After the group headed by Bibi Dong left the Wuhun Mountains, the two of them followed the three in front and continued to move toward the northeast.

With the strength of Su Cheng and Bibi Dong, it wouldn't take long to rush to the killing capital quickly.

But with the addition of Xie Yue and the other three, it was completely different.

Not only is their leg strength a problem, their soul power is also unable to support the constant rush, and they need to pause for a while to recover their soul power.

In this case, it will take about a week anyway.

The three people following Su Cheng and Bibi Dong didn't dare to talk much at all along the way, and they basically made eye contact.

But the way the two people got along really made them feel weird.

Based on Su Cheng's current strength and his status as the powerful elder of Wuhun Palace, he can no longer be regarded as one of his peers.

But seeing the casualness between the two of them talking, I still felt extremely incredible.

After all, even Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were extremely respectful when facing the Pope.

Moreover, whether it was an illusion or not, Hu Liena even had an inexplicable feeling in her heart that her teacher seemed to be in a very good mood at the moment.

His expression was also unusually soft, without the usual majesty and coldness.

Just as Su Cheng and others were walking on the road to the Capital of Killing, Tang San also walked into the dark corridor leading to the Capital of Killing.

When they reached the end, cold voices came from all sides, "Welcome to the city of killing. This is the capital of hell, a world full of killing. Here, you can get everything you want, and the price is your life .”

Tang San ignored the voice and continued to move forward expressionlessly.

The wall of the corridor was made of a special material that could not be penetrated by his spiritual power, so he used the blue silver grass as a test, and then walked out of the door at the end of the corridor.

What came into view was a black city, as well as black-armored knights and hundreds of black-armored soldiers guarding the city gate.

The thick black city wall is extremely wide, and a purple moon hangs in the sky in the city, seemingly less than 500 meters away from the ground. Looking up, everything was pitch black.

After easily defeating the knight guarding the door, he took the Slaughter City ID card marked "9316" from the opponent's hand and walked step by step towards the city gate where the four-character plaque "Slaughter City" was hung.

Two rows of black-armored warriors stood silently, and before Tang San could show the identity tag in his hand, a woman wearing a black gauze mask had already walked out.

"Welcome to the Killing City." The woman's voice was pleasant, and after arriving in front of Tang San, she made an invitation gesture.

"I am your explainer. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me. Within twelve hours, I will answer all your questions. After twelve hours, this is where you live. You He will also officially become a member of the Killing City."

Tang San's expression was stiff and his voice was slightly hoarse, "What kind of place is the Killing City?"

"This is a paradise, a paradise for the fallen.

"What are the rules here?"

The girl in black gauze said calmly: "The rule here is that there are no rules.

“As a member of the Killing City, as long as you have enough ability, you can do whatever you want here.

"Here, all soul master skills cannot be used. People can only survive by relying on instinct and their own strength. Soul power can be used as the source of strength. Even if a titled Douluo from the outside world comes here, he will still be affected by the disappearance of his soul skills. And become weaker.

"And we are under the rule of the King of Slaughter, so we don't need to be afraid of them at all. But I must remind you that just because there are no rules here, you may face fatal danger at any time.

"This is a fallen paradise, a paradise of sin."

Tang San repeated softly: "The Paradise of Sin?"

"Yes. Because many people come here precisely because they cannot survive in the outside world and have to choose to enter. After coming here, they no longer need to worry about being hunted down. Every person in the Killing City Members will be protected by the Killing City."

"Does Wuhun Palace know about the existence of this place?" Until this moment, Tang San's voice finally showed some emotion, with a strong sarcasm, "If they knew, Wuhun Palace, which always prides itself on justice, Why don’t we come and destroy you?”

The girl in black gauze sneered, "So what if you know? Wuhun Palace will not take any action against us.

"Destroying the Slaughter City will do them no good at all. Mr. 9316, please don't forget that it is almost impossible for people who enter the Slaughter City to get out again. And being able to come here is full of Fallen and sinful humanity.

"This place has nothing to do with the outside world. The Killing City is like a special prison that helps Wuhun Palace guard the most evil criminals. Tell me, why did Wuhun Palace want to destroy this place? I'm afraid they wish there were more evil people. It’s good to come here.”

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes became even more mocking. Sure enough, as he had judged, the existence of this killing city was based on the connivance of Wuhun Palace.

Even if soul skills cannot be used here, its strength cannot be compared with the Spirit Hall that covers the entire continent.

So in the final analysis, Wuhun Palace is just a hypocritical force that seeks fame and reputation and claims to be righteous.

At this time, the woman continued to speak: "If you want to leave the Killing City, there is only one way, and that is to become the champion of the Hell Killing Fields. Only after you have the qualifications to challenge the Hell Road and rush out of the Hell Road can you leave the Killing City. In In the city of killing, there is no failure, only success and death..."

In this way, while explaining the various rules and challenges of this place to Tang San, she led him towards the inner city.

In the outer city of the Killing City, there are some simple black stone houses on both sides of the street. Every other section of the road, there are some special eating places, and many people line up there waiting for food distribution. It just feels better than a beggar. As for the so-called enjoyment, there is no way to talk about it.

In this regard, the explanation given by the woman is also very simple. There are also three levels of evil people, and only the truly powerful evil people can enjoy themselves in this fallen paradise. As for useless waste, they have no right to enjoy these.

The city was bigger than Tang San imagined. After walking for more than half an hour, when he had some understanding of the outer city, the woman also led him to a city wall.

Compared with the outer city wall of the Killing City, this city wall is not high, only about ten meters. Obviously, behind this city wall is the inner city of the Killing City.

The city gate was open and there were no guards inside.

"The inner city does not need to be guarded. People from the outer city can go inside at any time as long as they have the courage to enter. Of course, once inside, they must endure the unknowns of the world inside.

"You have just arrived in the Killing City. I suggest that you'd better live in the outer city for a while. It's better to wait until you get used to everything here before entering the inner city.

"When you enter the inner city later, please do not leave me for more than five meters, otherwise I will not be able to guarantee your safety."

Tang San glanced at her without saying a word.

But he clearly felt that the atmosphere here was completely different from that in the outer city.

Compared to the silence and indifference of the outer city, the inner city seems extremely luxurious, crazy, and noisy.

People are having sex, fighting, and even killing everywhere on the street anytime and anywhere...

He suddenly discovered that in this city of killing, there was no need for him to deliberately control it, and the killing intent would continue to surge forward.

It seems that only through killing can the anger accumulated in one's heart be released.

As they were walking, suddenly there was a commotion in front of them. Dozens of people fled in all directions, eager to make way for a figure.

After seeing the person walking out of the crowd clearly, Tang San stopped unconsciously, and for the first time, his cold eyes showed obvious mood swings.

He never imagined that in this city full of crime and depravity, he could still see familiar people.

Stepping out of the crowd was a girl with a hot figure.

Her seductive body was tightly wrapped in tight black clothes, and covered with a jet-black robe. Her long, silky black hair fell down to her waist and hips.

The delicate and cold face is expressionless, and the eyes are unusually indifferent.

She obviously has a perfect figure and a peerless face, but in this city full of desire, no one dares to set their sights on her. As if encountering a tiger on the road, they all ran away from it.

This person is clearly Zhu Zhuqing.

At this moment, many thoughts suddenly flashed through Tang San's mind.

Why is she here too?

What did she do after the game?

Is today's chance encounter an excellent opportunity to draw her into the camp against the Spirit Hall?

After all, when they were both studying at Shrek Academy, he had heard Dai Mubai talk about the various conflicts between the Spirit Hall and the two empires...

Zhu Zhuqing's eyes moved slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

She also saw Tang San.

But the person in front of her was completely different from the Tang San she remembered.

Ever since Xiao Wu died on the square in front of the Pope's Palace that day and Tang Hao fled with Tang San, they had never seen each other again.

Now he has changed greatly.

Although Tang San in the past was also a little dull, he had an almost blind pride in his heart, and that kind of mentality could often be revealed in his words and deeds.

He seemed convinced that he was different.

But now Tang San seemed to be a completely different person.

His expression was stiff and his eyes were sinister, but at the same time, he gave people a vague feeling of sternness and inwardness.


At this time, Tang San looked at Zhu Zhuqing and walked over on his own initiative.

A smile appeared on his stiff cheeks.

It seems that because he hasn't made this expression for a long time, he looks very ugly.

But that kind attitude is still very obvious.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing felt a trace of doubt in his heart.

The other party clearly didn't like her very much before.

Especially when he was in Shrek Academy, Tang San was obviously not convinced because he had always been suppressed by him. He was always secretly competing with her, trying every means to fight for the right to speak.

Why are you so gloomy now, but you are becoming kinder to yourself?

Obviously she didn't know that during the previous battle in front of the Pope's Palace, Tang San misunderstood her intention of taking action, thinking that she was standing up for her teammate.

As for Tang San becoming like this now, she could understand.

Xiao Wu's death obviously hit him hard.

To be honest, Zhu Zhuqing didn't have much fondness for Tang San, and even in terms of her inner senses, she was not as good as Oscar and Ma Hongjun.

She felt that the other party had too many thoughts, but acted a little childishly and impulsively. He always cared about unnecessary gains and losses, was too petty, and never saw his own problems. He was very immature.

But having said that, originally she at least recognized the extremely pure relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu.

Although the way she usually expressed her feelings left her speechless.

She also doesn't agree with unconditional and bottomless protection.

And Xiao Wu's character is really not likable to be honest.

But neither of them were children. They each had their own way of living, and it was not their turn to say anything.

It wasn't until Xiao Wu died that Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt that the relationship between the two was a bit ridiculous.

Tang San's unlimited protection may be the key factor that led to Xiao Wu's final death.

Where did she get the confidence to dare to step into the Spirit Hall filled with titled Douluo as a spirit beast?

Was it Tang San who gave her the courage?

Or the bottle of breath-absorbing potion that she didn't even know the real details of?

Is victory in the Soul Master Competition really that important?

What about Tang San's self-mature mind?

There is a father who is a titled Douluo. Doesn’t he know that his lover’s true identity is actually a hundred thousand year soul beast?

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhuqing's expression remained as cold and calm as usual.

Looking at the young man walking towards him, he nodded, "Tang San, why are you here?"

"My father sent me here to practice. What about you, why are you here too?"

"The Star Luo Empire has its own news channels, and I have heard of this lawless place." He lied, but Zhu Zhuqing's expression showed no emotion at all.

She knew the other party's deep hatred for Wuhun Palace, so naturally she would not stupidly say that Bibi Dong had brought her here.

Although he is not afraid of Tang San, there is no need to cause trouble.

After all, this person is not simple.

Tang San didn't have any doubts when he heard this, and asked tentatively: "Zhuqing, I just heard that Qian Renxue from Wuhun Palace didn't even care about the rules of the competition during the Soul Master Competition and directly killed you?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing said nothing, with a hint of gloom on his face.

Sensing the fleeting strong killing intent on the other side and the faint red light emerging from his eyes, Tang San suddenly felt satisfied.

He continued: "I'm afraid you don't know that Qian Renxue's performance in the finals was even more terrifying. Besides her, Su Cheng's performance was not inferior. After the game, Su Cheng was even more terrible. Directly choosing to join the Wuhun Palace side is completely shameless."

"You are indeed shameless." Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Tang San said no more, with a slightly stiff smile on his face, "I wish you can complete your training as soon as possible and leave this killing city. I look forward to the day when I can fight side by side with you again, believe me, Wu Hundian, Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, Su Cheng and others will definitely pay the price they deserve!"

Hearing this, a strange flash flashed in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes, and then he said calmly: "Try to survive first, in the killing city, there are murderous intentions everywhere. Be careful of everyone here, don't trust the so-called 'friends', anyone They may have murderous intentions towards you."

"I understand." Tang San nodded solemnly, "Thank you, Zhuqing."


After Zhu Zhuqing left, the woman in black veil next to Tang San who claimed to be the messenger of the King of Slaughter asked in surprise: "Do you know King Gale?"

"King of Gale?"

"That's right." The woman looked at the graceful figure in black who was walking away with a fearful look on her face.

"She has been in the Killing City for just over a year, but she has already won eighty-nine battles, and is respected as the 'Gale Wind King' by the fallen ones here.

“Eighty-nine battles and eighty-nine victories in the Killing Fields of Hell, and she was the only one who survived every battle.

"Do you know what this means? Too many people have died at her hands to count."

She turned to look at Tang San who was in a daze, her voice was a little cold.

"That Gale King is the number one person in the Killing City now!"

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