"What a crazy boy."

As Su Cheng finished speaking, Seahorse Douluo frowned and took the initiative to take a step forward.

Immediately prepare to summon the spirit to fight.

Several other people saw this and walked forward not to be outdone.

"Ouya." Bo Saixi shouted softly and stopped Seahorse Douluo.

Then he looked at the other Holy Pillar Douluo, "Please step back, you can't interfere."

No one could feel Su Cheng's power at this moment better than her.

Vaguely, there was already a trace of the charm of that person in his memory after he became a Titled Douluo.

And there was a deeper threat lurking under the glacier, which made her feel like a light on her back, even with the shadow of death that sometimes appeared and appeared.

Looking at Su Cheng, Bo Saixi did not rush to attack, but retreated while floating in the air.

At the same time, he raised the spear-shaped sacrificial staff high in his hand.

A blue ripple centered on this and spread out in all directions.

The next moment, eight golden light pillars shot into the sky from all over the island, and then formed a mask of light that completely enveloped Poseidon Island. The thickest pillar of light in the center comes from the Poseidon Mountain and Sea Temple right in front of you.

Su Cheng glanced at the golden mask formed in the sky, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a bit of solemnity on his face, "Divine power..."

This large formation seems to be emanating from the seven holy pillars scattered all over Poseidon Island, and then formed together with Poseidon Mountain.

This is not the case.

This formation is integrated with the entire island, and its core is the seven sacred pillars located in the Poseidon Temple.

As for the seven holy pillars scattered all over the island, they are just hubs to improve efficiency, not the key elements of the formation.

This also means that unlike the rough usage shown by the Seven Holy Pillars when the Poseidon Test was released or when the Holy Pillar Douluo was released, what is shown now is genuine divine power.

If there was no existential crisis on Poseidon Island, this major formation would not be activated at all.

Seeing that even Poseidon Island's island protection formation was activated by Bo Saixi immediately, the expressions of the seven Holy Pillar Douluo who retreated into the distance changed slightly.

They did not expect that the high priest Bo Saixi, who in their eyes was as powerful as a god, would be so decisive and directly use the knowledge of Poseidon Island.

You know, it is not that easy to use this formation, and the price paid is extremely high.

Every time it is opened, it will cost at least hundreds of years of divine power savings on Poseidon Island. And as the duration of the formation extends, the actual cost will be several times higher.

In the absence of god-level powerful people in the human world, it is extremely difficult to extract divine power. Bo Saixi used it without hesitation, which showed how much she valued Su Cheng.

"What a waste..."

Looking at the heavy formation that was always dissipating power, Su Cheng muttered in a low voice.

When using divine power like this, the utilization rate is not even 10%, and most of it is wasted in vain.

However, waste is waste, but the power is always real.

Of course he won't be careless, let alone wait for death.

The pale pink seventh soul ring under his feet lit up.

The seventh soul skill: Immortality True Body - Stage One.

The moment he used the weapon soul's true form, Su Cheng's aura completely changed.

The surrounding sword energy all over the field also lost its color at the same moment, turning into a sharp sword light that was as transparent as glass.

At this moment, all the countless sword energy that originally filled the realm of swordsmanship transformed into innate sword energy!

Of course, with the use of his extremely powerful weapon soul, Su Cheng's profound soul power, which far exceeded his level, was also being rapidly consumed.

On the other side, Bo Saixi was not to be outdone. Golden light rose from Bo Saixi's feet, and nine soul rings, eight black and one red, circled around her.

Although only one of the nine soul rings that appeared under her feet was at the 100,000-year level, including the first eight black soul rings, they all exuded a pale golden brilliance.

This is her special power as the guardian of the gods.

Her waist-length sea blue hair was flying in the wind, and she was dressed in red and hunted like fire.

A huge golden shadow gradually emerged from behind Bo Saixi. Although his appearance was unclear, the gorgeous golden armor on his body was extremely clear.

Poseidon Martial Spirit!

When this martial spirit appeared, somewhere where the two of them could not see, the entire sea seemed to be responding to her call.

Outside Poseidon Island, a wave swept across the island, and the wind and waves were overwhelming.

The endless power of the vast sea was integrated into her Poseidon Domain.

above the sea.

Especially in this Poseidon Island.

Bo Saixi is no longer just a level 99 peerless Douluo.

She is the spokesperson of Poseidon!

He is the strongest person in the world who has only half a foot to reach the threshold of god level!

Not to mention, at this time, the sky was still covered with a god-level formation composed of the Seven Holy Pillars and Poseidon Island and Poseidon Mountain.

As the Poseidon's martial spirit was revealed and the power of the vast sea was injected, the sea-blue Poseidon's domain expanded rapidly, colliding with Su Cheng's dual domains, striving for the initiative in the environment.

The wave with a faint golden light surged forward, constantly advancing towards the place where Su Cheng stood.

Even a random aura fluctuation caused by the expansion of the domain is enough to rival a peak Douluo's full blow.

At this time, the bright moon hanging in the sky in the Five Elements Domain began to emit faint moonlight.

The moonlight spread softly like water and fell on the sea.

From the moment Su Cheng expanded his domain, this sword move entered a charging state.

Now, those seemingly soft moonlights are actually made up of countless sword energies, and their power is extremely astonishing.

Facing the Poseidon Domain, which contains divine power, he also did not fall behind, constantly weakening and wearing away the opponent's invisible offensive.

Moreover, with the supplement of Immortal Sword Intent, the consumption rate was much lower than Bo Saixi expected.

During this process, Su Cheng, who was standing below, never paid much attention to the battle in the field.

He just held the sword with both hands calmly and slowly raised it upward at a constant speed, with a blank look in his eyes.

Fifteen swords, empty mountain.

When the long sword was raised in front of him, the huge sword shadow shot straight into the sky, slashing at the red-clothed figure not far away.

The empty mountain sword style used this time has undergone qualitative changes compared to the past.

This is a powerful sword move that is activated by the true form of the martial spirit and composed of innate power.

The seventh soul ring under Bo Saixi's feet lit up in mid-air.

Then, she saw the phantom of the Poseidon behind her stepping forward and blending into her, with golden armor covering her whole body.

As the Poseidon's true form was displayed, the intensity of her aura instantly increased several times.

Immediately he stretched out his right hand and slashed down with a light blade.

The next moment, the sword shadow and the light blade collided with each other.

The powerful sword move, which contained the terrifying sword intention of annihilation, had a slight upper hand in the confrontation with the light blade containing divine power.

After wiping it out, his power remained unabated and continued to rush straight towards Bo Saixi's body.

But unfortunately, under the suppression of the island protection formation, it was ultimately difficult to go any further and really damage Bo Saixi's body.

The broken sword shadow swept forward for a certain distance before being consumed.

Su Cheng was not surprised by this result.

Not to mention that Bo Saixi is not weak in the first place, this is the opponent's home field, and the power of the vast ocean is constantly being replenished behind him.

Even if these powers cannot bring about a qualitative change in her strength, it is still easy to enhance her defense and buffer her from attacks.

Unless he uses an attack far beyond the opponent's level, Bo Saixi is really almost invincible in this place.

Bo Saixi couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

She could feel that the sword strike just now was almost the strongest move Su Cheng could use.

No matter how powerful a genius is, there should always be a limit to the self-created soul skills he can use.

The power contained in that sword has been enhanced to an extremely exaggerated level, and it is definitely not an ordinary soul-testing skill.

And that kind of sword move cannot be used many times with the opponent's current soul power reserves.

Su Cheng is not stupid, and he will never do some pointless consumption like ordinary people. There is a high probability that the sword just now was used at full strength.

After being promoted to Soul Saint, Su Cheng was naturally extremely powerful.

He was even able to briefly fight against himself, a peerless Douluo of level ninety-nine, without losing.

But so what?

In this place, her soul power is endless, and there is no consumption at all.

But looking at Su Cheng, even if the powerful sword move in the shape of the bright moon is extremely long-lasting, it will eventually run out of strength.

As long as you continue to consume it, defeat will happen sooner or later.

But Bo Saixi didn't dare to relax too much.

Su Cheng's condition after promotion was very strange.

He has never been an arrogant person.

If you don't have a trump card, you won't face the enemy in this attitude, and you will definitely choose to break through with all your strength as soon as possible.

"Stop it, Su Cheng. I don't want to kill you." Bo Saixi's voice was majestic and distant, like a god sitting high in the clouds judging mortals.

"Kill me?" Su Cheng smiled, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

Immediately his face darkened and he said indifferently: "Then let's try it."


Bo Saixi frowned upon hearing this, and anger seemed to flash through her eyes covered by golden light.

Immediately, the ninth soul ring under his feet lit up.

With bursts of golden light shining, a water ball made of pure energy appeared in the white palm.

The moment the golden water ball appeared, the terrifying Qi spread out uncontrollably.

That is the fluctuation of divine power!

At this time, Bo Saixi was using the power of a god in a mortal body!

But it goes far beyond that.

In the sky, the light shield formed by the island protection formation dropped a large amount of golden light, converging on the golden water polo in Bo Saixi's hand.

The next moment, the water ball stretched and elongated, turning into a golden trident with the same substance, which she held in her hand.

The moment the halberd was pointed at him, the hairs on Su Cheng's body stood on end, and his neck felt as if it had been scraped by a blade. An extremely strong sense of threat kept coming like a tide.

After staring at the halberd for a moment, Su Cheng sighed softly, "That's fine."

The pale pink seventh soul ring lit up again.

Immortal True Body - Second Stage!

The bright moon in the sky turned into a transparent and invisible sword light and fell into his hand, integrating with the Sword of Eternal Life.

The countless sword energies that originally surrounded him were all dispersed.

The two realms also disappeared in an instant.

The powerful aura is all restrained and invisible.

It seemed like there was only one person and one sword left between heaven and earth.

"Sword Seventeen, Yitian."

Su Cheng stretched out his hand and the long sword was like a stream of light, flashing across the sky at a speed that was difficult to catch with the naked eye.

His figure disappeared with the light of the sword.

Silently, the golden trident composed of divine power was completely eliminated.


A moment later, a huge roar echoed through Poseidon Island.

The island-protecting formation covering the island shattered.

The layer of Poseidon's light outside Poseidon Mountain rippled.

The seven holy pillars distributed throughout Poseidon Island were also covered with dense cracks at the same time.

Bo Saixi, who was raising his sword straight, was still severely injured even with the ninth soul skill as a buffer.

The internal organs in the body were damaged to varying degrees, the face turned pale, and blood spurted out from the seven orifices.

Against the background of the blood, the beautiful face turned a little ferocious.

This was because Su Cheng only targeted the formation and the trident, and did not attack her directly.

Otherwise, even Bo Saixi, who was at full strength at this time, might not be able to save his life.

However, the golden scepter in her hand that symbolized the identity of the high priest had disappeared.

At this time, Su Cheng had already escaped with the light of the sword, and was several miles away from Poseidon Island in an instant.

After one blow, he was exhausted.

But Bo Saixi was obviously unable to pursue him.

"Teacher, this is the last time I call you this." Su Cheng's voice came from far away from the horizon.

"Please take it more seriously in the future. There is no need to have such deep hostility towards me. I will keep this key for a while."

With a face as golden as paper, Bo Saixi tried her best to control her body and fall under Poseidon Mountain.

After standing on the ground, he couldn't help but cough up a mouthful of blood again, and his eyes looked a little dim.

"Why does it have to be like this? Is it possible that the inheritance of gods, which countless mortals flock to, but are out of reach, is so insignificant in the eyes of others..."

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