Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 230 Su Cheng attacks the Elder’s Palace at night

More than a month passed quickly. {What? You don’t know yet|Read COM, read the chapters without mistakes|Hurry up and Google them}

Bibi Dong sat cross-legged in the Pope's Palace, in the room dedicated to the Pope's cultivation, and his body continued to exude powerful soul power fluctuations.

Su Cheng stood not far from her and watched silently.

Half an hour later, Bibi Dong's aura gradually calmed down, and her eyes slowly opened.

Su Cheng stared at her, with a faint golden light in his eyes, and said thoughtfully: "His Majesty the Pope, to be honest, your background is much deeper than I imagined.

"The divine position you inherited is more malicious than I imagined. But in this case, your martial spirit has not been polluted too much.

"Now after two volumes of innate skills have been introduced, all the apparent power of Rakshasa has been blocked."

In fact, this is what Su Cheng is most unsure about.

Too strange.

No matter how you look at it, Bibi Dong's situation should not be so stable.

Unless one can comprehend the extremely powerful sword intent like Su Cheng did, the will can only play a partial role in the end. At best, it can delay the progress of being corroded by evil thoughts, but it is impossible to completely resist it.

There is no way, the level of divine power is too high.

Even if the number is small, it is an existence that is difficult for mortal soul masters to reach.

If there is no solid foundation as a guarantee, no matter how strong your character is, it will inevitably be eroded.

Besides, he didn't think Bibi Dong's mental ability was that strong.

Indeed, Su Cheng had never had a deep understanding of the strength of the Rakshasa God in the past, and he only had a partial understanding of its nature.

In the first simulation, I only watched the battle scene between the Rakshasa God and the Angel God, and I was far from understanding the core of it.

However, in the third simulation, he really touched the Poseidon inheritance.

Not only did he personally destroy the Poseidon inheritance and smash the golden trident, but he also had a fight with the Poseidon's spiritual thoughts, and even washed away the Poseidon's martial spirit from Bo Saixi's body.

It can be said that he knows everything about Poseidon.

In contrast, the Rakshasa God, as the god of evil thoughts, does not seem to pollute the soul any more than the Poseidon. This is inconsistent with his previous judgment.

After hearing Su Cheng's words, Bibi Dong's face didn't show much strangeness. She just nodded lightly and said, "Since even you think there is no problem, will I have the opportunity to practice the innate skills you mentioned a few days ago?" The power?"

"No." Su Cheng shook his head, "Practice innate skills can only stabilize your foundation and inhibit the further impact of that evil divine power on your mind. But if you want to completely eliminate it, it is obviously impossible to achieve it."

Unless, like in the last simulation, he used absolutely crushing power to completely purify Bibi Dong's soul at the expense of burning his own soul power.

But with his current relationship with Bibi Dong, it was obviously impossible for him to do such a thing.

"Let's take a look at the specific situation of the Killing City first. You have too little divine power, and it is rooted in the soul. I can't see it clearly. More intelligence and data are needed."

Since he can help Qian Renxue come up with some ideas, Bibi Dong may not be able to do it here either.

What's more, he had to go to the Capital of Killing, and the nature of divine power was also part of his research project, so he could just do it all together.

In the past few days, Bibi Dong also told him roughly about the Rakshasa Divine Examination.

Except for the fact that it was achieved at the cost of devouring Qian Xunji's soul and body when he started the divine examination, which was never revealed, everything else was told to him.

Unlike the inheritance of first-level gods such as Angel God and Poseidon, the inheritance of Rakshasa God is somewhat similar to that of Shura God.

There is also no fixed inheritance place. Instead, the mark is obtained first, and then the spiritual test is conducted step by step using the Rakshasa spiritual thoughts and Rakshasa realm as guidance.

However, there is a secret realm for the inheritance of the god Rakshasa God, but she cannot easily open it.

"By the way, are you really sure you want to take Xie Yue and the others to the Killing City with you?" At this point, Su Cheng couldn't help but hesitate.

To be honest, he didn't want to carry these bottles of oil.

If it was just a mere killing city, then of course it would be nothing.

But no matter the inheritance of the two major gods closely related to that place, or the powerful figure with a special status as the King of Slaughter, they are not easy characters to get along with.

In this case, there is really no need to take those people on an adventure.

When can’t I go to the Killing City?

Hearing this, Bibi Dong sneered softly: "Do you think I want to take them there?"

"What do you mean?" Su Cheng was stunned.

"Where is the Capital of Killing? I know better than you. How can I send the best young soul masters in Wuhun Palace there? I'm just going there for a formality."

Bibi Dong glanced at him and said, "It's not my turn to worry about this matter anyway."

"..." Su Cheng now understood what was going on and nodded dryly: "I understand."

Then he looked at Bibi Dong and said, "We are leaving tomorrow. You'd better prepare early. You must calm down and adjust your state today. Although your martial spirit is relatively stable, you cannot take it lightly when faced with divine power. "

Having said this, he sneered, "This Rakshasa God is really not an easy character to get along with, and he is quite cruel to his successor. He actually had to forcibly suppress your combat power during the God Exam. What kind of brain circuits can be set up?" this obstacle.

"From my perspective, I suggest you stay vigilant about this divine test and don't really think of yourself as the chosen one."

Bibi Dong pursed her lips when she heard this and nodded solemnly.

At this time, she saw Su Cheng handing her a bottle of medicine, "This is the tranquilizing medicine I specially prepared for you these days. It will have a good effect on you. You can use it during practice tonight. It will be good for you." The subsequent stabilization will be of great benefit.”

After handing the medicine bottle to the other party's hand, Su Cheng didn't stay here long and turned around and left after a while.

After he left, Bibi Dong stared blankly at the bottle of potion in her hand, and the lines on her face became extremely soft.

Waves of light flashed in his eyes, and he fell into deep thought.

At night, an afterimage quickly and silently swept out of the Pope's Palace.

If it weren't for Qian Daoliu or Bibi Dong's level of existence, he would never be able to detect the existence of this figure with the naked eye.

This person is Su Cheng.

Seeing that he was about to leave Wuhun City and didn't know when he would come back, he certainly didn't want to just leave like that.

Although for so many days, he has not been able to study Bibi Dong's specific situation, nor does he know how the other party got stuck and accurately caught him a month ago.

However, he did have a relatively accurate judgment on the strength of his soul and the upper limit of his strength.

That bottle of potion was specially made by Su Cheng.

He didn't lie. Not only was this tranquilizer rare, but it was also very difficult to prepare, and it also consumed a lot of his precious herbal treasures.

Even a soul master of Bibi Dong's level can greatly improve his soul foundation after using it.

But this thing has an additional side effect after use.

In fact, it cannot be called a side effect. To be precise, it should be the supporting effect of the medicine.

In order to promote the user to better absorb the medicinal power, it can deeply stabilize the soul and replenish the foundation.

After the soul master takes it, he will enter a state of deep breath regulation for a night.

Unless there is an unexpected situation that endangers one's own safety, it is almost impossible to actively wake up.

Even if someone shouts loudly next to her, it will be difficult to wake her up as long as it does not stimulate her mental warning with malicious intentions.

Not long after, Su Cheng arrived outside the Elder's Hall.

Then he got directly into the hall without hesitation.

Without alerting others, he went straight to Qian Renxue's room.

Qian Daoliu may or may not be able to detect it, but it doesn't matter, let's try it first.

At the same time, Qian Daoliu, who was sitting cross-legged in the deepest room of the Elder Hall as usual, opened his eyes in awareness.

After sensing the identity of the visitor, a trace of helplessness flashed across his eyes, and he closed his eyes again.

As the divine guardian of the angel god, his power is comparable to that of a demigod in this place of inheritance of the angel god.

If Su Cheng uses the second stage of Wuhun Avatar, there will naturally be nothing to say.

But in the normal state, he wanted to hide it easily, but he underestimated him.

After a few breaths, Su Cheng stood quietly outside the door of Qian Renxue's room.

He didn't knock on the door, but just thrust a line of innate sword energy as thin as an ox's hair into the room through the crack in the door.

After a while, the door opened, revealing a beautiful figure in black with a face full of surprise.

In fact, the two of them have been in Wuhun City in the past month, so they naturally see each other often.

It's just that now that Qian Renxue has been arranged to practice with Qian Daoliu, and Su Cheng has to give guidance to Bibi Dong, there are not many opportunities to actually meet her.

Meeting at night has never happened before.

After all, Su Cheng's current residence is the same as that of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. They have moved into the Pope's Palace. Naturally, there is no chance for them to get along with each other at night.


Seeing that she was about to speak, Su Cheng quickly made a gesture, squeezed into the room, and closed the door with his backhand.

Her residence is even more luxurious than Su Cheng's.

The living room area alone was nearly twice as spacious as his original residence.

But before she could say anything more, her soft and delicate body immediately fell into her arms and offered her red lips and fragrant tongue.

After lingering for a while, Su Cheng immediately pushed her away.

Looking at Su Cheng, Qian Renxue showed a trace of dissatisfaction and grievance in her eyes.

"We're not here, let's go outside." He whispered with a smile, "to avoid any more accidents and being disturbed by others. Moreover, when we go outside, we can avoid the scrutiny of the eyes and ears."

After hearing this, Qian Renxue realized what was going on and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he rolled his eyes, shook his head slightly arrogantly and said: "Call me sister, call me sister and I will accompany you out."

Su Cheng raised the corner of his mouth, and the next moment his palms moved forward as fast as the wind, and before she could react, he had firmly grasped her waist.

He smiled and said: "Whenever you become better than me, I will call you sister."

"Blind confidence." Qian Renxue snorted, not commenting on what Su Cheng said.

But he didn't continue to resist and let the other party lead him to the window.

Obviously, after what happened last time, not only Su Cheng was feeling itchy, but Qian Renxue was also a bit apprehensive.

They did not choose to leave from the main entrance of the Elder Hall, but opened the window and flew out directly.

The two streams of light quickly crossed the sky at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye, and soon left Wuhun City.

Needless to say, Qian Renxue has the Seraph Martial Spirit in her body. Even if she doesn't summon those two pairs of wings, she can stay in the air for a period of time. After using the martial spirit, the movement speed can be greatly accelerated.

Su Cheng also has the ability to fly. In addition to the flying soul skill he already possesses, which was obtained from Ah Yin's hundred thousand year old soul bone, with his current control over the innate power, he can coordinate the connection between the body and the world, and it is easy to fly at high speed in a short period of time.

The wind whistled past their ears, blowing their clothes constantly.

Su Cheng looked up at the starry night sky and laughed loudly: "Would you like to go to a higher place to have a look?"

"Okay!" Qian Renxue's smile was brighter than the starry sky.

"hold me."

As a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, Su Cheng's whole body was shaken with soul power, and the next moment it was like a sharp sword rising into the sky, piercing straight into the sky.

The beautiful woman raised her head and looked at the stars and the moon. Her hair flew across Su Cheng's cheek, and a faint fragrance spread across her face.

Su Cheng did not look up at the sky like her, but focused on the woman in his arms.

The clouds broke through, and the starlight in the sky became brighter with less obstruction. The two figures just stayed in the sky tens of thousands of meters high.

The air here is extremely thin, but it obviously doesn't matter to the two of them. If they want to maintain this state for a long time, the consumption of Su Cheng's soul power will be extremely huge.

Looking down from here, everything on the ground is as small as dust.

Whether it is the Wuhun Mountains spanning thousands of miles, or the two empires and numerous principalities, they all appear to be nothing more than this.

As for those powerful soul beasts and soul masters standing on the ground, there is no trace at all.

At this moment, Qian Renxue felt that her whole mind seemed to be much broader.

The anger, suffering, and frustrations of the past seemed to be nothing more than that.

Compared with this vast world, what are those?

At this time, Qian Renxue seemed to have stars twinkling in his eyes, and everything in the mountains and rivers was within them.

After a moment, she suddenly looked back at Su Cheng and kissed the corner of his lips.

He chuckled softly and said: "It's not interesting. Let's go and do business first."

"Huh?" Su Cheng suddenly couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this.

He could feel that Qian Renxue had definitely gained some understanding just now, and the change in her aura was extremely obvious.

I couldn't help but think to myself, "In comparison, cultivation is more like 'business', right?"

But he didn't refuse.

The next step was what he had been looking forward to.

As soon as his figure moved, his sword light turned slightly, he changed direction and ran away...

Although Wuhun City is independent of the two major empires and many kingdoms and principalities, and its geographical location is not bordered by other forces, there are still many small countries around it.

At least for Su Cheng's current strength, those places are not too far away.

Not long after, the two of them came to a main city of the kingdom and found the largest hotel here.

The hotel is five stories high and looks quite large. There is also a huge plaque hanging on it with the four characters "July Starry Sky" written on it.

The name is quite elegant, but the exterior decoration of the hotel is entirely dominated by gold and red, and the architectural style of the entire hotel is also extremely bright and luxurious.

Even at this time, the lights are still shining and it looks very conspicuous.

Qian Renxue frowned, feeling that this appearance was a bit vulgar.

Although she had the experience of being an undercover member of the Tiandou royal family, it was impossible for her to come to a place like this.

In Tiandou City, even if they went out of the palace to socialize with dignitaries, they would basically stay in the "Yue Xuan" opened by Tang Yuehua.

In comparison, the hotel in front of me is a bit unattractive.

"How did this hotel look like this? It's really ugly."

"Don't you understand? It looks like a love hotel. It's made like this to give it that atmosphere."

"Love hotel?" Qian Renxue looked over with suspicion after hearing this, "You look like you know a lot about it?"

"Nonsense." Su Cheng rolled his eyes, "I am not from a noble family like you, and I have seen much more folk things than you. Similar hotels can be found everywhere, but you don't know it."

Qian Renxue thought for a while and felt that this was very reasonable. She didn't think about it any more and followed him into the July Starry Sky Hotel.

As soon as I walked in, the first thing I felt was a light aroma that was thick but not pungent.

There is also a vague atmosphere of ambiguity, which is exciting.

The interior decoration of the hotel is also mainly gold and red, and the style is also very distinctive.

Su Cheng walked to the counter and tapped the table gently, "Please give us a room. The best one, not too fancy."

When the waiter behind the counter heard the sound, he stood up quickly and looked at the man and woman in front of him, his eyes flashing with surprise.

But seeing that the two of them were exquisitely dressed and elegant, he didn't dare to show any signs of neglect, so he took out a room key and handed it over to them.

"Xingyue Room on the fifth floor, Chenghui twenty gold soul coins."

"That's really cruel." Su Cheng complained silently in his heart. He didn't bother to care about it. He handed over the gold coin, took the key, and walked upstairs with Qian Renxue.

Seeing the two people leaving side by side, the waiter smacked his lips lightly and sat back on the seat behind the counter with a look of envy on his face.

That woman is truly a goddess-like figure...

Arriving at the top floor, Su Cheng took a quick look and saw the "Xingyue Room" as the man called it.

On this floor, there are only four rooms in total. You can imagine how huge the area in each room is.

No wonder they charge such expensive accommodation fees.

After opening the door, looking at the scene in front of him, a smile flashed across Su Cheng's eyes.

Then he pulled Qian Renxue in.

Only then did Qian Renxue, who was following him, see the layout of the room clearly.

He curled his lips and said, "It's really vulgar."

There was a bit of disdain on her lips, but judging from her expression, that may not be what she really thought.

The room is really big.

The living room alone covers an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters, and the floor is covered with layers of love patterns paved with flowers.

Most of them are red roses, but there are also various blue and white precious flowers.

Fortunately, except for the many petals on the ground, the decorations on the tables and chairs were antique and not too gaudy.

Without staying in the living room, the two of them went directly to the spacious bedroom on the side.

As soon as she entered the house, Qian Renxue couldn't wait to throw herself into Su Cheng's arms.

Su Cheng lowered his head and smiled: "There is still time, why are you in a hurry?"

"I can't wait any longer."

After saying that, she stretched out her hand to reach the button of his chest.

Su Cheng pressed her palm and chuckled, "I'll help you this time."

Then he unbuckled his shirt without hesitation and removed it all easily.

Then he looked at Qian Renxue in front of him with a smile.

Seeing the naked Su Cheng in front of her, who was ready to help her take off her dress, Qian Renxue seemed to finally know how to be shy.

She lowered her head slightly, her breathing quickened, and she looked sideways.

Su Cheng stretched out his palm unhurriedly, and slowly started groping downwards from the long snow-white neck.

The long black dress that Qian Renxue wears every day has a very strange structure, and it also contains strange fluctuations in soul power. This seemingly ordinary and exquisite dress is actually a soul guidance device.

He was not in a hurry and slowly peeled off the shell that was wrapping the treasure inside.

As the buttons were unbuttoned one by one, the dress opened, and the bra, panties and underwear underneath the long skirt also slipped down.

The white and tender jade body like a lychee was finally exposed in front of Su Cheng's eyes again.

There is no flaw on the smooth and jade-like body, just like the most perfect creation carefully crafted by God.

Su Cheng's burning gaze lingered on the exquisite and beautiful naked jade body in front of him.

This time he looked at it very carefully, as if he was appreciating a rare work of art.

As Su Cheng said before, there is still plenty of time tonight, there is no need to rush...

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