Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 234 A chance encounter and confrontation outside the town

Outside the town where the entrance to the Killing City is located, Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang were walking towards Tiandou City in the southwest, preparing to return to Shrek Academy, which was renamed from Lanba Academy.

That's right, the people who escorted Tang San to the Killing City this time were not only Tang Hao himself, but Yu Xiaogang was also following him.

After losing the battle at Wuhun Palace, Tang Hao's mentality has now been corrected a lot.

The successive appearances of Bibi Dong, Su Cheng, A Yin, and Qian Renxue caused Tang Hao to suffer a great setback and at the same time, he also clearly realized his own shortcomings.

It also made him understand that although Tang San's talent was extremely good, at the same age, his performance was even better than his own, but he was far from being able to surpass the younger generation.

Not to mention Su Cheng, whose strength was beyond normal, and Qian Renxue, whose soul power level reached level seventy in her early twenties, as well as her teammate Zhu Zhuqing in Shrek Academy, Tang San was also far behind.

And a few days ago, when he and Tang San went to Shrek Academy to meet Yu Xiaogang, they also learned more news about Wuhun Palace.

In the final battle of the Soul Master Competition a year ago, many members of the academy participated.

In addition to Wuhundian Academy and Tiandou Royal Academy, there are students from Shenfeng Academy, Tianshui Academy, and Xiangjia Academy.

Because of this, many teachers and students are qualified to watch the battle, and all the information about that battle has been spread to everyone.

Needless to say, Qian Renxue's seventh soul ring of 100,000 years had already been used when fighting Zhu Zhuqing.

In the finals, both of them appeared together, displaying extremely powerful double superimposed fields and the terrifyingly powerful self-created soul skill "Divine Judgment".

But even so, he was still suppressed by Su Cheng, who was even lower in cultivation.

The same dual realm, as well as the two miraculous self-created soul skills "Ming Yue" and "Empty Mountain" that were passed down by the soul master world.

All this information made Tang Hao feel extremely heavy pressure in his heart.

So now Tang Hao is not confident that he can teach Tang San well, and his confidence in his son is not that strong either.

And Yu Xiaogang's profound theoretical knowledge was the help he desperately needed.

Regarding all of his actions and his training plan for Tang San, he was prepared to let this "master" participate in the entire process.

But apart from that, there is another more important factor that he values.

That is the past between Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong. Perhaps one day in the future, it can become a sharp blade that stabs Wuhun Palace.

"Master, do you think the place I brought my mistress to will be of much help to his growth?"

Tang Hao looked at Yu Xiaogang beside him, asking for his opinion.

This was the reason why he would rather slow down his progress, spend more time, and bring Yu Xiaogang, who was only a great soul master, here.

"Absolutely." Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice, with a trace of uncontrollable panic flashing in his eyes, "The soul masters who grow up in the academy and the soul masters who grow up on the battlefield are basically two different levels of existence."

The bloody atmosphere in the tavern just now was really terrifying.

Although most of the murderers are just ordinary people who are not even soul masters, their murderous intention that has been wandering on the edge of life and death all year round is extremely shocking.

Tang Hao felt slightly relieved after hearing this, nodded and said, "I estimate that it will take at least two more years for Xiaosan to complete the test of the Killing City. How should we promote his growth next?"

“I do know a place, but it’s extremely dangerous.


"That is an island, and only a few people in the soul master world know about it." Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with memories.

"The Wuhun Palace once sent two thousand soul masters to this island in an attempt to recruit the soul masters there. However, they never returned. Less than a hundred people were able to come back alive, and two titled Douluo were lost there.

"That place, Wuhundian calls it Devil's Island, but I know its real name. It should be called Poseidon Island."

"Poseidon?" Tang Hao's eyelids twitched, "And even the Spirit Hall was defeated there?"

"That's right. The reason why I know this place is because I have been there once, that is, when the Wuhun Palace attacked Poseidon Island. I was still with Bibi Dong at the time, so I went with them. I also know There is probably a ninety-nine-level peerless Douluo sitting on that island, who is also known as 'Lord Poseidon' among those people."

"So, you mean to let the mistress go to that place for training?" After hearing Yu Xiaogang's description, Tang Hao looked slightly hesitant.

He knew how powerful a soul master at the level of Peerless Douluo was. His grandfather Tang Chen was a figure of this level.

Yu Xiaogang saw his worries and said with relief: "It is indeed dangerous there, but it is not that scary. The soul masters on the island are not actually murderous. As long as they are not members of the Wuhun Hall, it is very suitable to use it as a place for training. land."

"Okay, then I'll listen to you. When Xiao San comes out of the Killing City, let him go to Poseidon Island."

"Don't worry yet. Before that, there are still a few things to do."

"What's up?"

"Soul rings and soul bones." Yu Xiaogang said in a deep voice, "Especially soul bones, which greatly improve the soul master. If you want to unleash the potential of Xiaosan's twin martial souls, it is very important to use soul bones to increase the carrying capacity of the physical body. "

"I understand." Tang Hao nodded, secretly praising the other party's thoughtfulness.

At this time, he heard Yu Xiaogang sigh, "In fact, as far as I know, there are six soul bones in the Wuhun Palace that have been passed down for thousands of years.

"These six soul bones can only be used by soul masters who possess the Seraph Martial Spirit. Each soul bone is ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years old, just short of reaching the one hundred thousand year level.

"If someone can use these six soul bones at the same time, they can be stimulated to the 100,000-year level at the same time, thus becoming a god-like existence.

"These six soul bones are also called - angelic armor."

"What do you mean...?!" Tang Hao's expression changed slightly.

"That's right." Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath and his face became more solemn, "Qian Renxue from Wuhun Palace probably has a good chance of mastering these six soul bones at the same time."

"..." Tang Hao couldn't help but fell silent for a while after hearing this.

After a long while, he asked in a dry voice: "Why haven't I heard you talk about this before?"

"The reason why I didn't say anything before was because I didn't want to put too much pressure on the mistress." Yu Xiaogang looked helpless.

"Have you not noticed that Xiaosan's current mental state is somewhat wrong?

"Especially after learning about the performance of Su Cheng and Qian Renxue in the finals, I was hit hard and lost all the confidence I had in the past. This is very fatal.

"In my opinion, if the owner of the Clear Sky Hammer loses confidence, it will be difficult for it to exert its world-dominating power."

"...You are right." Tang Hao sighed.

He felt increasingly that the decision to ask Yu Xiaogang for advice was correct.

Choosing him to be the primary school teacher was indeed the right choice.

I only knew how to put pressure on Tang San, but I didn't think about more and more detailed issues.

"Wait." At this time, Tang Hao suddenly stopped and reached out to stop Yu Xiaogang beside him.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, a little confused.

But soon, he understood the reason why the other party stopped.

I saw several figures walking out of the woods on the other side of the mountain...

Looking at the two people in the distance, Su Cheng was actually a little surprised.

He didn't expect to meet Tang Hao here, not only him, but also Yu Xiaogang.

It didn't surprise him that Tang Hao would send Tang San to the Killing City for training.

What surprised him was that the other party came so early.

When Su Cheng sensed the aura of these two people just now, many thoughts flashed through Su Cheng's mind, and he didn't even bother to observe the changes in Bibi Dong's expression next to him.

It suddenly occurred to him that this might be an excellent opportunity!

Since we happened to meet each other, we must have a fight.

But how to fight, how to deal with the follow-up, and how to make good use of these people are the key.

The powerful and nosy old Shura God in the God Realm is indeed extremely difficult to deal with.

But what if that person is replaced by a second-level god who has just inherited the throne of Shura God?

As for whether Tang San was God Shura's chess piece or not, maybe it wasn't that important.

Let him inherit.

Compared to the most powerful Shura God King, a second-level god-level successor to Shura God is much easier to deal with.

In this way, the only things he needs to face in the future are the remaining four god kings whose attitudes are unclear.

However, how Tang San should inherit this divine position in the future and when should he inherit it, he needs to decide and guide himself.

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