Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 229 Qian Renxue’s tool men (two-in-one

Chapter 229 Qian Renxue’s Tool Brothers (2-in-1)

After the two people with their own concerns entered the meeting hall of the Pope's Palace, Su Cheng looked at Bibi Dong who was standing in front with his back turned to him with some scrutiny.

He did not mention the incident that had just happened, but asked in a deep voice: "His Majesty the Pope, have you ever tried to practice the two volumes of 'Xiantian Kung' that I taught to the soul masters of Wuhun Palace?"

"..." Bibi Dong was silent for a moment, then turned around and shook her head calmly, "No."

Su Cheng was a little surprised when he heard this, "Why don't you give it a try? The titled Douluo in the Elder's Hall have all begun to practice now."

That being said, he actually didn't really believe it in his heart.

Not to mention to what extent the experiences in the simulated world will affect Bibi Dong, whether he remembers a large number of fragments, or like Lorelei, only has a small amount of impressions, knowing that there is such a plausible character.

But some knowledge and insights should always change, and something can be seen to some extent.

Of course, if Bibi Dong remembers more, she must know what this technique means to her.

The danger of the Rakshasa Divine Examination lies in the erosion of the spiritual world of the soul master by the strong malice.

Bibi Dong can definitely understand that innate functions will be of great help to her soul and can greatly relieve the pressure caused by the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

What's more, if she had never practiced Xiantian Kung, her current mood should not be so stable.

Except for just now, during the six months he had been in Wuhun City, he had hardly seen any signs of Bibi Dong losing control, let alone calmly talking to him about Qian Renxue many times.

"No." Bibi Dong seemed to see the doubt in his words and shook her head affirmatively again.

Then he explained in a deep voice: "With your knowledge, you should have seen it already, right? I have another inheritance."

Su Cheng's eyes moved slightly, but he didn't speak immediately and continued to wait for her next words.

"I told you before that Qian Renxue has the opportunity to inherit the Angel God inheritance of Wuhun Palace.

"And I also have a divine inheritance called Rakshasa.

"With my inheritance, why should I abandon the near and far away and pursue other ways of cultivation?

"What's more, it's a matter of great importance to the gods. I'm afraid there won't be any other chance."

"..." Su Cheng didn't expect that Bibi Dong would reveal such a secret.

"It's not easy for you to reveal this kind of thing casually, right?" He hesitantly asked.

"That's right." Bibi Dong nodded lightly and said bluntly: "The Rakshasa God is the God of evil thoughts and is naturally opposed to the Angel God. My position is not suitable to be made public.

"But to you, this probably doesn't matter. After all, even if Qian Renxue inherits the Angel God, aren't you trying your best to stop it? You won't harm her, right?"

"So, you want me to help you complete the divine test?" Su Cheng raised his eyebrows, "I'm just a mortal soul master. Do you think too highly of me? Besides, His Majesty the Pope, you have inherited this divine position. , doesn’t sound very friendly.”

"It doesn't matter what the divine exam is." Bibi Dong shook her head nonchalantly, "It's just that now I'm already in deep trouble, and I'm afraid it'll be difficult to get out. I'm just holding on to a glimmer of hope when I tell you this. "

After speaking, her face showed a hint of bitterness and weakness.

Su Cheng didn't pay much attention to the change in her expression. He just said softly while thinking, "Can you let me see your martial spirit?"


As Bibi Dong spoke, a deep purple halo emerged from her body, and the huge and ugly Death Spider Emperor was revealed behind her.

At the same time, nine soul rings surrounded her feet, floating silently.

Looking at the person and the spider in front of him, Su Cheng's eyebrows glowed faintly.

Under the real vision, the huge Death Spider Emperor was showing off its powerful aura fluctuations unscrupulously.

In addition, there is also the vague prototype of divine power looming in it.

Unlike the vastness of Poseidon's divine power, this subtle fluctuation of divine power contains extremely strong evil and malice.

"You haven't really practiced before, how could this happen?"

This situation was beyond expectations and made him frown secretly.

Not only that, the familiar fluctuations that he had felt many times before did not come from the martial spirit in front of him.

"His Majesty the Pope, I remember you mentioned before that you are the owner of twin martial spirits, right?"

"That's right." Bibi Dong nodded.

The next moment, the Death Spider Emperor retracted from his body and was replaced by a dark green Soul-Eating Spider Emperor. The configuration of his soul rings also changed into an even more astonishing seven soul rings of five black and two red.

Different from the ugly and bloated Death Spider Emperor, Bibi Dong's Soul-eating Spider Emperor also looks ferocious and abnormal, but it reveals a strange and ferocious beauty.

But Su Cheng obviously didn't care about these things at this time.

What surprised him was that the other party actually showed no trace of having practiced innate skills in depth.

As the creator of the technique, he would certainly not make a mistake as to whether the other party had started practicing or not.

The other party's situation is different from Qian Renxue's. He cannot reveal his soul, so he still can't see things clearly at the soul level.

But in the real field of vision, the movement of the opponent's soul power after manifesting his martial soul is obvious.

The core of the second volume of Xiantian Kung lies in feeding back the physical soul with soul power.

Bibi Dong indeed did not use her soul power in this aspect.

In addition, he also failed to find the source of that familiar fluctuation.

Suppressing the chaotic thoughts in his heart, Su Cheng said calmly: "His Majesty the Pope, I suggest you practice the innate skill. The malice in your second martial soul is already strong enough to corrode your nature. If you let it go, I'm afraid you will become a completely different person in the future."

As he spoke, he was constantly thinking in his mind.

As expected, with Bibi Dong's current situation, she couldn't control her innate power at all.

That trace of Rakshasa power clung to her martial soul like a tarsal maggot.

But this scene in the real field of vision is actually just an appearance.

Even if the martial soul is contaminated with divine power, it is not the most serious matter.

The two martial spirits appearing in the field of vision contained exactly the same fluctuations in divine power.

This also means that the real residence of that ray of Rakshasa divine power is the soul of the other party.

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, secretly thinking that it was difficult.

The more people can master the innate power, the greater the benefit will be to them, and the original power they can possess may be increased by one point.

For this purpose, he certainly hopes that more people can master it.

Including the elders of Wuhun Palace, let them all try their best.

But those who want to truly master it don’t know how long they will have to wait.

The fusion of innate power cannot be easily accomplished by strong soul power. The most critical point is foundation and balance.

Take Dugubo as an example.

Even though he has now been promoted to a peak Douluo with the help of fairy grass, he still has difficulty mastering the magical effects of innate power in a short period of time.

The reason is that his physical strength is too short.

Although jelly grass was used, the damage to his foundation caused by the snake venom in the past was too serious.

Currently, the person with the best chance of mastering this power as soon as possible is Bibi Dong.

Next are Zhu Zhuqing, who was greatly promoted by him, Chen Xin, who has a superior temperament, and A Yin, who has unique conditions after rebirth.

But the existence of Rakshasa's divine power is undoubtedly a huge stumbling block.

After thinking for a while, Su Cheng looked at Bibi Dong and asked, "Where did the inheritance of the divine throne you mentioned come from?"

"City of Killing."

"Okay." Su Cheng nodded, "Let's go to the Killing City in a month. I want to see it for myself."

"Just to see the inheritance of the divine throne?" Bibi Dong's expression was slightly strange.

"Of course not, there is Zhu Zhuqing." Su Cheng said casually without covering up, "It's almost time, and I have no intention of letting her go to hell."

Then he continued: "In this month, you have to learn all two volumes of Xiantian Kung Fu. Don't worry, during this period I will stay in the Pope's Palace to help you practice quickly."

After saying that, he left the meeting hall.

After he left, Bibi Dong looked in the direction of the door for a long time. The lines on her face softened little by little, and her eyes were a little dazed.

In fact, she has never practiced innate skills.

But after my consciousness returned to reality, I briefly stopped for a moment as a verification.

When Su Cheng made the technique public, she didn't touch it at all.

In her heart, this technique belongs to Su Cheng.

Especially in the past, Bibi Dong had never found a truly suitable balance point in handling the relationship between herself and Su Cheng, so she was naturally hesitant and did not dare to reveal this skill easily.

She didn't believe that after practicing, the other party wouldn't be able to tell.

In addition, Su Cheng had promised before that he would help her solve the hidden danger of suppressed power in the future, so there was no rush.

Bibi Dong knew the function of this technique very well.

And what she mastered was not the incomplete version that Su Cheng taught to everyone in Wuhun Hall, but all three volumes of innate skills that included purifying blood and condensing innate power.

For her, even if she practiced this technique, its greatest significance was just as Su Cheng thought, which was to strengthen her soul.

But the starlight in the soul has been constantly purifying and relieving the pressure from the Rakshasa Divine Examination, which Su Cheng didn't know.

For other purposes, such as strengthening the physical body, her soul bones were already full, and she still had external soul bones in her body, so her innate functions were of limited help. As for soul power cultivation, if it weren't for the restrictions of the Rakshasa Divine Examination, she would have already become a ninety-ninth-level peerless Douluo, with no progress and little meaning.

The method of fusion of innate power that existed in the third volume was out of reach for her now, and she had no chance to master it.

Because there is something wrong with her soul.

If you want to master innate power, the biggest requirement is a pure foundation.

Not to mention her soul itself, which was soaked in malice.

Even the Rakshasa Divine Test has reached an advanced stage and can induce some Rakshasa power. In this case, how can the foundation be pure?

The next day, before Su Cheng came to the door, Hu Liena took the initiative to find Bibi Dong.

"Nana, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Looking at the direct disciple in front of him, Bibi Dong's face softened.

It had been a while since she had seen her apprentice, whom she treated as her biological daughter.

In the past six months or so, the younger generation of Wuhun Palace, who have gradually mastered the cultivation methods of Xiantian Kung Fu, have begun actual combat trials.

Their trial place is in the Death Canyon under the jurisdiction of Wuhun Palace.

That place is full of dangers and powerful soul beasts abound, which can be an excellent training effect for young soul masters.

"Teacher, I want to go to the Slaughter City for training." At this time, Hu Liena's eyes looking at Bibi Dong were no longer seductive, but full of unparalleled firm belief.

"Why did you suddenly think of going there?" Bibi Dong was stunned when he heard this. "Nana, you are already outstanding. The Killing City is extremely dangerous. If you choose to go there to train, even you will most likely not be able to come back."

Hu Liena knew that the Killing City existed.

As a direct disciple that Bibi Dong treated like her daughter, Bibi Dong did not hide many things from her.

"Teacher, please grant me permission." Hu Liena didn't say much, just knelt down on one knee and prayed in a deep voice.

What echoed in her ears at this time were the words Qian Renxue had said to her before.

They, the so-called golden generation of Wuhun Palace, seem to have outstanding talents, but they have actually experienced too little training, and their potential has not been realized at all.

Indeed, to the current foundation of Wuhun Palace, the strength of a young soul king like her is of no importance at all.

But for herself, she didn't want to disappoint Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue.

"Have you really thought it through?" Bibi Dong lowered his head and looked at Hu Liena who was kneeling in front of her.

Hu Liena nodded firmly, "Teacher, I have thought it through."

Bibi Dong sighed softly, her face softened a lot, "Actually, you don't need to work so hard. Wouldn't it be good to practice in the Death Canyon like Xie Yue and Yan did?"

Hu Liena hesitated after hearing this, then gritted her teeth and lowered her head and said, "Not just me, my brother and the others also want to see the killing city."


Hearing this, Bibi Dong's eyes paused slightly, and then she slowly frowned, feeling that something was not quite right.

The existence of the Killing City is confidential information that only the elders of the Spirit Hall with high authority or the second generation souls with outstanding family backgrounds have the chance to know.

Although Xie Yue and Yan are very talented, they are among the best among this generation of young disciples.

But they were all orphans and had no way of getting the news.

With Su Cheng's character, he would definitely be too lazy to talk about such trivial matters that had nothing to do with him, so there was a high probability that they heard it from Hu Liena's mouth.


Bibi Dong looked down at his apprentice, who was now pale, and secretly shook his head.

How can this kid have the courage?

With a thought in her heart, she narrowed her eyes slightly, "Did Qian Renxue tell you something?"

The city of killing.

Sitting cross-legged in the hut where he lived, Zhu Zhuqing felt waves of icy chills running through his body.

Huge murderous aura was always swirling around her body, trying to affect her sanity.

In this dark world, in this place full of blood and depravity. Not only did she have to win each victory, she also had to get out alive.

Three days after entering the Killing City, Zhu Zhuqing had killed more than three figures of fallen people.

At that time, she participated in only two Hell Killing Fields competitions.

The rules of the Hell Killing Fields are that the number of wins between the opponents matched in each battle should be no less than five times different from each other.

So in the following time, as she participated in more and more games, the opponents she encountered became stronger and stronger.

Of course, she won them all.

Because in this place, losing means death.

In the following year, she continued to withstand external pressure and internal tests every day, honing her fighting skills and determination.

In the process, I unearth the desire to kill and fight from the martial soul bit by bit, and feel the rhythm of the wind of freedom...

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes suddenly opened, and a dark red bloodthirsty light flashed in his eyes.

"...Zhuqing, when you get there, don't indulge in the pleasure of killing the weak, but don't reject killing. Stick to your heart and enjoy the battle.

"The Nether White Tiger was born to fight. In the city of killing, there is no need to care about good and evil. The most important thing you need to pay attention to is to stick to your true heart.

"In that place, the level of soul power is not the decisive factor. So you don't have to be afraid of anyone. You have fighting talent that far exceeds the firmness of ordinary people.

"There is no need to force anything like Yum. Before you go to the road to hell, I will personally go to the Killing City to pick you up..."

Su Cheng's parting words echoed in Zhu Zhuqing's ears, making her look slightly softer, but there was a hint of weakness in her eyes.

"Su Cheng..."

She felt like she couldn't hold on any longer.

She has tried her best to follow what Su Cheng said, find her true self in the killing, and temper her will in the battle.

But even so, the all-pervasive smell of blood still continued to infect her body and mind, urging her to go crazy and tempting her to fall.

The murderous aura in this place is not pure.

It is different from the firm will to fight that breaks through the cage and penetrates everything carried by the Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit itself.

The murderous intention here was more of a disregard for life, and the various impurities and malice contained in it made her almost sick.

At this time, there was a faint fishy smell in the strong wind lingering around her.


After letting out a long breath, Zhu Zhuqing cheered up and stood up.

Next, she will prepare for the next battle...

In the killing city, the cold and bloody air that pervades everywhere is suffocating.

In the hell killing field, a total of ten people slowly walked into it.

Zhu Zhuqing was in the second to last position, but became the focus of the other nine people's attention.

The reason for this is not because she is the only female participant among these people, nor is it because she has a hot body and stunning beauty.

But because of her terrifying record.

Eighty-seven competitions and eighty-seven victories are Zhu Zhuqing's current results.

In the entire Hell Killing Fields, she now has the most wins.

Except for Zhu Zhuqing, what everyone else who comes here to compete is most looking forward to is a hundred victories.

With the title of 100-game champion, you can become a resident of the Killing City forever. In addition to not being able to leave, you will have extremely high authority here, and you can even become the guest of the King of Slaughter.

After eighty-seven battles, Zhu Zhuqing had already accumulated more than a thousand lives in his hands.

Today, she has become a king-like figure in the killing fields of hell. It only took one year to achieve such results, which could even rank among the top three since the establishment of Killing City.

As Su Cheng said, it's not just about having high enough soul power that you can defeat powerful enemies.

In Zhu Zhuqing's hands, countless opponents whose soul power far exceeded hers had died. However, a soul master without soul skills is like a tiger that has lost its claws.

What's more, Zhu Zhuqing's various techniques in battle have long been like an art.

Once, she defeated several powerful enemies with soul powers exceeding level 70 in a competition, and walked out of the killing field in an extremely weak state.

Then he was besieged by nearly a hundred people.

In this killing city where it was clear that he could not use domain skills, Zhu Zhuqing entered the most frenzied fighting state, but countless hurricanes appeared out of thin air around him.

The wind blades shuttled freely, and her figure was also swept by the strong wind, mercilessly harvesting the lives of these attackers.

When she escaped, she also earned the title "King of Gale".

At this time, the nine people who walked into the killing field of hell with Zhu Zhuqing all had extremely nervous expressions on their faces.

After everyone was locked into the venue, they surrounded Zhu Zhuqing in the center almost immediately.

Roaring and hissing, nine slightly crazy high-pitched shouts sounded from different directions around her at the same time, and then rushed towards her.

In this situation of being surrounded on all sides, Zhu Zhuqing closed his eyes and raised his head gently, turning a blind eye, with his long black hair flying.

got windy……

At the same time, in a dark and spacious room.

The tall figure was sitting on a huge chair inlaid with blue and purple crystals.

A large number of crystals are outlined into a skull-like shape, surrounded by dark red.

"King Gale is about to win another victory." A cold female voice sounded in the dark corner.

"I know." The tall figure sitting on the giant chair said calmly.

"Great King, should we start contacting her? In the Killing City, no truly strong person has joined us for a long time."

"Do you think she is truly strong?"

"I don't know..." The female voice spoke with a slightly trembling voice this time, "Her growth rate is really amazing. She was born to kill. Her attack methods are simple but efficient, which can be called an art. I think, Even if a Titled Douluo is in the Killing City, it is impossible to kill her without soul skills."

The King of Slaughter was silent for a moment, "Then do you think she can complete a hundred games and challenge the Road to Hell?"

"Yes." The woman answered very firmly this time.

"No need to touch her."

"Why? Great King, don't you want our Killing City to become stronger? Although we had an agreement with Wuhun Palace a thousand years ago, who knows that one day they will tear up the agreement?"

"Do you know who sent this man?"

"who is it?"

"He is one of the only two killing gods left in the world." The killing king said calmly.

"In this world, if anyone can truly threaten the City of Killing, it is these two killing gods. Even I cannot offend them easily.

"What you don't know is that as long as those who have passed the Hell Road can still use soul skills within the scope of the Killing City.

"Let's wait and see. There is no need to bear the wrath of the killing god before determining her future."

The cold female voice sounded a little anxious, "If that's the case, will this Gale King bring any unpredictable results to the Slaughter City? In the past, whenever the God of Death appeared, it would be accompanied by a crisis in the Slaughter City, disrupting the Slaughter City. The entire Killing City suffered heavy damage..."

The King of Slaughter said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, when it's time to take action, I will have my own way. Just retreat first."

As his words fell, the shadow in the corner did not dare to say any more and quickly retreated from the room.

When there was no one around, he murmured to himself: "After passing the road to hell, the God of Death can return to the City of Killing at any time. In their God of Death domain, any soul master can resume the use of soul skills. . If it comes to a last resort, we can only activate the remaining spiritual thoughts of the Lord..."

In a mountain range on the border of the Tiandou Empire.

The magnificent waterfall fell from the sky with vigorous water vapor, and violent roars continued to sound from below the waterfall.

The entire waterfall with a height of 200 meters was completely broken when it fell to the bottom 50 meters.

The falling water all spread out over fifty meters, turning into a large curtain of water pouring from a distance, causing the entire pool below to be rippled by water droplets.

In the large water curtain, a figure like a dragon could be vaguely seen, standing directly under the waterfall, with his body constantly rotating, and a small black hammer flying up and down in his hand.

Every time the hammer is swung, the waterfall pouring in the air will rise a few points, and the distance of fifty meters will also continue to increase.

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters...

In the water curtain, you can vaguely see the terrifying black light lifting up the waterfall like a black dragon.

When the waterfall was impacted and rose to a hundred meters, the figure suddenly stopped, and all its movements were reduced to the last point, and it just stayed there.

The next moment, all the black light exploded in this condensed moment.


With a loud noise, the black dragon soared into the sky, and the huge waterfall poured down at that moment scattered in all directions and could no longer condense. The waterfall with a height of 200 meters completely disappeared from sight.

The huge black dragon made a strong buzzing sound, showing its powerful power.

Tang Hao stood quietly by the pool, looking at the magnificent scene in front of him, his face that had been stiff for a long time finally relaxed a little.

And the figure causing the waterfall to flow backwards was clearly Tang San, who had been practicing here for a year.

Suppress the soul power, consolidate the foundation, and practice hammering techniques.

In Tang Hao's original plan, this series of special training would take Tang San two years to complete.

But what he didn't expect was that maybe because he was stimulated by Xiao Wu's death, or maybe he was affected by the story between himself and A Yin, plus his deep hatred for the Wuhun Palace, he would not be able to complete the originally planned two-year mission. It actually took only one year to complete it all.

Tang San was now completely familiar with how to use his Clear Sky Hammer.

The scene just now originated from the final explosion of the ninety-nine and eighty-one hammers of Luan Cloak.

In Tang Hao's opinion, in terms of the auxiliary ability of the martial spirit, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda is undoubtedly the most powerful. In terms of attack power, no one can match the Seven Killing Sword of Sword Dou Luo Chenxin. But when it comes to domination, strength, and explosive power, the Clear Sky Hammer is undoubtedly the one that takes the top spot.

Otherwise, why would the Haotian Sect be called the number one sect in the soul master world?

Looking at Tang San not far away, Tang Hao suddenly asked: "Xiao San, during the elite competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy, the technique of throwing the Eight Spider Spear fragments that you used was yours." Self-created soul skills?"

"So be it."

Tang San's tone was calm, even when answering his father's questions, he didn't show any emotion.

A full year has passed since the end of the Soul Master Competition.

In this year, he never smiled again, became taciturn, and his eyes were gloomy.

That slightly stiff face was somewhat similar to Yu Xiaogang's.

Tang Hao nodded when he heard this and said: "Don't let those skills of yours go to waste. Remember to practice them regularly in the future."

At this point, he paused before speaking again: "You have mastered the essence of the random cloak hammering technique, and the foundation has been solidified. Next, I will take you to a place where you can truly cultivate your murderous aura. .”

After hearing this, Tang San breathed a sigh of relief.

This year of hard training day and night has made him feel disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

But he didn't dare to stop for a moment.

Because the pressure brought by those in Wuhun Palace was too terrifying.

"But before we go to that place, we have to meet someone first."


"Your teacher, Yu Xiaogang."

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