On the other side, after Su Cheng entered the outer city one step ahead, his powerful perception spread. ♡

All the various scenes of chaos and killing in this city came to mind.

Perhaps because the King of Slaughter had just appeared in person, no messenger appeared to greet him after he entered the city.

There was no need to delay, and I had no intention of dealing with those guys who wanted to sneak attack.

As his body flashed continuously, he quickly headed straight towards the inner city.

After entering the inner city, Su Cheng's expression changed slightly.

He felt an extremely subtle fluctuation of divine power.

It is an extremely cruel and domineering divine power of killing, ruthless and indifferent to all things.

In addition to the killing power, there is also a layer of evil, filthy, gloomy and mysterious aura of divine power.

"What a Shura power..." Su Cheng's eyes darkened slightly.

The characteristics revealed by this trace of divine power fluctuations have been diluted countless times, and the result of being parasitically contaminated by the Rakshasa divine power still shows extremely terrifying majesty.

In this place, even his perception was suppressed to a certain extent.

Unsurprisingly, its real place of storage should be on Hell Road. The nature of that place may be similar to the Douluo Palace of the Angel God and the Poseidon Palace of the Poseidon.

"The gap between the God King and the ordinary gods is bigger than I expected at the beginning, but the Rakshasa God is really good at it."

Shaking his head, he stopped thinking deeply. It was not time to consider these things yet.

Just now, he had heard a lot of news about Zhu Zhuqing from several people.

"Eighty-nine consecutive wins? That's quite fast."

Su Cheng turned around and headed straight for the wooden house where Zhu Zhuqing lived.

"Bang bang bang!"

A violent banging on the door suddenly sounded, awakening Zhu Zhuqing from his breath adjustment.

She frowned. It had been more than half a year since anyone had dared to come here to harass her.

She hates this place.

It is becoming more and more difficult to suppress and dissolve those filthy and murderous auras.

Staring in the direction of the wooden door that kept making noises, Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, nor did he want to open the door.

But although she didn't move, her voice never stopped.

The sound of "bang bang bang" was like a magic sound in her ears, constantly irritating her mind and making her more and more irritable.

The uncontrollable murderous aura began to breed and grow little by little.

It was obviously a closed wooden house, but air currents appeared out of thin air, and then condensed into a slightly fishy breeze that surrounded her.

"Bang bang bang!"

The knocking on the door is still ringing.

Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth, a scarlet light glowing in his eyes.

Reach out and slash forward——


The huge wind blade instantly shattered the wooden door.

Then the castration didn't stop and he continued to attack the figure behind the door.

But the next moment, it was easily knocked out by the other party's fingers.

"Zhuqing, long time no see. You have a good temper."

With a burst of clear laughter, Su Cheng stepped into the room.

Seeing the breeze flashing around Zhu Zhuqing's body and the powerful sharpness in the aura of his body, Su Cheng's eyes showed a strange light.

She really fits this place.

Over the past year, Zhu Zhuqing's gains and improvements have been greater than he originally expected.

When it comes to talent and talent, Zhu Zhuqing is naturally not as good as Qian Renxue.

Even if she possesses the Netherworld White Tiger, which surpasses the super martial soul, and her mind is polished and clear, it is still not enough.

But when it comes to toughness of character, Zhu Zhuqing will not lose to anyone.

The place of Killing City has an even more extraordinary meaning to her.

After experiencing this place, her past accumulation will surely be integrated into everything.

If it weren't for the presence of the King of Slaughter and the place being polluted by the Rakshasa God, he wouldn't even want to come to pick them up so early.

"...Su Cheng?"

Looking blankly at the figure standing in front of him, Zhu Zhuqing murmured.

The murderous aura was lifted from his body, and his mind, which had been tense for more than a year, instantly relaxed completely.

There was even a trace of weakness that could not be suppressed in his eyes.

She is too tired.

In more than a year, they won eighty-nine games in a row. This is an efficient record that has almost never been achieved in the thousands of years of history since the establishment of Killing City.

There is a battle in the Hell Killing Fields almost every four days, and there are many powerful soul saints and Contra level warriors among the opponents.

Getting to where we are today is not as simple as just winning a few battles.

Su Cheng didn't say anything, just walked forward slowly, stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms.

The innate power surged out bit by bit and then merged into her body.

After being nourished by this high-level power, the meridians in Zhu Zhuqing's body that had been corroded by the blood-colored energy gradually became soothed.

It wasn't until her body was no longer so stiff that Su Cheng stopped moving and whispered, "Are you tired?"

"..." Zhu Zhuqing did not speak, his eyes were slightly closed, and he was breathing lightly.

"Do you regret coming here?"

Do you regret it?

This is not only asking Zhu Zhuqing, but also asking myself.

The hint of weakness that flashed in the other person's eyes just now did not escape Su Cheng's eyes.

He has the strength to protect Zhu Zhuqing.

There are ways to give her a stable life.

But that's not what Zhu Zhuqing wants.

She has her own choice, her own path.

That's not what Su Cheng wants.

He is willing to respect the other party's choice. Zhu Zhuqing is not his plaything.

In Su Cheng's view, personal will is more important than anything else.

Of course, there is no need to be soft on the enemy, and there is no need to pay attention to benevolence and righteousness. Everything depends on your own methods.

But for relatives and friends, he has no right to make decisions for them.

All he can do is guide.

Those who are self-righteous, think they are thinking about others, and have the power to arrange other people's lives without authorization, and in the end are proud of their behavior, is really the most disgusting behavior.

That's not love, it's just a possessive collecting habit that treats the other person as one's own private collection.

Even in the simulated world, everything he does is always a means to achieve his final goal, and he never flaunts how selfless his actions are.

I don’t even think that training a genius or a strong person is anything to be proud of.

Therefore, no matter whether Zhu Zhuqing poured out his anger or expressed resentment towards him, he took it as a matter of course.

Because of the different places, he could not forgive the other party's behavior.

However, during the more than twenty years of getting along day and night, they finally left a deep imprint on each other's hearts that is difficult to erase.

Su Cheng also knew that Zhu Zhuqing's feelings for him did not come from those so-called sacrifices.

It is the deep friendship accumulated bit by bit over the past twenty years, relying on each other.


After a moment of silence, Zhu Zhuqing opened his eyes, raised his head and sneered disdainfully.

He glanced at Su Cheng arrogantly, "Regret? Who do you think I am?"

"Oh? Aren't you my little kitten? Did I recognize the wrong person?" Su Cheng asked in pretense of surprise.

"Su Cheng!" Zhu Zhuqing's eyebrows stood up, and as his mind fluctuated, the uncontrollable murderous aura resurfaced.

She reached out and grasped Su Cheng's chest tightly, her pretty face flushed, "What are you yelling at?"

"What a wild and untamable little wild cat..."

Su Cheng shook his head and sighed, then put his arm around Zhu Zhuqing's waist, leaned down, and pressed her delicate bright red lips together.

The tip of the tongue flicked between the lips, easily lifting the soft and moist corners of the mouth, and then gently swept back and forth between the red and white lips and teeth.


Following his movements, Zhu Zhuqing felt as if a fine electric current was flowing through his body.

Then it pierces into the mind bit by bit, pierces into the heart...

It made her body tremble slightly involuntarily.

The slight dizziness made her moan softly.

Su Cheng was obviously not satisfied with this.

The base of the tongue stretched and continued to explore forward, tapping the teeth to penetrate deeper.

The sweet fluid flows between each other's lips and tongues.

Zhu Zhuqing snorted softly, his eyes widened in an instant, and his mind went blank.

The next moment, she suddenly felt a palm slipping from her waist and lingering on her plump buttocks.

Five fingers dug deep into it and kept kneading it, causing her to ache slightly.

But what's more, it's an unspeakable excitement and numbness.

Let her look forward to it, make her fear...


Zhu Zhuqing had never experienced such stimulation. His head tilted back slightly, his long snow-white neck drew a graceful arc, his voice almost came from the deepest part of his throat, and his breath became extremely hot.

Her half-opened and half-closed eyes stared at Su Cheng, as if they were about to drip water, as if they were praying, and as if they were longing for something.

After struggling twice, the stiff body softened a little bit.

The palms pushing Su Cheng's chest gradually became weak, and the five fingers were clasped on his clothes. Rather than resisting, it was more like gently stroking...

After a long time, Su Cheng let her go and licked his lips.

Zhu Zhuqing's pretty face turned red and her eyes avoided looking at him.

His voice was slightly hoarse and he said in a low voice: "Su Cheng, you are getting more and more shameless."

Su Cheng chuckled and didn't refute.

At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing's heart was pounding, but the originally uncontrollable murderous rage had calmed down a lot.

Su Cheng did a lot of things from before entering the house to just now.

He kept knocking on the door to stimulate Zhu Zhuqing's irritability and arouse her murderous intention. Then after entering the house, he talked and comforted her to resolve it.

Then he used verbal teasing, which again aroused her anger and finally aroused her lust.

Of course, this series of operations was not just to satisfy the lust of the moment. He was not so hungry and thirsty.

Zhu Zhuqing's progress speed was too exaggerated, and the degree of improvement was too great. Even though his temperament was tenacious, his spirit was a little too tense.

Next, I will take her to the Hell Road to have a look and experience the deeper murderous intention of Shura.

If the mentality is not adjusted well and the string is not relaxed properly, even if he is there to protect you, it is difficult to say whether there will be any adverse effects.

Get rid of some of her emotions first, and the risk will be much smaller by then.

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