When the two people walked out of the wooden house, their hands were tightly held together.

During this period, Su Cheng also continued to deliver diluted gentle innate power into Zhu Zhuqing's body, gradually dispelling the evil thoughts and impurities attached to her meridians.

Zhu Zhuqing's physical fitness is extraordinary.

Although the effects of the two kinds of jelly grass, Star Anise Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, are not as obvious as other jelly grasses when they are first taken, they can greatly increase the soul power level in a short period of time, and even purify the blood to promote the evolution of the martial soul, but for The soul master's physique has been improved to the greatest extent.

In addition, for more than a year, Zhu Zhuqing has consciously restrained his evil thoughts and tried his best to reject the mixed murderous intentions in the killing city. The focus of cultivation should be on understanding one's own Netherworld White Tiger Martial Spirit and the murderous intent characteristics derived from the Martial Spirit.

Her problem is actually not serious.

The reason why she looked so tired before was precisely because of her refusal to integrate into the environment.

Even without Su Cheng's help, she could purify all the impurities in her body over time, but the efficiency would be much lower.

After all, the level of soul power here is much higher than ordinary soul power.

The two of them were walking on the streets of the inner city of the killing capital. Almost no one around them dared to take a step forward. They were afraid to avoid Zhu Zhuqing after seeing him.

However, those people were also surprised to find that the pure murderous intention and powerful power that the Gale King usually possessed was almost completely restrained at this moment.

What's even more incredible is that she still follows a strange man honestly and behaves in an unusually intimate manner.

On the cheeks that used to be as cold as ice, the deep and delicate facial features occasionally showed a little anger and a smile, which instantly became countless times more vivid.

It was as if she had transformed from a forbidding goddess sculpture into a peerless beauty that captivated the country.

Even if those emotions only appear and disappear in the corners of the eyes and brows, they are enough to arouse the desire in the hearts of onlookers.

Of course, they only dared to take a look at it from a distance.

The reputation of the Gale King is almost synonymous with the God of Killing in the inner city of this murderous capital.

"What are your next thoughts?" Walking on the road leading to the outer city, Su Cheng looked at Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

Compared to the past, her temperament has become much colder.

The black hair is flying and swaying behind her, like an elf independent of the troubled world, light and pure, and like a tiger walking in the jungle, calm and aloof. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

"Didn't His Majesty the Pope tell you? She has decided to accept me as her disciple, so I will naturally join the Spirit Hall."

"What about the Star Luo Empire? In fact, if you want to further improve your strength quickly, I have some good suggestions and a suitable place for you to continue your training."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly stopped.

She took her white jade hand out of Su Cheng's palm, turned around and stared at him coldly.

After a long while, he said calmly: "You don't want me to go to Wuhun City."

"You're overthinking, that's not what I meant."

"That's what you mean." Zhu Zhuqing's eyes flashed red, and his murderous aura began to agitate again.

"Do you think I'm not as good as her?

"In your heart, is that person so important?

"In that case, please let me go and don't provoke me again in the future!"

Her face was expressionless, and she stared at Su Cheng silently with a cold expression. But I felt uneasy, a little expectant, and a little nervous.

She actually felt confident when she said this.

If Su Cheng really didn't care about her, she didn't believe that he would have been with her in dreams for more than 20 years.

The two grew up together, supported each other, and taught each other all the skills and skills without any secret.

Not to mention anything else, the Nirvana Sutra, which can help martial souls evolve, is absolutely priceless.

Unlike Bo Saixi, Bibi Dong, and even Qian Renxue, she was sure that the reason why that extremely clear dream appeared was definitely related to Su Cheng.

Because the two of them were too young when they met, they were only six or seven years old, and they had just awakened their martial spirits.

From that moment on, what Su Cheng did was different.

The purpose is clear, the path is clear, and the means are extraordinary.

He even pretended to be her father to impart some spiritual knowledge. Is this something that a child under ten years old can do?

What's more, the other party's identity at that time was still the illegitimate son of Emperor Xingluo, and his upbringing environment was no different from his own. His family was not even as good as the Netherworld Zhu family, so there was no reason for him to accomplish those unusual actions.

At the end, the true situation of the Tiandou Empire was revealed, naming Tiandou Emperor Xue Qinghe as Qian Renxue of Wuhun Palace in disguise, which was very problematic no matter how you looked at it.

What happened in real life later confirmed her suspicion.


Looking at Zhu Zhuqing's tough attitude, Su Cheng felt a little headache.

Of course he didn't want Zhu Zhuqing to follow him back to Wuhun City.

Nowadays, Qian Renxue's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. Even if Zhu Zhuqing has gone through the experience of the Killing City and practiced innate skills later, and his strength continues to increase rapidly, he will definitely not be his opponent.

Indeed, she recognized Bibi Dong as her teacher, but even so, Su Cheng didn't think the situation could get much better.

Even to himself, the situation became even more confusing.

He still hasn't fully figured out what Bibi Dong is thinking and what his stance is.

These things are not problems that can be easily solved by relying on strength.

However, as Su Cheng fell silent, Zhu Zhuqing's heart sank a little bit.

His face was stiff, and the look in his eyes gradually dimmed.

She had already made enough concessions.

It is different from Qian Renxue’s growth experience.

Not to mention that Qian Renxue has been walking in the Tiandou aristocratic circle since she was a child as the eldest son of Emperor Xue Ye of the Tiandou Empire. Even in the Wuhun Palace, she is the only descendant of the Qian family. Her talent is unparalleled and she is the future pope. The same person, naturally extremely arrogant.

On the other hand, Zhu Zhuqing, before experiencing that dream, she didn't even have any status at all. Her biggest role was to urge the Star Luo Empire's eldest prince Davis and her eldest sister Zhu Zhuyun to grow up quickly.

Even the Nether Zhu family behind them was originally just a vassal of the royal Dai family.

Since childhood, I have been accustomed to the filth and filth in the aristocratic circle, so my ideas are not as extreme as Qian Renxue's.

In other words, she needs to be calmer.

The method won't be that drastic, and she still needs time to plan a little bit.

"...So this is your answer? I understand."

After taking a deep look at Su Cheng, Zhu Zhuqing was about to turn around and leave.

"Of course not." Su Cheng came back to his senses and quickly grabbed her arm.

I quickly ran through the words I just thought of in my mind.

"Let me show you something first."

As he spoke, he stretched out his other palm, and the exceptionally pure and transparent sword energy flowed between his fingers, easily pushing away the all-pervasive and powerful soul power around him.

Zhu Zhuqing's pupils shrank slightly.

In this place, not only can one not use soul skills, but the soul power around them is also extremely filthy and condensed, suppressing all other powers. Even the outward release of spiritual power will be greatly restricted.

Even now, she has already evolved her wind god field many times in the continuous killing battles, and can condense the wind blade to assist in combat.

But that is actually just a fighting technique, and the soul power used is to guide the external soul power that already exists in the killing city.

In other words, this is some kind of self-created soul skill.

It's not that she can really use her martial soul to fight with all her strength.

But the breath in Su Cheng's hand was obviously not like that.

This is simply the leakage of one's own energy.

But his nature is extremely domineering, even the special soul power that is everywhere in the killing city is forcibly pushed away.

She can be sure that if this kind of power is used as a driving force, the soul ring skill can definitely be activated.

"What's this?!"

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Su Cheng in surprise and uncertainty.

Immediately something moved in my heart.

The power that the other party had just introduced into her body seemed to be a little different.

It's just obviously diluted, with a lot of ordinary soul power mixed in, and the feeling is far less obvious than it is now.

"This is a high-level power that I have researched, and I named it 'Innate Power'."

"Innate power?"

"That's right." Su Cheng took a deep breath.

"Zhuqing, of course you can go to Wuhun City, and I will protect you. Moreover, I will also teach you how to cultivate and condense your innate power.

"But before your strength reaches a certain level, you must not provoke Xiaoxue. With your intelligence, you would never do such a meaningless behavior.

"Of course, I won't let her take the initiative to provoke you."

"..." Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips when he heard this, and then turned his head away with a slight sneer.

Su Cheng was relieved when he saw this, knowing that the other party recognized his proposal.

As long as a situation similar to last time doesn't happen again, everything will be fine. There will always be room and room to continue operating.

But looking at her eyes, it was obvious that she had many other thoughts.

We need to keep a closer eye on her in the future, this girl really has a lot on her mind right now.

Just by following Bibi Dong's approach, he didn't understand how the other party did it.

With Bibi Dong's character, he really didn't seem like the kind of person who would be willing to take on a disciple, so at most he would just do some verbal solicitation.

The reason why Hu Liena became her personal disciple was because she filled the emotional void in her past and was blessed with luck.

Of course Zhu Zhuqing had other thoughts.

The memories in the dream had long been engraved in her heart, and she could naturally deduce many things.

He also knew in his heart that Su Cheng had a deep relationship with Qian Renxue before the two of them met.

But so what?

That's just fate.

She has never been favored by fate.

But unlike in the past, she has learned how to resist fate.

When the time comes, everyone will just have to rely on their own methods.

When they were teenagers, they were like enemies and like friends, but they were tit-for-tat; when they were teenagers, they helped each other through life and death; when they became adults, they conspired to do big things...

After twenty years of getting along day and night, the scenes have already penetrated into the bones of the bones.

Zhu Zhuqing believed that the bond between the two of them was far deeper than anyone else.

Since you can't give up this relationship, you have to work hard to fight for it.

What Su Cheng once taught her was not just cultivation.

She also never lacks patience.

No matter how powerful Qian Renxue is, can she be stronger than Pope Bibi Dong?

According to what Su Cheng said when he taught himself, strength is important, but people's hearts and interests can also determine the final outcome.

And this, with that old woman's arrogant character, she would never understand...

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