Of course, Qian Renxue was extremely dissatisfied with Bibi Dong's sudden summons. She even wanted to follow Su Cheng to the Pope's Palace, but was stopped by him. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Su Cheng didn't want the conflict between the two to continue to intensify until it couldn't be ended.


Even Lorelai can recognize him, so how much does Bibi Dong remember about the simulated world?

After experiencing the details of another world, what did she learn?

Will you completely connect yourself in the two worlds?

Although they didn't get along much, Su Cheng could still feel that the other party had indeed changed.

During the three months he lived in Wuhun City half a year ago, he also participated in several high-level meetings as a newly promoted elder.

Unlike Bibi Dong during the first simulation, she seemed to be less paranoid.

Regardless of his words, deeds, or behavior, he is more like a pope than a powerful soul master.

In the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong suppressed the strange emotions on his face when he saw Su Cheng walking into the hall.

Su Cheng actually guessed one thing wrong.

When he first entered Wuhun City, Bibi Dong knew about his return immediately.

But it is not due to the exploration of mental power. In Wuhun City, she does not need to release a wide range of perception at all times.

Nor is it common to others. Knowing this came from the induction between souls.

To be precise, it came from that faint starlight rooted in the depths of her soul that she had been unable to touch, let alone use.

After that dream half a year ago, Bibi Dong got this thing inexplicably.

Although this starlight is never within reach, it continues to emit light.

It's like a magical conversion device that transforms the dark and evil Rakshasa evil thoughts deep in the soul into Bibi Dong's own soul essence, and then fights against the evil energy that penetrates deep into the soul.

It was precisely because of this that she did not need to worry too much about the pressure of the Rakshasa test in a short period of time, and she had enough patience to wait for Su Cheng.

Otherwise, with her tense mental state in the past, when faced with emergencies, she would only handle them more radically than Qian Renxue.

And just after Su Cheng returned to Wuhun City, Bibi Dong also had an inexplicable intuition.

It was precisely because of this subtle feeling that she couldn't wait to see him.

Looking at Su Cheng, Bibi Dong's eyes revealed a hint of brilliance.

"Have you been promoted to Soul Saint?!"

"That's right."

"I remember the last time you left Wuhun City, you said you were going to absorb the sixth soul ring and be promoted to soul emperor? It's only been half a year, right?"

"Well, I got some opportunities."

Su Chengzhuangruo nodded unconsciously, but secretly observed the change in the other person's expression.

He really wants to know what's going on with Bibi Dong right now.

How many memories remain, how much rationality and knowledge these memories have brought her, and what changes will occur in her mood...

At the same time, will the continuous infiltration of Rakshasa spiritual thoughts cover up that layer of rationality.

However, if Bibi Dong really remembers many things, what should be her position?

If the situation really develops in an unexpected way, Su Cheng himself can't figure out whether the result will be good or bad for the relationship between the two and for Wuhun Palace.

He's never been very good at this.

"By the way, you still remember what you promised me before, right?"

To Su Cheng's surprise, Bibi Dong did not continue to ask about his cultivation and opportunities in detail, but instead asked another question.

He was stunned for a moment, "What are you talking about?"

Bibi Dong frowned when he heard this, "In three months, the one-year period will be up. At that time, the Great Priest and I will personally guide Qian Renxue. You and her should spend some time apart first."

"Oh, you said this, I remember it." Su Cheng nodded, and then said bluntly: "Xiaoxue has made rapid progress in recent times. I won't need you or the big priest to guide her by then, and you won't be able to guide her. "

Bibi Dong raised her eyebrows, seeming a little dissatisfied.

"Su Cheng, you may not know that there is a legendary divine inheritance in Wuhun Palace, and Qian Renxue has the opportunity to become the new Angel God."


Su Cheng glanced at her, but didn't speak immediately.

Not quite right.

Logically speaking, Bibi Dong shouldn't know about the Angel God and be so sure about it.

Even if she knew, how could she know that Qian Renxue had the chance to become a god and tell her about it?

After a moment of silence, Su Cheng said tentatively: "His Majesty the Pope, I thought your relationship with Xiaoxue was not very good."

"You misunderstood." Bibi Dong sighed softly, her expression slightly helpless.

"Due to some experiences in the past, Qian Renxue has always been immature and has a deep misunderstanding of me. You have been with her for so long, so you understand her character very well.

"After you and I talked about her last time, I also reflected on it. Maybe I was too harsh on her in the past.

“But Wuhun Palace needs her, and everyone is watching her.

"You can't protect her forever, and I can't stand behind her forever. Qian Renxue is no longer a child, and she shouldn't be so childish anymore."

"..." Su Cheng blinked, feeling that these words sounded a bit strange, but he couldn't explain why.

"What do you think?" Seeing that he didn't speak, Bibi Dong asked proactively with a sincere face.

"Ah?" Seeing her expression, Su Cheng could only nod hesitantly, "Well, it seems to make sense, but -"

"As long as it makes sense to you." Bibi Dong breathed a sigh of relief and continued.

"I know your abilities. Even the great ministers are full of praise for the set of exercises you have developed. However, you are too arbitrary to say that we can't teach Qian Renxue.

"The Grand Priest is a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo who has rich experience in soul master training. The divine inheritance I just told you is in the Douluo Palace. The Grand Priest has guarded the Douluo Palace for many years and is very knowledgeable about this inheritance. Research.

"Isn't this knowledge of any help to Qian Renxue?"

"That's not what I meant, but—"

Just as Su Cheng was about to speak, Bibi Dong interrupted him again, "If you have any ideas, you can tell them in advance. Dachengfeng and I are more of a supervisor and guide."

"...Okay." Su Cheng sighed.

He couldn't be too tough with Bibi Dong's behavior.

Indeed, now he has the confidence to talk to everyone equally.

With a sword in hand, unless there is an enemy coming from the sky, a person below the god level has no fear of any enemy, and is confident that he can fight anyone for one.

But Bibi Dong didn't have any bad intentions in her words, and she always acted as if she was moved by emotion and reason. Qian Daoliu was even less likely to harm his granddaughter. He really couldn't blame her.

What's more, if Bibi Dong could resolve their feud with Qian Renxue, it would be a situation he would be happy to see.

"Then it's settled. In three months, you can come to the Pope's Palace."

"I understand." Su Cheng nodded, "But don't let Xiaoxue come into contact with the divine inheritance you mentioned."


"Absolutely not. I will also warn Xiaoxue about this."

Bibi Dong stared at Su Cheng for a moment and then said softly "Okay".

Then he asked: "How strong are you now?"

Just as Su Cheng was about to answer, his heart suddenly moved and he asked, "What do you think, Your Majesty the Pope?"


Bibi Dong looked at him, but remained silent and didn't speak.

After a while, he suddenly smiled.

At that moment, the radiance seemed to completely illuminate the entire hall.

Even the sunlight shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows seemed a little dim.

She is extremely beautiful.

It's just that he has always maintained a cold and majestic attitude, coupled with the status bonus brought by his status as the Pope, and after accepting the Rakshasa test, there is a hint of viciousness hidden under the surface.

With the blessing of such external auras, her appearance conditions were diluted by her complex temperament.

Even Su Cheng now sees her more as the pope above all people and the future Rakshasa god, rather than just a woman.

But otherwise, it would be difficult for Su Cheng to completely distinguish Bibi Dong in reality from the person in memory.


The change in her expression at this moment made Su Cheng stunned.

Thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have never seen Bibi Dong show such an attitude since the last simulation.

"Su Cheng, you know, in the past, I always thought that the so-called genius was a soul master like me who has twin martial souls and innate soul power, or someone like Qian Renxue who has a god-level martial soul and an innate soul. The sweet girl of heaven with strength up to level 20."

While speaking, Bibi Donglian moved lightly and slowly walked to Su Cheng's side.

A very light, yet extremely distant aroma drifted into his mouth and nose inadvertently.

Su Cheng glanced sideways at the other party.

He did not expect that Bibi Dong would take the initiative to reveal the secret of twin martial souls, which was not a secret in the martial soul hall.

Some senior elders indeed knew about this matter, but they obviously would not reveal it at will.

"But after I met you, I realized that there is another kind of genius in the world, a real genius."

"A real genius?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows noncommittally, thinking of Yu Xiaogang inexplicably.

Then he laughed dumbly and said: "I don't think I am a genius, I just have some luck."

"This is just your own thought." Bibi Dong didn't know his random association.

At this time, she had walked a little behind Su Cheng. From an angle that he couldn't see, she had a complex smile that was slightly nostalgic, and her eyebrows became a little softer.

She continued in a low voice: "You can see yourself clearly, know what you want, and be able to firmly implement your own ideas. Most people in the world cannot do this."

"Do you know what I want?" Su Cheng looked back at the other person's back, a little surprised.

"I don't know." Bibi Dong also turned back to look at him, her eyes as cute as a girl's.

At this moment, his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit.

"But you shouldn't be thinking about how to get Qian Renxue to accept that little girl Zhu Zhuqing, right?"

"..." Su Cheng's eyes twitched when he heard this.


This is definitely a threat.

"His Majesty the Pope, please don't make such a joke." Su Cheng said solemnly, "I just said that I will keep my promise and come to the Pope's Palace to help you in three months."

"Of course I believe you." Bibi Dong raised the corners of her mouth, lowered her eyes slightly, covering up the pride in her eyes, and said calmly: "There is nothing else to do, please step back first."

She actually wanted to talk for a while longer.

But there is still a long way to go, and enough has been said today.

"Okay, then I'll take my leave first." Su Cheng nodded and turned to leave.

"Su Cheng."

"What's wrong?"

"Can you show me your soul ring?"

Su Cheng thought about it and didn't refuse.

Anyway, this thing cannot be hidden, and sooner or later it will be revealed to others.

It doesn't matter if Bibi Dong knows in advance.

He immediately summoned the Martial Soul Eternal Life Sword, and then seven soul rings appeared at his feet.

The scarlet sixth soul ring is naturally extraordinary.

But compared to the seventh soul ring, which shone like crystal and had a magnificent color, it was nothing.

Bibi Dong stared blankly at the special pale pink soul ring, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

He immediately waved his hand, indicating that he could leave, and had no intention of asking about the specific situation of this soul ring.


At this time, Su Cheng was stunned.

Just now, he vaguely felt a strange wave coming from Bibi Dong's body, and there was also an inexplicable feeling of familiarity.

But Bibi Dong had turned away at this time, and it was hard for him to ask any more questions.

He shook his head, turned around and left the Pope's Palace with some doubts.

After he left, Bibi Dong, who was standing alone in the hall, breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sure enough, it's because of you..."

When the extremely strange and gorgeous seventh soul ring appeared, the starlight in her soul that had been silently giving her strength suddenly shone brightly.

It seems that he has established a subtle connection with Su Cheng.

Now she finally knows why this halo has always been in her own soul, but she has never been able to touch it.

Because it doesn't belong to her.

Although I don’t know what the nature of this thing is and why it came to my soul.

But she had an inexplicable intuition that this thing would definitely return to Su Cheng in the future.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who returned to the Elder's Hall, began to be questioned by Qian Renxue as expected.

"So, you really want to help Bibi Dong in three months?" Qian Renxue curled her lips, looking very unhappy.

"Yes." Su Cheng nodded, "Actually, your current progress has exceeded my expectations. With your current state, I will be able to improve new techniques for you soon. If everything goes well, maybe In the remaining time, you can also master the innate power that I have used before."

This is also the main reason why he agreed to Bibi Dong so readily before.

Whether the other party has good reasons or whether he has leverage, these are only a small part of the reason.

The most important thing is that Qian Renxue really doesn't need him to keep an eye on her all the time to practice.

In Su Cheng's original estimation, after this year, they could each generate a core that could stabilize their own souls, which would be enough for him to use this as a basis to develop exclusive techniques suitable for Qian Renxue's twin souls.

But now that the other party is one step faster, that's better.

In the remaining time, you can start to use the exercises as a basis and try to initially build a basic cycle.

Once the cycle is established, the hidden danger to her twin souls is truly and completely eliminated.

Unless they want to commit suicide, it is impossible for them to be on the verge of destruction because of the fight between them.

At that time, no matter how two people fight, there will no longer be any risk.

As for her current situation, Su Cheng already had preliminary ideas about her skills.

In the final analysis, we should try our best to seek common ground while reserving differences.

Although Qian Renxue's two personalities follow different paths, they are not completely opposite.

Today’s update makes me unable to bear the urge to get an injection. Everyone must pay attention to protection. This wave of influenza is a bit fierce, and I don’t know how I got infected. Moreover, the result of my blood test is still a bacterial infection, not influenza A. Alas, I am a little afraid of being infected by a virus after I recover. My whole body aches, I owe more and more, and I cry.

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