Douluo villain simulator starts by persecuting Qian Renxue

Chapter 241 Zhu Zhuqing becomes apprentice to Bibi Dong

Amidst the hesitant and scrutinizing gazes of several others, Zhu Zhuqing also moved his eyes slightly, secretly observing the subtle expression changes of the others. 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐠π₯𝐞 Search for π¬π­π¨πŸ“πŸπŸŽπœπ¨π¦Readβ—†

Then, she calmly took the initiative to break away from Su Cheng's hand, took two steps forward, came to Bibi Dong and bowed, "Junior Zhu Zhuqing, I have seen the Pope."

Bibi Dong did not respond, but silently looked at the girl in front of her, feeling the changes in her over the past year.

Zhu Zhuqing was not in a hurry, nor did he take the initiative to mention his previous promise to become a disciple. He allowed the other party's substantial eyes to sweep over his whole body.

Even the faint spiritual power contained in it, she did not resist at all. Instead, she slowly released the killing intent and domain changes in her body, trying her best to show herself.

As the observation deepened, Bibi Dong became more and more suspicious.

This girl's current situation is a little different from what she imagined.

As someone who has been there, she knows very well what kind of state a person should be in after entering the killing city for a year.

The murderous intention is surging and fierce, the will is restless and vain, and the soul power in the body is full of impurities.

What's more, Zhu Zhuqing's situation is different from that of ordinary people.

She completed nearly ninety battles in one year and one month. It can be said that it took only a little more than a year to complete the task that others could complete in more than two years.

Logically speaking, the accumulated problems should be more serious.

However, her foundation is extremely deep and solid, and even her murderous intention is clear and pure, with almost no sense of madness.

Bibi Dong even saw a trace of herself in the other world in the other person.

Although Zhu Zhuqing did not have the unique talent of his twin martial souls, in terms of martial soul quality alone, the Netherworld White Tiger was better than a single Death Spider Emperor or Soul-Eating Spider Emperor.

In addition, her physical fitness is amazingly strong.


An idea suddenly flashed through my mind.

Then Bibi Dong looked back and said calmly: "I have heard that your performance over the past year has been even better than I imagined. From now on, you will be another direct disciple of mine. 6Μ³Μ³"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Zhuqing quickly changed his words, his expression extremely respectful, "I have met the teacher."

Bibi Dong nodded, then turned to look at Hu Liena standing next to her with a calm expression, "Nana, this is Zhu Zhuqing, your future junior sister."

"Zhuqing has met senior sister."

"Ah? Oh, hello, my name is Hu Liena." Hu Liena smiled reluctantly, her expression a little stiff.

It's not because of jealousy.

Although she was the only personal disciple of Pope Bibi Dong, her temperament was not arrogant.

To her, Bibi Dong was not just a teacher, but also a relative who was both a teacher and a mother. Even if she accepted a few more disciples, it would not affect her status.

What's more, Zhu Zhuqing's previous performance in the Soul Master Competition was witnessed by all these people.

The terrifying Netherworld White Tiger Spirit and its graceful appearance across the arena brought them great psychological pressure.

Except for Su Cheng and Qian Renxue, no one dares to say that they are stronger than this person.

Even Tang San, who was also in the Shrek Academy team and had the Clear Sky Hammer and twin martial arts spirits, looked dim under her grace.

Being able to accept such a talented new disciple would undoubtedly be a great benefit to the Pope and the Wuhun Palace.

The reason for Hu Liena's sadness lies with Qian Renxue.

She knew about the relationship between that sister and Bibi Dong, and she had tried hard to repair the relationship between mother and daughter.

But she is just a little soul king, with no strength and no status. Facing two such powerful women, it is already very rare for her to be able to say a few words. It would be a bit overwhelming to ask her to mediate.

Now Zhu Zhuqing is inserted into it again, and he doesn't know what the consequences will be.

Hu Liena clearly remembered that it was this person who forced Qian Renxue to kill someone in the top three competition a year ago regardless of the rules of the competition.

Although she did not use the martial soul avatar at that time, it was obviously because using this soul skill would delay time. In order to prevent Zhu Zhuqing from surrendering in advance, she refrained from using it. She had absolutely no intention of showing mercy.

Apart from that, she used almost all means.

What's even more exaggerated is that even though Qian Renxue showed no mercy and her attack was as fast as thunder, she managed to escape.

You must know that Qian Renxue at that time was not only two levels ahead of her in terms of level, but he was also the only person at that time who had a hundred thousand year soul ring at the soul saint stage.

In the end, it was still a failure.

This shows how strong Zhu Zhuqing's potential and fighting talent must be.

But when this happened, it was no wonder that the little girl in front of him was all because of that man.

Thinking of this, Hu Liena glanced at Su Cheng, who was not far away with an expression that had nothing to do with her, from the corner of her eye, and secretly grinded her teeth.

Zhu Zhuqing was as attentive as a hair, and naturally noticed the strangeness in the other person's expression.

But she didn't feel dissatisfied at all. Instead, she took the initiative to show her kindness uncharacteristically. An innocent and pure smile appeared on her cold cheek, and she said softly: "Then can I call you Sister Nana from now on?"

When he spoke, his expression was pure and natural, without any false meaning, and there seemed to be an imperceptible pain and expectation deep in his eyes.

Because of the cruel family environment in his childhood and the potential impact of the twenty years of memories in his dreams, Zhu Zhuqing seldom showed his emotions on weekdays.

Except for rarely concealing it in front of Su Cheng, and speaking freely when he was slightly angry or angry, at other times he was basically expressionless and extremely cold, and his emotions and anger were always invisible.

But at this moment, there was a smile on her lips and a soft expression on her face. There was no incongruity at all. On the contrary, she was like an iceberg melting and epiphyllum blooming, making people feel pity and even flattered.

Even Hu Liena, who was a die-hard supporter of Qian Renxue, couldn't help but be slightly stunned at this moment, with ripples in her heart.

Then he noticed the bloody smell on her body and the uncontrollable murderous aura. Thinking that the other party has been fighting alone in this bloody and cruel hell for more than a year, he couldn't help but feel soft in his heart. He held her hand and said softly. Say "ok".

This scene of deep sisterly love made the other people stunned.

Su Cheng's scalp went numb, he noticed the other party's abnormality, smacked his lips and took the initiative to look away.

Bibi Dong watched the two apprentices communicating with each other indifferently, with a gloomy look on her face, not knowing what she was thinking.

Then he turned to look at Su Cheng, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"No more, get ready to go to hell road."

"Hell road?"

The face of the Slaughter King, who had been watching with cold eyes since the beginning, changed slightly, and his sharp voice became darker, "What do you mean?"

"What else do you mean? We are going to Hell Road. Could you please help us make it easier?" Su Cheng said calmly.

"That's not what you said before." The King of Slaughter frowned and looked at him, then looked at Bibi Dong, "Didn't you say you wouldn't let them go to hell?"

"I'm talking about them not going." Bibi Dong pointed at Xie Yue and the others, and then said: "But the three of us are going, including this little girl. Previously, I just said that she would not be allowed to attack Yum. I didn’t say there was no way to hell.”

"Are you kidding me?!" The King of Slaughter suddenly became furious when he heard this, and his evil thoughts and murderous aura surged up like a tsunami, making the faces of the young soul masters turn pale.

He was just wary of Bibi Dong and Su Cheng, but he was definitely not so afraid that he didn't dare to take action.

Xie Yue and Hu Liena glanced at each other subconsciously, their eyes unable to conceal their horror.

They had guessed that this person was very strong, but they didn't expect him to be so strong. Just a little bit of momentum that escaped made them feel weak.

"Don't get excited." Su Cheng also spoke at this time, his voice mixed with a touch of soul power, forming an invisible aura that enveloped everyone on his side, soothing their spirits, and at the same time, the energy that had been condensed to the extreme was Deep and malicious crowding out.

"If it's not for going to Hell Road, we can just send them to the entrance outside. Is it necessary to enter this killing city?"

Seeing him protecting several people with such ease, the Slaughter King couldn't help but be shocked.

"We have no interest in the God of Death field. What's more, if we haven't passed through the Hell Killing Fields, it won't have much impact even if we enter the Hell Road."

Hearing this, the Slaughter King gave Zhu Zhuqing a gloomy look.

Su Cheng had just come here, and even if he entered the road to hell, as he said, it was impossible to get the recognition of the will to kill there and gain the realm of the God of Death.

But Zhu Zhuqing is different.

She has completed eighty-nine consecutive victories and has accumulated a huge amount of murderous energy in her body. Of course, even this possibility of success is extremely low. Even without the protection of Bibi Dong, the God of Death, entering hell in this state is almost certain to lead to death.

The so-called victory in the Hell Killing Fields is not just for screening. The murderous energy accumulated from hundreds of killing battles is itself the necessary accumulation before challengers can achieve the title of God of Death.

"I can't feel your sincerity. What if they succeed in challenging Yum and want to go to the road to hell?" The King of Slaughter did not take any chances and directly confessed his concerns. After all, Bibi Dong had successfully passed through the Hell Road and obtained the God of Death Domain, and knew the true rules of this place very clearly.

If Xie Yue and others have won more than fifty games by then, he will no longer be able to stop them. If he really reached 100 victories, even he would have to open the Hell Road portal for him.

These are the rules of the City of Slaughter as the inheritance place of the gods, and he must abide by it as the King of Slaughter.

"You are overthinking." Su Cheng said lightly, "If you really want the God of Death realm, we don't have to come here in advance. After Zhuqing completes the test, it won't be too difficult to go to hell normally."

"..." The King of Slaughter glanced at Zhu Zhuqing when he heard this, and had to admit that there was some truth in what he said.

He recognized the potential of the Gale King. Even before, he thought that this person had a high probability of successfully passing the test of the Hell Road and becoming the ninth killing god in the history of the Killing City.

"I can help you open the road to hell, but you need to provide sacrifices yourself."

"We will provide the sacrifice? Do you think so?" Su Cheng looked at him with a half-smile, and with the blessing of innate power, the powerful soul power turned into the shadow of two swords and reflected in his eyes.

At this moment, the Slaughter King felt as if he was in a world of ice and snow, surrounded by a vast expanse of white.

That is not killing and annihilation, but the emptiness of the vast sky and the earth with nothing in it.

Kongshan's sword intention was just fleeting, but it brought him great pressure.

"This person is very strong and very strange. Even if he is in the city of killing, the threat is no weaker than that of the God of Killing." The King of Killing felt a little worried.

The key is that Su Cheng is not the only one here. Bibi Dong, who possesses the God of Killing Domain, brings him even greater intimidation.

Immediately, there was no mention of sacrifices.

"I hope you will keep your promise. If one more person masters the realm of the God of Death, there is no way he can hide it from me." He said coldly.

He glanced at Xie Yue and the others again, the threat in their eyes was clear.

"You can rest assured about this, so you'd better not think of doing something stupid."

The King of Slaughter snorted coldly when he heard this, "It's best this way, then come with me."

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