At the junction of the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, Wuhun City, known as the holy land of the soul master world, stands high on the Wuhun Mountains that stretches thousands of miles, overlooking the entire Douluo Continent.

As the huge city gate opened, two beautiful figures walked out of the main entrance.

Hu Liena looked at the stern-looking Qian Renxue beside her, her expression seemed a little hesitant, and she persuaded in a low voice: "Sister, it's not good for us to leave like this. Do you really not want to tell the teachers and elders?"

"Do you think Bibi Dong doesn't know we're coming out?"

"Then why...?" Hu Liena was stunned for a moment after hearing this.

"She just doesn't think that you and I can affect the overall situation. Besides, do you really think that Bibi Dong doesn't want the mainland to be in chaos? That woman has great ambitions." The tall beauty in a black crown dress kept walking and said lightly. .

"Nana, think more about things when you encounter them, and don't be so naive. I've told you a long time ago that Bibi Dong is not a good teacher, and she can't teach you.

"All your talents have been wasted by her. You can't be a saint of Wuhun Palace at all. You should let me take you to see the world."

Having said this, Qian Renxue turned back to look at Hu Liena, who was slightly embarrassed.

However, his voice was as steady as before, and his tone did not fluctuate at all.

"Martial spirit is closely related to the soul. You shouldn't have this kind of character. Even Su Cheng said personally that your martial spirit has great potential. But what happens now?

"Which one of Xie Yue and Yan is not better than you? Even if you get such a soul bone, you can't distance yourself from them. Shouldn't you reflect on it?"

"I'm sorry to disappoint you." Hu Liena lowered her head with a flushed face, not wanting to refute.

The person opposite, no matter his status, strength or talent, is qualified enough to say those words.

What's more, Qian Renxue doesn't just talk the talk. Her experience of working undercover in the Tiandou royal family for more than ten years when she was young made Hu Liena respect her.

"You're wrong again." Qian Renxue shook her head, "I don't know what Bibi Dong thinks, and I'm not interested in knowing it, but your future achievements have nothing to do with me. I just mentioned a few things because I think you like them. It’s up to you whether you listen or not.”

"..." After Hu Liena was silent for a moment, she regained her composure and asked, "But if we do this, won't we anger Elder Su afterwards?"

Qian Renxue did not tell her the details of her plans after leaving the city this time.

But the meaning revealed in the words seemed to be that he was preparing to drag down all the three upper sects, and also to activate all the secrets that had been left in the Tiandou Empire.

Regardless of success or failure, the Qibao Glazed Sect, where Su Cheng was born, will probably not be too happy.

"Aggrieved?!" After hearing this, Qian Renxue's expression, which had been as calm as water before, finally changed.

With a gloomy look on his face, he sneered: "When I find him, I will naturally make him look good."

At this time, Hu Liena's plump and seductive red lips opened slightly, showing an expression of disbelief.

Qian Renxue couldn't help but frown when she saw this, "What's your expression?"

Hu Liena stared into the distance with her mouth open, "Elder Su, Elder Su..."


"What a coincidence." After looking at Wuhun City in the distance and then at the two people standing in front of the city gate, Su Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, "The time is just right."

After leaving Poseidon Island, his soul power had bottomed out.

It took a lot of time at sea to replenish some, and then we hurried back.

This departure was too sudden, and it was a good thing that others in Wuhun Palace didn't know much about him, but Qian Renxue would definitely be suspicious, and there was no guarantee that he wouldn't do anything radical.

Even if there are no unnecessary movements, it is not good if it affects your practice.

As for the Poseidon sacrificial staff that was taken from Bo Saixi, it has now been received by Su Cheng into the soul guide.

This thing is different from the papal scepter of Wuhun Palace. It is not only a symbol of status, but also the key to open the Poseidon Heritage Temple. If you have to compare it, the nature is more similar to the angel statue in the Douluo Hall of Wuhun City.

Without this thing, even if Bo Saixi serves as the guardian of Poseidon, it will be difficult for him to take the initiative to open up Poseidon's inheritance space.

However, whether the Poseidon himself in the God Realm has other means is not something Su Cheng can know.

On the other side, after hearing Hu Liena's prompt, Qian Renxue turned around and saw Su Cheng's figure, and her expression softened instantly.

The heartstrings that had been tense during this period finally relaxed completely, the gold and black colors flashed in his eyes, and his breath instantly improved.

But the next moment, the look of surprise that just appeared on his face turned into suspicion, and finally turned into a gloomy and cold expression.

She quickly walked up to Su Cheng and asked in a deep voice, "Where have you been in the past six months?"

"I've gone to practice. Didn't I send you a letter half a year ago?" Su Cheng explained with a normal expression.

Upon hearing this, Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at him with a scrutinizing gaze, obviously not believing this statement.

"What kind of improvement requires you to disappear for half a year to practice, and you can't practice in Wuhun City?"

"I have been promoted to Soul Saint."


Qian Renxue's eyes widened slightly subconsciously, her face alternately happy and worried, and she seemed to be stunned for a moment.

Su Cheng looked amused and did not continue to speak. He just silently watched the change in the other person's expression.

He does know that although Qian Renxue's personality has not expressed much in this regard, in fact, he has always wanted to overpower him in his heart.

Now seeing that not only his combat power but also his cultivation level is being overtaken by him, it may seem a little hard to accept for a while.


After a long time, Su Cheng had seen enough, and then reached out and patted her shoulder.

Qian Renxue's body trembled, and she glared at him angrily, "What are you doing? Scared me!"

"While we were talking, why did you suddenly become dazed?" Su Cheng looked back with a speechless expression.

"You -" Being interrupted like this, Qian Renxue didn't know what to say for a moment, so she reached out and grabbed his arm, "Let's go back first."


Watching the two people pulling each other back to Wuhun City.

Hu Liena, who had been acting as a backdrop since the beginning, opened her mouth, and then sighed helplessly.

Su Cheng at least nodded to her as a greeting, but the sister completely ignored her.

And looking at the other person's appearance, the things he said before about "making him look good" were obviously just words.

In addition, the plan to travel together will definitely be ruined.

Although she was hesitant and worried, she was actually quite looking forward to it.

"But... Soul Saint?" Hu Liena murmured softly.

She seemed to have just heard Su Cheng mention her advancement in cultivation. She originally wanted to ask about the situation, but seeing Qian Renxue's current state, she couldn't say anything more.

"It's impossible, it's only been half a year..."

"What did you say?"

In Su Cheng's room in the Elder's Hall, he looked at Qian Renxue in black, who had regained his composure, in shock.

"Have you completely mastered your respective artistic conceptions?!"

Qian Renxue didn't talk nonsense. The next moment, another figure in white appeared out of thin air and gathered beside the two of them.

The moment the new figure appeared, his eyes fell on Su Cheng, with unconcealable emotion in his eyes.

Looking at these two people, Su Cheng's eyes flickered.

Condensed soul waves emanate from the white-clothed soul body.

With the powerful and extreme will he implemented as the core, he condensed the power of his soul into a strength comparable to the physical body.

This can no longer even be called a "soul body". It is more appropriate to call it a "spirit body".

The other party's cultivation speed greatly exceeded his previous expectations.

The situation is different from Su Cheng.

Since the first simulation, he has been continuously consolidating the foundation in this area.

Day and night, he practiced the three basic sword moves of "parry, slash, and thrust". After decades of hard work, he has laid a solid foundation for his future development of kendo.

After returning to reality, he gained a deeper understanding of the sword's meaning and emotions.

With such a solid foundation, it led to his rapid improvement step by step.

But Qian Renxue and Su Cheng are different.

Indeed, she also has memories of the first world.

Under the guidance of Su Cheng, he read a lot of books, and his mind cultivation, knowledge, skills and other aspects far surpassed other soul masters in the world.

Even in terms of the use of divine power, he has a profound understanding of it because of his experience of becoming an angel god.

But when it comes to understanding artistic conception, she obviously has no relevant experience.

Because this thing took shape only after Su Cheng understood the true meaning of kendo and condensed the field of kendo.

Only after returning to reality and seeing through the relationship between emotion and swordsmanship can we truly master it.

In the past, Qian Renxue was able to develop her own soul skills based on her twin souls simply because her talent was too strong.

But without the initial accumulation, if you start high and high, even with Su Cheng's guidance, the subsequent improvement will be extremely difficult.

Originally, in his expectation, the other party could really get started within a year, and mastering their core true meaning was the limit.

But the two people in front of me are more than just beginners.

The firmness of his will and the clarity of his path are no longer far behind his swordsmanship.

"How did you do it?" Su Cheng asked doubtfully.

The two looked at each other, with a hint of embarrassment appearing on their faces.


"It's a quarrel."

After a moment of silence, Qian Renxue, still dressed in black, spoke first.

"Huh?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment, "What does 'quarrelsome' mean?"

"I want to go out to find you, and if she doesn't agree, then I can only speak based on my strength."

"So you won in the end?"

"Of course I won."

"..." Su Cheng nodded silently, not surprised by the outcome.

The more extreme the will, the easier it is to exert stronger power when used in battle.

Feeling the breath of the two people opposite him, his face was thoughtful.

"No, it's not just as simple as the advancement of artistic conception. Even the transformation and blending of their soul powers have made some progress."

At this moment, the auras of two figures, one black and one white, standing in front of Su Cheng were intertwined with each other.

Although there is still unavoidable wear and tear in this process, there are already extremely weak signs of circulation, and there are signs of mutual blending and transformation of soul power, which is extremely mysterious.

You know, they have not yet displayed their martial soul avatars and superimposed fields.

In this way, it will undoubtedly greatly reduce the difficulty for Su Cheng to study customized exercises for him in the future.

"But why is this?"

If the rapid improvement in artistic conception can be explained by the competition between them, then it seems a bit bizarre that they can go further on this basis.

At this time, Su Cheng's heart moved.

Recalling the moment when Qian Renxue's aura fluctuated just outside Wuhun City.

"Could it be that at that time..."

The departure half a year ago was not the first separation between Su Cheng and Qian Renxue.

As early as a few years ago, the two had a separation outside Tiandou City, and they did not see each other again for several years after that.

But all of Su Cheng's actions at that time were traceable, and he basically stayed in Tiandou Royal Academy most of the time.

And Qian Renxue also knew very well that after the Soul Master Competition begins, the two of them will naturally meet again.

So it doesn't have much impact on her.

But this time, there was no news from Su Cheng for half a year, and his disappearance was completely unreasonable, which was not in line with his usual style.

As the true "anchor" deepest and strongest in Qian Renxue's heart, it disappeared for no reason, and the turmoil caused was not trivial.

The two wills also began to fight between gods and demons, like a seesaw hanging at both ends of the cliff, maintaining the ultimate balance, but may be completely broken at any time.

The final result of the struggle between each other is that the main personality loses, and naturally there is nothing to say.

But the second personality who won the victory had nothing to be happy about.

The balance is on the verge of being broken, and maybe in the next moment, both of them will fall off the cliff at the same time.

It wasn't until the moment he actually saw Su Cheng outside Wuhun City that everything got back on track.

The relaxation of mentality also happened to promote this opportunity to form a cycle of transformation.

Su Cheng couldn't help but break into a cold sweat when he thought of this.

Qian Renxue has only a limited understanding of the soul level and does not know the seriousness of it.

Even Su Cheng himself had never thought of this level before.

Once the two of them start to confront each other, the danger is actually approaching slowly and silently. If they are not careful, their lives may be in danger.

Su Cheng also didn't expect that Qian Renxue's obsession would be so deep.

He had thought wrong from the beginning. A mere hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring could only provide energy. How could it maintain the balance between two such powerful souls?

The real "anchor" from beginning to end is Su Cheng himself.

He couldn't help but remember what Chen Xin said to him half a year ago, and his heart softened instantly.

"...Xiaoxue, I heard something from my teacher half a year ago."

"Teacher?" Qian Renxue was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "Are you talking about Sword Dou Luo Chenxin?"

At this point, her face turned cold, "Wait, so you went to the Qibao Glazed Sect at that time?"

"Uh, that's right."

"Going to find your sister?"

"What are you thinking about?" Su Cheng was a little dumbfounded, "I am——"

"Tuk, dun, dun."

At this time, there was a knock on the door suddenly, and Ju Douluo Yue Guan's aura appeared outside Su Cheng's room.

"Elder Su, His Majesty the Pope, please go to the Pope's Palace."

"What?" Su Cheng was stunned for a moment.

He was not surprised that Bibi Dong learned about his return to Wuhun City, but he did not expect that the other party would send people to look for him immediately.

After thinking about it, he still said: "I'm sorry to bother you, Elder Ju. I'll be there later."

"I'm sorry, the Pope said she wants you to come with me now."

Yue Guan's voice was also slightly helpless.

Bibi Dong issued a death order, requiring him to take Su Cheng back to the Pope's Palace.

I have a bit of a fever and overloaded my pig brain. I couldn't finish the second chapter. I'm really sorry. I am infected with the flu, so I will update it first today, please forgive me, readers! !

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