Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 232 The inheritance of the angel god

After leaving the hotel, Su Cheng and Qian Renxue wandered outside for a long time before returning to Wuhun City.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived here, he saw Bibi Dongzheng waiting not far in front of the city gate with Xie Yue, Yan, and Hu Liena.

And those Spirit Masters from Wuhun Palace who were patrolling the city wall were all gone now.

Looking at Bibi Dong with a gloomy face not far away, and the three young people standing behind her with their heads bowed in silence, Su Cheng was stunned for a moment.

Judging from their looks, these people seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.

According to his original calculation, the effect of the bottle of tranquilizing medicine should last for most of the day.

Even if there are some errors, the other party should not wake up so early.

Bibi Dong looked at the man and woman returning hand in hand and said coldly: "Where were you last night?"

As he spoke, the hands behind his back were clenched secretly, and there was a twitching deep in his heart.


As soon as Su Cheng opened his mouth, Qian Renxue, who was beside him, spoke up to cover his voice. She looked at Bibi Dong and said, "This has nothing to do with you."

Although she is not as taboo-free as her second personality, she is still extremely strong when facing others, and is even less likely to bow her head in front of Bibi Dong.

As the cold and straightforward words fell, their eyes met, and the same strong and suppressed gazes collided in mid-air.

At this moment, the surrounding air seemed to freeze, and the biting cold wind in winter seemed to be a little colder.

In the aura created by the two of them, the people behind Bibi Dong all looked silent, looking at their noses and noses, and secretly complaining in their hearts.

In the past few years, the two of them have often made each other unhappy in public, and Xie Yue and others are used to it.

But habits only prevent them from being surprised by this, but the worries and fears caused by it will not be reduced by half.

Seeing Qian Renxue's tit-for-tat attitude, Bibi Dong's suppressed anger was instantly ignited. She gritted her teeth and was about to scold him.

Seeing this, Su Cheng quickly took the initiative and said, "His Majesty the Pope, since everyone is here, let's prepare to leave as soon as possible?"

As he spoke, he quietly used his voice to carry a little bit of soul power that was difficult for others to detect, easing the atmosphere in the room.

As he changed the subject, the tense and solemn atmosphere eased a little.

The eyes of the mother and daughter looking at each other flickered for a moment, and then they both fell silent.

Xie Yue and others couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and cast grateful glances at Su Cheng in unison.

It's fine if there's no fight.

If these two people really fight, they will probably be the first to suffer.

They didn't know Su Cheng's true strength, and felt that daring to speak at such a time was really courageous and helped them a lot.

The relationship between Qian Renxue and him is now well known in Wuhun Hall, but Bibi Dong's temper has never been very good.

Even Hu Liena, who is closest to her, is always cautious in her words and deeds, and never dares to rub the tiger's whiskers when the other party is angry.

Su Cheng didn't think too much about it. After gently nodding to Bibi Dong and saying hello, he accompanied Qian Renxue towards the city gate.

The quarrel between the two was already normal.

Ever since Qian Renxue returned to Wuhun City from the Tiandou Empire a few years ago, they have been in a state of tit-for-tat.

It's just that at that time, one of the two was busy preparing for the Soul Master Competition, and the other was busy preparing for the Soul Master Competition and setting up the continent. Each of them regarded the other as crazy, and often ignored the other's existence.

It was not until the Soul Master Competition came to an end that Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong began to face each other head-on.

On the surface, Qian Renxue was completely disappointed with Bibi Dong and others.

But Su Cheng felt that deep down in her heart, she might not be able to completely let go of this layer of blood and family ties.

Looking at the man and woman returning to Wuhun City side by side, Bibi Dong opened her mouth, but in the end she couldn't say anything more.

It was perfectly normal to spend a short time together before parting ways, and she had no reason to stop it.

On the other side, Su Cheng, who returned to the city and headed towards the Elder's Hall, turned his head and glanced at Qian Renxue, who looked slightly gloomy next to him. He opened and closed his lips gently and spoke in a calm and soft voice.

“Actually, if you have anything you want to say, there’s no need to hold it in your heart, just say it directly.

“This year, Bibi Dong has changed a lot.

"If you can't speak, tell me what you're thinking and I can convey it to you, or go and talk to your grandfather."

Su Cheng knew that her thoughts were different from the other consciousness in her body.

That Bibi Dong really has no emotion at all.

But Xiaoxue's thoughts in front of her were much more complicated and delicate.

Although it can't be said to be very deep, there is still some obsession.

"I have nothing to say to her." Qian Renxue shook her head.

Su Cheng saw this and stopped talking.

Except for the person involved, it is difficult for others to intervene in this kind of matter. When they understand each other extremely well, saying such a sentence is already the limit.

How to face these knots still depends on her own thoughts.

Only she can make the clearest judgment on the pros and cons here.

"Teacher, thank you."

Qian Renxue turned to look at Su Cheng, with a bright smile on her face.

Whether the rift with Bibi Dong can be mended, and whether there are other misunderstandings, are just minor concerns.

Compared with the person next to him, those things are really insignificant.

"Why do you have to say such things to me?"

Su Cheng smiled and stroked her long golden hair.

"Don't think too much, you've done enough."

"Xiaoxue, come here."

After walking into the Elder Hall alone, and just after passing by the huge pure gold statue of the angel god in the huge hall, Qian Renxue heard a gentle and mellow male voice in her ears.

When she heard the sound, she was not too surprised. She walked to the door of the room at the upper end of the Elder Hall with a calm face, then opened the door and walked in.

Qian Daoliu was standing near the window in the room wearing a gray robe as usual, with neat long black hair hanging around his shoulders, and a handsome face that was gentle and peaceful.


"Su Cheng and the others are gone?"

Looking at Qian Renxue in white clothes in front of him, Qian Daoliu felt a little complicated.

To be honest, even after the previous conversation with Su Cheng, he was trying his best to treat the two Qian Renxue equally and put them in the same position in his heart.

But in comparison, he still preferred to get along with the granddaughter in front of him.

The other person was too aggressive.

Not only were his words and deeds on weekdays sharp and evil, but the eyes he looked at were cold and indifferent, completely different from the Xiaoxue he was familiar with, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Although the Qian Renxue in front of her has changed a lot compared to before.

He is more reserved, calmer, and rarely shows too many emotions in front of himself.

But there was at least some warmth in his eyes, not as ruthless as the other person's.

"Let's go." After hearing Qian Daoliu's question, Qian Renxue nodded, "I went to the place called the 'City of Killing' with Bibi Dong."

Qian Daoliu didn't pay much attention when he heard this.

In fact, he doesn't care much about these things.

In other words, except for Qian Renxue and Wuhun Palace, he doesn't care much about other things now.

As long as there were no major problems with the Wuhun Palace under Bibi Dong's control, he would never interfere too much.

However, he was obviously very concerned about Qian Renxue's matters.

Looking at his granddaughter's expression, Qian Daoliu asked tentatively: "Did you quarrel with your mother again?"

The other party obviously came back with Su Cheng, but he was still in a bad mood.

Apart from Bibi Dong, Qian Daoliu really couldn't think of anyone in this Wuhun City who dared to provoke her.

"Not really." Qian Renxue glanced at her grandfather, her expression became a little impatient, and she said calmly: "Don't mention that person again."

"Alas." Qian Daoliu sighed helplessly.

The relationship between these two people has always been difficult for him.

Because he knew the hidden secrets, he didn't know how to resolve the various conflicts and entanglements inside.

But if he wanted to reverse Qian Renxue's mood at this time, he had other ways.

He immediately changed the subject and said, "How did you go out with Su Cheng last night?"

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's pretty snow-white face suddenly turned red uncontrollably.

Although he didn't want to show it so obviously, he tried his best to suppress his emotions.

But the scenes that happened last night still appeared in my mind uncontrollably and couldn't be shaken off.

He hesitated and whispered: "It's okay."

"Have you ever considered having a baby?"

Hearing such a straightforward question, Qian Renxue couldn't hold herself any longer, her face turned bright red, as if she was about to bleed.

She even felt that there seemed to be a lot of heat rising above her head at this time.



Qian Daoliu suddenly felt relieved.

It has been an unknown number of years since this granddaughter spoke in such a coquettish tone.

Although 80% of her emotions had nothing to do with her at the moment, she still sounded very cordial.

"Forget it, I won't interfere too much with your affairs. But..." At this point, Qian Daoliu looked a little more serious.

He stared intently at Qian Renxue in front of him, "Have you really made up your mind not to try the inheritance of the Angel God?"

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