Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 228 The poisonous Qian Renxue and the furious Bibi Dong (

Chapter 228 The poisonous Qian Renxue and the furious Bibi Dong (two in one)

Outside the Elder's Hall.

Bibi Dong's footsteps paused for a moment, then walked in.

Now that time is limited, she cannot hesitate too much.

Soon, a woman wearing a bright golden papal dress arrived outside Su Cheng's room, and her spiritual power reached into the room.

Then, her expression changed slightly.

After Su Cheng was promoted to Soul Saint, all kinds of powers were integrated, and the Five Elements field was no longer what it used to be.

Not to mention mental power, even if you rely on divine power, don't even think about getting into it silently.

Looking at the solid barrier in front of her, Bibi Dong's expression changed.

She had no idea what was happening in the room right now.

Maybe they are teaching secret techniques, or maybe they are practicing together...

However, the ominous premonition kept impacting her mind, and the starlight in her soul flickered more and more rapidly.


Bibi Dong took a gentle breath.

There seemed to be a green shadow flashing behind him, and a green spear shaped like a spider's legs stabbed down in the air, and the next moment it collided with the invisible barrier.


Along with a substantive trembling sound, thick fog flashed on the invisible barrier, causing ripples.

The attack was blocked.

However, it was just a layer of the edge of the field that was isolated from exploration, but it was built so solidly that Bibi Dong increasingly felt that there was something wrong inside.

It’s just ordinary practice, is it necessary to do this?

This is the Elder's Hall of Wuhun City, and there will be no unexpected crisis.


Then, several spider spears flashed one after another, stabbing at the barrier formed at the edge of the field, once, twice...

The green light in Bibi Dong's eyes became more and more intense, and a layer of dark green spider web lines appeared on her forehead. The power of Rakshasa was mixed in the attacks.

As the two high-level energies confront each other, the entire Elder Hall seems to be shaking slightly.

Several elders looked in the direction where Bibi Dong was at this time in astonishment, and their perceptions spread silently in that direction.

Even Qian Daoliu, who was meditating with his eyes closed deep in the Elder Hall, slowly opened his eyes...


The next moment, with the loud sound of the door opening, the figures of Qian Renxue and Su Cheng appeared in Bibi Dong's field of vision.

Qian Renxue looked at the woman standing at the door with a gloomy face and growled: "Bibi Dong, what are you crazy about?!"

Hearing her question, Bibi Dong did not answer immediately, but looked at the two people in front of him.

At this time, Qian Renxue was disheveled, even two buttons on her black dress were misplaced, exposing her delicate collarbones and slender neck.

Her face was flushed even more, with a hint of spring between her brows and eyes, and her bright red lips were glowing with a little bit of gloss.

The long, delicate and neat golden hair in the past was now slightly messy and spread over her shoulders, with a few strands stuck to one side of her face.

The jade-white neck was also dotted with many suspicious red marks.

"What were you doing just now?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Qian Renxue's eyebrows were raised high, with a look of displeasure on her face.

Bibi Dong ignored her and turned to look at Su Cheng on the other side.

In fact, Su Cheng felt very unhappy at this time.

Whoever it was at this time would be extremely upset if they were suddenly interrupted at the beginning.

But seeing that the emotions of these two women were a little wrong, he couldn't continue to add fuel to the fire, so he had to suppress the anger in his heart and said: "I'm just giving guidance to Xiaoxue's practice."

"Practice?" Bibi Dong's eyes were extremely piercing, almost turning into ice, "Is this how you practice?!"

"What do you want to do?" Before Su Cheng could continue to explain, Qian Renxue spoke impatiently: "It's not your turn to take care of anything we do, right?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong took a deep breath and her chest rose and fell violently.

Just then he turned to look at Qian Renxue, "Do you know how old he is? How old are you yourself?"


When Qian Renxue heard this, she felt baffled at first, and then she laughed angrily.

She never felt that there was anything incompatible between herself and Su Cheng, and she never considered the age gap between them to be a big deal.

"Sir, you are really funny. We are all soul masters in our twenties. What's wrong with a man having sex with a woman?

"Besides, what were you doing when you were my age?"

Qian Renxue's straightforward and sharp words were like steel needles, piercing into the depths of Bibi Dong's heart.

However, she ignored the other party's increasingly cold gaze and violently fluctuating breath, and continued to output unscrupulously, venting the dissatisfaction accumulated during this period.

Not only was the romance interrupted midway today, but also because of the one-year deadline that tied Su Cheng back.

"Speaking of which, dear Lord Pope, I also heard that you had some entangled history with a certain useless soul master from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect.

"What about others?

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, that person came to you some time ago and asked you for advice on how to cultivate twin martial souls, right?

"It's really hilarious. At the same age, your ability is not as good as mine, your strength is not as good as mine, and your vision is far inferior to mine.

"Laughing at me? You are really confident.

"Are you worthy?!"

"Xiaoxue!" Su Cheng shouted softly after reacting, his heart pounding, and most of his anger disappeared in an instant.

Qian Renxue's words were too offensive.

No matter what, it would be a bit excessive to expose people's wounds and put these things out in the open.

At this moment, Su Cheng's expression suddenly changed drastically, and a transparent aura appeared on his palm, and he grabbed it sideways.

The next moment, an extremely condensed green blade collided with his palm.


Even the extremely powerful and condensed innate power was able to stand in a stalemate with this attack for a moment before completely annihilating it.

The dark green blade light contained a hint of Rakshasa power.

If he was really hit by this attack, Qian Renxue would definitely be seriously injured, and it was possible that his foundation would be damaged.

Su Cheng suddenly turned his head, looked at Bibi Dong, and shouted angrily: "Hey! Are you serious?!"

However, when he saw the other party's expression, he was stunned.

At this time, Bibi Dong still had no trace of the nobility and majesty he had before.

Her beautiful and delicate face was pale, and even her body was trembling slightly.

There are still rich dark green light and shadows floating in the eyes, and there is scarlet in the pupils.

What Su Cheng didn't know was.

At this moment, in the sky above Bibi Dong's heart, strong winds roared and furious waves swept across, constantly impacting the remaining sanity that was already somewhat shaky.

She originally thought that she was completely able to accept everything that had happened and would happen in the future.

I can accept that Su Cheng is different from the person in my memory because he is still young and born in an era that is misaligned with his own.

You can also accept that the other person finds his own lover and experiences another kind of life.

But at this time, she realized that she simply couldn't accept it.

Why is Qian Renxue not suitable for Su Cheng?

I just want to be by each other's side.

What is worthy and unworthy...

Those were just excuses she made for herself to escape, and they were nothing more than futile self-comfort.

Only at this moment did she realize that she simply couldn't accept this happening.

Looking at Qian Renxue with spring in her eyes, Bibi Dong felt mad with jealousy.

On the slightly exposed snow-white skin, the faintly visible red marks were even sharper than the verbal attacks.

Why can Qian Renxue be so confident, without caring about the eyes of others, and without any resistance from the outside world?

Are you questioning yourself and laughing at yourself?

Just because she's lucky enough?

Just because she met someone who could help her at the most suitable time?

So you can be unscrupulous?

Can it be taken for granted?


The uncontrollable rich evil energy poured out from Bibi Dong's body.

After the ferocious dark green giant spider spirit appeared, the corridor of the Elder Hall was immediately filled with it.

The originally empty and wide corridor suddenly seemed a bit crowded.

The sinister evil energy billowed out, colliding with and corroding the sacred aura accumulated over the years in Wuhun Hall, making a subtle "chichi" sound continuously.

"It's broken!" Su Cheng was shocked.

If this continues, something big will really happen!

The Rakshasa test is extremely cheating.

There is no divine guardian, and it is extremely harsh on those who take the divine test, constantly oppressing the minds of those who participate in the test.

And this is in the headquarters of the Angel God inheritance.

The two gods are naturally in opposition. If the situation is allowed to continue to develop, it is difficult to say whether it will cause a catastrophe.

And even if no bigger changes occur, what would the elders think if they saw this scene?

What will Qian Daoliu do when the time comes?


In his desperation, Su Cheng couldn't think much about it at the moment, and he didn't have time to think carefully about the causes and consequences, as well as the reasons for Bibi Dong's sudden illness.

The field expanded instantly, blocking out all the dozen or so prying eyes in his perception.

At the same time, he stretched out his arm and grabbed Bibi Dong's wrist.

Looking at her eyes, there seemed to be shadows of swords passing by.


When the warm palm touched her skin, Bibi Dong's body trembled slightly.

At the same time, the stars inside his soul shone brightly, and a moment of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Then, reason regained the upper hand, and the crazy look in his eyes subsided slightly.

"Bibi Dong, you want to kill me?"

Qianren Xuefeng narrowed her eyes slightly and stared at Bibi Dong.

Although she was in extremely poor condition now because she had just tried to gather her innate power, and her soul power had almost bottomed out, she was not panicking at all.

She believed that Su Cheng could protect her.

"Are you so jealous of me?"

Qian Renxue sneered softly.

Obviously, because of Bibi Dong's sudden appearance and her recent words and deeds, it was impossible for her to suppress her anger in a short period of time.

She is a person who has no taboos. When encountering such a thing, her first reaction will never be to think about how to avoid it.

"Xiaoxue, please say a few words first."

Su Cheng, who was standing aside, felt an increasingly headache.

His character is considered strong among normal people, and at least he won't act according to other people's whims.

But the problem is that the other two people no longer belong to the category of normal people.

And he couldn't easily use force on these two people.

Needless to say, Qian Renxue would definitely not be able to take action against him.

Anyone would be upset about what happened today, but Qian Renxue's performance was more radical.

As for Bibi Dong, let alone the potential impact of the various memories about the other party in the last simulation.

Even if it is to facilitate the promotion of skills and improve oneself in the future, her help is indispensable, and it is also not suitable to freeze the relationship.

And in any case, it will not do any good to intensify the conflict between the two people.

Using force to solve problems is obviously not the best option.

Seeing that Bibi Dong's mood had become more stable, Su Cheng also released his palm, looked at her and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, there is no need to blame Xiaoxue for what happened today. We are not children anymore."

"You also think I'm not qualified to take care of her?" Bibi Dong asked coldly, hiding the complicated emotions in her eyes.

"Well, that's not true, but—"

"Have you forgotten what we said a few months ago?"

"..." Su Cheng was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and the conversation three months ago came to mind.

But he felt something was wrong.

No matter what, Bibi Dong's reaction today was a bit too violent.

"I haven't forgotten it. But you also know the relationship between Xiaoxue and I. Many things happen naturally."

"..." Bibi Dong did not speak immediately, but stared at him silently.

It wasn't until he felt a little uncomfortable that he said, "It's only a few days until the end of the year. From today on, you can come directly to the Pope's Palace."

"Why?" After hearing this, Su Cheng frowned subconsciously, feeling unhappy in his heart, and his tone seemed somewhat unkind.

He had been busy practicing some time ago, and the two of them rarely had close contact.

Now that Qian Renxue has just overcome the difficulties in her cultivation and experienced the joy of fish and water for the first time, it is time to get along well with her.

There were only a few days left, so how could he want to separate at this time.

When Qian Renxue saw this, she immediately looked over with a provocative expression.

In her opinion, as long as Su Cheng didn't agree, Bibi Dong would never force herself to come.

But this time Bibi Dong had no intention of giving in.

She looked at Su Cheng, opened her mouth slightly, and said softly: "The city of killing——"

"Wait!" Su Cheng's expression changed slightly.

Looking back at Qian Renxue, she said sternly: "Xiaoxue, actually I think that as a member of Wuhun Palace, it is understandable to respect the Pope's orders. Let's not be so willful. Anyway, I am here in Wuhun City, and there will be plenty of time in the future. Get along together.”


Qian Renxue looked sideways at Su Cheng, her eyelashes trembling slightly, her face filled with disbelief.

Then he turned back and glared at Bibi Dong, "What's wrong with her being the Pope?!"

"Qian Renxue, if you don't accept it, you can challenge me, and I will continue." Bibi Dong said coldly, "If you can beat me, what's the point of giving up the position of Pope to you? If you want to do it then, No matter what, no one will stop you anymore."

As he spoke, the spider web lines on his forehead appeared again, and his eyes were filled with green.

A powerful aura as majestic as the sea but extremely cold was condensed into a ball, ready to go.


Qian Renxue stretched out her right arm.

Two black flames ignited in the phoenix eyes.

The next moment, the long black sword condensed in his hand, and his long golden hair was dyed with a faint silver light.


Su Cheng shouted loudly when he saw this and stood between the two of them.

The innate power spurted out, like a sharp sword, separating the two people's colliding auras.

If this continues, it will be really difficult for the situation to end.

No matter what, the two of them cannot really fight.

With their strength, once they attack with all their strength, Wuhun City will be shaken.

"His Majesty the Pope, please wait for a moment while I advise Xiaoxue."

Bibi Dong looked past Su Cheng and stared coldly at Qian Renxue who was standing behind him, "You'd better hurry up and don't let her act like a child again."

After saying that, he turned around and closed the door.

"Su Cheng! What do you mean?" Qian Renxue gritted her teeth and glared at Su Cheng, "Do you think I can't beat her?"

Su Cheng was speechless when he heard this.

Isn't this obvious?

Bibi Dong possesses twin martial souls. Now her soul power reaches level ninety-eight. She has also gone through the divine examination for many years and can draw a small amount of Rakshasa power to accompany her.

Even if she couldn't exert her full strength due to the divine test, Qian Renxue couldn't do it now.

But you definitely can’t say it so directly, you need to be more tactful.

"Xiaoxue, you have just mastered the innate power now, you are not skilled in using it, and you have not yet fully figured out how to use it in battle.

"And your current accumulation is not enough. Even if you fight with innate strength, you won't be able to sustain it for too long.

"If you can't win in a short time, do you think you can beat her just by being in normal condition?

"Why push yourself so hard? As you just said, you are still young and have plenty of time to improve yourself."

Su Cheng held her shoulders and said, "Xiaoxue, you don't need to be so serious. Well, you also know that she is not normal here. You should be more considerate and considerate, and don't be the same as her."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture on the side of his head.

"Tch." Qian Renxue snorted coldly and looked at Su Cheng, "What did she mean by 'the city of killing' just now?"

"That place is related to a divine inheritance. I want to go there with her."

"Is it just that simple?" Qian Renxue narrowed her eyes and her tone softened a little, but she still hesitated, "It's just a god, why did you have such a big reaction."

Just as Su Cheng was about to speak, she added again: "You promised me you wouldn't lie to me again."

"That throne is extraordinary. It is much stronger than the God of Angels and the God of Rakshasa. Moreover, Bibi Dong has a disciple there who is undergoing a test. I just found out about her accepting a disciple not long ago."

"Taking on another apprentice, what does she want to do?"

Qian Renxue frowned and began to think deeply.

She knew very well how high Bibi Dong's vision was.

The reason why Hu Liena was favored by the other party and accepted as his direct disciple was the emotional factor of being as close as mother and daughter.

Otherwise, with her nine-level innate soul power level, she would not be able to catch Bibi Dong's eyes.

Now he has actually accepted another disciple, I guess he has real talent.

It might even be a genius that Bibi Dong specially found to compete with her in the ring.

She knew that the other party did not want the Qianjia lineage to continue to control the Spirit Hall.

"Not finished yet?"

While Qian Renxue was thinking, Bibi Dong's cold voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"This woman..." She secretly gritted her teeth and walked forward to open the door.

"Are you done playing with your temper?"

At this time, Bibi Dong's expression had returned to normal, becoming as noble, cold, and majestic as before.

His aura has been completely restrained, and the extremely ferocious dark green soul-eating spider emperor has also withdrawn into his body.

"Put your clothes neatly on." She looked at Qian Renxue and said coldly, "Don't you think it's embarrassing?"


Qian Renxue curled her lips and ignored the other party's scolding.

Stretching out his arms around Su Cheng's neck, he put his head deeply into his arms.

After more than a minute, she raised her cheek and kissed him hard on the corner of the mouth.

Then he let him go, and then gave Bibi Dong a provocative look.


Bibi Dong's eyes glanced at the two of them, then turned around as if nothing had happened and walked out of the Elder's Hall.

"Let's go."

Su Cheng smiled and patted Qian Renxue's shoulder, then took the initiative to reach over and gently kiss the side of her face.

Then he followed Bibi Dong, who had already walked to the front.

Looking at the graceful and graceful figure not far ahead, Su Cheng's thoughts surged in his heart.

What happened just now happened so quickly, and the conflict between the two people intensified in an instant, and he didn't even have time to think about it carefully.

Now that I'm reviewing it, the more I think about it, the more I feel it's wrong.

Just now, he really didn't see the deep love and responsibility in the look the other party looked at Qian Renxue, but more of jealousy and hatred.

Of course, that's not where the weirdness lies.

Because this was Bibi Dong's attitude towards Qian Renxue in the past.

She may indeed have some blood and affection for Qian Renxue buried deep in her heart, but it's obviously not much.

Otherwise, Qian Renxue would not have been sent to Tiandou City to hide in disguise.

The problem lies in the inconsistency in Bibi Dong’s words and deeds.

Before that, every time Bibi Dong met Su Cheng, she always kept saying that everything she did was for Qian Renxue.

That doesn't seem to be the case.

"What's going on with her? Is it because what Xiaoxue said was so outrageous that it angered her? Out of disappointment in Xiaoxue, or something else..."

Su Cheng felt a little uneasy.

Besides that, there was something else that concerned him a lot.

Just when several people were confronting each other, several strange and familiar fluctuations came from Bibi Dong's body.

"Da da da……"

The hard heels stepped on the jade steps, making a crisp sound.

Bibi Dong, who was walking slowly ahead, was not as calm as she seemed on the surface.

The scene she saw today certainly exceeded her expectations.

However, the violent reaction she had as a result was also not her intention.

It's just that it was really difficult for her to control her instincts at that time.

When emotions are strong, that little bit of rationality seems so insignificant.

"Will he suspect anything? What would he do if he really thought of me in another world? What should I do?"

The self in my memory is the real sweet girl of heaven.

Intelligent, decisive, and knowledgeable, he is Su Cheng's most effective helper.

In contrast, the current self looks gloomy, evil, and dirty, and cannot be compared with it at all.

However, at this moment, while she was terrified in her heart, she could not help but also have some hidden expectations.

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