The next morning, Su Cheng sat on the spacious bed in the hotel room.

At this time, the sky was just getting slightly brighter, and the sun shone on Qian Renxue's body beside her. A few strands of hair scattered on her cheeks shone with bright golden light, which complemented her fair and delicate face, forming a vivid picture. And a timeless picture.

Su Cheng's expression was gentle, and he looked at her snow-white shoulders exposed outside the thin quilt and the graceful curve that suddenly rose below.

On the side there, a small red mole is dotted on it, adding a bit of life to this jade-like body.

It's just that his eyes were slightly scattered at this time, his pupils seemed to have no focus, and he looked like he was wandering.

Not long after yesterday's incident, Qian Renxue fell into a deep sleep after being exhausted.

Under normal circumstances, as a soul master, if his mental power is not at the bottom, he will rarely replenish his energy through sleep. Practicing breath regulation is much more efficient.

However, when Qian Renxue arrived at the back, she started talking about everything and was obviously a little confused.

Although she has two souls in her body, the body is just one and the senses are shared, so the mental fatigue is not much different.

Even because the protagonist is watching from a third-person perspective and experiencing the entire process from the first-person perspective, the consumption is even greater.

To this extent, the effect of sleep will be much stronger.

Su Cheng was fine.

His physique was stronger, he took full initiative during the process, and he did not feel tired at all mentally.

In contrast, it was mostly exciting, and it was not completely enjoyable until the end.

If it weren't for Qian Renxue's sluggish state, she would even want to do it a few more times.

Looking at the red mole at this time, Su Cheng was thinking about other things.

When the two were in the night sky last night, Qian Renxue's aura changed extremely obviously.

In fact, it was originally intentional to take her to a high altitude to overlook the mainland.

Although I don’t know if it will have much effect, once the field of vision is broadened, it should have a good positive impact on her.

Most disagreements arise basically from differences in each other's positions and perceptions.

When you stand at a higher position and see farther and more comprehensively, you can naturally weaken the original contradiction to a certain extent.

In fact, as expected, I really saw the effect last night.

At that moment, the two different auras in Qian Renxue's body clearly showed signs of deep integration.

If the self-created soul skill "Divine Judgment" that she first developed is called the first stage, the two spiritual bodies of "World Angel" and "Sin Angel" she later developed after practicing Xiantian Kung may be considered the second stage.

But this is obviously not the final form. When the cultivation of Cang Ming Bian is completed, there should be a significant improvement in strength.

However, there is no need to rush into cultivation.

Su Cheng believed in Qian Renxue's talent.

Under the influence of two powerful souls, her understanding will only be stronger than before.

Even without the extra insights from yesterday, taking a step further in the future will only take a little more time.

In fact, what Su Cheng was thinking about most at this time was the conversation between the two last night.

"If we do this kind of thing, we will have children, right?"

"You want to give me a baby?"



Because of his innate power, Su Cheng's control of the essence in his body is far beyond that of ordinary soul masters, and he can control this kind of thing.

But to be honest, he doesn't really want children right now.

The world is not friendly, and his path forward is not clear. In Su Cheng's opinion, this is not the best time.

With his current strength, he is indeed fearless in the Douluo Continent where the Dragon King is sleeping. It won't even take too long for him to make great progress, and his normal combat power will be higher than that of Peerless Douluo. .

However, not leaving this planet is not true freedom after all.

Even lifespan will come to an end one day.

But if you choose to leave this continent, while losing your restraints, you will also lose its protection.

The strength gap between Douluo's human world and the divine world is so huge that they are completely two faults.

His invincible strength in the human world is only at the bottom among the gods in the divine world.

In the final state of his third simulation, he only touched the threshold of the second level god.

In the future, he may have the opportunity to cultivate to the level of a first-level god, but how should he deal with the god king who is higher up?

The five great god kings in the god world are not on the same level as ordinary gods.

Among them, the two veteran ones, God King Shura and God King of Destruction, are even more terrifyingly powerful.

Su Cheng didn't mean that he had to be hostile to these people.

But many times the road determines the position.

His path was never the pursuit of godhood.

Once you become a god, you will be controlled by the divine world. It is difficult to escape, and it is not even as happy as staying on the Douluo Continent.

If he doesn't choose to become a god, it's hard to say what attitude the so-called God Realm Committee will have towards "alien" like him.


Thinking of this, Su Cheng sighed.

He stretched out his palm and gently stroked the soft golden hair of the beauty beside him.

At that moment, his heart was indeed moved.

At that moment, the expression and attitude on Qian Renxue's face, and the maternal radiance on her body, made Su Cheng tremble.

Maybe it has something to do with childhood experiences.

It is different from the second personality who is willful and has no scruples.

The person in front of you has a more rational and restrained personality, more abundant emotions, and a greater desire for family affection in your heart.

Qian Daoliu was certainly nice to her, but after all, he could not replace the status of parents in the hearts of their children.

Qian Xunji must love and protect his only daughter, but with that guy's character, Su Cheng doesn't think he can be a good father.

As for Bibi Dong, needless to say, she has to bear the main responsibility for Qian Renxue becoming what she is today.

If it weren't for the lack of family ties, Qian Renxue probably wouldn't have resolutely chosen to go to the Tiandou Empire to work as an undercover agent at such a young age.

After all, I still want to prove myself to my parents and get them to pay more attention to me.

At this time, Qian Renxue, who was sleeping next to her, suddenly moved her eyebrows slightly, then slowly opened her eyes, and her golden pupils immediately focused on the face of the shirtless Su Cheng.


She reached up and tugged up the thin quilt covering her body to cover up the leaking spring sunshine, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Although I just woke up in an ordinary hotel room, I felt an inexplicable feeling of happiness at home.

"you're awake?"

"Yes." She nodded slightly and reached out to hold the palm next to her.

"How is she?" Su Cheng's expression changed slightly, with a playful smile appearing in his eyes.

"Her? Hee hee..." Qian Renxue couldn't help but chuckle after hearing this, "It's okay, she's quite energetic."

I was gloating and a little lucky at the same time.

When the exercise was intense last night, the man said all the things he should and shouldn't say. Later on, he even called out all the names.

Although it was another soul in her body that was exposed last night, if she were in a different place, she might have behaved even more unbearably, and she didn't know what nonsense would come out of her mouth.

After all, at that time, I was immersed in the sea of ​​consciousness, and my consciousness was also blurred, and I kept talking nonsense.

Thinking of this, he looked at Su Cheng with a bit of complaint.

In her impression, her teacher was not such an irregular person.

Of course, besides complaining, there is more expectation.

The feeling I had last night was really comfortable.

"Well, it's fine." Su Cheng nodded unconsciously, and continued: "Let her remember not to be so insignificant in the future, and to take the initiative to call her brother next time she goes out."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a violent fluctuation in Qian Renxue's aura.

The pupils in his eyes flickered with golden and black light, which flickered on and off. After a long time, they calmed down again and stabilized into a bright golden color.

"Are you leaving Wuhun City with Bibi Dong today? Should we go back now?"

Qian Renxue pursed her lips slightly and looked at Su Cheng with a little reluctance.

He also had no idea how to understand the black-clothed figure in the sea, whose face was red and helpless and furious.

In her opinion, the other party was just pretending.

The body cannot restrain them, and if they really want to get angry, they can appear in the outside world in the form of spiritual bodies.

So in the final analysis, that person just felt shy.

"It's not in a hurry." Su Cheng looked back at her and chuckled, "We will go back when you tell us. It doesn't matter if it's a little earlier or a little later than the matters over there."

There is no need to rush things for Bibi Dong and Zhu Zhuqing at this moment.

Needless to say, Bibi Dong is in stable condition now, and the erosion of Rakshasa's divine power has been blocked. There is no big difference in time sooner or later.

As for Zhu Zhuqing, she had only been to the Killing City for a little over a year, and there was still quite a while before she reached the upper limit.

The challenges of the Hell Killing Fields become more and more difficult to match with the corresponding opponents as you progress.

And for Zhu Zhuqing, now that he has chosen this path, he has already gained corresponding awareness.

She already has the character and belief to become a strong person.

Su Cheng can give her guidance, but he will not cover up all possible risks for her. This is also a sign of respect for her.

Zhu Zhuqing is a ghostly white tiger with two wings, not a canary trapped in a cage.

Group 1 is full, you can add 2 groups. It depends on the situation of the next extra chapter, if it is soon, it should be available this month.

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