It didn't take Su Cheng much time to develop the technique. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

In addition to his rich knowledge and relevant experience, the biggest reason is that Qian Renxue's foundation is really good.

Not to mention the talent condition of her innate twenty-level soul power level, which brought about the accumulation of soul power that far exceeded the same level, and the two extremely powerful talent fields that she was promoted to after becoming a soul saint.

Even the fusion between the two very different souls has naturally produced signs of mutual interaction.

It can be said that even without relying on Su Cheng, she alone has the opportunity to take the innate skills she is practicing to a further level, but it will only take a few more years.

The exclusive technique Su Cheng customized for Qian Renxue is called "Cang Ming Bian".

If you want to truly achieve the level of "substituting one's own heart for Heaven's heart, and then using Heaven's way to determine the way of humanity", the key lies in the word "change".

Qian Renxue's self-created soul skill had an extraordinary and lofty intention.

But this process of continuous realization is not without danger for her.

As Su Cheng said before, Heaven's way is constant, but people's hearts are changeable. How easy is it to replace Heaven's heart with one's own heart?

The greater possibility is that one's own existence is overturned by extreme will.

Fortunately, Qian Renxue has several great advantages that ordinary people do not have.

One is her temperament.

The extraordinary talent brought by his noble birth, the unique growing environment and family changes in his childhood, the undercover experience in his youth, plus the huge impact of the first simulated world memory and the accumulation of various past knowledge.

It created her firm and extremely extreme character background.

The second is the self-harmony between twin souls.

If disagreements arise in the process of implementing her own principles, it will deepen her self-understanding and strengthen her humanity.

Therefore, unlike the innate skill that Su Cheng practiced himself, the core of Qian Renxue's Cang Ming Transformation is not to cultivate the gods, but to cultivate the mind.

On the basis of stabilizing her character, her two twin souls can transform and blend with each other, and the cycle of promotion will be a matter of course.

Three months later, in Su Cheng's room.

The body of Qian Renxue, dressed in black, sat cross-legged with the master spirit body in white, looking solemn.

The golden and black light flowed and enveloped the two of them.

At the same time, there was a little glimmer of light on their bodies, like twin goddesses, looking mysterious and unusual.

Su Cheng stood aside and watched the two of them, also releasing his own martial arts and talent areas. While blessing their status, it also suppressed energy fluctuations in this house to prevent other accidents.

"Are you ready?"

As the two men nodded slightly, black and golden flames ignited from the two of them at the same time, and then slowly moved closer...


When the firelights intertwined, the two flames merged into one, turning into a two-color flame that expanded several times.

With Qian Renxue's current accumulation, it is still far from enough for any one of their souls to condense the prototype of innate power alone.

But if the two of them join forces, there is a glimmer of possibility.

After all, after three months of training, the combined soul depth of the two of them is far superior to that of ordinary people.

However, although he has two extremely powerful souls, he only has one body, so he needs a chance.

So under Su Cheng's guidance, they used their own energy and blood as firewood, and then used powerful soul power beyond their own level as fire to ignite it.

Then, the majestic soul power in the two people's bodies that far exceeded ordinary people began to merge rapidly...

Not long after, a powerful aura wave appeared in the center of the two people facing each other.

The flames hung in the air and continued to burn fiercely. The powerful energy that continued to emit was even faintly impacting the solid barrier built by Su Cheng's domain.

But unlike the previous soul power fire, this is an innate power that combines the power of qi and blood, soul power and soul power.

It is different from the colorless and invisible energy produced when Su Cheng uses his innate power.

This flame was blazing white, exuding a vast and ruthless meaning.

After maintaining it for a few breaths, the unstable fire quickly extinguished and dissipated.

The breath of the two people sitting opposite each other quickly slipped away, and their soul power was almost exhausted.

But at this time, their expressions seemed extremely exciting.

Only after they actually use that kind of power can they realize how powerful it is.

That is a completely different power from soul power. It is not on the same level at all. The two cannot be compared at all.

"Hey, is this?!"

At this time, Su Cheng's eyes suddenly opened slightly, with a hint of surprise and confusion on his face.

During the process of Qian Renxue condensing the prototype of her innate power, nothing unexpected happened.

But when that wisp of blazing white fire appeared in Qian Renxue's hand, something unexpected happened to Su Cheng himself.

The seventh soul ring under his feet, which originally appeared as a light pink soul ring, seemed to be lighter in color and appeared more transparent.

Even that layer of crystal-like magnificent light has become dimmer.

However, these are just appearances.

The key is that the original power in his seventh soul ring has increased!

Although the increased amount is not much, far less than the initial drop of source power, it is still extremely obvious to the senses.

As a synergist, even if the original power in the soul ring increases slightly, it will have an extremely good effect.

"Is it because..."

Su Cheng stared blankly at the two beautiful figures in front of him who were silently adjusting their breaths to recover, both with serious expressions on their faces, and Su Cheng took a breath.

He thought about the kind of closeness and recognition that existed in the world after he completely broke through in the simulation.

After calming down some of the excitement, Su Cheng couldn't help but wonder in his heart, "Is this a reward from the world? Maybe some more verification is needed..."

When a new path of spiritual practice appears in the world and more and more people invest in it, may it have some subtle impact on the world itself?

Is it also because of this that the so-called "original power" is injected into his body?

Whatever the specific reason is, Su Cheng is ready to test it.

The original power has greatly improved him. If more people master the cultivation of innate power, it can help him accumulate the original power, then it must be paid attention to.

Even for Wuhun Palace's future layout on the mainland, he must devote himself wholeheartedly to it.

Originally, he just planned to do it casually when it came to promoting Xiantian Kung.

But now it seems that it is likely to be of great help to his own improvement.

In this case, some adjustments have to be made to the follow-up arrangements.

The importance of Wuhun Palace was instantly elevated to a very high level.

If you want to promote the practice, you must have the support of a big force behind it to achieve the highest efficiency.

Otherwise, given the current situation in the mainland where multiple factions are trying to contain each other, there is no telling how many obstacles will be encountered in the middle.

Things like this are obviously not something that can be handled with sufficient strength.

Su Cheng himself didn't have that much energy to suppress everyone.

“Let’s try it from within the Spirit Hall first, at least to make sure it’s really related to this.

"However, it is not easy for the young soul masters in Wuhun City Academy to see results in a short period of time. They have insufficient foundation and are still far from being able to condense their innate power.

"Qian Daoliu is the guardian of the gods, so I guess he can't. Bibi Dong might be able to do it. Why don't we find a chance to let her try it, but the power of Rakshasa is also a problem..."

"Teacher, I succeeded!"

After a moment, the two beautiful figures who took a breather opened their eyes at the same time and looked at Su Cheng, their eyes sparkling, waking him up from his thoughts.

Seeing this, Su Cheng temporarily put aside his thoughts about the original power and looked back with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"Teacher, you are so powerful." Qian Renxue sighed, "This level of power is by no means lower than the power of angels, and it is easier to control."

"Of course." Su Cheng nodded, "The divine power not only incorporates the power of faith, but also involves the nature of the divine position. Most of the power is not obtained by oneself. But the innate power is entirely derived from oneself. Nature is more controllable.”

"That's it." Qian Renxue's expression suddenly dawned.

"Practice seriously. Once you have mastered this kind of power, there is no need to become a god or be bound by a god's status. And to this point in your cultivation, your biggest difficulty has been overcome. You can just accumulate it slowly. With your talent , it won't take too long if you think about it." Su Cheng said seriously.

"I see."

As the words fell, the figure in white gradually disappeared in the eyes of the other two people.

The first fusion of innate power consumed a lot of her soul power.

Without the physical body, the state of the spiritual body is already somewhat difficult to sustain.

And it is obvious that the second personality still occupies higher control of the body, so the first personality can only return to the body.

However, this situation is only temporary.

As Cang Mingbian continues to practice and his mastery of innate power continues to deepen, the relationship between the two of them will become more and more balanced.

When the time comes, I really want to decide the winner, but I'm afraid it won't be that simple.

Even later, when Su Cheng's mastery of innate power reached the second stage of using the Immortal Body.

It is not impossible to have the opportunity to activate the power of blood and qi of the body to construct a temporary body to accommodate the soul in a short period of time.

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