Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 221 World Angel and Sin Angel (please vote for me)

Chapter 221 World Angel and Sin Angel (please vote for me~)

Qian Renxue has been very irritable in the past six months.

Everything was fine originally, especially in the three months just after the Soul Master Competition, Su Cheng and her stayed together almost every day.

Although most of the time they were just practicing together, it also made her very satisfied.

In the real world, the two of them had never spent so much time together day and night.

But half a year ago, when Su Cheng reached level 60 and went to absorb soul rings to be promoted to Soul Emperor, everything changed.

I originally said that it wouldn't take too long, but for some reason, the other party suddenly replied with a letter midway, saying that he would wait until the first half of the year before returning to Wuhun City.

Moreover, the letter was sent from a main city in the west of Tiandou Empire. That place was far away from Wuhun City and Sunset Forest, which made her feel a little uneasy.

In the next six months, the other party never sent back any information.

There are no relevant clues in the various Wuhun main halls, Wuhun sub-halls and other subordinate organizations scattered across the mainland.

However, even in this unstable state of mind, Qian Renxue's understanding of her two artistic conceptions improved by leaps and bounds.

The reasons for this situation are also somewhat bizarre.

Generally speaking, mental turmoil is undoubtedly harmful to cultivation. At the very least, it will lead to a significant reduction in cultivation efficiency.

But Qian Renxue's situation was different.

During this period of time, her main task was not to cultivate soul power, but to cultivate her mind, focusing on the perception of artistic conception.

When this happens, it may be a good thing or a bad thing for the cultivators. It all depends on their own quality and how they choose to face such changes.

Qian Renxue benefited from this because of the special nature of twin souls.

Although this process was definitely not pleasant for her.

During this time, there was an unprecedented fierce conflict between her two twin souls.

In fact, let alone Qian Renxue today, she is one body and two souls.

Even the same person will inevitably have hesitations, disagreements, and difficulty in choosing when dealing with and thinking about many things.

What's more, what about two completely different souls, even with different temperaments, and both are very extreme and egotistical?

The reason why they could coexist harmoniously with each other before is because they are both smart enough, have the same obsession, and their thoughts are all focused on Su Cheng.

But when the flashpoint came from Su Cheng, the contradictions and conflicts between the two quickly intensified.

"...What are you still worrying about, why are you still waiting in this crappy place?!"

"Since the teacher has sent the message, you should wait with peace of mind and trust his decision."

"Idiot! Is this a question of belief or not? There is obviously something wrong with that letter! If Su Cheng is not lying, then he must be in some trouble."

"The problems that he can't solve will have no effect with our current strength. On the contrary, it will only add chaos."

"That's better than doing nothing! Is such a powerful force like Wuhun Palace just a show-off? Where's Qiandaoliu? Where's Bibi Dong? Where are all those titled Douluo elders?"

"They won't be willing to take action."

"Then mess up the situation and muddy the waters of this world. At that time, no matter whether others want it or not, they must take action!"

"This is not a situation teachers want to see."

"How do you know he doesn't want it? Do you think Su Cheng is a saint?!"

"You are really a madman!"

"You coward!"


Similar quarrels have occurred countless times.

The reason is also very simple.

One wants to follow the arrangements in Su Chengcheng's note and wait patiently. The other wants to actively search for it at all costs.

Fortunately, they were relatively restrained and tried their best to maintain a basic balance. The conflict was limited to a verbal dispute for the time being, and did not progress to the point of consuming the power of their souls to compete with each other for dominance.

But it is conceivable that as time goes by, this contradiction will inevitably intensify until it finally reaches the point of self-destruction.

This is not because they are stupid or ignorant.

But for them, coexistence is already the ultimate compromise.

Death is certainly terrifying, but there are some things that are even more difficult to accept than death.

If you keep giving in to the point where you completely lose yourself, then you might as well not exist at all.

It is precisely because of the constant confrontation between the two consciousnesses that their willpower rises rapidly in this competition, each trying to outdo the other.

If Su Cheng knew that because of his disappearance, Qian Renxue had made rapid progress in cultivation, he would not know whether he would be happy or worried.

There is only one week left before the half-year deadline.

On Qian Renxue's inner lake, two beautiful figures faced each other.

One of them, dressed in white like snow, was hanging in the air, holding a golden sword. There were countless chains crisscrossing his back and feet, like a cage.

Another person, dressed in black like ink, sits on a throne, with a long black sword hanging on his knees. Dark and thick fog surrounds the surroundings, as if he is facing an abyss.

Neither of them had the slightest energy fluctuation escaping from their bodies.

This is not a battle of strength, but a showdown of wills.

"Madness and desire should be bound by reason, and they will eventually be bound by reason."

As the golden sword pointed forward, chain after chain passed through the air, like giant pythons, like spears, entangling and surrounding the black-clothed figure opposite.

"You are wrong, there is no need to be restrained at all." The black flame burned brightly on the long sword.

The figure in black suddenly stood up from the throne, and an astonishing majesty emanated from his body, "All living beings are guilty, and there are no innocent people."

There was no unnecessary attack, and he slashed forward with one sword.

The black flame turned into an overwhelming sea of ​​fire, burning the chains.

After a long stalemate, the flames gradually faded.

But before the flames extinguished, those golden chains failed to hold up and turned into little golden liquid dripping on the lake below.

until completely dissipated.

"You lost." A cold voice came from the throne.

"You are too extreme." The figure in white sighed softly.

"No, you are too weak."

The next moment, Qian Renxue's white clothes in reality began to be stained with ink marks.

Then it quickly climbed and spread, dyeing it all black.

"There's one week left, let's talk to that guy first." With a slight snort, she turned and walked out of the Elder's Hall.

In fact, the outcome of the confrontation between the two was almost determined from the very beginning.

It's not that the main personality is weak in will and strength, but that she has too many worries.

In contrast, the second personality with a surly temperament is purer.

Abandon life and death, abandon everything, leaving nothing but the obsession in your heart.

In this case, the combat power that can be exerted at the level of will will naturally be higher.

However, it is precisely because of this that the two souls can coexist and have the possibility of joining forces, otherwise both sides will lose.

When the second personality first appears, it will be completely wiped out and there will be no chance for subsequent growth.

But correspondingly, the main character is also unavoidable. Even if he does not die, his foundation will be greatly damaged and his soul will be incomplete.

The Pope's Palace in Wuhun City.

Bibi Dong frowned and was thinking silently.

She already knew about Su Cheng's previous visit to the Qibao Glazed Sect.

Not only that, she also learned about the opponent's situation at that time from the main martial arts hall in the main border city.

Considering that special location, she had to think about whether Poseidon Island and Bo Saixi might be related to Su Cheng's departure.

The reason why she hadn't thought about Bo Saixi's question before was because Ah Yin's previous answer had misled her.

I mistakenly thought that it was really only me and Su Cheng who had memories of another world.

But with no news from Su Cheng during this period, it was difficult for her not to suspect that there were other problems.

Although the Douluo Continent is vast, it is not difficult for high-level soul masters to travel there, nor does it take too long.

Even if something really happened, there was no need not to return to Wuhun City for half a year.

Besides, even if he couldn't escape, he wouldn't be unable to even summon him.

She has decided that if the other party has not returned after the half-year period is up, she will personally go to Poseidon Island to see the situation.

But before that, you still have to wait a moment to prevent Su Cheng's action plan from being ruined.

She believed that since the other party set this deadline, he must have his own reasons.

"Bibi Dong."

At this moment, a tall figure in black clothes suddenly walked into the hall.

Looking at Qian Renxue who suddenly arrived, Bibi Dong was a little surprised.

"What's up?"

"Send someone to find Su Cheng."

"That's not something you should worry about."

Bibi Dong frowned.

Of course she had done this, but Qian Renxue didn't know it.

She didn't feel the need to let the other person know either.

In fact, the current Bibi Dong is even more urgent than Qian Renxue, and she also knows more about the inside story.

After hearing Bibi Dong's answer, Qian Renxue raised her eyebrows, but did not say any more.

She didn't care at all how the other person answered.

Now she is just informing the other party that after a week, she will naturally have other means of her own.

"One more thing."

"Say it."

"After Su Cheng comes back, let him complete the task you assigned him half a year later."

"Why?!" Bibi Dong was furious when he heard this.

"He said he would practice with me for a year. If the time is not full, of course he will make up for it later." Qian Renxue said matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong suddenly became more and more unhappy.

She didn't think Qian Renxue was qualified to say such things.

Su Cheng has done enough for her.

Whether it was treating her mental illness, planning a hundred thousand year soul ring for her, or even teaching her how to practice, he was doing his best.

Su Cheng is not her nanny, nor is she her damn dad, so why should she spend so much time and energy?

What's more, Qian Renxue's cultivation was not the same as Su Cheng's.

Bibi Dong believes that no one understands Su Cheng's spiritual path better than her.

"Absolutely impossible." She refused without hesitation, "Your agreement is a problem between you and has nothing to do with me."

As the words fell, a cold, fierce, but extremely suppressed murderous intention suddenly pressed towards her.

"This madman..." Sensing the other party's murderous intent, the corners of Bibi Dong's eyes twitched slightly.

She knew that whenever the personality of Qian Renxue appeared, she would act without any taboos.

But she never expected that the other party would be so bold and unrestrained in front of her, and would be so presumptuous.

The next moment, the two momentums collided violently.


With a muffled groan, Qian Renxue took a few steps back, and a few strands of blood flowed from her nostrils and corners of her mouth.

"Before you go crazy, weigh yourself first." Bibi Dong said solemnly, "Besides, it's meaningless for you to say such things now. When Su Cheng comes back, you can ask him whether he agrees."

"Haha." Qian Renxue sneered, not bothering to argue, and turned around to leave.

"Wait a minute." At this time, Bibi Dong took the initiative to call her out. Staring at the three-dimensional white face that looked like a sculpture, she suddenly asked, "Have you ever heard of such a thing as fairy grass?"

"What?" Qian Renxue's pupils shrank slightly when she heard this.

"Immortal grass." Bibi Dong silently examined her reaction, "It seems you do know."

"..." Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes slightly, "How do you know about fairy grass?"

"Elder Ju has a illustrated guide."

Bibi Dong didn't lie about this.

In her memory, there was the appearance of the strange velvet giant chrysanthemum. At the Ice and Fire Eyes at that time, Su Cheng's first choice for her was the strange velvet giant sky chrysanthemum and the Narcissus Jade Muscle and Bone.

And she also knew that the martial spirit of Ju Douluo Yueguan was this kind of plant.

Yue Guan himself is famous in the Wuhun Palace for his obsession with studying flowers and plants. For this reason, Bibi Dong went to learn more about it some time ago.

Although the other party was secretive at first and didn't want to reveal his research results in this area to her.

However, after she casually revealed some knowledge in this area, she easily had an in-depth discussion with Yueguan on the research on fairy grass.

The other party also seemed to regard her as a confidant.

After hearing Bibi Dong's answer, Qian Renxue's eyes flashed slightly.

He immediately turned around and said calmly: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Have you ever eaten jelly grass?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Seeing Qian Renxue walking away into the distance without looking back.

Bibi Dong couldn't help but continue: "Is it red because of lovesickness?"

She paused for a moment, but had no intention of responding, and continued walking towards the distance.

Bibi Dong was left standing there with a gloomy face, gently clenching the papal scepter in her hand.

ps, the settings of the golden sword and black sword have been slightly modified.

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