"Su Cheng?!"

Just when Su Cheng pulled Zhu Zhuqing and was about to get on the road again, an angry shout suddenly sounded from not far away.

At the other end of the street, Tang San glared at them with splitting eyes.

Then, he noticed the hands of the two people clasped together, and an incredible look was written on their faces.

"You, you guys?!"

The life-and-death enemy in his mind who was comparable to Qian Renxue of Wuhun Palace, and his former classmate Zhu Zhuqing, who he had originally planned to develop into a potential comrade-in-arms, were actually walking hand in hand in the inner city of the Killing Capital in an intimate manner.

Not only that, Tang San even saw a look of embarrassment that he had never seen before on Zhu Zhuqing's cold and pretty face. This kind of expression had never appeared on the other person's face even during the years he was studying at Shrek Academy.

The two of them looked like a young couple who had just had an awkward fight.

This scene was like a fantasy, which made his nerves unable to turn around for a while, and there was a momentary blank in his mind.

After a moment, he looked at Zhu Zhuqing in shock and said in a trembling voice: "Zhuqing, you?!"

Tang San's eyes were slightly cold.

A thought came to my mind, but I couldn't figure out the reason for this scene at all.

In his impression, the two people should have no intersection at all.

"Why are you with him?"

Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows, but was too lazy to say more.

She was thinking about other things now and had no time to talk to Tang San.

Seeing her treating him with such indifference, Tang San suddenly felt a surge of anger in his heart.

In the past, memories of Zhu Zhuqing's behavior in the academy that he could not understand came to mind again.

But before he fully understood the situation between these two people, he didn't want to completely stalemate their relationship.

Regardless of background or talent potential, Zhu Zhuqing had great utilization value, and Tang San was unwilling to give up easily.

However, being interrupted like this, his mind, which was blinded by hatred, calmed down a little.

Turning his attention to Su Cheng again.

"Su Cheng, I heard that since the end of the Soul Master Competition a year ago, you have humbly joined the Spirit Hall. Why did you end up here?"

There was a deep sarcasm on his stiff cheeks, and his originally ordinary appearance looked increasingly gloomy.

"Martial Soul Hall has always claimed justice. Now there is such a sinful city that accommodates countless sins and a large number of depraved people. It should have been destroyed long ago. But Wuhun Palace has let it go, how ridiculous. And joined Wuhun You, the emperor, are just a villain."

When Su Cheng heard this, he glanced at Tang San and ignored him, but turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing beside him.

"Zhuqing, do you think what he said makes sense? This place should have been destroyed long ago?"

"Silly idea."

Zhu Zhuqing frowned and responded casually, a little dissatisfied with Su Cheng's behavior of interrupting his thinking.

And if you ask yourself this kind of question, do you think you are the same fool as Tang San?

The evil soul masters are inexhaustible.

Because there are many people who are born evil soul masters.

This may seem unreasonable, but it is actually a cruel fact.

Just like Bibi Dong's evil second martial soul, it will unknowingly erode the owner's mind as it grows. It is impossible for ordinary soul masters to suppress those evil thoughts.

Not to mention that there are countless people with vicious minds, the world is not peaceful, and all kinds of desires and temptations follow along the way of life.

If this place is not used as an outlet to provide a place for those crazy and evil people to escape, not only will it take more energy to recover, but more people with vicious temperaments will flow into the people.

At that time, it will only bring greater disaster.

Keeping this city of killing and giving them an outlet would certainly do more good than harm.

What's more, as a prison, the preventive measures here are absolutely up to standard.

The murderers were not allowed to leave after entering the killing city.

And without the ability to use soul skills, it is almost impossible to get past the law enforcement team here who can use soul skills.

Only eight people have left via Hell Road in the past thousand years, which is enough to prove the reliability of this place.

This also means that all the fallen ones who enter here have only two choices in the Killing City:

One is to enter the inner city and regularly engage in life-and-death duels of one out of ten. At the same time, outside the killing field, life will be threatened at any time;

The second is to stay in the outer city and survive by providing Bloody Mary on a regular basis, but for those people, enjoyment is out of the question.

However, the speaker has no intention and the listener has intention.

The few simple words that came out of Zhu Zhuqing's mouth almost made Tang San break his guard.

I obviously treat her with sincerity, but this woman is completely ignorant. She hangs out with that villain Su Cheng, and she really deserves to die!

Su Cheng looked at him one more time, but after thinking about it for a while, he didn't explain anything.

He just smiled and nodded at Tang San, "Haha, you are right."

He didn't bother to waste any time talking about the other party.

For people with a strong sense of justice, they basically decide their stance based on right and wrong.

And if it were other people with normal thinking and logic, even if they didn't do this, they would still understand the reason.

But Tang San was completely different. He always judged right and wrong based on his position, and he was sure that he was the righteous party.

Of course Wuhundian has done many unjust things.

For example, they use violent means to suppress hostile forces and use various tricks to disrupt the situation on the mainland.

As a force at the top of the continent, this is inevitable. The strife between forces has always been full of blood and conspiracy.

But the reason why Tang San firmly believed that Wuhundian was the evil party had nothing to do with those actions.

The real reason is that he is hostile to the Wuhundian camp, so Wuhundian is evil and should be defeated.

If you have personal grudges, just say so. No one is allowed to take revenge.

It is actually a bit ridiculous to have to rise to the level of righteousness and have to use the banner of justice.

The Spirit Palace massacres spirit beasts, killing the Blue Silver Emperor is wrong, killing Xiao Wu's mother is evil, and killing Xiao Wu is even more sinful. So, may I ask, where did your Tang San's spirit ring come from?

But there is no need to talk about this with him.

Whoever has a strong fist has the right principles. This is the simplest way to solve the problem.

After hearing Su Cheng's slightly mocking words and disdainful eyes.

Tang San's already restless blood suddenly began to fluctuate violently, and the blood in his eyes became even richer.

Under the influence of the special environment of the killing city, the murderous aura in his body grew uncontrollably and rapidly.

The scene of Xiao Wu's fragile body being pierced by a long sword burning with black flames began to flash before his eyes repeatedly.

He suddenly realized that now was an excellent time!

"You can't use soul skills here. Although that guy has those two extremely weird self-created soul skills, in the past year, I have also completely mastered the Haotian Sect's invincible random cloak hammer technique.

"In this place, with the unique skills and hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, and the poison of the Eight Spider Spears, I have a great chance of defeating him, or even killing him!

"Although the person who deserves the most damn is Qian Renxue from the Wuhun Palace, Su Cheng is aiding the evildoer. If we let him go now, he will definitely become a big trouble in the future.

"First kill Su Cheng here, and then step by step remove Wuhun Palace, the cancer on Douluo Continent. It will be a great good thing for me, the empire, and the people of the world!"

Thinking of this, Tang San made a decision and walked forward slowly.

As he walked, he quietly adjusted his condition.

In the Killing City, killing is not the only place where people can kill in the Hell Killing Fields.

There is just a battle required in the Killing City, and a prerequisite for getting a ticket to Hell Road.

However, in fact, fighting and killing may occur at any time, whether in the streets, outside the killing fields, or even in the huts where you live.

The Killing City never prohibits these actions.

Step by step, he walked forward, only to find that Su Cheng didn't seem to care about his approach, and he didn't take any precautions. He still had a calm expression.

I couldn't help but sneer at the other party's arrogance in my heart.

When Tang San walked within ten meters in front of the two of them, a layer of jade color suddenly appeared in his hands. The secret skill of Tang Sect - Xuan Yu Hand!

At the same time, his left foot stepped forward quickly, as fast as lightning. The Tang Sect’s secret skill—ghost shadows and traces!

In this place where soul skills cannot be used, his advantages as a disciple of the Tang Sect will be fully brought into play.

Then he turned around, threw his arms out, and raised his fingertips.

The next moment, countless bright rays of light flew out from Tang San's palm.

They were shining steel needles, and the harsh sound of breaking through the air instantly resounded throughout this area.

But that's just the appetizer.

As his body rotated rapidly, nine arc-shaped flying knives as thin as willow leaves flew out of his body.

The Tang Sect's concealed weapon throwing technique ranks eighth, and the Phoenix leads to the ninth chick!

The nine flying knives, like nine flying phoenixes, swayed in the air, shooting towards Su Cheng and the two with countless silver needles.

Su Cheng didn't take action.

There is no need for him to take action at all.

The strong wind roared, and countless wind blades condensed and emerged in an instant, and then surrounded the two people's bodies.


The sound of solid metal clashing sounded out.

All kinds of hidden weapons, including silver needles and flying knives, were instantly scattered on the ground.

Obviously, compared to Zhu Zhuqing, who had been training here for a year, Tang San, who had just come here, seemed too immature.

Regardless of the timing of the attack, the control of Qi, or even the fighting method, they all appear to be full of flaws.

Looking at the ugly Tang San in front of him, Su Cheng chuckled and said, "A sneak attack?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

"Su Cheng, there's no need to say such high-sounding words." Tang San didn't realize there was anything wrong with his approach at all, but regretted that he couldn't make a single attack, "Since you have come to the Killing City today, it proves that you are capable If you know the rules here, why bother showing off."

"What you said is correct." Su Cheng nodded thoughtfully.

He immediately asked: "But don't you look down on this place? Why do you want to follow the rules here? It's not enough to complete the challenge of the Hell Killing Fields, but you also have to make sneak attacks outside? Your body is pure and unsullied. Where have your noble sentiments gone?”

"When dealing with people like you, why bother with methods." Tang San sneered.

He said this, but his heart sank slightly, "Why, do you want to hide behind a woman to seek shelter?"

Then he turned to look at Zhu Zhuqing, his eyes full of complex emotions of hating iron but not steel, and sighed: "Zhuqing, how could you collude with someone like him? Didn't you call him shameless before?"

Zhu Zhuqing frowned, feeling very unhappy.

She has an indifferent temperament and really doesn't care much about what irrelevant people say.

But he had some opinions on Tang San's words.

The other party's thoughts are too obvious, and they are nothing more than sowing discord.

Not only is the method low-level, he is simply treating himself as a fool.

Being less talkative is just a matter of personality. It's not that she really has no emotional fluctuations about anything in her heart, it's just that she's so habitual that she doesn't want to show it.

"Shameless?" Su Cheng looked at the beauty beside him in astonishment, "Is this how you evaluate me?"

"Did I say something wrong?" Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly.

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