After everything settled, Bibi Dong glanced coldly at Xie Yue and the others who were standing not far away, and then returned his gaze to Su Cheng amid their fearful and nervous gazes.

The next moment, a cold and calm voice sounded in Su Cheng's mind. This time she directly chose to use her mental power to transmit the voice.

"I need an explanation."

She knew Su Cheng's temperament and had always been indifferent to irrelevant people and things. She would never believe that he would be afraid of the so-called royal family of the Tiandou Empire.

"His Majesty the Pope is very determined in his murderous intention, isn't he?" Su Cheng said through a message, but he was thoughtful in his heart.

Judging from Bibi Dong's appearance, it seems that she was greatly affected by the memory of the simulated world, otherwise she would not be merciless to Yu Xiaogang.

That kind of expression was neither resentment or anger, nor hatred out of love, but pure indifference.

This change is too obvious. In the past, Bibi Dong would not be like this.

Of course, from the standpoint of the Pope of Wuhun Palace, killing Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang is indeed the best choice.

Although these two people can no longer pose much threat, since the two sides have become enemies, of course, the sooner they are dealt with, the better.

However, the only thing that is uncertain now is how many memory fragments Bibi Dong has inherited from the simulated world.

Knowledge accumulation? Tactical literacy? Conspiracy? Or is he like Bo Saixi who accepts it completely, even knowing his own existence and knowing the true identity of "Cheng Xue" hidden under the mask?

Before this information could be determined, the deeper truth was obviously not suitable to be disclosed to Bibi Dong for the time being.

He didn't know whether the other party could be trusted.

After thinking for a moment, Su Cheng faced Bibi Dong's silent and calm gaze and explained: "Those two people are still useful if you keep them. His Majesty the Pope, have you ever thought about why they appear in this place?"

Bibi Dong was stunned when she heard this. She really didn't think deeply about this issue just now.

"City of Killing?"

"Yes, you have also felt the murderous aura in Tang Hao. He must be aware of the existence of the Killing City. He must have sent Tang San there."

Bibi Dong fell silent and continued to wait for the follow-up explanation.

"I will definitely not let Zhuqing seek that kind of chaotic and dirty realm of the God of Death. When we come here this time, I may not be able to see the depth of the Rakshasa God's position.

"Since you received the divine inheritance in this place, it will definitely be of great benefit to you to find someone to observe.

"Tang San is a good choice, isn't he?"

"..." Although seeing Su Cheng thinking about Zhu Zhuqing everywhere, he felt a little uncomfortable. But after hearing it, I still felt a lot of comfort.

She asked softly: "So you mean, keeping those two people can help Tang San grow and make it easier for you to do research on him?"

"That's right. ஜ۩۞۩ஜஜ۩۞۩ஜ"

"I see."

After the two people finished communicating through voice transmission.

Su Cheng turned to look at Xie Yue and the others, and said in deep thought: "The Killing City is no small matter. You'd better think clearly in advance whether you really want to practice here."

His expression became serious, and he glanced at the most outstanding soul masters among the younger generation of Wuhun Palace in front of him.

"I know that you are coming this time because Xiaoxue must have told you something. After you follow her in and take a walk, your mission will actually be completed. I will go over to Xiaoxue and tell her that you don't have to worry.

"Xiaoxue's ideas are a bit willful. She doesn't know much about the Killing City and doesn't know the dangers. You don't have to mess around with her.

"I must remind you that this place is not as simple as you think. To be honest, I don't think all three of you will survive to the end.

"In addition to the obvious combat risks, there are also many hidden murderous intentions that you can't predict."

"..." Upon hearing this, Xie Yue and others looked at each other, and their eyes quickly became firm.

He took a step forward and said in a deep voice: "When Elder Su said this, he underestimated us. We are not afraid of risks, we are just afraid that our lives will not be exciting enough."

Su Cheng's action just now actually gave them a great stimulus.

Even if I never thought about comparing with him, I never thought that there would be such a huge gap.

Su Cheng is even a few years younger than them.

Among the three, Xie Yue has always been smart and calm. Before Qian Renxue returned to Wuhun City, he was the captain of the academy team.

He is self-aware, but he is by no means a person who is willing to give up and lie down, and he is even more loyal to Wuhun Palace.

Xieyue, Hu Liena and Yan were all orphans. Being able to stand out from the brutal competition in Wuhundian Academy and reach this point is of course not only due to excellent innate conditions.

Now I have learned the cultivation methods in two volumes of Xiantian Gong. My strength has improved rapidly in this year, and I have higher pursuits in my heart.

Seeing this, Su Cheng nodded and stopped trying to persuade him.

He was just giving a reminder.

You choose your own path, as long as you don't regret it in the future.

Not long after, several people entered the small town where the Killing Capital was located.

After easily intimidating the rest of the crowd in the tavern, they walked underground together.

In the dark corridor, Bibi Dong and Su Cheng were leading the way, but her mind was gradually drifting away.

The young man walking beside her had just turned seventeen and was already more than a head taller than her. new

In another world, the other person was about the same age when they first met, only a little younger than her.

But they were at least the same age at the time.

Nowadays, time has changed, but we have become two generations of people...

"The owner of the God of Death realm, what's the point of a sudden visit?"

A few people had just reached the end of the corridor and entered the gate of the outer city of the Killing City.

Before he had time to observe the environment of this place too much, a low and sharp voice suddenly came from all directions, carrying deep murderous intent and malice.

Stimulated by the sharp voice, Xie Yue and others instantly felt a powerful murderous aura pouring into their bodies, and their faces instantly turned pale.

As for the black-armored soldiers guarding the city gate, their calm eyes immediately became fanatical, and they chanted the words "King of Slaughter" with their eyes red.

The almost crazy roar and admiration even made Xie Yue and the others feel numb.

At the same time, the murderous aura in the entire killing city showed faint signs of boiling.

In mid-air, a blood-red figure slowly descended from the sky.

Su Cheng looked up and saw a tall man wrapped in a scarlet cloak. His face was bloodless, his eyes were red, and his aura was even stronger than Bibi Dong's.

This is a top powerhouse whose cultivation is comparable to that of Peerless Douluo.

Just as he was observing the other party, a trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of the King of Slaughter.

He could understand that Bibi Dong was not affected by the environment of the killing city.

After all, the other party is one of the only two remaining gods of death in the world. He has successfully passed through the road to hell, and possesses the realm of the god of death, so he is naturally immune to the erosion of the depraved aura of this place.

But what about the other young man?

The breath is condensed and weird, and the whole person's aura flows seamlessly.

Even before Bibi Dong released the Killing God Realm, he seemed not to be affected by the environmental suppression of the Killing City at all.

Although his cultivation was not high, it gave him an inexplicable sense of threat...

Of course Su Cheng will not be affected.

In fact, the moment he stepped into this place, he completely understood what the so-called killing city was like.

The nature of this place is very similar to Poseidon Island, Poseidon Mountain shrouded in Poseidon's light.

It is also an extremely concentrated soul power environment.

However, unlike Poseidon's Light, the soul power here is dirty and messy, and what is mixed in it is not the power of faith, but all kinds of desires and evil thoughts that make people sink and fall.

Or is this the special "power of faith" needed by the Shura God and the Rakshasa God?

In this special environment, which is close to the prototype of divine power, it is natural that ordinary soul masters cannot use soul skills.

However, this environment obviously does not affect Su Cheng.

Because the power he controls is innate power that is equivalent to divine power.

Perhaps without entering the second stage of the Immortal Real Body, it cannot match the suppressive power of Shura's divine power.

But facing this prototype of divine power, it is still more than enough.

Looking at the man in blood-robed clothes who fell in front of several people, Su Cheng's eyes flashed with dark golden light, silently examining him.

Under the real field of vision provided by the Eye of True Sight, although it is impossible to completely see through the entire situation in the opponent's body, it can still be roughly discerned.

The structure of the body is strange, as if it is pieced together, and it is almost not human at all.

The dark red filthy soul power was wandering around in the body chaotically. It was chaotic and irregular. It was estimated that the meridians had already been messed up.

The aura of the soul was weird and twisted, and the evil spirit and malice had almost become the core of the soul. Compared to Bibi Dong's situation of being infected by evil spirits, it was a hundred times more serious.

This also further reflects the strange state of the Slaughter King.

If it were a normal and complete human being, it would be impossible for him to observe the state of the other party's soul.

Like Bibi Dong, he couldn't observe.

In addition, there was an unusually sharp and powerful sword intent that was looming. Su Cheng only glanced at this aura and did not dare to look at it again.

If nothing else, it should be the aura of Shura Demonic Sword.

"It's completely ruined and there's no possibility of rescue."

Su Cheng couldn't help but sigh secretly, and completely gave up on Tang Chen as an alternative.

As for killing the King of Slaughter, there is no need to rush.

Now asking Tang Chen to give that sword to Tang San would be of no use.

With Tang San's current foundation, he would only be killed by the murderous aura inside, and he would definitely not be able to inherit the eight-level divine test he had already passed.

Besides, I was busy with other things now, so I couldn't take care of Tang San at all.

Thinking about it, Su Cheng looked at the evil and filthy deep soul power of the King of Slaughter, "Although it is far inferior to the power of Shura in terms of quality, it can be mixed with the power of Shura God. The pollution ability of Rakshasa God As expected, Bibi Dong’s problem is a bit difficult..."

Under Su Cheng's clairvoyant gaze, the Slaughter King felt very uncomfortable.

His already evil look became more and more gloomy, and he said coldly: "Boy, what are you looking at?"

Although his tone was not too polite, he had no intention of taking action immediately. Instead, he assessed the depth of the two people in front of him in his heart.

After gaining some understanding of the Slaughter King's situation, Su Cheng withdrew his gaze.

He ignored the other party's question and turned to look at Bibi Dong, "You talk to him. I'll go find Zhu Qing first."

After that, he walked away from here and walked toward the city.

When the King of Slaughter saw this, he suddenly became angry.

But he frowned and endured it for the time being.

He felt a little apprehensive.

Su Cheng acted too calmly.

In addition, the powerful Killing God Bibi Dong, who possesses the Killing God Domain, is by his side, so he does not dare to take action easily to intensify the conflict.

However, in this city of killings, any accidents that occurred could not be hidden from his sight.

His eyes flickered slightly, but he didn't make any move to stop him.

Seeing Su Cheng leave, Bibi Dong felt a little unhappy. She looked at the King of Slaughter and said calmly: "I brought three people here to practice."

"Are you sure?" The King of Slaughter's eyes were slightly gloomy, and his murderous aura fluctuated.

If these three people are as talented as the Gale King, and one or two of them really obtain the Killing God Realm, allowing a few more Killing Gods to appear in the Killing City, then I am afraid that the Day of Destruction here will not be far away. Far.

"You don't have to worry. I can promise you that they are here just for experience. No matter whether they can get Yum or not, they will not go to hell. Not only that, the girl I brought last time will also stop before Yum. ."

"Oh?" The King of Slaughter felt happy, and his murderous intent also restrained a lot.

Compared with the young people in front of him, the Gale King, who had won eighty-nine games in a row, was the one who gave him the biggest headache.

Different soul masters will bring completely different threats after obtaining the Killing God Domain.

That woman was born to fight, and her future potential was extraordinary.

It would undoubtedly be a great thing if she didn't go to hell.

Obviously, the King of Slaughter at this time has not yet understood that "stopping before Yum" and "not going to hell" are not the same thing.

Of course, for him, as long as no new killing god appears, it is a good thing.

Bibi Dong was a little surprised to see him so happy, but her face showed no emotion as she continued: "But I have two conditions."

"What do you think."

"First, the three people I brought cannot meet in the same battle in the Hell Killing Fields. Second, they cannot be allowed to face the young man brought by another killing god."

ps1, if nothing else, the next chapter will be reviewed, maybe a little later.

ps2, regarding the extras, you don’t have to rush to read them. There is no need to give rewards for watching the extras. It will not affect the main plot. You can just watch it later. There will be extras for other female protagonists in the future.

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