed at this moment.

It is different from the scarlet color of the sixth soul ring of 100,000 years.

This new seventh soul ring, which was fused with special power, showed a magnificent light pink color and shone with a soft crystal-like luster.

When the original power completely disappeared, the fluctuations in his soul power that far exceeded the Soul Saint level could no longer be concealed.

A powerful aura spurted out like a volcano erupting, and seven soul rings, five black and two red, silently surrounded his feet.

For a time, all the soul masters on the entire Poseidon Island focused their attention on the direction of Poseidon Mountain.

In the Poseidon Temple, Bo Saixi stood up suddenly and immediately turned into a red light and rushed out of the temple.

Regarding the fact that the original power can be integrated into the soul ring, there has been some foreshadowing before. The true seeing pupil of the externally attached soul bone contains the original power.

ps, next update will be waiting for you. The monthly pass will expire at the end of the month. Sir, please give me a monthly pass~

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