Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 240 Foster Father and Foster Mother (Two in One)

"You used to call me daddy when we were together, but now that you have hardened your wings, you have turned against me and don't recognize each other?"

"Su Cheng!"

Upon hearing those two words, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes suddenly darkened, his pretty face turned red, and steam seemed to come out of his head.

I don't know whether he was embarrassed or resentful and pinched Su Cheng's arm hard. His long black hair moved without any wind.

Seeing the flirtatious expressions and conversations between the two people in front of him, Tang San suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

He and Xiao Wu used to laugh and curse like this.

However, things have changed now, and that pretty girl has disappeared from her life forever.

One of the culprits that caused all this was even closer at this moment, but he was almost helpless.

The hatred towards Su Cheng, the guilt towards Xiao Wu, and the anger towards Zhu Zhuqing suddenly caused a strong blood color to appear in his eyes.

"Su Cheng, if you're a man, don't hide behind women!"

As he spoke, eight ferocious spider spears suddenly burst out from behind.

The body danced as fast as lightning, and the eight spider spears stretched out straight, like spears, thrusting forward, reaching the big points of the person in front of him.

It seemed like he was attacking Su Cheng, but in fact Tang San was still paying attention to Zhu Zhuqing's movements. If she wanted to support him, he could intercept her at any time.

The reason why all the spider spears are not thrust out at the same time is to completely seal off the opponent's room for dodge, while leaving room for himself to change his moves.

Moreover, the martial soul of Su Cheng's long sword is also extraordinary. If the soul power is too dispersed, it may be difficult to achieve success.

He was convinced that at such a close distance, in this killing city where soul skills could not be used, Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing would never be able to avoid his Eight Spider Spears!

Once stabbed by the spider spear, the mixed poison flowing in it will instantly mix into the opponent's blood.

Even if they cannot be killed immediately, the status of the two of them will be greatly reduced.

Coupled with the Tang Sect's secret hidden weapon techniques, you can definitely gain the upper hand.

Unfortunately, all that was just his own wishful thinking.

Su Cheng had no intention of using his martial spirit at all, and pointed forward like a sword.

The innate power flows through the meridians and flesh, without being exposed at all.

Regardless of the powerful perception brought by the soul power, or the innate power in the body that is much higher than the soul power, Su Cheng can also speed up the energy circulation with the method of breaking pulses and resuming qi.

In terms of shooting speed, even if Tang San had an attached soul bone, how could he compare to Su Cheng now?

Then under Tang San's slightly mocking gaze, the sword finger that looked like a mere mortal body actually blocked the first spear edge easily.

Not only that, the Eight Spider Spear also shattered under the blow.

Tang San immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Severe pain caused his body to convulse.

Su Cheng's power far exceeded his imagination.

But he understands the principle of working hard and he must not stop at this time.

The sound of the second spider spear piercing the air was heard.

Then it was easily crushed again.

Tang San's face became paler.

As external soul bones, these eight spider spears have already become a part of his body, just like his own bones.

The Eight Spider Spears shattered, causing him extremely intense pain.

However, this is just the beginning.

More brutal collisions continued. The third root, the fourth root, the fifth root...

In Su Cheng's indifferent gaze, Tang San soon only had the last complete spider spear left behind him.

He used up the last bit of soul power in his body to stab it out.

With this blow, the aura around him has also declined to the point where it is difficult to detect.


A harsh friction sound sounded.

Tang San watched in despair as his last spider spear was cut into pieces at Su Cheng's fingertips, and then scattered on the ground.

He knew only too well how hard the Eight Spider Spears were.

It was really hard for him to understand how Su Cheng did it. With just flesh and blood, he could easily crush his trump card.

And as the eight spider spears were all broken, his back was stained red with blood, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

Zhu Zhuqing did not look at Tang San, but looked thoughtfully at the fingers of Su Cheng's right hand.

The more she observed, the more unusual she realized that that kind of power was.

For ordinary soul masters, soul power is soul power. Although it flows in the meridians, it is completely different from the body.

Although the soul master's body is important, it is essentially just a vessel that carries soul power. The stronger the physique, the more powerful and older the soul rings can be absorbed, and the more powerful soul skills can be displayed. This is especially true for beast soul masters who can possess martial souls.

Therefore, people like the White Tiger Dai family, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family, one of the three upper sects, and even the Elephant Armor sect members in the Elements Academy are all strong and healthy people, and they are constantly trying their best to temper their bodies. .

But the fundamental reason that determines the strength of the battle between soul masters is level and martial soul.

No matter how strong their physical fitness is, no one would choose to give up their martial soul and attach their soul power to their physical bodies to fight. That would be like throwing an egg against a rock.

However, what Su Cheng did just now was beyond common sense.

He did use the so-called "innate power", but when he exerted the power, he used his fingers as a medium instead of using his longevity sword.

That wonderful energy was completely integrated with his body. It seemed that it was not soul-like energy at all, but a power derived from flesh and blood.

Su Cheng was currently using his hand to make a sword to deal with Tang San. This method was certainly not as direct as fighting directly with his martial spirit.

But apart from the additional bonus brought by the quality of the martial spirit, it is actually not much different from using one's own body as a martial spirit.

"Strange, how did he do it?" Zhu Zhuqing couldn't understand.

On the other side, Tang San had already begun to become a little crazy.

All eight spider spears were shattered, and his eyes were blood red.

Without hesitation, he summoned a small black hammer and held it in his hand.

Clear Sky Hammer!

Chaotic cloak hammering technique!

However, he just raised his hand, and the next moment——


The heavy and domineering jet-black hammer head was directly intercepted and blocked by two white fingers before it started to rotate and accumulate power.

Innate power is the fusion of Qi, blood, soul power and soul. With the blessing of this mysterious energy, Su Cheng's physical body is not much different from the martial soul real body used by ordinary soul masters.

Of course Tang San, who was only a Soul King and couldn't use soul skills, couldn't withstand this kind of attack.

With a flick of his fingertips, the Clear Sky Hammer came out instantly.

Su Cheng pointed like a sword directly at the center of Tang San's eyebrows as he fell to the ground, "I forgot to tell you that I have been promoted to Soul Saint."


Whether he was knocked to the ground, had all the attached soul bones cut off, or his entire back was soaked in blood, Tang San's expression, which had never changed much, suddenly became extremely ugly at this moment.

His eyes widened, his pupils swayed slightly, and he seemed to be absent-minded for a moment.

The jade-colored right hand also paused subconsciously.

At this time, his palm was filled with fragments of a previous Eight Spider Spear - he had not given up originally, and planned to use other hidden weapon throwing techniques to use these soul bone fragments for sneak attacks.

Su Cheng also looked at his hands, "So you'd better not use those sneak attack methods that are not on the table to embarrass people."

"Damn it, how dare you insult my Tang Clan hidden weapon!"

Tang San's palms trembled, and he secretly gritted his teeth, "Soul's only been more than a year, how is this possible!"

Before that, he had indeed not sensed the specific depth of Su Cheng's cultivation, only assuming that he hid his aura well.

After all, Su Cheng has always been good at doing this kind of thing in the past.

It was precisely because he regarded him as a Soul King or Soul Emperor that was not much different from himself that Tang San dared to take action boldly.

Otherwise, given his character, he would never be so impulsive.

Seeing that the matter had come to this, he no longer threw concealed weapons in vain, but began to think of other ways to escape.

The moment he learned about Su Cheng's cultivation level, he wisely gave up the idea of ​​continuing to fight.

In Tang San's heart, the Tang Sect's secret knowledge was supreme, and this was true.

But what is a "hidden weapon"?

Weapons that are fast to activate, highly concealable, and convenient for sneak attacks are called hidden weapons.

When the opponent takes precautions, the power of this thing drops sharply. Even if he uses mysterious means to send it out, it will be difficult to restore the decline.

At this time, Su Cheng looked at Tang San and said calmly: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

After saying that, the powerful and terrifying sword intent crushed him, instantly pouring into his body the murderous aura that he had initially condensed in the past few days since he arrived in the Killing City.

His face instantly became paler and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth again.

It was only at this moment that he finally felt the huge gap between the two.

"How can you be so strong?!"

Tang San's eyes trembled, a little unbelievable.

It's not that he has never seen a soul saint before, but he has never seen a soul saint with such a powerful suppressive power.

But then he thought of Su Cheng's various performances in the past when he was in the soul king stage, and his mind calmed down again.

This kind of blow could not crush him yet.

As time passed by, the pressure coming from the opposite side became stronger and stronger, and cold sweat began to break out on Tang San's forehead.

"I can't die here!

"I haven't avenged Xiao Wu yet, and I haven't fulfilled my father's expectations. And my mother, she is still imprisoned in the Wuhun Palace and suffering, and she is also waiting for me to rescue her!

"For Su Cheng to be able to improve so much in such a short period of time, he must have used many unorthodox methods. According to the teacher's theory, he was overdrawing his potential in advance.

"I have twin martial souls, and the future is huge. As long as you give me some more time, it will only be a matter of time before I surpass him..."

Tang San's mind was spinning wildly, looking for a way to escape.

"Are you scared?" Su Cheng pointed his finger forward, stabbing Tang San's chest and heart, "Then let me make the decision for you."

"Wait!" Hearing this, Tang San suddenly stood up, straightened his chest and shouted loudly.

Because of this action, even the pale cheeks became unnaturally flushed.

As the energy and blood surged throughout his body, the wound on his back burst open again, causing bursts of severe pain.


"Su Cheng, I know you have always been arrogant. But if you can't win today, how dare you make a bet with me to fight again in the future."

Su Cheng was delighted when he heard this, "Didn't you provoke me first today? Why, now that you've found yourself defeated, you're begging for mercy again?"

"I never beg for mercy." Tang San endured the severe pain behind him and stared at him coldly.

"Then tell me how I can't win."

"First, you relied on your numerical advantage to bully the few with the masses; second, you relied on your higher cultivation level to bully my soul king with the soul saint. Naturally, I am dissatisfied!"

"..." Su Cheng was silenced by these words.

After a while, he spoke: "Not to mention that we did not join forces to fight you at the same time. Before this, you also attacked first and your words were disrespectful. How should I explain this? What's more, you also said before, When you come here, you should naturally do as the Romans do, so how can we fight according to the rules and become invincible?"

"You don't need to be sophistical here, that's just the fighting style of my Tang...Tang family."

"As expected of you." Su Cheng sighed, somewhat speechless.

So he asked: "Anyway, you said it before, I am a villain. In that case, why should I make a bet with you? Wouldn't it be easier to kill you here? What's more, you can come up with something Bet, what else?"


Seeing that Tang San didn't answer, Su Cheng rolled his eyes and glanced at Zhu Zhuqing beside him, with a teasing smile on his face.

He stretched out his fingers, gestured to himself and Zhu Zhuqing, and said calmly: "Let's do this. You bow to me sincerely and apologize, and then call me foster father, call her foster mother, and let me let you go." It’s not impossible.”

"You! Cough——"

As soon as he finished speaking, before the pretty and blood-red Zhu Zhuqing could say anything next to him, Tang San's eyes widened and he shouted angrily.

With the anger in his heart, another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, and his face was already a little gray.

"Decide quickly, you don't have much time left." Su Cheng chuckled.

"Just call him, don't call me." Zhu Zhuqing suddenly added at this time.

But I don't know whether it was because of shyness or anger, but his voice seemed to be trembling a little.

"You, you—"

Tang San's eyeballs were protruding and covered with bloodshot eyes, and even the corners of his eyes had faint traces of blood seeping out.

If Su Cheng's previous words only allowed him to break his defense, Zhu Zhuqing's serious tone at this moment was even more lethal.

"Su Cheng! A scholar cannot be killed or humiliated, don't even think about it!"

"Very good, what a spirit!" Su Cheng applauded and praised, "So it seems you are ready to die calmly?"

"Wait a moment!"

Su Cheng's fingertips paused slightly, and his voice became colder, "If you want to scream, just scream quickly, I still have something to do."

"The Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique! Our Haotian Sect's Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique can be used as a bet!" Tang San shouted, "As a member of the Spirit Hall, there is no way you don't know the value of my Haotian Sect's unique skill!"

"The random cloak hammering technique? You are really filial." Su Cheng raised his eyebrows and mocked, "But it's a pity that I have my own self-created soul skills and I don't like that thing."

"..." When Tang San heard this, despair appeared in his eyes, and he quickly thought about other bargaining chips he could get.

As for saying that he would be let go just by calling "adopted father" or "adopted mother", he didn't believe it at all.

Tang San wasn't a fool either. Those words had no actual value at all. Even if he really bowed down, the final decision still rested with the other party. At that time, it will be meaningless except to make the other party feel more proud.

Only by exchanging interests can we gain a glimmer of hope.

"However, although I'm not interested in the random cloak hammering technique, you have something else that can be used as a bet." Su Cheng suddenly said.

Tang San's eyes lit up, quietly waiting for his next words.

"If I read it correctly, you should have practiced some special method that can speed up the improvement of soul power, right?"

Hearing Su Cheng's words, Zhu Zhuqing, who had just calmed down after thinking wildly, was stunned for a moment.

Immediately he looked at the severely injured Tang San in front of him.

She heard the hidden meaning in Su Cheng's words, but she didn't expect that the other party also had such a thing as a skill.

But then I felt a little doubtful.

To be honest, she didn't believe that Tang San could develop such a method.

Even when he was training in Shrek Academy, the other party never had any opinions and let Yu Xiaogang make arrangements.

No matter how you look at it, he looks like an uneducated guy. His understanding and understanding of the basic knowledge of soul masters is extremely shallow. How can he do this?

But Su Cheng's vision shouldn't be wrong.

Sure enough, I still underestimated this guy. Where did he get the practice technique?

On the other side, Tang San's eyes were filled with red light.

What a beast! How dare you covet his Tang Sect secret method!

This is where his reverse scale lies, whoever dares to covet it will already have a way to die!

But at the moment, the situation is stronger than people. Compared with life, it is obvious that other things can be tolerated for the time being.

Secretly gritting his teeth, he prepared to delay getting over this difficulty first.

"You are right, I do have a technique that can cultivate soul power. If you and I fight again someday, we will use this as a bet!"

"Don't worry yet." Su Cheng looked at Tang San with a half-smile, and said bluntly: "I can't trust you. When you go out and run away, where should I find you?"

"What do you want?!"

"Leave something as collateral. For example, the first half of your practice technique."

He took out the pen and paper from the soul guide and threw it over, "You write half of it here. The rest will be left for later."


Tang San stared blankly at the paper and pen in front of him, looking a little dazed.

This was different from what he had imagined.

"Hurry up." Su Cheng said impatiently.

The breath on his body was hesitant, silently forcing Tang San.

Seeing this, Tang San hesitated for a while before starting to write.

He gritted his teeth secretly in his heart, "It's just half of the Xuantian Technique. Even if I give it to him, he won't be able to practice anything, and it might even delay his own cultivation..."

"I have also studied self-created soul skills. You can tell at a glance whether they are true or false. Don't think about cheating." Su Cheng said lightly, "But with your knowledge, I guess you won't be able to research anything that can be done in such a short period of time." Where the changes come from.”

It didn't take long for several pages to be filled up.

Su Cheng took the manuscript and glanced at it for a few times before looking at it any further.

Turning his eyes to Tang San, he patted his shoulder gently and whispered: "I'll wait for you to come to the appointment."

Then he looked around a few more times and chuckled, "Be careful. In your current state, you might not even be able to go find me."

After saying that, he did not stay any longer, took the half of Xuantian Technique, and left here side by side with Zhu Zhuqing.

As the two slowly walked away, the sound of fierce fighting soon sounded behind them...

"Why do you want him to apologize so much?" While walking on the road, Zhu Zhuqing was still thinking about the scene just now, and glanced at the man beside him strangely.

"Because I know he won't apologize." Su Cheng smiled, "This person has a strong sense of self and has his own set of thinking logic. But for a practitioner, this is not a bad thing. Presumably he is at this moment I am proud of my perseverance.”

Having said this, he raised the paper in his hand and said, "Fortunately, it's not a loss. Having this thing can provide me with a lot of ideas."

Even if there is only half of the skill, it is enough for him.

Su Cheng had no intention of learning Tang San's Xuantian Technique, but just used it as a reference.

Although this technique is not completely consistent with the cultivation rules of this world, it is at least the result of years of accumulated research in the Tang Sect where Tang San lived in his previous life, and is still very valuable.

In particular, the research on meridians and the so-called "internal force" are worthy of being used to corroborate one's own ideas.

He didn't expect to completely break Tang San's back right now.

If this results in the other party having no hope of inheriting the divine throne in the future, it will be a loss that outweighs the gain.

"Oh." Zhu Zhuqing nodded, wondering what he was thinking about.

Su Cheng turned around and smiled: "Why, do you really want to be Tang San's adoptive mother? If you want, how about we give birth to one?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I will tear your mouth apart." Zhu Zhuqing said coldly.

Then he looked at him suspiciously, "You seem to be a little concerned about that Tang San? Is it because of his father?"

In her opinion, it was impossible for Su Cheng's character to talk so much nonsense to unrelated people.

Either just kill them directly, or else just ignore them.

Unless there is other use value, it will not be delayed for such a long time.

If you really want that one skill, there is a better way to obtain it, and it is a complete skill.

She knew that Su Cheng had plans for Tang San in the past, but at that time the opponent's purpose was Xiao Wu, who had transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, and he didn't seem to be interested in Tang San himself.

Why does it seem like the goal has changed now?

Su Cheng did not shy away. He nodded gently and said, "No matter how much he improves, he won't pose much of a threat, but he may play an extremely critical role in the future and needs to stay."

"Then you are not afraid that he will die there?" Zhu Zhuqing raised his eyebrows, "The killing city is full of desperadoes, and his current condition does not look very good."

"He's dead." Su Cheng said calmly, "If he really died in that place, it only means that the mud can't hold up the wall. Tang San like that is of no use to me. He is just the most suitable at this stage. Choice, but not my only choice.”

Not long after, Su Cheng and Zhu Zhuqing walked hand in hand to the outer city.

Not far ahead, Bibi Dong, Xie Yue, Hu Liena, Yan and the King of Slaughter were standing near the city gate, waiting silently.

Under the powerful auras of Bibi Dong and the King of Slaughter, there was no one nearby, and the streets of the outer city were silent.

Su Cheng glanced at a few people, but did not release Zhu Zhuqing's hand, but pulled her over.

During this period, he had been trying every means to soothe the other party's emotions, constantly transmitting the diluted innate power.

At the same time, the five people in the distance also noticed Su Cheng returning, and the figure in black who was following him with a hot figure but a cold expression.

Except for the King of Slaughter, the eyes of the other four people all fell on the two palms tightly held by the two of them.

Bibi Dong's eyes instantly darkened.

Hu Liena swallowed silently, and the words that Qian Renxue had specifically talked to her about before leaving suddenly echoed in her ears.

Xie Yue's Adam's apple was also gently rolling up and down, secretly sighing that this trip was really exciting.

Compared to the Pope's secrets and Qian Renxue's anger in the future, even this murderous city with its strange environment and boiling murderous aura seems less terrifying.

Sure enough, staying and accepting the test is the most correct choice. It may be even more dangerous to go back with them.

Even Yan, who usually has a weak sense of existence and a relatively simple mind, is aware of the problem.

He blinked and quickly turned his gaze in another direction.

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