At the foot of Poseidon Mountain.

Su Cheng's tall and straight figure was like a sharp sword, standing outside the jade-belt-like climbing stone steps of Poseidon Mountain.

The seventh hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring that has just been condensed under the feet does not appear scarlet like the ordinary hundred-thousand-year-old soul rings, but it is not as pure and transparent as the original power or innate power, but appears faint pink. , shining with magnificent luster.

The original power he possesses is still too little, only a drop.

But just the integration of this drop of original power also caused a qualitative change in his seventh soul ring.

The Five Elements Domain and the Kendo Domain are released at the same time.

A bright moon hangs in the sky.

The sword energy revolves around the body.

A light white, almost transparent mist filled it.

At this moment, the realm seemed to be integrated with the entire world.

Su Cheng did not choose to retreat immediately after the breakthrough, but silently and actively released his two realms.

Bo Saixi was at the top of the mountain. There was no way the other party would be unaware of it. There was going to be a fight after all.

Moreover, he didn't want to just leave.

The surging sense of power surged around him like a tide, making him feel as if he had returned to the peak of his simulation.

Although this is just a slight illusion caused by the significant increase in power in a short period of time.

The moment he was promoted to Soul Saint, Su Cheng felt the change in his strength at this moment.

Really strong.

Although it is still not as good as the state during the final battle in the simulation, it is already comparable to the combat power when he was promoted to a titled Douluo and just realized the magical use of innate power.

There is still some gap between the two in terms of power accumulation, but the power level is much higher than then.

At that time, he had just studied the third volume of Xiantian Kung, and initially found the direction to integrate essence, energy and spirit to touch the innate power.

But regardless of the efficiency of condensing the alien power in the body, or the strength of the prototype of the innate power used, it can only be called the primary form.

Even in the fight with that Poseidon Divine Mind, they fought back and forth on equal terms, and their strength was even higher than that of Peerless Douluo who did not take advantage of geographical advantages.

It wasn't until the soul ring was finally shattered, the martial soul was sacrificed, and the soul was burned to fill the foundation that the perfect innate power that was comparable to or even better than divine power was truly condensed.

Just as Su Cheng silently felt the changes in his body.

A red light flashed in front of him, and a beautiful figure wearing a sacrificial robe appeared and stood still, with blue eyes that were confused and a little enlightened.

But soon, all the complex expressions subsided and turned into solemnity and solemnity.

As the most powerful person in the world, she could feel the strong threat coming from the man in front of her, and the scene in her memory was even more vivid.

Although Su Cheng is not that strong yet, his aura is harmonious, and the mist that permeates the realm is even more extraordinary.

At this time, several more powerful aura fluctuations quickly approached from all over the island.

Obviously, when the other titled Douluo who were guarding under the Holy Pillar noticed the changes near Poseidon Mountain, they also rushed here quickly.

Su Cheng naturally sensed Bo Saixi's appearance and the approach of several others.

But he still looked calm and closed his eyes, not paying much attention to the situation outside.

At their level, sneak attacks are meaningless.

To a soul master, the level of soul saint is unique, and its importance is second only to the breakthrough to a titled Douluo after adding the ninth soul ring.

After a soul master obtains the seventh soul ring, all his soul skills are based on the martial soul avatar. However, depending on the quality of the soul ring, the power that can be exerted after using the martial soul avatar varies.

If the soul ring is powerful, there is still a chance to further feed the martial soul, and even feed it back to the talent field.

Even Su Cheng is no exception to this.

But his seventh soul skill, the martial soul avatar, is a little different from normal.

Under the influence of the original power, he can enter two different stages after using the martial soul's true form.

The first stage is the same as the weapon soul avatar of ordinary soul saints under normal circumstances. It can greatly increase the strength of the Eternal Sword and increase its own combat power several times.

And because of his own understanding of the way of the sword and his unique understanding of the power of the soul, he was even able to merge with the Eternal Sword indistinguishably. There was no need to pour the power of the soul into the martial soul, but the martial soul. Become an extension of your own body.

He had already experienced this during the last simulation, and used his Soul Saint body to suppress Pope Qian Xunji, who had the title Douluo cultivation at that time.

But when he enters the second stage, the real body of the weapon soul will become extremely terrifying.

All the strength of the whole body is transformed into innate power, and the essence, energy and spirit are perfectly integrated under the action of the true body of the weapon soul, exerting an almost god-level power.

However, with his current accumulation, this state can only last for a few breaths.

But even if there is only a few breaths of time, even if it is only enough to launch an attack, it is originally impossible to do it.

No matter how deep his knowledge is, even if after the final battle in the simulation, his understanding of innate power is far greater than before, he still can't do it.

Because his foundation is not enough.

You must know that in the simulated world, with the cultivation of a titled Douluo, he shattered all the soul rings to enhance the power of Qi and blood, sacrificed martial souls to enhance soul power, and finally burned his soul to reach the level of a third-level god. on the level.

But now Su Cheng is still just a soul saint. No matter the power of blood, soul power or soul energy, it has not reached the point where it can produce qualitative changes, and the balance between powers has not yet been worked out.

However, when that drop of original power was integrated into the soul ring, it saved him a lot of steps and acted as a lubricant and synergist.

Although Su Cheng still has difficulty understanding why this result occurred, there are some guesses.

The original power is always integrated in appearance, and is somewhat similar to the innate power.

It’s not surprising to use this higher level of power as a glue to help him integrate the energy in his body more easily.

It is precisely because of this second-stage weapon soul that Su Cheng has enough confidence.

Even if it only has the power of one blow, it is a power that can be called invincible in the world, although after using it, it will be unable to continue fighting.

According to Su Cheng's senses, if more original power can be integrated into the soul ring, his efficiency in utilizing his own energy can be further improved, greatly extending the duration of the second stage weapon soul avatar.

It's a pity that Su Chengcheng, who has never seen the way to obtain the power of origin, really doesn't know how to obtain it.

In the future, we can only extend the burst time by improving our own energy accumulation and deepening our foundation through hard training, but the efficiency will inevitably be much worse.

Soon, the other seven Holy Pillar Douluo came to the foot of Poseidon Mountain one after another, surrounding Su Cheng in a tense manner.

"It's you?!" Suddenly, a clear and sweet female voice sounded, mixed with an unconcealable surprise.

Su Cheng opened his eyes and looked at the stunning girl wearing a black coat and a black skirt, with her white waist and round belly button exposed.

He chuckled softly and said, "Hello, mermaid princess."

"..." Lorelai's sky-blue eyes subconsciously opened a little wider, staring at him blankly.

The red lips were slightly open, and her expressions were constantly changing, with many complex emotions such as surprise, anger and disbelief intertwined on her face.

"Do you know him?" Sea Dragon Douluo couldn't help but ask when he saw that the other people were all confused, and only Sea Girl Douluo looked strange.

"..." Lorelai frowned when she heard this, but couldn't explain why.

She did recognize Su Cheng, but she only had a vague impression. She remembered some of the moments when they got along that seemed real and fake, as well as the scenes where the other party destroyed the Poseidon Temple.

"High Priest?" Seeing that she didn't speak, Sea Dragon Douluo first glanced at Su Cheng, and then looked at Bo Saixi, who was standing silently in the middle.

In his perception, although the man in front of him only showed seven soul rings, he was terrifyingly powerful.

Standing in front of him at this moment, it was like being on the edge of a cliff.

Even though the other party didn't show any hostility, it still made people feel terrified, as if they were about to fall into the abyss and be shattered into pieces in the next moment.

At this moment, Sea Dragon Douluo finally understood why Bo Saixi brought this person to the Holy Pillar to undergo the test.

Not to mention the first five soul rings that were unreasonable, the next two soul rings refreshed his knowledge.

The scarlet 100,000-year-old sixth soul ring was amazing enough, but the pink seventh soul ring was even more bizarre - he had never heard of soul rings having this color.

However, why does this kind of character stop at the third purple level exam?

He felt that his brain was a bit out of use.

Bo Saixi ignored Sea Dragon Douluo's doubts and looked solemnly at Su Cheng, who was completely different from before, "You..."

He opened his mouth, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

The development of the situation has been completely out of control.

At this moment, it seems that nothing can be said.

"Why did you get the third purple level exam?" In the end, she just asked this question.

"High Priest, why do you trust the so-called divine test so much?" Su Cheng chuckled, "Is the Poseidon omnipotent?"

"Be bold!"

"What did you say?!"


Hearing his obviously provocative and disrespectful words, several Holy Pillar Douluo couldn't help shouting angrily.

"Okay." Bo Saixi raised her hand to stop the others from talking.

Looking at Su Cheng, he pondered: "So... you were just pretending before?"

She was in disbelief.

How could it be possible that the acting was so similar and that she didn't notice any flaws from the beginning to the end?

It would be fine if he was a stranger, but the Su Cheng in her memory had been with her for so many years, and she thought she knew him fairly well.

Although the previous person's words, deeds, and tone were very similar to that person's, the movements, habits, and even facial expressions revealed inadvertently were obviously different.

"You can say that." Su Cheng said casually, "To be precise, I used a little trick to temporarily forget some of the things that happened."

To this day, it doesn't matter whether this kind of thing is concealed or not.

"I see..." Bo Saixi sighed softly, "As expected, I was deceived by you again..."

His tone was bitter yet somewhat relieved.

The slightly immature Su Cheng from before was certainly strange to her, but the other person who taught her how to live in the world and cultivate her mind, who was willing to sacrifice his life in order to destroy the Poseidon inheritance, and who even said personally, "You are my teacher, Su Cheng," That made her even more unforgettable.

"Okay, let's stop talking about old times."

Su Cheng suppressed his smile, gently raised the sword in his hand, and scanned the many strong men in front of him.

Finally, he turned his attention back to Bo Saixi.

"Are you going to take action yourself, or are you going to take all of them with you?"

Next chapter a little later

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